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1866. THE WOELD, Au Ind 'pendant Democratie Daily, Weeklr aud Semi-VVeokly Newspaper. Aftor four years of civil war, forced upoa the people of the United States by ihe violence of Beetioiial parties, we now enter r.pou a new era oí unity and of progrcss. Nortli and South., a eontial co-operatioii of all bonest men is i.eeded to repair ihe waste of war t ettablisb uur Peace Ibruugli Uie triumph of sound lonstiiutionai principies in the admin8tration of the governmeut, aud our Unity by guarding all that make Union desirable The great Democratie Party, whose hiatorj in the pasi is the history Cf private prosperity, of territorial extensión, and of public or. der in America, stands now, as it ha3 er8r slood, the Party of the Nntion, snptior,to all sectional passiona in its loyalty to tlfl rihts of co-eqnal States and to the Kbertiri of the individual citizen. Once more its voice will be heard, once more its-adherents wil) ] rallied to its time-honored stnodards in crirv city and töw'i'i of the Northern and of tli Southern States. 'f o the principies of tilis great Democratie Party of the Nation, The Wohld has bon firm witness throughoiit the onleal of civiï war. It will now be devoted to the nol lest arduous task of applying those principies ta the solution of the many and weighly qusjtions - financial, social, polüical - wbich coiu& uion us with the return of peace. Faithful to the real interests of all sections, it will b enslaved by the prejudices and blinded by tli prpubseasionsoi none.. That the principies of American Democracy should thus be uttered, with no weak or uncertain voïee, here in the great metropolitas ceuter of American enterprise and commerce is a matter of such importance to every ciiizen as must recoinmend The World to thfr co-operation and su]port of good men ia all sections of the Union. WhateveB akill can devise or enterprise accompiish wil contribute to make Tus Worldwhat it is our resolve that it ahall continu to be - the Best Newspaper of the Bay. Competent corespondents at eery commercial and politica! center of both heniiipheres, who are aluays instructed to make tne freest and proraptest use of the telegrapli, will keep our readers fully iiiforraed of til doings artd the progress of mankind' in all parts of the globe. Exiiroasrs_ The Etaily Woud aiibrds a complete com. j.cndinni 0Í, anë commentary upon, the new of day. The Semi-Weekly World is a large finarte sheet, saine size as Paily, ooutaining ü iu nev.s,.coïrespondence, eftttoriais, commercial and niarket news, cattle markei and pro?ision. reports, ai.d a fresh and enterlaining mistellauy of litei ature. L'ublished Tuesdayand Fridfiy. The Weekly Woiíld, a large qnarto sheet, same Mieas Daily, bas bow the larjest circulationofany weekly jonrnal publislien sare ' one. lts extraordinary succefs iince its imion with the New Yoik Atgus has jiistifird t& 'most liberal expendimres, which will make it ' ur.pivaled in Titerest snd value to farnirr, - l'ubüslied Wednesday. 