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A Coiíglt; Col!, or Boro rinoal, REQÜIRKI 1MMKIM.ATK ATTKXTION, ANP SHOt Ll I!K CHBCKKl IF IXOWSD TO CONTlNTJi, Irritación or tlie Lungs, a Ptrmsnent THront AíTctlon, or iu iin-uri t!c I-ti"i; ilt;ist' , J is OdfTSH TUK KKSfl.T, BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES U-WIM! A PIItErTlNFI.l'RNCK TOTHKl'AHTi?, 01VB MMKI)1A1K BKUlíF Kor Bronchitis, Asllimn. Cntnrrh, Consiimp ti v ■ and Tliroat Distase, TROCHES AliE V9ED "WiTH ALWAYS QOOD 8U0CE88. SINGERS AND PTJBLIC SPKAKEES will fiml Troches iiHeful in clearing tlii voice when takt n be foro Hnging or Fpeaktng, an1 Fclievtng the throat after an unuRual exertfon of (be vocal orjrana, The Troches are recommended and prese ríbed by PhyBidanfl and liivo hnd testimonial Froni e-minenl men tiiroughout the country. Being an artlcle of trae ' merlt, and haring pravtd their efíteney by a test oF miny year, oach yearflnda tlipm in new ïncftlitiea in v.-irinus parts of the wm-ld, and the Trocksa are uuivcrs:illv íronounceil betfcer than ofther sitíeles, Oktain only "Bnown's líftONcniAr. Trocbbe," anl ilo 11 t takoany of thu Worthlcss Imi'.ations tlmt may be otTared. Sol'! everywbfro in the l'nitod StftteH, and n Forcign Countriegj at 35 cent'i per bn-. 103 finiosSpeoiiilT ET US be MERCIFUL to 0üRSLLVLS. The physical strueture of the strongost humun bsing ñ ruluerable everywhere. Our bodieí are en doweJ by nature wlth a certaín negativa power, wliicli proteets them to some exteut from uuwholesome iufiuences ; b.ut thisprotection is imperfect, aml cannot be B&fely relied ou In unhealihy reiona, or uztder círoumstaners of more than onlinary danger. ïbereforc, it is wisdom, it i prudence, i fa common seuse, to provide againsisaeb contini;oiicip5. bj taking un antidote inadvance; in ether words jv fortifving the syitsm witb a course of HOSTKTTRR'.S STOMACII BITTKHS, the most complete protective against all the epidemie and eaaemio makdiefi that bas ever been aUninist red in any country. As a remedy for Dyspepsia, thereis no medicine tb a!, ttÍH oppaM with it. Wlioever suffer the pangs of Indigestión, vu 1 ho face of the earth where Hostkitkk'n Hiiters can bc prucured, dnes su TÖlnntarily ; fof as surely asTiutb exista, this invaluabie Tuinc and Alterative would restore his disordcred t miach to a healthy condition. To the BHious it is also especially reeommended, and in cases of confirmed Constipation it affords ppeedy and permanent relief. In Canada, the West Indies, nnd Australia, the Bitters rank ahove all olhei naedioioes of the clasa, and tiio ilciii;inil t'or tlium in all foreign countries iucreasefi every season. 1v10j6 VíS!.üKI;;ilS! VHISKE1ÍS! Do ynn w;nil W-hUknrsor Mous taches? Our (Jreciíin Corapoand wlH foree them to growod the smootheet faceor chin, or hair on bald headm, in Six I Price.Sl.ÖO. Sent by mail anywhere, dosel j sealed, : onreceiptof price. Add.