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CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while rmrtding in Pnuth America aj a initfsionary , discuvcrod a safe and Imple remedy for theCurc of Nervtuïs'Weakness, Early Vec.ay, of the Urinary anl Seminal Orgao, anl the wliole train of disorders broiiRlit on by baneful and vicious habits. Great nurabers hav heen already cured by Ihis noble remedy. Prometed by a riesire to benefit tho diïlicted and unfortuuat, I wíl! send the roeipe tor preparing and using this meilicine. in a sealed envelop p, tn any nno who needs it, Free of Charge. l'leme tnotoiQ a post paid iovelope, ailile.ssel to yourself. JOSnPF-I T. INMAN, Ö1ATI0X D, HlJtl.K H'IT'SK, Om 1025 Kew York City. WlfISKEItS! VHISKERSl To you want Whisk:rsor Monstncbes? Ourfirecinn Cnmpound will force tliom ir jtrnw on the smoothest faceorchin, or hnir nn hali Iiends, in Wix Weokslrtee,fil.OO. Sent by mail anywliero, closetv senled, on receijit of price. AdJi-cB, 'WARNER & CO., Box 133, Brookhn, N. Y. ]y999. THE BRIDAI. CHAIHBEB, an Essay of VVarnini!: anil Instruction for Young Men - publisbetl by the Howard Asaociatimi, and aantfr e of charnüin saledtnralopes. AHni, Dr. j. SKILIJN IIOÜHHTON, Howarrt Ajtoeiation, 1 hila.leliiliia, Pa. 1)396 A GOOD TREE IS KNOWnTy its FRurr. So it a good I'hysician by hisíínccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CEI-EBRATED PHYSHÜAN OF THE THROAT, LUNGS AXD CHEST, Known all over the countr; aH the Clebrated IiOIAl HER1Ï DOCTOR! Frora South America. A NEAT PA.MPHLET Of the Iife,study and extenflive travels of Dr. Lyonfl :an be procured by all whodesireone, fi'eeof chargeDr. L will visit the several places asfollows : Jackfion.Hibbard House, 20th Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 21st. Detroit, Jass House, opposite Mich. CentralDepot, sach month, 29nd and 23rd. Modkof Fxamination. - TheDoctor discerns diaeases Dytbeeyes. ÍIe,tUereforefasks no questíons nor reIMirespafcients to explain symptoms. Alllicted, come indhave your ymptoms anti the location of your dis?íik exiilained free of charjje TOLISS & HILL Have just received A LARGE STOCK OF GOOOS which they are selling at REDUCED PRICES Consisting in part of the following : CLOCKS, WATGHBS, JBWBIRY, Silver and Plated Ware, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c. Please (iive Them a Cali ! CLOCKS, WATCUES, & JEWELRY, REPAIRED 13 Y EXPERIENCEB WGRKMEX, At the old stati'l of C. BLISS, East siilc of Main Street. Aun Arbor, Michigan. C. B' ISS, A. T. HIL.I,. 26tli , IMS. tao8 "POOT ROT IN SHEEP can be thoroughly cure i by using WHITTEMOEE'S CURE -For.FOOT POT IN SHEEP! It is ju3 what it is representad to be, A PERFECT CURE Asb for Whittemorc'n Cure, and take no other. Ihe followïog Certificato is :i sample of the testimoníala coQHtautly beinji received : Rctlawd, Vt., Juiy 14th, 1S65. F. W. Whittkmohe, Ksq., De ar Sir : Having tried your Cure fnr Foot Rot in Sheep, I would say for the benefit oí Sheep Baisere thatthey should lose no time ia proeurÏDg a bttlef as it certainly will cure the Foot Rot ín less time and witb loss trouble than anjr preparation of Blue Vituol or anytbing I have ever usedYours,truly, LEEDS BILLWGS. F. W. WHITTETOE, SüleProprielor, Chathara 4 corners, ColumbiaCo., N. Y. TO' SAI.E n Ann Arbor by EBERBACII k CO., Soie Aeents. 3inlO26. Oíd and young should use STERLING'S JV FOR The Hair. It preyents or Btops the Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beautifies, Preserves, and renders it Soft and Glossy, and the Head free from Dandruff. It is the best Hair Dressing and Preservativo in the world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturing Comp'y, sole proprietors, NEW YORK. 6mlO25 T)EWAIID! LÖ9T betweea the Toll Gftte, on the Ann Arbor and Loili Plank Koad, aud mv rerfdence in l.odi, on Marcb lst, 1804, mie calf skin VAI.U:T, containing twenty eight dollars in money, one Dote msAe by David 1, Pfllund Williain il I'.