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QITY LOTSI At llio pplicitation of sereral frïcnJs, I have conclucledto ctntiuue the Sale of City hots, at but a small advanre on my former prices, nntil Xew Vear. Auy persons wbo want one or two lot each to buiid on orto make money on by sslling again, tv j 11 do well to cali inunediately, for tbe prices are uure lo be very much higber next Spring. WILLIAM S. MAYNAHD. Basember 6th, 1885. 3wlO38 Estáte of Ellen Nelligan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cotott o WAsKnra I Nótice is hereby givcu that by an order of the Probate Court of the County of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-uighth lay of November, A. D. 1805, six months from that date were allowed tor creditors to present their claims against the ustatc of Ellen Kelligan, late of said County Se :easod, and that all creditors of said !, are reqiured to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the City oi'Ami Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the twsnty-elghth day of May ncxt. aud that sueh elaima viill be heard befora said Probate Court, on Saturdtty, the twenty-lburth day of ï'ebruary, and on MOnday, the twenty-oighth day of May next, at ten o 'doek in Lhe forenoun, of each of tliose daye. HIRAM ,T. BBAKES, Judge of Probate. Dated, Anu Ai'bor, November 2801 2.865. 4wlti;;s Estáte of Ida Ham. SHTK OF HICHIOAN, Coiwty of Washtenaw, bs t a S6ÓBÍ0H of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Otlice, in the City of Ann Arbor. onSaturday, the KeconO day of December, in the year one honsand eiyiit bunilred and sixtv-üvo. Present, HuuM .1. Bbakss, .Jnílp-e of Probate. In the matter of tbe estáte of Ida Ham, deceased. (hi ceading aiju flbiig the petition, iluly verified, of Mary Ann iiam, praying that Tviinklm T, Walker ir.ay be appolntod Admluistrator with tbe Will annexed of said deceaeed, on the estáte not ab-eady admiaial I. ïbereupon it s Ordereil, tba1 Satnrday, the 8Oth day of December in=tant, at teno'clock 'm the forenoon, be 'lor the hearing of Baid petition, ' and thai ateefl, devisees, heirs at law of s;iir! e , - I r puraoas iiterested m Raid i : ■ ■ ■ ■ . Igq of tid Court, theD to be holden at the Probate Office, in tbe City of Ann Arbor, and sbo cause, il ;my theie be,' why the of the petitioner snoald oot e granted : ' Am) it is farther ordejn d,that eaid pefitionergive n"tice to the persons interetéd in eaid estáte, of the ]crdency of said petition, and the hearing Ihrreof. by eausing if this Ordei to be pnblishod in tbe Mioisigat; : a new&paper, printed and circulatiníf in said County. Li ■ sive weeks to saidday of hearlog(Atreoopy.) IKAt J. BEASES, Judie ol Probate. Est;ite of Lot Willoos. STATE m' .MICHIGAX, Cofnty of Wabuienavv, bs. At a session of tho Probate Court for tbc County of Washtenaw, In. ld ut lhe Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the sixtli day of ) ■(■ mber, in the year one thoosand eieht hundred and sixty-flv. tut, Hiram J. Beakefi, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the ] Lot Will fleceased Oni-eading and flling the petition, dulv veriiii cl. ol Ann Phillips, praying thai cerialn realesta'.e wherei dièd sc-ized, may be pariitloued among ■ bi i beire at law. i]""i t is Ordered. that Tucsday, the second day ol' January next, at ten o'dock in the forenoon, : aedfor the hearing of said petition, and that i at law oí' si'.iii deceased, and a!l oth sontf intere ted in said estáte, are reqttlred to appear iof lald Court, then to be bolden at tfcs Probate Office, ii' the City ut' Anu Arbor, and shov . wiiy the prayer of the petitioner shonlc ited: And it is farther ordi . . ■ t to the] 1 1 ïished in lii" i;' lui - prlntea and circulating i:i siid County, three euocessive weeks pre( titie copy.j Ï1IKAM .1. BEAKHS, 1038 .iudj of Probate.


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Michigan Argus