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MISS E, A. HOJLAN T? PREPARF.D to manufacture M kind rof Hflir J Jeweiry. RcHence on Delroit Street, opposite tb jWricultuial Hall. 9m1022 W. F. BKEAKEY, M. D., PHVSIOUN XD SIKUKON. Office in Dr Haven 's Blort. f, OOM East of Cook'a Hotel Remenee corner of Uurou and División i=treets, tftit door Ba ef Presbyterian Chureh, Anti Arbor, Michigan. ■'""O. H. MILLEN. 1ÏALER n Dry Goods, Groceries,CrockerT,.fcc. &c. M. in S;r_"t. Aun Albor. [ PHILIP BACEt. T -FALKUS= ia Dry Ooods, Grooeries , Boots & Sboes, i) Sec, Mail! st.,'Ann Arbor. K1SD0N & IIENDERdON. vEALERS in Hardware, StOTes, honne furnishing J good, TiaWare.aK! , hc.,New Hlork, Mamst. "aTjTIsÜTHÍRLAND, V GEKT 'or the New York Life Insurance Company, OS-ce on Hwon treet. Als., bas on lian'l a í-tock he Tioat approvel séiriBg macliinee . 885tf WILLIAM LEW ITT. PR-VStOI IN ANB SURflBON. Office f his refi■., north iide of Huron,t-o ia ■ ■ División street. M. GUITEllMAN & CO. (TTHOLESAI.EandRetail.Dealers and Manafactntert v of Keady-Made Clotliin. Importrsof Cloth,CaaÁmeres, Ilorliios, &c, No. 5, Pücenix, Main st. WM. WAGNER. ■ xEAI ER in Reay lid Clothing, Cloths, C.issimeres. ! ) anrl VfStings, ]!!■, Caps, Trunks, CarpeV Kags, fee., mSmx Blot,MaiBtiS(öL - SLAW8ÓN & SON. IROCERS, Proriaion and Oomtnission Merchan1s,and UT Delerin Water Lime, txoá PlaBr, and Karter :t Paris, oiiedonr eastof Ccnk's Hotel. SOOTT & LOOMIS. SHSBOTYPK and Photograpll Artirts, in the rooms eri'jmmon's Ciothing store, Phoeitix Block. Periftct iati3factiongiven. 0. B. PORTER. OUROFON IENTLST. Office Coxnetof Main and Horon O streets over Rich & Pierson's Store. All calli )r,,mptlyatten.l-d to Aprl859 MACK & SCHMID. SÁCeÍSS in Foreign an4 Domefitic Dry Sood.Gruee- i'rt-,. i , Boots ar.'i s'ioes, Crockery, ■:., Corner of Main .í libertj ANDREWBELL. 1 S in (roceries, l'rovisions. Klour, Produces J &e., .te, c.rner M.iin and Washington Btreots, in rbor. The highest market pricespaiiJ lorcountry luce. 'ft D. CRAMER, Í1ÍEY 5: COUNSELLOK AT I.AW, Acrent for tlie l'licenix Fire aad Canneotiant '■■■'■■ snranceCo'npanies. CoiiTeying and rollecting promptij attouded to. 0 I fe Wilsou'B Htor4 " M. C. STANLËyT" Fhotograpliio J3i.-r-tiftOoMier Main and Huron Streets, Aon Arbor, Midi, PHUTOGRAPHi, AMBECTYPES, Sc. .e., in the latest style, and everv uffort maêetogiveaatisfeon. D. DeFOREST. STTÜ3LESALK and retail dealer in Lumb . Latn f ShtngleB.Sash, Doors.Blinds, Watei LimeG-acjc ïirer Piaster, Piaster Paria, and Naifi oiallsfees b 'alland .lerfect liaortment of the i'oovc, :,m' al ■ tri Is of building mxterialF ontantly on ham1 at tuf o reit aoiiibie rate8,on Detroit st . . a few rodsfrom tiutiilroad ii-uot. Alsc operating eneiisiveli in t lic 'ateat Cement Roofing. T UJÍBER YARD ! C. KR AP F, tías a large and wel! stocke.1 T.umber Yard, on Jeffer onti-ett in the South part of the City, acd willkeep constaqly on hand an excellent vanety of LUMBEB, SHilÜGKLfBS, I.ATH, &c. which wil! b oíd as as can be'affordedin tMa curket. Qnality andprices such that no one need goto Detroit. COXRAI) KRAl'F. AnnArbcr.Dec. 6th,1864. 988tl TEW MÜSIU STORE! PereoDs wishing to buy Pianos or Melodcons, i'ioiil.l Lo to WILSEY'S MUÍIC STÜRIO. beforepuraasing elsewhere. He wtll u-.irnnit satisfaction to purchasers.anrt takes pleasure ia referrirjg to tliose ho bave already purebaied of bim. He takes prid in saying that be has giten the bost ol atifachon tlms far, añdintenda só to do in all cases. Any Piano will be furniflbed that purcoafler niay require. He fishes it to be distinctly understond that he will not be TJ IST X B :R. S O JLjJD by any dealerEast or West. .T!.- The latest SIIKET MUSTC f.M sale. PIANO BTOOLS, kc. ALViN WILSET. AnaArbor.Dac.a7th, 1864. MBM A KÏJABK I'IANO- one of the best intruments lade - entirely new lnquire at thAR6ÜB OFFICF. f) A HOÜSE3 AND LOTS, worth frnm 51,000 to {f Í5.000. Also several improverl FARMS. AlJ. 8UTHBSILAND, Ann Arbor, Feb. W,1863. ü'Jttf CommercialAgent.


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Michigan Argus