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fustal múm s"a====MlÜ=Ír ÁT HORAN 18 PRFPRKD t minuficture 11 kiml of Hair j'SSry. todden on Detroit Street. opp.tath. Ajricultutul Hall. w. fTbkeakey, m. d., PHYaICIAV Oín 8UK6B0N. Office ' ür HaTen'" "i rtoo.R Ea of Cook'. Hotel Ue.0ence „o( Hurón ud Divi.ion Streets, ITrst loor Eaft of I'resbjteria.. Church, Ana Arbor, M.chigan. w."í7lockard, ATTOBUEY AT I.AW AND NOTaRY VUBIJC-Ccnync.üg ud coll.cting prompt ly attendcd t. .unty Peasioni, nd Uck Hay collected. Office in Block, fe,t of Cook's Hotel, Aun rbor, Mleh. o. h. millenT" ÜÏI.F.Rin Dry Goods, Groceries.Crockery .Sc. te. Hain Street, Ano Aibor Thïlipbach. T-vKALKRS in Dry Good,Grocries . Boots & Sboes, ) fce.,Mimt., Ann Albor. RÏSD0N &lïËNDERöÖÏNr nEALKRS n íbrdinn, 'lJM'!!LZil ) fit, TinWare.fcc , te, New Block, Hamst. 'Ai. & SUTHEBLAND, GENf for the Sw York Life [asurancB Company. A. Omee o Hurou .trMt AUo lias on hann a tock el th m.nt?prote'. eing machine. i" ' WILLIAM LEWITT. PHYSICI VN" AND SURGEON. Office at Uia resiJ.iict-, north ido of Iluton, two doors west of DiTÍRton street. M. GUITERMAN & CoT lirHOt.KSALKiud Retail Dealera and Manufacturen! VV of Kdy-MaJ Clotbing. hnportersof Clotlis.CasBmM,I!oekn, Sc.,So. 5, Phoenix Block, Main t. wm. wagnerT" OEALKR in Rfa.iy Mide Ciothing, Oloths, Cassimere, nl Vsstins, llatf. Cap, Trunks, Carpet, Baga, c, Ph-snix lllock, Main street. SLAWSON & SUIN. n ROCERS, Provisión and Comniission Mercliants, And XX IK'aleriin Water Lime, Land Platr, and Piaster oí Pris, onedoor eat of Cook'rt Hotel. SCOTT & LOOMIS. 1 MUROTTPE and Photogtaph Artisls, in the rooms A over Cimpion'i Clothing store, Plwenix Block. Perfect satUfactiongiven. C. B. PORTER. SURlïEON DENTIST. OlIiceCorner of Main andHuron stret, o-rer Bach & Piersou's Store. All calis ;romptly attenddto A1859 MACK & SCHMID. vKALERS in Korign and DoinetticDry Good.Croce) ríen. Hitmrul Cpü, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, .c. Corner of Main i I.iberty sta. ANDEEW BELL. itALRR ín Grocories, Provisions. Flour, Produces: Lf Uc he, tornar Main and Washington btreets, ma Arior. TU hi,5UetOia.rket prioespaid lor country jrodac. _f_ ; D. ÜEAMEll, 4 TrOKNEV k COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Agent for A tha Photnix Fir and ConneetHut Mutu il Life IniuraneCoiipnie. Conreying and üoll?ctinK prumptlr attemled to. OElce over Stebuins Sc. Wüsou's ttore. ' M. G. STANLEY Photosrapliio iVi-tiit. Corner Main and Huron StreatB, Anu Arbor, Mich, PHOTOGRAPUS, AMBROTYPES, &c. te, is tb lateit tyle , attd every effort made to give satisUetion. 8S6tt D. DkFOREST. IfiIOLESALE and retail dealer in Lambí; Lath VV Slimglci.Saih, Doors.üliudB, Water Lime, Grane irr piaster, Piaster Pari, and Nails ofallsizes fall and perfect .iortment of the above, and aüothei ïiadn of building inaterialuconstantly on hand at the oTiit poiiúble rates,on Detroit st ., a fevr rodsfrom the ltilrad Depot. Also operating eitensivelj in the -'ifint Cement Rooñng. T UMBER YARD ! JU C. KRAPF, Hs a large and vrell tocked ï,uraber Yard, on Jefferon Street, in the Suuth part of the City, and will keep eoniUntlj on hand an excellent variety of LUMBER, SHINQ-I..ES, LATH, &o. whleh will be sold aslow a can be affordedin this in.arkt. Qnalitjandprice such that no one ned gotoDer' ' CONRAD KRAPF: Anm Arber, Dec. 6th, 1864. 986tt MBW MÜSIC STOBE! Pr6ona wishiDg to buy Pianos or Melodcons, honld jo to WILSEY'S MU?IC STORE, beiorepurehaniag elswhor. He will warrant satinfaction to parchasers, and tke pleanure in referring to those who have already purchned of him. Ile takes pride in injing that he has $iven the bent of satiaTactioD thui far, and intendn un todo ín all caHeti. Any Piano will bft furninhed that purchaser ma.v require. He wibB it to be dlwtiuotly underBtood that he will not bo TJISriDERSOXjJD by any dealer East or W at. N. 8.- The lattBt SUEET MUSIC forsale, PIANO ISTOOLS, &c. ALVIN WILSEY. AttaArbor,D. 27th, 1864. 98Dtd A KMABE PIANO- onc of the best iastruments sil- entireljaew. Inquireatthe ARGtrg ornee.


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Michigan Argus