-ess, 'WARNES & CO., Box 138, BrookliD, N. Y. Iy999. THE BRIDAL CHAMEïl, an Essay of Warningaqd Instruction for Voung Men - publi.shcil by theHoward Asaociation, and santfr e of charge in sealedenvelies. A -ïdreds, Dr. J. SlvIIJ.IX EOÜGHTON,Howard Association, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. Iy996 OABD TO INVAWDS. A Clereyman, while resiiling in Sonth America as a missionair j disewvured a b&Íb aad simple remedy for thpCure of Nervoua Weaknes-s, Early Decay, Díseaaes of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, ad the -wlinle train of disorders brought on by baneful and vieious habits. Great nunibers havo been already cured by thia noblo remedy, Pronrpted by adesire to benefit the alïlicted and unfitrtunatti, I wil! send the roei po lor preparing ftod usinj this medicine. ín a sealed cmvi;!ope, to any one who need; it, Frce of Charge. P lease inclQsc a post paid onveliipe, add-essed to yourstüf. JOSEPH T. ÏNTMAN, SlATIOX 1, j'illU.K HOT'SE, 0ml025 New York City, AGOOD TREE 18 KNOWNBV 1TS FRUIT. So is a good Physician by his uccessful Works . PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT ANU GKLEBRATEIl PHYSK3ANOF TUI THROAT, LUXGS AX1) CHEST, Known all over the countn as the Cïebrated INDIA! HERB DOCTOR! From South Aioerica. A NEAT PAMPHLET Of the and oxten.sive travels of Dr. Lyons uan be procureü by allwhodesireone, freeof charge. Dr. L will viriï t the se vera l places as f olio ws : Jackson , Hibbard House, 20th Ann Arbor, Monitor iïnuse, 21st. "I)fftroitCa8 House, opposite Micb. CentralDepot. eaííh raontb, 32ndand SSrd, Motñ of - The Doctor discerns diseasefi by the eyes . Ile, tw ere f ore ,ask.s no questiona nor req lirespatients to explaïn symptoms. Afflicted, come andhave yonr symptoi:s and the loca tí on of y our diseas i'.'.'pluined fre-e of charge "jV"EW G00D8! IMMENSE ARRIVAL. A SPLENDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! CSJ-oxrtes' FURNISHENG GOODS, CASSIMERES, Oloths, Satinets, Sec, DOMESTIOS, SHOES, HATS 4 CAPS, Crockery Are to be soldut pricc that willguarantoe iheir sale N. B.- The largesí Stock of Calicó and BrownCotton. B the City at Uwa than Maüufacturer's prices. The btghesf; pricc paid inTradoor cash for all kinds of Produce. MACK & 8ÜHMID. 'T'HE GERMÁN FARMERS' INJL EÜHAHCK COMPANY will holil lts annual inenting nn Mondiiy , Dcembr 4tli, lHiïö, in the Township of J.odi, at the choql House ïiL-ar Joseph an'l 6owfl iele !c. .KII1N G. FKi,l)KAMP, Free!om, Nov. llth, 1805. 3wlO35 Secretar;, THE MASÓN A HAMLIN CABIKET ORGAKS, FortjF flirf.Tpnt atjrUs, ívilnptp.t to wcteá ami secular music, forSD lo'60i) Mafc. THIHTY-KIVK GOU) r,r SILVER MKDALS, or other lirst premlujps awardei thera. IllustrntelCiiUloKue3 free. Address, MAPON HAMI.IN, Boston, or MASON' BROTHERS, Nkw York. lylO2& 13LISS & HILL Have just reccived k LARGE STOCK OF GOODS which tlit'y are welling at REDUCED PRICES Conslsttng in paii of the Followlag : CLOCKS, TOCÏiES, JEWELRY, Silvcr and Plated Ware, TABLE & POCKET CÜTLERY, BÜRGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c. Please Give Them á Cali ! CLOCKS, WATCUES, & JEWELRY, REPAIRED BY EXPEEIENCED WCRKMEN, At tbe oW stand of C. BLISS, Kn,st sido oí' Ifaln Street, Ann Arbur, Michigan. c. ::.y.s, A. T. HII.Ii. September 26tb, 1886. tf028 Oldand young should use STERLÍNG'S fy V FOB The Hair. It prevenís or stops the Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beantifies, Preserves, and renders it Soft and Glossy, and the Head free from Dandruff. It is tho best Hair Dressing and Preservativo in the world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturing Comp'y, sole proprietors, NEW YORK. 6mKT Dyspepsia Perma&ontly Cured! DK. bHËfJDoKV DY9PK1 TIC TROCHES not ooly give mmediate relief, but are sure to effect .1 perniinent cure in Dfspepnia and Li ver i'mnpiaint. Thuv h iv npt ü pitrgutive, ar.d thorefore thtrr use loes not creóle a necessity for the habitual ü"e f' Cnih rtï is . Dr. She Winti's Dyflp&paia '1 roe! 1 es are nn acrecí bly and whoiebome appetwer, without any of the iujurious effect whicta arenare to follow the use of stimulat-in lBittws" 1 ml all purgative medicines, lïy fcheir purifying, 8troDgth(jnÍQg ;iinl Invigorutiag power tbey are mare to fceep the èïtjestive i-.-. tja 'm ;: healthy cmditioB,thui preYwiting Costí reuens tharrhosd or i vsl'qtery. Dr. JdKejii] Tewis. of Fhiladetphia, saya of Dr. Sheldua'BDyBpepnia Froches ; "Som" y -ars since Pr. Slieldoa, "f this city, g&Xe me the formula Cor preparing a Pyspep-ïia Troche. He.assurei'. me tbiulie had scarce ever known it to fail in eurïDg efthor Dy#pepa or liver CqmplaJnt. Since Uien I Ii.ive used it 111 my practiée wítli ffroát suocess. I bclieve that nine out f.f in io wbom I have i'hniiiisterod itliave been pertaaneiitlj' care#, it haring eured m;my cases whirli 1 ccmaiïlereaïncirrable. J eoniSerJt tbe mpst valuable combinatirn for (liseaes ot the digestive árgana T hnve ever known." The GiaiiHiiit Pr. Williams hS snirlj "We believe that the worse thing that a I'vspeptic cn ilo is tü dose himself with Purgativo Mñdfcirfee, Ii fjjLet, W(i know of tundredg why bave taken Catliartics jo longtbait haa become ahni-st a necefisiíy for tb,em to continne their use."' Dr ïheMon's Hys-pepsia Troches are not ('alhirücs, and aio surcti t.'!TL'Ct a cure. They are agreeabie 10 the taste. They will itnimvüfitely correct 1 sour steiuae'h, cure Ra tulenco, heart buril, sickr.cis or puin in the e'omacli, bflching of vrind aii'liü face all tbe distigreeable and Ua-ageroue symptoma of dis disea.e. ' S. N". ROCKWELL, sole proprietor, south east corner 21st anti Martelt stvf-et-, hilftdelpbja. Price 50 cents per box. Sent by mail for 00 cents. T. H. Hiuchman, wholesale niiont, Bétroft ; also for sale by Farrand, Sbelev k O. , and all Druggii is #&■ gold by STEBBINáS WILSON, Druggists, Ann Arbor.Mich: 1030m6 L Grcatest Medical Circular f A K Ever ruLïishcil! f A C 1 fl -■■aa5:'Fifteen1=S larire 1 I mJB L tfy letter pages for two %A JM M 3 cent Etamps. a Young Meü'íí CouÜdeotial -Medical Ad vine ra in of Spernuttorrhea or Seminal Weakness caused by Masturbation, Genital lantali.ati'D,, or secrothabits indulged in by youlha at the age of puber ty. mm. JiCKSON, HERBERT & CO., ProprietoTS of the National Dys pensar y , establísbed atCincinuati, Ühio,Jjui, Jst, 18f0. Iaroluntary EmïssioriBTead to Tmpotency , Consumption, ïnsanity and Peath. Tho se who suffer in the least from thÍB banful practice, ah o al d apply the whole iiergy of tho soul to the attainmeni of healtli and