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The Cholera--how To Avoid It

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The uridersignad, huving been re.! 1 1 v ihfi CoinmissioDersof Hoalth ot ib city of iew Vork to publish such ïifonnation as ::i.y be of use to the people at larga in view of tho antieipated approaoli of uu epidemie of cholera, v . ul(i most earn'östly cali l!ie attontion cf the pubtie to tho fol!ov;ng statement of i'.ict:-, and beg frhuw careful considero rtSu i' the isiiL'üestions Bod advioo : Whatever 'Ivferenpe of opinión niay c,!;. ï ii iegapd to the cause and mode of propagatiou of fhe choleru, all nowagree in tivpir olservatioii in Uiis acknowledged faet: 'i'hat its gi'tííitest ravages and most IVarful mortality is amojng the fifthé vicioúp, nnd the destituto, and in f'act it is altnóst ('oniioed to the im].! ■iiiliü'it, the températe, anti thoe who üjiii-e tbcniso'ives by taking iniproper medfuiiu's, Cleanlincss, tlierefore, is of tho first imrjortancc1, both of your peraon and of your líáüses, pa.rticularly your yards, '.us, and cesspools, u here freal) clilpriJij o' uu' shmild be daily spr'mkl'd, ánp ttiê a_(j}of[)ing waüs. at)d fences ?!ii-rouL,dii)g thtiii repButediy wUitewashtd ', 'c e ;! vf;;i !hat tbero ia no stagoant v. iitor é.itlièr iü your cellars or )'ards, nnd it' your basemeuts are damp use fires in tlicni IVcnueiitly t Imrn up the foul uir and causo a inore perfect ventilation. Keiijbye ill garbgo at least once a aiid twice if possible, and permit nothing toreiiiain ou the premisas to undeftgn u'ecouiiioïitioii. -ives'p jour hon-3 wel! ventilated. Bc températe in al] tíliogs, both Deating. and.urin'king. I3ü températe ia exercjss, iu labor, both physical and meutal, Keep good honrs. Take proper food iu faasopable quantities at proper t.i ■ijca. Plainly óookècl meats, with buil od rice, bread, and thoroughly-cooked polatoes, sbould forrn the ordiaary base of !;et. Abi-tain from all unripe fruits, and Btale or partially decayed vegetables. - JJut, above all, avoid excess ia iutoxieatinp; drinks of every kind. Wear ñamielnext the skin, and at all times maiutaiu tho natural temperature of tho body by a saffioient amount of clothing. Avoid all exposure to sudden ehaages of tciuperature, and if aecidenta'ly exposod to a stona, remove your wel boots and olothea as soon as possibie. The cholera is not the necesarily fatal dioase whioh it is oommonly believed to be. but is a disease that is both pievuiitahlo and curable. It is always preceded by symptoms of languor and debility with diarrheea, and iu this stage is almost always curable ; but if neglect cd at tbis period aud the diarrheea permitted to continue unless collapse comes on, it ia theu . ahnost always fatal. At the very commencement oí the diseiise go lo bed and stay there until you are w,e!I, witli warm flapnel aronnd the Göïïv, Miirm brieks or bottles of hot water 'o tho foet if necesary, and if there is a tendoacy to vomit apply a mustard piaster over the storaach. If yon have not got a bed ie down on tbel and keep yourself warm; but by all ineuus retíiiu the horizoutal position all tho time, not evon getíing up to atte;id ío líe evaeuations, but use a bed} an or convenience for that pur, aud immediatoly send for some cjualified pliyf-ician lor alvce. But sibovu íill ihings ahstaia froto taking any of tbe advertistd uostrums that wil ilood i!:e city, and swallow no medicino unless iresoribed by a competent physician. The Comniissioners of Health are do ing all in thuir power for the purilica tion of the City and the protoetion of the peoplo- but it must be evident to al that thcy eaanoí do everythiug - anc wonld, ÜioreÍMi-e, rospeotfally eaü upon theír felloitj citizens to co-operate witl them in every possiblo way ia their pow er. Sources of íílth and impurity rnay ex wiiliouL the kuowledge of tho public authoiil',03, and every citizen should fee the neceíisity of keeping a watchfu supervisión over his own premises, anc .vhen iü.]ivi(junl eílorts are inadequate for their romovul, tliey should cali upon the Board lor aid aud ansistance. Fear and despondeney are the grea souroes of danger.iuaJl epidemics, bn more cspecially bo íd cholera than n an' othor. While thereforo we would urge upon all our citizeas tlie use of every pruden tial and precautionary measure, let theu jaeserve a calm and compoaed state o inind, a choaríul hoart, and dispel al fear; uud by a conliding trust in an all wise and merciful l'rovidence, we can i easonablv hope to encope this scoarge, if we implicitly obey bis laws.


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Michigan Argus