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Real Estáte ibr Sale. i OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ojf Washtenaw, ss I n ín (he matter of the Estáte nf Kli Riggs, of thc ! Couniy of Wnshu-naw, i, Ore 8táté W Mrehiíán, de■ ccascu. ! Notice ís hereby ■riven, that ín pnreáWé ufan order , pranted to the uudcv-iirin-d. Adiniuistraloroftlin cuate ■ ot'.said !■■ :iri. hv thr Hon.. Jndge of Probate, tor ■ t-.-ü : (.im;y, .]) ilir iiiini (;iy f ju]y, ,. j) [ge,-; there - v. 11 be si,!d o Public Vonduo, to thc Mgheá bidder, t - liu' ijwelliog house ,iu thc prenilees, n sajd County, on ■ Salurday, ti! twcnty-fifth day of November, A. I). 1865, at two o'dock hi the afternoon of that day, (subject to - al] encumbrances by morte;at;e or othenvise existiñg at - thc time of thc doath of said deceasedO the followiu" ; dosnibed real estáte, to-wit : The undívided half of ' 1 parce! of lana commenclrig seventnon and n half rod ; Northof where the Case Jioad Intewecte the Cbicag Kond, in section twenty in township tour South o 1 raíige Uve Easí, aiid in tbe centre of said Chica Road ■ rviinini; thence Nortli twcnty-oi:ht and a half dogree 1 West to.the Dell Ditch, thence North and West th aboye named number of deerees, añil alone thecentr Une ni' said ditch to a etake in said ditch the Wes 1 hall of the South'-We'st quarter of section seventeeu ■ ana one hundred roBe and sli-tentb of a rod {rom tli 1 centre oi' said Chicago Road, running thence Jtartl . Iweiity-ono degreee East to a stake in the centre line ; of said BBCtton sevenfeon, v.-liich stake Ís fifty-lbur rod ■ Kast uf üie (marter stake on the West Bidé of said sec non seveateen, tlienoe West to the North-West come of ilie K:st Imlf of the South-East quarter of sectioi ■ eighteen, same town and range, thence South alone the Wes SMdOf Ihc Büóveáetcntied elghty acres to thi Kuuth line, thence East alone: the said Soiith line to ti snl ion col-ner, thehcc South along the West line of the West half of the North-West quarter of uoctloii tweu 'y to the Chicago Koad, theuce Nortn-easterly aloni t:i" centre of said road to the place of neginnrne, con laininL' ono hnndred and thhty-six ñeros of land more orles, iu the Township of Saline, and State of Mieh . 'SanANDKF.W W. ItIGGS, Admiuistrator Dated, October öth, 1805. is-29 Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Co-ujíty nv Wasiitekaw, ss 0 The undersjgiied havingbecn appointed by the Pro bate Court for said Connty, Commissioners fo receivi examine, and adjust all claims and deinauds of all per sons agalnst the estáte of Eve Allen, late o the Township of Ypsilanti, ín said County. BeceaeW hereby gise notice that six months from date are al lowèd, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present tiieir claims BgaltM the estáte of said deceased and tl. al they will meet at the late resideuce of sai deceased, in said Township, on Saturcfajvthe si.;h 8a ■ of January, and Monday, thc second day of April nexi : at one o'clock, P. M., of cach of said davs, to reccive ■ examine, and adiust said claims FOIÏBES II. BALLAKD, ? ,, LYMAN W. LAKE, 5 CommissioTirrs ; Dated, October 2d, IROS. 1029 i Estáte of Charles W. Miller. . OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. ss - p Notice is hcivby friven, that by an order of the Probate Court of thc County of Washtciiaw. made on ih thirtieth day of September, A. J). 1866, six monlh from that date were allowed for credftors to presen tbeir claims againat the estáte of Charles W. Stille, late of said Couniy. deceased, and that all creditors of sait dena-ed are reqni red to present their claims to sakl Pro bate Court, at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, for exatninalion and ullowance, on or befon the thirtieth day of Match next, and that ?ucl claims win be heard bcfoi-c said Probate Court, on Saturday, the tiventy-thiid day of December, and Fnduy, the thirtieth (i,-y oí Maf3b uext, at ten (i'clock in th forenoon of cach of those davs HIRAM .T. B1ÍAIMX JurL'e of Prol)atp. Dated, Ann Artmr, September BOth, 1G5. 