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'g'HE SOOTtí AND THE LEAVES -A. WILL be for the llealii.g oi the Xationa . Hilile. THE CÍRKAT AXÜ 0E1-EBJUTED l'Hi'SIClAN of the THROAT.HfNQB, HEART,UVt,R AXI) THE lil.OOD Kquwd allovei thecountry as the CKl.KUKATKI) INDIAT KERB DOCTOR! Of 2S2 áapexior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. WillvUit the foilowmg places, viz APl'OlNTMKNTiiïOK Ui)5, ISUiand 1867. Prof. R. J. Lyonfl can be consulted at the l'n]tuwiug placesyvery muutli, viz: Detroit, at Oass House, oppo9fte Michigan Central Depot, each month, 22nd jitul 2önl. Kalaniiizoo, liurdick House, each month, 18tii and 19tU. Jackson, Iïiltard House, each month , 20. Ann Avh" t Muuitor House, each month, Sist. Valdro" House, each mon'li. 24th. Toledo, Summit Strekt House, each month, Ü5th and 26t CLEVELAND, OHIO, RESIDENTE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STEEKT, Éast of the public nuare, opposite the Postoffice. Ofiicedujs each montli, lat. od, 4th,5th, Oth, lóth.- Uilice hoursfroin 'J A. M. to 12M,and frota 2 1'. M to 41'. JI. OnSundayfrom 9 M.,aadlto2P M. jSEMaximsdtrictl.v adherid to-I give such bulm as have no strife, Wlth iiüture or the laws of üfe, Witb bloodmy hand h I never stain, Nor poisun nieu toease theirpain. He is a physician indeed , who Cures. The Indian Hert Doctor, 11. J.LYONS, cures the folio wing compiaiutsinthe most obstinate stages of their oxi.stence, viz.: Diseasew oi' theThroat, Langs, Heart, I.iver, Stomach, Dropsy in the Chest, Rheumutisin, Neuralgia , Mts. or FalliiigSickiieri.s,;uidullothornervous'lerangtmt'ntb. Also alhliseaseaof the blood,nucli as Scroi'nla, ErySlp■las,Canctrs , Fe ver rfoves, Leprosy, andallothei couijlicatni obronic complaiots. All Forma of female difficultics attended to with the happiest resulta, Itis hoptïd that no on e willdeapair of a cure until thev luivp iHMi thi' ludían Hcrb Doctor's Medicines a fairandíaithfullrial. J-lurng the Docloi't traveld in Europe, West Indles, South Amarica, and thc ÜDited States, he has been tlio Instrument In God'l hand. toreiitore to health and vigor thousanda wh,.i wore friven up and pronounced incurable by the most emlnentold school phjsicians; nav, more, thousanc who u'ere on the rexge ot' the grave, are now livin Oliuments to the ludían Herb' Doctor's sklll an successfultreatment. andaré ..Wily exclaiming: "Blek seil betheday ivhen first ,e saw and partuok of th Indian Herb Doctor's medicine." Satisfactorv refurences-of mires will be gladly an oheerfullj given v henaTer reqnired . Tbe Doctor pledges bis word and honor, that he wil in no wisetirectly or indirectly. induce or cause any invalicitotake his medicine without Ihe stroDgest prob abillty of a cure. Mode of oxamination, whicn i entireivlirreTen Trom thofacultv Ir. tjon professes to disciTn di neasesby theeye. He thereforeaBka íoashe requirepationtftoex-plainsymptoms. Callón and all, md liave th.'svrnptums and location of you disftaseexplftlnedfree of oharge. "Tho poor shall beliberally considered. ö 2dQ3 R.3. LYONS.M. !■. Cleveland, Ohio, Noy. 2f,T862 lyR80 TULIU8 BAUER & 00., Great Piano Forte and Melodeon EMPORIUM! WAREROOMS IN ÍSCROSBY'S OPERA , HOUSE," 69 WASHINGTON STREET., !Slew York Warerooms, 650 Brnadway. Wholesale Agents tor the ü. S. for WM. KNABE & CO'S C K LE B Jj A T E D Gold Medal Piano Fortes! As to the relative merits of thfie I'IANOS, we wonhl refer to tbe Certilicate.4 nf Kxcellence in our pofiscasinn from THALBERU.GOTTSl'II.iLK, STKJKOSIII, G. SATTBR. H. VIBUXTBMPS, r.OUIS ST4BB and E. BBZIO, Mus,. al Director of flie ltalian Opera, as also (rom sonic f ï!ie mosl dístinguUhpd Professors and Amateurs in he countiy. All Instruments guaravteed for five f.ars. AI.SO, AÜJÏNT3 FOR SOEBBLER & SMITfl, BOARDMAN & GRAY, V. H. ALE &CO., AndotherFirst-Class Pianos. We have the LAEGESTand BEST ASSORTEB STOCK f PIANOS IN THE CITY, which fox Power and Kweetess of Tone, Easy and Agiceable Touch, and Beauty f' Fnísh, have, by judge1, been pronounced f nrivaíed. && Particular attention paitl to the st-lection oí istrain PQüta fo ilistanl (rlers,and a privilege of exïange grantod at any time within six mnntaï,if the Rflt r urnen t shouM not prove entirely satisfactnry - Wberal discount t o Gierg f men, Teachers and Seliools. 'erms liberal. WHOLESALE DÏALER8 will find it to their advanüge to giv us a cftll,as by graatïy íncreased facilities e are eubled to lili orders wïtli dispatch, Persons In want of a REALLY FIRST-CLASS [AÑO will do well to cali before purchasing elseLere, WHOLESALE AQENTS FOR CARf 1ART, NEEDH AM &.CO'S CELEBE ATE D 1ABM0N1ÜMS, MELODEOJSP ALSO FOR fiEORGE A. PR1NCE fe CO'S MELODEONS and OEG-ANS, Shinufacturer.s and Importara of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And otlier Musical Mercüandise, The Pii.veb in, d B3s hïTBrjiHts, of mirmiiin. otnreanrilmpprtation, .re ued by most atl of the Bandf tn the.UnUa! niales, and whenever exhibited - Iwfcya csceived the Gold Medjfcls and üiuuest nEMIC.MS. I Haring connertion wiih Manufacliirinj; FïoufieR Berlín, I.sip c, Dresden, Kngland and Pria, w are irepared to fui-nish DKAI.IÍRS, BANDS and IXDIV1DjHLij!, witli Wery article in this line, at the lowest nanufucturorw" ]uU-es. EMKilIBER THK PLACE, JULIÜS BAUER & CO., 69 WASHINGTON STREET, ClHCAGO, - - - - ILL., 1012 New York Wareruoms, 050 Uroadwnj .


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