1. lts JIabkeï Skbohts embrace tlie New York, Albany, Brigbton and Cambndi;? Lirx Stock BTaekkts Ihe New York C'ocktrïPbob-ücb atid Gesebal Pkodcce Mahkït-,. spicial and valuable Hop Jktkliiuesok; a department of Agricültueíl Biadisg ; aU together compoiing au unrivaled handbuokof current infoimation for the Farmer,. Uw Stock or Produce Dealer, the Country Muehant, etc. 2. lts liüADlSO FOR TBE FaJIILT ClMU embraces the freshest aud best Stories, P try, Heligious Riading, etc. 3. It&ÜKjKSï of tbs Ssivs is no'., üliraoit cU.y vveeklies, a mere wasie-basket of út Daily: only matters of interest and imortance are ch osen f rom the Daily, while th mass of its contuls are prepared npeciilIjF for the Weekly In every pwt office tKsirict tbere should br found somu actire, public-spirited Bemoont, who will confer a benefit upon us, lús urighbors, and the cause, by maliing a determine eifort to form a club of fou' , ten, tweuty. or the Weekly Wokld, at onr greatlj reduced rates. GREAT REDÜCTION IN TEBMS. A1LT WBBLD. One copy,.one year, by mail, tex dollars, SEJII-VyEEKST WORLD. One copy, erne yeor, foue dollars. Four copies, o'ie year, te-1 doiiabs. ,Ten capies, one ytar, twüstï dollars.. TVEEKLY WOKün. 1 One year, one copy, two bollabs. Four copies, one year, skves dou. AMTen ciies, one year, fiftien Twenty " to one ad. ïw.stt-fitï Fifty copies, " " addr'ss fiïty dollarsAn copj of the Weekly edition iurn inbed to clubs of twenty or more. Por clubs of fifty the Semi-Weekly, and for clubs of one hundred the Daily, WJU be mi to getter np of a club. Ádrlitions may be made to clubs atiny time during the year at the regular clubrate. Changas from club lists can only he dii by request of the person receiviug tne cto packages. All such requests imiat name ft edition post office, aud state to which it n previonsly been sent, and inclose twenty -in cents to pay for ehanging to separate addreisOrders forany of the editions of the IW World uiay be sent by mail, and ihonW w close Post-öftice Money Order or Bank dra iir amount (less the discount). We h'0 authorized traveling agents. Money en1 "t mail will be at the risk of the enders. Orders aüd letters should be addressed W THK WORLD, 35 Paek Kqw, Kïw Yoï. October, 1?65. GPNTS" W ANTED -FOR OURGREAT IVAT1OJSAL WORK, The JMft, Tlraes, and Public Service" of ABRAHAM LINCOLN! By DR. L. P. IHIOCKETT. Tliis woilt Is entircly now umi orifiml. ""lhc, moi-pof his early History, l'oliticat orptr ,V'„, Massages. Proolamntions, &c, togetber wllh 'T n„j nd incideuts connected with his trape Wi'" otiipr work publidbed , .DnBCitllT Teachers, ladics, enerKetic youDg nie, n" ?' ,, f reiurned a?id disnbled offleers aod soldif", ■" tlJ pioHtabeemployment, irill 6nd it peculiarl) tmt to their condition. . _i-cli We havo agents clearing S150 r" 'mcn 'VrciieU' wilt provo to any doubtiug applicant. Seno lor lars. Addres „ JONES BROT11EKS k CO., NO. 148 WKST FOI-KTH ST , 3mlO35 Ci A GENTS WANTED -FOR OURGREAT NATIONAL WORK -THEStandard History of the # CnntaininK a fuil, autbentic ard reliiiW'1"'''," Hl the "great conllict," from it commi-iiccracn oT,r ctone. Complete in one very laree v01",,. t0Üit 1,001 pnsesi contaioiiiB reading ■'! "''', j tb lrKo roval octavo volumes sp' i'l''"i %. ovprlSSfine portrails of Genprals and bat '.e!S,ti( Thisisjustthe book the ppople watt I „„oj i-are cliance for Agnts. Teacher, '„„.aJ I men, iind cspeoially returneii and duablf'iou (lJ soldier, in want of profitable empln.vmP, hM it pi-culmrlyadaptp.l to their oprlltioi. "' . ojic no liialasacandid.luc.d, compMG. '.'tl",nt' ,„d liablo history of the war SeDd for_ "'".'ISvJ . our term, AodreM JONES B1Ï0THERS . Vet I cüirth Streot, Cinciunati, Obio. A FARM of 100 ACEES of LAJj ü FOB SAI.E 07! KXriIANV;F, for B J"ttt near Ann Arbor or YpsHaoti. The ln ' ■ ( ,„,0. MonroeCoimty, Michigan, on the YP"ll'i 'ovei. F' Rrtaa. Ho-öwand flarn. I to 30 acres impr1 urtli er purticulars, inquirc at _,,,.,"; I,. OAI..V l fv,rt. Gallear om SlaiwB -"jjjjK Ann Arbor, Oet. 2th, 1806.


Old News
Michigan Argus