consequent contentment and liappincss. Rvery one, filher sick Or well, should have otrr valuable treatiae on this subject , wbJcb ík sent f ree of charge. Ve guarantec to cure GoDorrho3a,Gleet,SyphllTis, Impotency, Nocturnal Eminsíona er Seïf-AbuSe, Diarnal Etniaaioos, Feraale Complaints, in short, every possible form and variety of Sexular Dieease. Cures rapid, thoTOngh and permanent, and fees modérate"" Send for out Circular. DR, JACKHON'ri FEMALE PII.LS- $1 peí box -rSjiccinl writtüii replies, well aealed, sent with tlie Circulfu-, wfrtÊèut cbaf-e. 300 pages, 100 onpravirgs. - "The Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector and Marriage Guide, and an Kxplicit Kcy lo Loveand Beauty." Jt SATI3FACTOH1LY revtals varioupsqbjects never bef ore f uil y explained in any popu tar wurk in tlic English language . Price 50 cents, or tb ree for $1. Medicine and ïnstructions sent prompll' to any jrt of tb f country. ConFultinL Hooms of the Dispenary, No.iQ7ö strect, t 0.130X0.436. 1R.JACKSOK'S ORIENTAL LTNIMENT Removes all coldoess, and rejuvenatea organs which have lain dorm&nt for many years. Can be mailed v,-Hïi perfect sifeiy. Price $2 per bottle. DR.JACKSON'S FRENCH PATENT MALE SAFE, it is the finly aure and Fafc preventive againet con tracting rtigfase ever inventcd, Prieft $1 each, $4 pei half do sen, and $7 p r doteg, Btnt by mail. 6mlO34 MANHOüD : ÏIOW LOST, HOW BBSTOBED. Juut publisln-u, b new editionof ti'. Culvcrwell's Ctle5i-ai-l Essay on tbe radical can: (without raedícíjH1) of ViaiMAIORRnaiA; wr seminal Weakness, Invol untary Beftiloa) Lojws, 1 wpotekot, Mental and Physicj Inca pacity , Impedimenta f Marriage, etc. ; Im , Coh guxFTjos, KpnjsraXi ar"l Fits, inducid by èclf imlul geuce or senal ext avaganofft jQfjj- p r i ( e, ts a sealed epvelope, oiily 6 cents. The celebraled authorin tb ís admirable es-ny clrarl] demoHRtratet), ftona a tbirty yeara íuccessful practico thae the alarm iag coufteqneneM ol self-abune may b rft'lically ciircd without thg daneerouii uae of interna mo'hcini-or fehe appltcfttion of the knife - potnting ou a mode of cure at once Himple, cerfajii, ané eífe tual by meani of wlnch every fiuffeVer, no maller wimt hi condiL'fn may be, may cure bimBêlf chea yy : prfvati ty and radicaUif B Thift Lecture shouM lm in t lic hands of ever; youth and every man in tbe lnnd Sent, aode 8( al, in a plafii ejrvfilope . fco atiy ftddrem pottpüidton receipt of gix cents, or two post stamp? Addresa tbe publislrs. en ar .t 0. Ri.iSK, k ro.t %7 Bowery, PStv Yovli, lylO35 Post Office box4,658, A FARM of 100 ACRES of LANI ü FnU S.M.K OH KXEHANGE tst Ifi or 20 acre 11c :w Aun Arbor or Ypailanti. The lnnl is tftaat4U Mouroe Couoty, Míohigao, on the YpoUanri and Monro . Road. HoBfeanfJ Êtarn, 2-r' to SOacrei improved. To urther particulais, tuquirg at I,. CVLKIXS, Gjllory otw Slawfioq & Sod's Store. Atia Arbor, Oct. 26th, 1ÖQ5. T0o2tf rrTIE GHEAT In the flflid for tbe FALL AND WINTER TRADE ! uith the largest and best selecUd stook of A3KTXJ Q-BNTS" Fnrnishing Goods ! Ever openod iu COMPETITSOSS IN" THE BACK GKOUND. mm Wardrobe deleiinlieó! to he alisad u every respept , despfte ft