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The Regular Term Of The Circuit

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Court, Jndge Lawrence presidí ng, opetiedon Tuesday last. The Calendar contains 50 cases, classifled as follows : Issues of Fact, 27 Iinparlance, 2 Issues of Law, 2 Chancery - lst Olass - Divorce cases, 8 4th ' 4 Criminal, I3 The flrst case taken up was tliat of The Peo pie es. Lyman Johnson, au inforniation for rape, which occupied Tuesday afternoou and all of Wednesday, aod was giren to the jury on charge of the Jiulge at aboüt 6 P. ' the lst named day. The circumstances surronuding this case are so gross that we shall not enter into detail. Suince it to say that the prosecuting witness, a young lady of unbleraished reputation, - and by the best medical testimony chaste,- charges that while riding home from a social with defendant, a confedérate suddeuly appeared by the side o the buggy, threw a blanket over lier head," which was tied down, her hands tied, she re moved from the buggy, and her person violated. The defendant comes on to the stand and admits the carnal intercourse, but denies the use of any foree. Prosecuting Attorney Blodobt was assisted by Gov. Felcii, O. Hawkins, Esq., and R. E. Feazbb, Esq.; and the defense was conducted by H. J. Bbakes, Esq., and Hon. G. V. N. Lothkop, of Detroit. The jury oame into C.mrt at 8}L o'clook yesterday moruing, and reported a digagreement, but was granted leavfi by the Oourt to it agaio. The jury not agreeing was discha-ged on Th'irsdny boou. 03" Col Thomas Mosely, of Union City, died nt the residonoe of hia sonin-law, J. L. Lee, in Chieago, oa the morningof Wednesday, the 18th inst. Ooi. Mosely was one of tbe early settlers, and perhaps more prominent as a leading business man than any resident of Unioocity, and lus demise is not only 11 great loss to that village but to the country. A man cf wea'.th, of Urge influenee, umversally kind, and of gentli-manly deportaaent, he leaves numerous friends- no eneuiie. ■We find the above in the Coldwater Sentinel of the 20th inst. Col. Mqsely formerly resided in this city. having been conneeted in business with W. 8. Maïsar, Esq., and many of our citizens will endorso the above item.- W believe that Col. M. was futher-in-law to ur fellow oitizen, Mnj R. J. Baert. - - 1 1 M 1 I - ■ y Th Studöiits' Lectura Association hive engaged the following Iecturers for the present cotirse : Prof. E. P. Evans, Oct. 28th. Rev. J. S. C. Abbott, Hov 18th. Bishop Thos. M. Clark, Dec. 13th. John B. Oongh, Jan. 9 Ui. Geo. Thompson, Jan. 23d. Ralph W. Emerson, Feb.2d. Miss Annie E. liickinson, Feb. 16th. B. F. Taylor, . Others are expected, the daies cf vvhose Appoiutments are uot yetfixed. J E. McKEIGHAN, Pres't. J. A. RoLLiNS, Cor. Bec'y. The annual meeting of the Washtenaw County Pundfcy School Associntion is to be h.ild in the Presbyterian Churcli, at Tpsilanti, commencing on Monday ere ni ng, November 7th, and continuing during Tuesday.- The annual address is to be deliveted by Kev. A. E. BiLDWis, of thi3 city, aml papers upon Sabbath School subjpets will be read by Profs. Chapix, Adams, and others. All interested in Sabbath Schooit are invited to aiteod. At a tasetíng of the First Presbyterian Church and Societyof the eity of Ann Arbor, heidon the sixteenth day of Oetober, 1865, the following resolution3 were uuaniroou'Iy adoptad : Whereat, The Rèv W. W. Wetmoee, vho lias suppüed our pulpit for the past sixteen fQoaths. has been invited to another field of labor, and has gone from us ; and Wieren, It is not less just to him than it 's appropriate to us, to give some expression of our ragard for kim, and our appiociation of lus worka amongst us, therefore. Resolved, lst That in Rev Mr. Wetmore ■we have ever foand a diligent, laborious. faithful, and patiënt minister of Christ, nd worker in the Vineyard of the Lord. 2d That youthful years nd snccessful iabors in such a charge as t.his are not in to high degree (pmmonly united. 3d. That the prosperity of our eiuireb, during his stay with us, attested by the Witnèssing Spirit, are the best and most conclusiye evidencethat he has not labored in vain, nor spent his strength for nought. 4th. That our prayers shall still ascend to the Great Head of the church for his continued usefuiness, and that 'we 3hall not cease t rejoice ia his prosperity. 5th. That these resolutions be attested by the Moderator of tbis meeting, and a copy presented to him, and also to oor press for publicatiou.


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Michigan Argus