-.l, fnr $200, with iuterost nt ten per cent, dattl August lOtb, 1859, ;ind other pa pers. I will pay IVfty dollar in cash and Jiive UP lny riiht tu the moncy coDtanu d in Raid Wa lift, to any perspa wl.o will lieliver said note to me r to Hiram J. Beakt'K, of Ann rbor, or leavo the same at the Po Office, in Aun Albor, or elnewhere, so tbat 1 may obtam it. N') questious willbe aked. l'l.TKR C. VOORHKIS. October 2st, J8C6. ■ 4wlO:J2 A FARM of KxTaCRES of LAND FOK SA1.K OH K.( UA.Vl.t: tnr 15 or 2(1 acres near Ann Arbor nr Ypsilanti, The land is sitaated in f'niiLltv, Michigan, on the Ypsilauh and MonrOe lïoad. House and Harn, ÍJft to SO aeres impro ed. Pot urther pártlcttiaM, insmire at L. CALKINt, fijllery OTer ilawson .v Son'A Store. Ann Arbor. Oct. lifitli, 1805. lOdStf rTHE MiSON & HAMLIN OABIXKT I ÜIUiANS, Furt v different i !'■■;, adaptol I" sur-'l anl seeulat Biusic, for 8-0 to . nih. TUIRrY-FIVK (OIJl or SIJA'KK HKAljS, or iither Nrttt pivulinnis awanlcil them Ill.istratnd Cataloga fMe. A.!dns, MASON .V HAMLIN, BonTO, or MA.T'ON RKO1HXHS, New 'dkk. lylO26 FOR 8ALE! TA )IUU:-KS AND LOIS, wnh from $1,000 to AAj Í5.00U. Also several! I-Al. . A. J.SUTHKULANJi. Ann Arbor, Fcb. 2il,lt85. 9öitl CoicxaezcialAcBt, 1JEW SKIRT FOll 1865-6. i The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP SSIRTS! i ! J. W. BRADI.EY'S New l'atent I UI'I.KX EI.l.IPTIC (or doublé) SPRING SKLRT. fpHIS INTVENTION consista of DüpL (or two) El.I Lil'Tir I'ihk Rüi-'Jnri Stkki. Spkincs, Ingeoiously HBA1DKI) TH1IITLY :inil KIKMLY tOgettl.r, KOUS I0KD..K ■naking the touobest, mout ruaittas, laktic and nu HAiit.K Spkjng evf r useit. They aeldom BKND ormtüAK, like th" Single Spring!, and consequent!}' preserve tlieir perfect and heautiful Phape more than twico as long as any Single Hinng gfclrt tluil Ever Has or Can be made. TUK ivonderful flexibility nu] preat cr'infort auil pleatiure to any Lady we.u-inc tin Dttplex Ellliitic Skhi wlll ba exper'enced particlarly in all CPwdad Asspmllips, Oppra, Oarrlagefl, liailroad ''ars. Churoh l'cws, Arm C'liairs, for Promiiiiado and Honee Drcss.ns il, Skirts can bc l'oldi'il M'ljpn ia use to iiccuuy a smal placp as oasüy and cunvenienty a a Silk or Muslm uresn. A lAdy having Enjoyed the l'leasure, Ccmfort and Great Conveuience t w:itjni: Ihe Duplpx Elliplic f-tecl Bpring Skirt lor i RlDRle day will Npvpr afterwards WIlHngiy dispense -tl( tlieir use. Kor Children, Missen and Young Ladies thpy are superior to all others. THE HOOH8 are co'vered with 2 ply doublé tnisted tlu-ead, and will wpar trlce a long as Hip Single yarn cnïering wliich is lised on all Single Hoop Skirts. Tha three bottom rodeón ererySklrt realso l'ouble Steel, nndtvrloe or doublé to prevent the covcring from woaringoff tlip rods wlien clragging down staln, sione steps, ie, &c , which tlieyari-constantly subieci to wheu in use. All are made of the new and elegant Corded Tapes and are the, best quaiily in every part, giviug to tlu reaner the niostgraceful and per'cct Sliapp possible and are unquestionably the lightest, aiost desirable comfortable and eennmnica] Skirt ever made VVEST.S' BEADLEy &CARY, l'RdPKIFTORa of the Invention. and SOLE MANUFAWÜBKRrt, 97 CHAMBKR8, and 79 k 81 READÉ STRKEÏ'Ü, New York FOR SAI.E in all tirst-class Stores in this City, and thrnuglmut the United iJta(s and Canada. Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South Ainxrica, and the West lndies #S-IXQriRK FOR THE DLTLKX ELLIPT1C (OR noURIiK) SPRING SKIRT. 