1029 Estsite of Joseph P Jenniags. (ÏATE OF mCHlóiK, County cf Washtenaw, ss ■ .Notieeis hereby i_'kcn, that l)y an order of the Pro hate Cnui't of ibe County of Washtenaw, made on thc twenty-flftb day of' September, A. D. 1S6.Í, i-ix months from that date were allowed for creditors to presen their claims against tbe estáte of Joseph F. Jennlngs late of said County, deceased, and that all o said deceased, are required to present their claims ti said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the City o Ann Arbor, for examinatioii and allowance, onor'be fore the twenty-sixtli day of MsKb next. audtha snch claims wili bc heard before said Probate Court, on SatUTday. the twciity-third day of December, and Mon dav, the Ui-enty-sixlh day of March next, at ten o'clock m the forenoon of eèeo of those aays HIRAM J. BEAKES. Jintee of Probate Dated, Aun Arbor, September -r.ih, isi". 1928, Estáte of Ferrand Gaines. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss _ 1 Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Pro bate Court of the County of Washtenaw. m-ide on the tweHty-eightn day of September A. U. 1816, six mouths from that date were allowed for cretStlors to present tlieir claims aainst tbe oí Ferrand Gaines 1-ite of saidConnty, lieceased. and that all creditors of ii, deceased, are required to present their claims to sait Probate Court. :u ihe Probate Office to the city of Anu Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the twenty-ewhth day of March next. and that such claims will be heard before. said Probate Court on Saturday, the twenty-third day of December, and Wednesday, the twenty-efaluh day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of Ihose davs HIRAM .1. BEAKKS. Jndge of" Probate Dated. Anu Arbor, September 2Sth, 18G5. 1028 Estáte of Judah R McLean. ; OTATE OF NirCHI AN, . orxrï oí W.íshten.iw s - O At asession of tbe Pro'wte Court fnr tbu Count v .-f asht..i.;. ,i . bolden ut tbel'robKteüffleoin tbe Ciü of Aun Arbor. on Fnaay, the tlrrt-cnth dy of Octoi D(-r, in tbc year one thousand eigfit huudivd acd sixty live. I'rest-nt, EflHiM X Eeakes, Ju.lge of Probate Iu tbe Diattr oT tb EWète( Ju.'i.h R McLean de ceasrd. i Ham 're.stou, Admini-tnior . f . , st ■,■ comes ftito Oourtand reprea-nts that lie i now pre pared lo reuder liis final account as such Administra tor ïliiivnpon t U Oifcrea, tfiat Iburgiay,' tbï 16tli ünj ol .No-.eniiiprnxi.attfiio'eloe!; In tlie fuienoen l.e assignert for eim;niug and allowing ueb account, arad lie and hi-ii s at law si s.hkI ilecflfipen, and all uther perseas utereHted in said e? tí te aro re quired to appéat at a MwJM of imr Couit. tbên to be bolden at the Probate Offlcft, il tlic City of Ann Arbor. in said Coiu.ty, and hou Sause, if anv there be whv tbe SKid account fhould in t bo allowed: Ai.d it i's turther oKïered. that said admib;srflt r give-iK.iice n tb', persons int r.'ft".l insaid estite, of pen.lcnrv oí aaid account, and t!e bearrog feUertoV. bj caiisin.i'a copy of tliis Order to be pi! MS lid in (fhe Mirhiii an Argux, a juii.t.-d and circulating in iajd touiity, threesuccesKi.-e weeks previous t' said rv of hearing. [Atniecnpy.] HIRAM .7. BKAKES. 1031t 1 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Jenks Phillips. STATK OF toCHIGÁN, Cor.vTï oiWíshtesii sj _ At a wkion cf Üe Cbiirl fór the Co'untf of ashtenan-, holden it the l'robate Office in the Citv of Ann Albor, on Tliursday. tlie twelftb day of October, in te.c year ouo thoiijDi! eiglit hiindreil and sixty-livc' Present, HlHAM J. Bííakss Jndge of 1'ro.bate. In the matter of the Estáte of Jenks Phillips Oeceased ' Ou rr-adingand aiing tlie petition, dnly verifica, of Hará l'hilbps, praying that a certain Instrument now on file in tbis Court, purporting to be the la.