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"vroTic Western State, we ofler our butiro stock i.i BOOTS $c SHOË- wrrii- LEASE OF STOïlIT - AND- POIft SALE! FOP, rólX PABTI6ULABS, Cal AT THE STORE ! OF THE LXDEitólGNED. - 0 Ia the meantini" we will .oU anv nOrtion of miV uch gooas, who wil] iavui us with a oaU. IM-rír"",0.,;11,','!'1'','"1 tj us' we OMT, CAIX AND .11 U'. Ai ONtfc, as we do nut propase to waete Bcb liinein tbe coUnjstu.n of oatahTnding debts ■ ana '.MubLk"rmVVe We Wtw.'" a getjour N. B COLÉ. i d. E. 8EYLER. Aan Arbor. Oot. 2d, 1865. JOiStf OLOaENCE SEWIN8 MACHINES, PHOTÖGRAPH ALBUMS, PICTURE S, FE AMES, TURBAD, SILK, T TV I S T 3 MACHINE O1L, Sp. Tbe unJersigned now offerrf the pubüc TUE BEST FAMILY I3M" TTSE. TOR, BEAUTY oj STYLE,a,iJ VARIETYof WORK,U 'STANDS UP HEAft It 1180.1 only fo beseon tobeapprecmtdl. Ram the ork buth ■;,. tkee Mnds of stitche, hems, elln.gathprï, braids, bjndn, quilts, gatbers and sews n a iu(l!.. at the ame time. Sew from tho thinnc-l o the taickest fabrie witlio ir changing ihe stitch emiofi or needK, or without breaking fhethread.- The Wonder of the World ! Also a variety of the mest beautiful PHOTOÜR IPH U.BUMS, P1CTURES aud FR.M.S !n great virietv nd piotures tramed to order at short noiict. Alo. BABNOU'S SBLFSEWER r TU0K1-.R, wl.icr. an be adjuated to ny Sewing M:chine. Oül at the sign of the KLOREKCK 8EBTINQ 1IAíIIINK, a doorn East of Ooek'a Hole!. tiiching Neatly Done to Order, AIso, od exhihition,thecelebrated " WKED 3BWINC IACHINE," which took tbe premium at the Miobiean tate Fair, of 1864. " . . . W. D. HOLMES. AnnArhor, Dec. 28th,lRC4. 9K9tf j8G5. CHANGE OF DATE. 1866. PROF. R. 1, LYOMS Vould ioform bis PATIEHTSand othera tnlereeted, tlialia future he eau be een at the MOKITO& HöïTBB, -OX TUE21st OF EACH Month, iusti'ad f the 20th, and at JA.O23:SO3Sr, OOST THE SOth, innteadof the 21nt. Throat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, The Blood, md aïl otiior comjjlicated clirnic compUiDtH trt'at.''! auccessfully, by PROF. E. J, LYOMS, tho well kaown and celébrate! INDIAN HERB DOOTOR! Cali at the Monitor lïoüse, Ann ArboT, where he cjiti bo ciinsultiil FKEE OF CHARGE, on th Sist of eaeh Month. daring 1S6Í and 1866. lylO19. V ) CiOMVJJsTCH; 5f lp THE MOST SK EPT1 CAL, &). 1 THATTHERE IS UNEOUALLED %L fVIRTUE IN THE 'K .Eli JQMMIï, J fc. sirO[]@ii] v f Í?OID BOURBON WH1SKY."X Í, They strengthen and invigorate the C " lystem, Vií J Tlicy pive agoodandhealthy appetite. v JThey aafliat dijresiion. Vvts Thy are the bi-ststiniulantin existence iiT d Vs.Tht'yarcaprcventiveof fever audague ö ■' VJ i" ïhey cure nervous headache. j L? 1 fe Thoy are perfectly pure and palatable. -W (J. 1 Th Red Jacket Bitten ure boM in quari VLM .JPO lies by üll lirufigista aod tknlurs in tbe Doontry, I m BETJNETT P1ETERS & CU. tö fe - RIVEfi STl CHICAGO CJ Forsaleby UeFOKBÜT & STEWAHT, Jobben. '■'J WÈÈ FreBh Anival atjthe Leadquarters of GÜÍTERMAN& CO.'S CLOTEING ESTABLISHM'T Second to none}in the States ■yOU