3inlO-4 A. h C. A GENTSWAÑTED -FOK Ol'RGREAT WAT1OÍVAL WORK, The Life, Timet and Public Services of ABRAHAM LINCOLN! By DR, Ii, P. BROCKETT. This work s entïrply new nd original, nnd contains more of hi.s early History, I'olitical career, Speeches, Messages, Procliiinivtinns, &c.T togother with the scènes anj incidcnt.s connected with his tragic end, than any other work pubhshed Teachers, Iadie.s, enerirelic young meo, and ospeciallv reiurneil and dinabled oiiicors and soldiers, in want of profitab e employment, will find it peculiarly adapted to their condítion. We have avenís clearing $150 per "menth, wliich we will prove to any doubting applicunt. iead for circulars. Address JONEP liUOTÏÏETïi: k CO-, Nü. 148 Wkst Fourtu Pt., 3mlO25 Cincinnati, Ohio. A GENTS WANTED tx. -FOR OÜRGEEAT NATIONAL WORK, -THEStandard Biütory of ího War. Containing ft&ll, fuithentk and rcliable account of the "grbat eooflict' trom tts commen cement to its close. Complete n one iery lar(?e volume, of nver 1,000 pages contxmingreadlng matter equal te time large rnyal octavo volantes -splen íclly i) tus tratad wíth over 125 fine portraits ol' Gañerais and' bat le cenes Thifi is justthe bik the ppople wav It presentí! rare chance for Ag nts Teachers, energetic young men, and especial ly rcturuea and disableií olfieers and soldiers, in wnt of piotifable cmplovnipnt, will find it ppculiarlydapteil to tlujir condilion.' Thís work has no rival as a candid lucid, complore mithentic anl reliablc history of the war Send for cireuhirs ;ind see our ternis, Adriress JONE8 LíROTÍIKHS CfO . 148 West íourth Street, ('incinnati Ohio. 3mlO"O Dyspepsia Pormanently Cured ! DR. SHKI.DOK'S DYSPEPTIO TROCHES not only five imniediïUo relief, bui are sure t.j cllVíct a peraut íüntcurt'in I) sjH-psi;t ainl Liver Coraplaint. Thcvtrt' not a purg&tive, and tlierelore ther tistidoes not créale i ddomsH; Cor the habitual uj of Cathartic. Dr. SbeldoD'a Dyspcpwia Trochas are an affreeable tw wholwaian ppetiser, without anyof tlie Injurious effect whieh ure sure to Inllow the use uf Mimnfatting 'Bitters' and all punrative iue1iciníR. iív their pnriying,Ktreugtheuingand invigorating power thov Bre uretokesp thedigentive orgRDa in a heallhv ouudliuii, thuspreventing Cotiveness, Diarrhrea or J'ynenery. Ur, ínspjih I.ewi, oí l'hilailrlphia, saya of Dr. Shellon's i)ysiepsia Ti oches.: "Some years siuce Ir. íhei'lnn, of tiii.s iíy, (ttVMHfi be feraml (br prftparhK nyspepíia Troche. Hessaná me thathe haí scarce evi r known it to fail in curillg eithur Dyspepsi ■ or l.iver Complaint. Sílice hen I have used it in my practico with great success. be'.ievo that Diñe out oí ten lo llora 1 have admiiiistereil itliave been iiei-mani-nlly cureilt it having cured jiany cases which I coneiJeie'l incurable. I consMer it he most vaUnible coniliinatii n for iliseases of the digestive orgaus I have ever k.lown." The ciiiinont ])r Williams has said: uWe believe :h;it the woisn tintín !hat a l'.vspeptic can do la to dose iknself witli Puru;aiie Mö'lifines. In fact, we know if 1 undreds who havo taken OathartlcS so long that it las become almout a necissity for them to coBtinne hpir' Dr Sheldon's Dyspepsia Troches are not Cathartics, and aie sure to efffct a eure. They are agreeable lo the taste. They will telyoorreot sour atorasen, cure Hatulence, heartburn, sickness or pain in the stomach, belching of wind and in fact all tbe dísagreeable and dangerous ymptonis of thisdisea-e. S. N. EtOCKWKLL, solé proprietnr, south east corner lst and Market Street?, liiladelpliia. l'rice 50 cents er box. Sent by mail for 60 cents. T. H. Hincliman, Wholesale agent, Detroit; also for sale by l'arraucl, heley J: Co. , and all Druggists Sr Solil hy STEBBINS k WUSON, Druggi.its, Ann Arbor.Micli1030ni6 -■ m m o ñ O H i !j M ' S u. g W yj Z O (TRAYED OR STOLEX I About the 7th of September, from mv rum in the Township of Dexter, one BLACK MARK non BLACK HOR E COLT; oa SORREL l'dW. wtiite ftc and brand on nght slioulder; nd one. üORKfiL, UOLi'.one yèar nld, uno white hind leg and w 1 1 i : i ■ in i.i i-e A liberal reward will 6e paid for the return i i lor inlurniutioii whicli will lead to thcir reoATOry. E. ÍRNÓLD, Dexter, Oct. lOth , HC5. 