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Reading Aloud

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Reading aloud is one of those exercises wliioh combine mental and muscfi lar effort, and henee hns a doubl-.! advantage. To rend aloud well, a person shnuld not only understand the subject, but should hear h8 own voice, aud feel within hitn that everv Bailable was distincily enuneiated, while thero is au instinct presiding which modularte? the voico to tho numher aud dis'ance of the hearerg Evory public speaker ciught to be able to teil whther he is distinelly heard bv the farthost üstenet in tha rootn ; if he is not able to do so, it is from a want of proper judgnieut and observation. Readirig aloud helps to duvelop the lungs justas siuging does, i pniperly peri'oruit'd. The effect is to induce the drawing of a long bruath every ouce in ú while, oftener and deeper tlTau if read ing without enuneiating, The deep inhalatious nevor rail to develop the oapaoiry of the lungs in dirout proportion to their practico. Commón consutnption bcgins uniform ly with imperfect, iosutEciept breaihing; t ia the character of the Sisease thnt the breath becomes shorter and shorter througL weary tnonths. down to the close of Hfe, aod whatuver counteraots the short breathing, promotes deeper inspirations is curative to that ;xtent, inevitably and under all dreun; stuuces, Let any persnn mako the ex)erimei.t by reading this page aloud, and Q less than three minutes ihe instipct of i long breath will s!nvv itself. ng a (uu (fcvelöpa a weak voioe anu nakes it sonorous. It lias great éffi oiency, ftlso, in makins the tones clear iikI distinot, frdeing tiK-in from that an noying honrseness which the tinaccus,omed reader exbibits before he has goiin over haií'a page, wben ha basto top and uléar awcy, to the c ■nfnsinn öf ïinitielf'as rnuch as that 1 the subject. This loud réading, when propeily one, has a gieat uge&ey in inducing vo al pmver, on the same principio that caúseles are strengthened by exercise- hoso of voice-raaking organs being no xceptiou to the general rule. Henee, n many oases, absoluto sileuce diiuin shes the vocal power, just as the proracted non-use of the arm of the Hiüdoo evotee at leogth paral) zes it forever. Ahe general plan, ín apropriate oases, s to read aloud In a couversatioiial tone, nice a tiayj for a rniuute or two, or aree at a ti:ne, iucreasing a minute very other day, 'until half an hour is thus spent at a time, tbrice a day, which is to be continued until the desired ebjeot is aceomplished. Ma aged tuuts, there is safety aod fíSeioncy as a un forti) resul t. As a means, tlien, of hoalth, of averting consurnption, of beiog social and e tertaiuiug 'm auy company, as u rneani ot showiug the quality of the mirid, let readiftg aloud bt; eousiilered an iiecom piisíuneiit fur :nore indispensable thau tiüit of suiattorin" Freticb, or lis[)ing Italian, or dancing cotillions, gallopades. polkas, iiud quadrilles.-


Old News
Michigan Argus