CAN FIND Artieles of jEvery Descripticn FOR MEK'S WEAR, manufactured at prices at vhich. we Defy Competition "Whatever! We wouM Bimply state thnt one of the flrm is coa. stantl.v looking out in New York, tu supply ua with GOOI) AND MAP (iOODS Such as no olher House can boast of. We are now ready to exhibit a large stock of GENTS' FÖBMISHING GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOÍÍ. Also a large stock of Beaver Cloths, VESTliïGS, f CASSIMERES, TO BE MADE TJP TO ORDER, OH SOLD BY THE YARD, at very low prices. &3" If you have aoy doubts cali and eee for tou selves. GUITERMAN & CO. TUST OPKNING ! - The largest Stook and best aBsortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ver brought to this city, ineluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED KOOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, GHassos Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOF'FIKrS METALIG CASES, &c, " e., and all other goods kept in the beat and largest honna ■% in the country. We èeepno seeond hand ur lituie or AiictKin goods. Cofflnn kept constntly ( n and,nd raade to order. My goods ofFered at THE LOWEST GASH PRICES N.B. Imut havo money.and respectfully requett thofe iadebtcd , to cali and lx up their old matter withoutdelay. O. M. MARTIN. TpOOT ROT IN SUEEP can be thoroughly cure! by using WHITTEMORE'S CURE -FORFOOT BOT IN SHEEP! Tt N jüi what it is ropresented to be, A PERFECT CURE. ■Ask for Whittemore's Cure, and take no other. ïhe followin": tlorflficate is a sample of theteitl- moniftls confitantly beitip reccived : HtoTCAKDi Vt„ July 14th, 186! F. tV. WHirrrcMOHEjEfiq., DeauSir: lïaving trffd your Cure fnr Foot Rot fa Sheep, I woald Bay for the benefit of Shaep' Rafeen thatOiey ehoUld loso no time in proourihií a bottle, an it eertainly will cure tl. e Foot Rut in less time and; with less trouble titan any pre: ai-ation of Blue TUitel or ai thiag elue I have ever used. Yoursruly, LEEDS B1LLINGS, F. W. WinTTEIïIORETsolePropriclor, Chatham 4 corners, Ciilnmhlii Co., N. T. FO-; SAI.1-: n Ann Arbor by SBKEBVCH Jt CO., Soie Agentu. 3mlO26. A GENTS WANTED -roa oüíu GREAT NATIONAL WORK, -TUKSlar!(!:-rd History of 1 he War. Ont';inir.T a fu 11, mithentk and velïable account of the "grejit con-flict," from it cr.mmen cement to iti cióse. Oomplele io one ery luree volume, of frve? 1 .';00 pu;i-; : eotttiuning readiDK matíer pqual iO tfcea lare cnyal octaro volumef splen iilly ílluatniti d with ■ ;■' rti-iit-í f Gcih.tsIs and bat le sop nes This is justthe book the penpte wn. % It i resentí a rare ohanco loc Teachers, onsrffi'tic young mrn, and èhpifcially returneö a : i Hicrsand Holdierff, In wan1 ofprofl lo;tnnt, w'U p-n it pftouliarly adapted totiheU1 ooadition. Thii wojk iiai no riv:i. aa a candía íueid, cmpleic ftuthentfc and raliablo liistorv (( tho war Ser ■ ■ ■; : ■ r nd .■■ "ir termH. ' Áddress JOEfl BROTHíiRS & OO . Uí "West Fouith 3trwt, Cincionati, Olño. Smldtf


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