4 vt 1 30 IMSSOLUTION. The oo-pnrtnergbip heretofora existing 'n'tween Drs. I Bi ti ,'. iïrenKoy , was liissol vd .lun. . 18 '." LEWITT & BKRAKEY. Augfl il -:,í, 1,805, 3mI0:: A KN'AÜE 1'IAN'O- one nf tbe best ustrunionts nade- eutirely new. loquire at the AltCCS OFFICE. rpHE GKEAT In the field for tha FALL AND WINTER TRADE ! with the largent and bent select] stock of AUSriD O-EISTTB Furnishing Goods, Ever opened in .isrisr arbor. - o - COMPETITfiOftl IN THE BACK GROÜND. GREAT WARDROBE deUrmlned to be ihead in erery respect , despite the wishes of a ccrtain few, specmlly inteiestod tn the sume business, and who pre.lictn 1 nui d.nvnfall wlthln tlirce mouths. Let the croakers croak. We have et BENEFIT THE PEOPLE and fire bound to do so, and the support and encourngement we are receivinj; at their hands, is to us sufficient evidence that they do not mean to let o ir endeavma to pleaae them pass by unnoticed. Thsnkfiil for Ihe assistance thnsfar rendered us by our patrong we shall stillstrive t-j worthily roorit its continuance'. and in speaking of our STOCK IN STORE, and whlch weofïer to you at UNHEARD of INDUCEMENTS. We fee! free to say that it ii not aurpassed by any in Entire State, W t comprises all the coarser grades, it also embr cs some of the most elegant, fashionable and stylish G-OODS I ev brooffht io thla market. Previous to the establishment of the a atrong prejudice existed in the iniads of the people ftgfrinH Ready-Made Olothing, nwine f take qnaltty of the goods that had harefofore boeu impOKfeil upon them. The GRE.VT WARDROBE van iuntítuted in a measure with a view to lispplling ilmt prflüudiofl. andthe acVnowledgement Of those who .trad e with ua that our goods are far superior to any ever snld h-ere, g:es to show that nur ffbrtft in th'in directinn are mt beini made in vain. We wil! not atttmjt au ftniimoritiiun of 1ho article-; th;it go to malie up ourtocli. SulTice it t say it includes evervthing pertwimng to 1 his branch of business, and presenta to ffuyera Í miLkm-j their selciions, o. most compTetR and va ried asoittnent. Fev cloihing and Furnfching Guóds, big stock, good (Jood and lew price.s, btar in mind THE GR E AT WARDROBE 3NTo. a, j riE,xri5:xJiisr block. ÏÏIILLER & BROWN. Ann Albor, Oct. lltl;, 1 65. 103UI. I1ATS & CAPSPÏ Straw Goods I RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Ostrich. Feathers, TRUCKS, VALISES, Gents' Collars, Canes, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &o, &c. BUFFALO ROBES ! A Splendid Assnrtment of fiBXTS' & LADIËS' FCB 600DS ! I'leaso cqJI and examine for yourselves. ". B.- Particular attcntiun paid to REDRESSIN'G and RKPAIlUNG Ij AJDIEHSi ' PUR S ! LADIUS' CAPKa &MUFF8 noatly n-li.ic.i nnl .Iitsscd over by experionced hands and at rea.sonable THOMPSON'S FUR STORE, HUUON SIKElEr, Ann Arbor,Micli. FTlie highest cash piice paid for Furs. TT ATS, CAPS, AND STRAW COODS! - o - JOHNSON i PIERSON have received tlte largest stock of mm mwm Bver broiulit to (Ha inarket, whicli they aro scliíng at very LOW l'iUl'KS. The stock comistsof- GENTS' SILK HATS-all stvlos GENTS' SOFT AND ST1FF BRIM HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS GENTS' AND B"YS' CAPS- all kind. GENTS' STRVW HATS. CillLDRENS' STRAW CATS AND HATS UHILDKENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STHAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FURNISEIING GOODS UMBIiELLAS, CARPET & TRA VELING BAGS. PARASOI 8, TRA VELING BAG3. HAVERSAUKS. SUNDOWNS. 8SAKEK8, and in faei, all goode pcrtaining to tfioir trade, JOHNSON & PIEREON. MAl.V fTKEET, - - ]O10tf - - A?TV Ar.3v" '..


Old News
Michigan Argus