-t Will and Testament of said dfeeased, may be admittèd to Pro bate, and that she may be appointed Kxecutrix thereof. Thereupon it is Ordered.that Thursday, thesixteenth day of Xovcmber next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. be assfgneti r,,r the heifing of said petiticn, and tüa: tfie légate, devisees,nd heirsat law of said decenscd abd all othor persons interested in said estáte, ure cequired to npiwaral a,,n ,, ,;1, Court tbeu to be bolden at the Probate Office, iu the City of Anu Alhoi, and -b.iucaase, if any theTe be, why tbe prayer of tlie pelilioner shoul.lnot bcgrnnte.i: An it is fnrtlior onlci-efi, thatsald gotitioner eive fioüca to the persons nterested, in aid estáte --i" (he pinlenc-y "f said pelitien, atld tlie bcaripjg flieieuf, by bftifuig a coj)y of tbis OrÖeT to be piblished n the MtcMgan Argut, a newapaper priuted and eirculating in saiil County, tbrce succesaive rek ... nevious to said day of hearing. [A trut copy.] IIÏiiAM 3. BKAKR's, '031 . Ju;lge of Probate Eslato óf Abram N. Fox. CTATK OF 5IICHIGAX, Cothtï of Wasutfnaw, ss. k.1 At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, on Momlay, the ninth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundrod and sixtvflve. ' ■ Present, Ilirain ,1. Beakes, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Abram N. Fox, deeeased. fieman N. Hicks, Atlministrator of sairt' estáte, comes into Coart and represeuts that he is now prepared to render liis flnal account as such AdminisIrator. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Wedncsday, the fifteenth day of November ne-t,at teil o'clock iii the forenoou, be nssiipied for szamtning and allowine such account, and that the widow and heirs at U of said decoased, and all other persons mterested in said estáte, are required to apjicar at a sesilon ofsnid Court. then tobe holden at the Probate Office, in tho City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show canse, if any theie bc, why the said account should not !■ idlowed : And it is furtlier ordered, that aid Adnjiniatrator L'iva notice to the persons intorestedm said estaje, oftfie pHndeBcy of said account and the Be'arblg theraof, by i:ausiuK a copy of this Order to be pnblished In the Mvhimn Argus. a newspaper printed and ciriiilalinirin said Couut.y, three successivc weeks previotis to said day of hearing. (A truc copy.} ilIRAM .T. BKAKES, li'SO Judgö of I'robate. Estáte of Julia A. Go"dyenr. CTA'l 'K OF SI IC1IIGAK, Coitnty of Waüiiti-.xaw, 8b. At a ses-ion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtcnuw, holden at the Probate Ofrlce, in the City ' ol' Ann Arbor, on Friday. the sixth day of October, ' in tho year one thousand eteht hundred and Bixtyflvc. " ■ Present, Hiram .1. Beakes. Judge of Probate. ' Iu (he matter of the Estáte oí Julia A. Goodyear, deceased. Benjamin F. Snttou, Adminintrator with tlie Will nf said deceased, comes into Court and represents thál h!' is now propared to render bis flnal ' conut at sach Administra'or. Thcrcupou it is Ordered, l,hat Tuesday. the ' teetith day of November noxt,at ten o'clock in the foreuoou, be assi.iilied for cxamiiiinir mid sueb ' count, and that thc legat' es, devisees and heirs at law of ] said dceoased. nnd all olher persons interesteil in said ep ' tatú, are requirod to appeflr at a eession of said ! Conrt. then tobe holden at tljé Probate Office, iu the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show canse, i( C any tbere be, wby the said aCpouut ehould not be '] alk wed : And it is furthcr ordorerl. that said ï iniiiistrat.or f;ivc notice to the pevsons intorested in