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Spiritualism Vs. Jugglery

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The Paris correspondent of the Dublin Ezpress says : " Dr. Lynu, the son of an Ecglisb clergyruan, fnllowing the bent of a j ing disponition, at au early age left bis countiy, and has roturned, after eight year8' absoi C ', skilled in tvey department of the ' occult art.' Wbatever the Hindoo juggler or the Japanesc wonder-workers could impart ho has acquired and his lithisome fingert) eau accomplish. More important still, whatever the moat highly-gifted of the spiritualists aud their familiars can perform shrouded in darkness hu eau repeat, without confedérate or mechanical contrivanoi3, in the open day. "Dr. Lynn, duiing a brief visit to London gave threo private seances, at two ofwhiob I was present. Avoiding the toy-tricks of professors of magie vvho come from vafïous poiats vï the compass aud astonish children of every growth, his programma is stored with eastern novelties, íiud hÍ3 performance is the perfection of sleiglit of hand. - The closest observer is baffled by his astounding dexterity, and the ease and grace with which the moet difficult feat is accomplished are as admirable as the doxterity is marvelous. " I will mention but oue ortwo items. A graphic writcr upon Japan eome time since made the world iicquainted with the most graeeful aud beautiful, and at the same time wonderful, of all the feats performed by the jugglers of that country. They were the top and butterfly tricks. A top is sent epiuniug in the air ; on its descent it is caught on the point of a sword, where it whirls merrily ; then it is brought along the keen edge to thehandle; then it renews its rlight to bo again onught; and nltimately it is sent, like a miniature Blondin, across asilken thread which is invisible to the audience; sometimes, it de scends the slack, nometimes ascends the hill, but is always sure of foot, and waltzes its way over the narrow path, from the boxee of a theatre to the back oí the stage, as readily as acress a drawipg room. " The bulterflies aro cut out of manycol.rcd paper, aud fly about as if endowed with lile, fn obedienoe to the wave of a fan they fly high or fly low ; novv ttiuy flutter over a lady's bouquet, now thej' light upon the spray of a vvrea'.h, now gyrate, moth-like, round gas-jete. This feat alone is sufficicn to lake the town by Btorm. " But what will be said of the greatest of the spiritualist tricks, viz ; the wriling on the :rm ? Let me briefly state my own experience of it. I wan requestcd hy Dr. Lynu to write the name of any person, of any country, who has died since the world began. I did so in a reinóte part of the room, before leaving which f tightlv folded the paper on which the name was written until it reseaibled a doctor's pill, aiid placed it on the tuble, where it remained in presence of and eloce to all preenj, excopt Dr. Lynn. That he did not touoh t, and that he had 110 means of ascertaitiing, winst the name was bevond the meager hint to be detivod froin a reply to his question of how many worda and letters it oomprisecl, I can positively vouch. Within two minutes the name was traced upon his arm, and in letters which if I may sav so, wcre an enlarged fac similc of my own. Five other nam es were written by five different persons selected at random, and with a precisely similar rewult. On the previous evening thirteen ladies were present, as well as a nuiuber of' professional men - lights of' law, lights of literatiiro, as well an medical seieuce ; a name was written by ach lady, and thirteen times, to the unspeakable amazement of ail present, the writing on the arm corresponded with the writing on the crumpled paper in the lady's hand. This was Poster's great spiritual trick, and it is to the credit of Dr Lynn that utterly disclaims and laughs at the idea of spiritual agency in its performance."


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