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HFÍSéTe. A. HOR AN TS PREPARED to tfre "?ssons i-a Wax Fuit and Flowor rniking, also other branches oí Ornamental Work Resilencc on Detroit Street, opposite the Agri cultural Hall. CmlO22 W. F. BUEAKEY, M. D., PHYICIAN VND SURGEON. Office ín T)r Haven's lilöck. 5 doma Eat "f Coak'8 Hotel Resu'eiue comer of Hurón and división Streeta, ttfst door East ■of l'resbjterian Church, Acn Arbor, Michigan. W. E. LO0KARD, ATTORNEY AT I.AW AN'I NOTaUY PUBI.1C.Ccnveyaucuix aud colleoting promptly attended to. Bftunty, Pensiona and Back Pay csllected. üflue ín Ser Stock, East of Cook's Hotel, Ann Arbor, Bien. C. S. MILLEN. DFAIjEK in Try Goods, Groceries, Crorfierj , &c. fec. Main Street. Ann Albor. p'hilip bacil DEALEKS ia Dry Oomls.Groceriea . Boots & Sboes, kz. , Main t., Ann Arbor. "lálSDON & WENDERrfON. DEAI.El'.S n Hardware, Stovfs, ho-nse furnUhing goods, TinWare.&c , &o.,Ncw ülock, Mainst. A. J. SUÏI1E11LAND, GE"NTfor thi? NTew York Life 'Insurance Company, Office on f-ïurnu strot. Also lias on hantl a stock Vt the most approve I rfewing machines. 885íf VVILLIAM LEWITT. PÜYSICI IN AND SURGEON. Office at his resi. -dnce, Borth side of Hurun,two floors wost of División street. " M. GUITERMAN & CO. WlIOI.ESAl.Eand Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Ready-Ma'le Clothin Importers of Cloths , CasAanm, DoMkiBS, fce.,No. 5, Phoenix Blnck, Main st. WM. WAGNER. rT.AI.ER in Roady Made Clothing, Olorhn.Oassirnf res, i) an.1 VestJfc Hat., Caps, Ti unks, Carjjet liags,Sc, Bhonir Ulock, Main street. & son. OROCERS, Provisión 0.1 Coiomission Merchante, and Dealers'in Water Urn, Land Piaster, ana Piaster sof Paris, one door f of Cook's Hotel. SCOTT &, LOOMIS. 51HROTYPE and Photograijli Artists, in the rooms t orer Campinn'i ClotUing storo, Pliceuix Block. Perfect satiftfactiongiven. c. b. portêrT" SORGEOX DKNT1ST. OÍR ce Corner of Main and Hurón etrtet, over Hach 4: Pieiáon's Store. All cailü iprowptl attended to Ap.rl859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Foreiira and Doraestic Dry Good.Grocerien.Hats and Caps, Boots and Saoe, Crockery, ., Corner of Main & Liberty rts. "AÑORE W BELL. D KALER ín Grocerie.s, Provisions, Flour, Produces &c-, &c, corner Main and Washington titreets, nn Arbor. TUe highestmarket pricespaidlorcouatry protluce. i - 86 D. CRAMËrT" ATTORNEY k COUXSELLOR AT LÁW, Af;ent for the Phoenix Eire and Connecfuut Mutu ui Life InuranceCoijpanies. Conveyingand Collecting proinpttï attiwdedeo. Office over Stebbins t Wilson's Store. M. C. STANLEY, CTiotosraphic jíVirtliSít. Corner Main and Huron Streets, Ann -rbor, Mich, PH0T0GRAPHS,AMBROÏVPES, Jic.Sc, íjíthe latest Btyle,and every effort made togivesatiifaetion. 956tf D. DkFOBBST. rtTlIOLESALK and retail dealer in Lumbftï Lath ♦ V 3b.iQgIes,SaRht Doors.Blinds, Watei Lime, Grane ViTer PUster, Piaster París, and Nails ofallsizes A 'uil ad perfect idortuen4, of the above, and all other ida of building toaterialR conütantly on hand at the ort poirfible raten, on Detroit st ., a few rodsfromthe ïilroad Depot. AIbo operating extensively in the ."'Hont Cement Roofin. T UMBER YARD1 C. KRAPF, JtfftA & lirge and well Btocked Lumber Yard, on JeJTer#on Street, ia ibe Soutb part of the City, and will keep flonstaDtly on hand akíLcellent variety of LIJMBER, SIIING-I.ES, IATH, &o.. waicb will be sold aR low aa can be afforded in this market. Qnality and prices such that uo one need goto Detroit. COXKAD KiRAPF: Ana Arbw.Dec. 6th, 1964. 9S6tt "VTEW MÜ8IC STORE Persons wisbing to buy Pianos or Melodeons, houM go to WILSEY'B MÜ?IC STORE, beforepurOhaHtng elsewhere. He wilt warrant Batitifactton to PVrohaRern, and tftke pleasure in referring to thnse o haTealready purchasod of him. Ilö t&kes priïe li) rrajlbg that he ha elven the best of satisfaction thij Car , and intt-udp an-io do in all caseB. Any I'iano wi(l bo furoishcl that purchaser may require. He Visites it to be distiuctly understood that he wil) not be by dea-lerEast or West. V. H- The ltet SHEET MUSIC forsale, PIANO TOOLS, 4c. ALVIN WILSEY. Ao Arbor, Dc. 2"ih, ISM. 9BatJ


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