said 1 csiate of the jiendency of said account, and the e in" fliiT 'of, lv causiiL' a ttipj of tltis Order to e t publishcd in tlie. l.W. e-uu -I í - , . ,s . n newspaper, printed i and cilrulatiiiL' in snid C.n. nly, ilirce sucecsfive weeks c previous tn said day of hearing. v (Á frue rcVy HTBAM J. BEAKEP, lí'3O Jiirtírí of Probt. Eittteof Ellen Nelligan OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Corxir c,k lyM, H At a session of the Probate ('ourt f !"' of Wasutenaw, holden at the Tn 'ate n ('oui"? City of Aun Arbor, on Mondar, the ffk ' J f;;h;Ve." lhc ycar onc thüus;iíid C Present, llirím ,1. Beakcs, JunVe of Prni,t „.i's',"'0"" f theEStatC Ol E SM,dí. On readin and filing the petitirm ,i,,i. OítbeHseWaUh, pravfiW that a mí1 'Mol I now un file in this Conrt purpor iue .oTik f1 j arel testament of said dewased, rnin be Ji ?s' probate, lettere testamentary m„, ,Smti " tu her as Exectttor thereof. ! ■ Srantíj Thereupon ít le Orderea, thatTuendnv o, teenlh day November of next, ot ten o'elock ti tt fonr" noon. bc ssiirned for the hearing of suirl !,,?.! ÍW(that the hcirs at law of akl l-.sel, andan .L""1 s sons interested in said estáte, are rcouiríS otherPer. a seesfon of eald Conrt, then to be holrt .a.1per bate Otnee, in the City of Aun Arbor" Tuá he Proíf an.v there be, why the prayer of thc iwf, w e, nothegrantcd: Ánd it is' fnrther orteredeth'hoil petitioner give notice to the persons inteSJ t'ail' estáte, of the pendeney of said pelition andíl'V''11 pg thereof, by causing a copy of this OrdCr to 0Wrlish -1 in the M„n,lim Argm, a newspaner mÍ.ÍÍ drcuJirttogineaid County, snccSeC vions to said day of hearing wce" Pre. (A trae copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKFS. 1OíU Jdge of Prob,t(.. Estáte of Nestells- Minora " OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wishtl w a sessio" "f the Prbate Conrt forthe(í, ' " Washtenaw holden at the Probate Office í1?or of Ann ArW, on Wcdnesdav, the fi ,'mh"1 C1'.' "xUMive!" Ule yar oncthos'and ghthunV Fnnent, Hiram J. Beokes, Jndge of Probnt In 1 1 -. f matter of the Estáte of Mary J,„,ï' . Staan E. Nestell, Rada Jean N,strll. , Joh„' i.ll. minors. Obodiab Briest, Umirdiano saidmi W comes mto court. and representa that he i, i„ """- pared to render his final account oa such Gnnrriu pteThenmpon His Ordered, that Monday, thc tft day of November next, at ton o'dockln tlLS be assigneil for the hearing of said netitimi 500"' the next of kin of said mi, V Ld iHfë" interësted ni mid estáte, ale r.-quired to aroiT?' seseion of sajd Court, then to be holden at Rf' Office m thc City of Ann Arbor, in "L)L??' and show cause, if any there be 5, tk '■'■ account shonM nnt beaflowed: Ai idhiff,,a m clered, that said Guardian give notice to hc2S?rterestcd in said estáte, of the pendencv o V,U '!i' and the hearing thciek by ffinga%pySffi to bc puMished in thf Mickvjan ArgtJ prmted and circulating in said Connty, ttreeTSS weeks previous to said dav of hearinï siïe CAtruecopjr., HIBAM ƒ BEAKES, Estáte of Norman M.nZ" OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cocnty ok WasuthI TJ 0 At a session of the Probate Court fo, STomiZ Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice, in Z m of Ann Arlior. on ftcdnesday, the twentv-seventii .' of September, in the year one thousand êfcte h, Jz aiidsixtv-iive. "" aoiMiej Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate J5LZ2EL of the Estatc of N()rman M prayrag that he mav be licensed to sell certainMU tatr wnefeof saM d.wased died seized Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the 13tk d,, of November next, at ten o'clock in the foreno'n ti assigned for the hearing of said petition, and C'th, at law of s.ral deceased, and fl other perS . esterl m lid estáte, are requfred to appear auV"0, of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate 0L m the Cuy of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if anVfi be, why the prayer of the petitioner hould ZZ granted: And it is further ordered. that SL" er ave notice to the persons interested in sail e L of the pendeney of said petition. and the hearins thete of, by ciuiHiig a copy of this Order to be publMiedta the -ir,,, a newspaper prmted and cirS tmsm . smd Coanty, four successive weefapreS tosaid day of heariijf l'""ous tA, 'e cPy-) HIBAM J. BEAKES, 1"-i5 Judge of frótate. Estáte of John Wolf " OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washter n - J Al a session of the Probate Court for the CouLtvof asïïtehaw, hoMen at the Probate Office in the mi of Ann Arbor, on Thnraday, the flfth r ot Octohr in the ycar one thousand eight hnndred nd siitv-five' Present, Hiram J. Beakep, Judje of Probate In the matter of tbr Estáte of JohnYiolt, teUxKi, Onreadiñgand flllns the petitfo, inly criii cf 1 r derick lliitzel, prajing that a certaiu' Instrument now ou (ile ra this Conrt. purporting to be Uu last Will and restament of saH Séceased, may l.c ndmitted t lirooate, and that be may be ;tppomted"Kxcutor öiet(. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the thirteüft day of November next, at ten o'dock in thc fc. noon, beassii,'ued for the hearing of said petition, a that the legatees, devisees and hefrs at law of saiode sed, and all other persons interested in said estaaii! required to appèar at a session of said Court, then tolt holden at the Probate Office, iu tbo City of ion tik and show cause, if any there be, why the praveroflte petitioner should not be granted: cd it'isfnrttei ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the pererai interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of ttH Mi. tion, and the hearing tbereof, by candinga copy of this Order to be published in the Michigan Argvs 'a newspaper prinlcd and circulating in said Countv, tbra snecessive weeks previous to said day of heorisi (A true copy.} UIRA1I ,7. HEAKE,' 1030 Judgeof Frobifc Estáte of Isaac Lovi joy QTATF. OF mbmam, ComUr of WABBTütw, i. O Ata session of the Probate Court for the Counirol tt aahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, o tho Cirr of Aun Arbor, on WediiMüay, the eleveuth dai ( October, in the year one thousaud eight huiicW and sixty-five. Present. Hieam .7. Bbaexs, Judge of Prol.nte. In the matter ,f the estáte of Isaac Lowjoi i i. Minerva A. Lovejoy. Admtoistnrtíii of id . coinés uno Court and representa íhal ene is now prepared to render her final account as such Aí'minlítratrix. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Friday, thc tetón dsy of Novemlwr next, at ten o'elock in thefóreioiibcÍ5nediorexain.uingnnd allowtug such account, and lint the neirs al law of said deceased, and all other percoDi ínteres ted in said estáte, are required to apprar at a msi'in of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate , ace, Ib the city of Ann Arbor, in safa County, j4 show causo, if any there be, why thc said account shonld not bc allowed: And it is further ordered, thatsaH miuistiairix aive notice to tho persons toterested i said estáte, of the penclency of said account and tb hearing thereof, by cansing 'a copy of this Ordpr to be published Lo the itiukiga Argvs.a newspaper, priüW and cirenlatingm sai} Connty, three eucceseive weU previoas to said day of heariií" (A true cojy.J ' HIIiAM ,J. BEAKES, 1030 Judge of Proíuitf. lístate of Jonathan Mitcbell. C TATEof MICHIGAN, CofMYwWísiircu. CJ.At a session of the Probate Conrt for the CoratJ of washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in theCil; of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, the tenth day of Octobn, m the year one thousaud eight hundred :md siitj-ívt. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Jonathan Miicbel, deceased. Daniel LeBaron, Administrator of said Btate, comes into Court and represents that he J prepared to render his final account as such Admiui"tnuor. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Saturday, the fourth Tay of J,'ovcmborne:;t, at ten o'elock in 'thc tütraoo, )■ assisned ror examininjr ancl allowiug sacn m and that the heire at law of said deceased, aod iH other persons interested in said estáte, ai "' qnired to áppear at a session of saW Conrt, then tobe holden at the Probato Office, in' the City of Am rbor, in said Cotoity. and show cause, ifany tberebe, i why the said accoiint sbould not' be allowed:And it is further ordered, thnt said Adniiniftrato'B'" noti-. to the persons interoteJ in said estáte, f "" leudeney of suiil account, and the hearing thereot w cansina a copy of this Order to be published n Mi. hvjan A ,;,„,. a newspaper printed and circulating;1; sala County. three successive weeks previons to m lay oí hearing. (A trne copy.J HIRAM J. BEAKES, 10W Jurieof Protatí. Es ate of Eliakim Walker, Q TATE of MICHIGAN, CorNxv of Wafiiteww, ss. 0 At a session of the Probate Conrt for tbe Coimt? )f Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Officft ralm 'ity of Ann Arbor, on Thliraflay, thc fif"1 BÏ of October, in the year one thousand ei'jlit lircfl lul sixly-five. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of p-obate. In the matter of the Estáte ofüliaUiín Walker. eased. . Qn seadine and filing the petition dnly verifieft , Albert I.. Walker, inning that the ower of hm Walker, wi.low of tho deceased, in tbe Sw'.M"': vhereof said deceased died seized, may be assignea w her. ■ Thereujion it is Ordered, that Tuesday, thc scvenUOT f November next, nt ten o'cloek in the foronoo. w igned for the hearing of said petition, .indüm eirs at law of said deceased. and all other pers01"' terested in said estáte, are required to appenr at a - sion of . said Court, then to be holden at thc rW" Office, in the ('ity of Ann Arbor, and shoivcai'! .-.ny there be, whv the prayer of the petitioner sn ou fioXlwgranteat And it is fiirther orderrd. thst ■' petitioner give notice to tbe persons interwtM"1" estáte, of the pendeney of said petixion, ttUi h' Ing tbereof, by causing a copy of this Order to f: lished in the MithUian Argu', a newspaper primea""1 circulating in said County, three sm-ecssive weeWJ" ' vious to saiil dav of hearing, CA iruecopv.l IUKAM .7. HEAIvE?; fTOO .r-.:rl-P ofTrohs, Esiato of DeWitt C. Smyth. CTATE OFMICKIGAX, CduKTi or 'asiitkna'. ■ 'j, i Ata sejwion of the Probate Court for thc (on"1? ,.( Washtenaw, hoiden at tho Probote Office, '"ÏJfJai of Ann Afbor, hi Thesday,' the third day of 0 ' in the year one thousand eigbt hnndred mid wMJ Present, Hiram ,). Beakes, Juíge of rtÍU- m In the matter of thc Estáte of BeWttt C. W deceased. ,fi of On rëadiné and fliincr the petition, duly vfrln„,i,Cf Seorge H. Sjn'.th. prayine that he nr somf o " , suitablo ])crson may bè appointcd AdnuWEtrai"1 the estáte of said deceased. . ,.t. Thereupon it ia Onb-red, that Moinl.iy. ine , „. iieth day of Octobor inst., at ten cücloc ra'? Z$ ioon, be aséïgnéd ror thc hearing of taiq P' ''"" ' r. ,hat the heirs at law of sid deccjibwl. and "llf""' 'rr.i ons interested in taid estáte, are reojiicetl '" "' ! 1 sesslonofÈaidGottrt, then tobe hulden st11',1' Iffire, in the City "f Ann Arbor. and j ÍWjJ uiY there be, why the pravcr of the pcti:( ;'-. lot be granted : -And it 'is fnrther ordem.. tf-w ;d jeíitioner Kiye notice to the persons '"'TiT .hciri ■state, of thc pendeney of eaid petition, and tnt "'.„j hereof, by usipg a copy of this Orúcrlo bcpn JT nthe MiíipíiK A',n:; a nwí,jiper. PpüMJLr,rf nlathM'ni8 f'or.nty. toreo eücceísn'e 1"1 lons f sfiid dar of hciirjr:'. 1T-rc;


Old News
Michigan Argus