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The War Of The Sexes

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lhe Cleveland Herald says : When a married couple have lived bevond tbeir means, and are about to be " sold up" by the sheriff, it is uo uneommori thiug fbr them to indulge ia mutual recrimina tions on the score of extravagantie. The hiisband aseribes tile ñnaqoial catas trophe to uneaHed-for domostio expenses, whilst the wife, with p'erhaps greater truth, thinlss oigara and cEámpagñe, with their icuompaniments, are eqiüjlly expensive with yilk diosesa and tin; last uew bounels, co.stly as thoy inay be. A similar quarrel appears to be going on in society at large, betweén the un married men and wouien. 'J'he bachelors declaro thtir averseflSM to enteruiy the manmgu staie to bo owinir to Gbeii iuability to meet the expense it enlails. and aoeuse the unrnarried women of such extravagant habita and desire, that it is impossible (r a man of asbáeráte ineaus to think of saddling himself with such a bilí of duily expenses. Not content with making these charges, some havo gone furtner, and have formeel assoeiations, the members of which pledge themselves never to marry uritil theie is a reform iu the habits and dress of the doubly mr ones. On the other hand, the indignant damsels talk of formiug counter assoeiations, pledging themselves never to marry until the young men quit cigars, champagne parties, and the other extravagances of " fast " life, which, they say, are inconsistent wiih u proper pre paration for the marriage state Each side brings incontestable argumenta in support of the position as.sumed, and each side profesas a detenuination to oiaintain that position to the bitter ond. The absurdity of snch associations is elf-evident. A pludge never to fall in ove ia like a pledgo nevur to take cold or never to have the cholera. It is easy to make a profes.sion. The truth, ie,, there is much to be said on both aides, and it is uujust to attaeh all the blame for extravagant habita and h i 1 ly practicea to the young women of he present day. Extravaganoe ia not confiüed to one sex, nor are frivolous nanritfrs peculiar to women. When young Dien cease to dress beyond their neaua, lo drink mure cjharnpague and vhisky thau is needed, and to smoke exlensive cigars, and talk of somelhiug uore nseful than billiardj, fast horses, ast girle, and tlicir last " drunk," they eau then consislently reprouch young vomen for their peculiar follies - and liot IDrlil then. All th! unnvirried woincn nro not the laborately dressed dolls and - i 1 ' y p'ipiuuys that " auli-inarriage " baohelors vould make them out. There are nough sensible girls yet iu existunce to 'urtlisb vvives to all the bachelors that iro worthy of tlicui.


Old News
Michigan Argus