wishes of i certain few, speomlly lntereêted in tho une busnii'as, and wlio pradictel uur dmviifall witbin three moBtlM. Li't tho croakers cruak. Wo have set BENEFIT THE PEOPLE andaré bound t.) do so, and tlie support and encourBgement we aro rccoivinjr at their hands, is to us si.fHoient evidenoA tliat thty do not menu to lt o ir edeavora to pleitne them pass by imnciticed. TlKuikful for it.t' aRsiRtanofl tima far ronflered u by our pntrons, we Bhall Btiltstnve to worthily merit its continuance. and in Bpeaking of onr STOOK TH STORE, and which we o (Ter toyou at UNHEARD of INDUCEMENTS. Wo feel free to say that it is not surpassed by any in the Entire State, Whil" it iroruprises all the coarser grados, it also embr cs ome of the most elegant, faMi ionablo aril 'o-OOIDS I ever brnusW to this narkot. Breviuus to the establishment "f the a strone; irejudicc existed in the niintld of tlie Qeonlf a;Lin-t Beady-Made Olothisig, owiog to takfi quality of tlie goods that had haetofore been impost-d upon thcm. The GltJflAT WARDI?OBE was ínstituted ii a nieamire wüh a view tfl i spelling th:it prejuilice. andthe acVnowledgcincnt of those who trade with iiü tlmt our gnods ara far superior to any ever soM liore, goes to show that mr efforts in this dilecli'ui art' not bfiiii made in vain. We nill nut at tempt anennmeratlon f 1he article tlmt go to muite up pur si nek. Suflice ;t tn say it nota den everythlng pertiiimng to this bpancli of biisinepe, nd presenta to buyerfi in makiiií thoír selocticns, a most cimpletfi nm vancd jiortmout. For clothing and Farnishing flnnds, big stock, good Goods, and lcw pricea, btar in minrl the'great wardrobe, ihiller & brown. Ann Arhor, Oct. llth,105, 1031t(. rt '■ .'.-' - -;iÍ pd t '■■;'.' OF THE I.ATK.ST STTLKS tojl hi MTS" 4 CAPS ! % Straw Goeds I RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Ostrich. Featlxers, TRUCKS, VALISES, Gents' Collar?, Canes, GLOVES, ÏÏOSIERY, &c, &c. A Pplendkl Aasorfmaht of GENTS' & LADIES' FÜB GOÖDS ! Pisase 4aH and exazniuQ for yourselvea. N. 1!. - Particular attcution psid to REDKESSIN'G in.i KKl'AIKIXG Ij ,a.3CI33iS' 3FTTJR S ! LADIES' CAPES k HUFJÍ8 noatly rclioed and drenaPd over by experienced linudB aud at rea.-onablö THOMPSON'S FUR STORE, HUliOX STREET, Aim Arbor,Micli. ÜTfac Lighest ciiHh price paid for Furs, TTATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS! ; O i JOHNSON 4 PIERSON have rt'ceived the largest sïocU of : 'zám wis - ever brouerht to thU market, v hioh tlioy aesellifigat orj IX)W PMCES. The stock conistsof- 1 ! GENTS' SILK PATS- all styles. GENTS' SOFT AND ST1FF BKIM HATS. j GENTS' AND BOYS' PERBY HATS. e GENTS' AND BuYS' CAPS- all kinds, i GENTS' S.THAW HATS. 1 CÜILDRENS' STRAW CArS AND HATS. ■ CHILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. ' BOYS' STRAW HATS. ' GENTLEMENS' PÜUNISHING GOODS i, UMBRÊLLAS, CARPET & TRAVEL1NG 1 BAGS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAGS, ■ HAVEHSACKS. " SUNDOWNS. SliAKEKS, and in írycí , aIJ gooJs pertajning to tneir tradu. ir JOHNSON & PIEKSOtf. MAIN' 3TKEET, - lQlOtf - - A!TST AIJBOR


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Michigan Argus