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1WE UOOTri AND THE LEAVE8 füp thellealii g o I the N'ation.s. liible. X-iTTOSXríEJ, THE UtttSAT AND OKLEBRATED PHiÖCAAH of th& TUROAT;LUNGS, HJEARf, AND TUK ULOOD, Knowivlloverthecountry as tLe '■KI.KÜKAI M IIsriDI-A-Isr ]Eiï?,K DOCTCïli Of 2aVtíi ■-tro-!, Cleveland, Oblo. Wiü visit the foilowing places, viz APPOINTilKNTS ÏOR 18C5, 1866and 1867. Prof. 11. i. Lyona can be consulted at the f(]loWÍB] placesevery month, viz: Detroit, ut House, opposite Míchigau Centra ; , cach uaonth, SÏSöcl aiul 23#d. K.ilaiitítzoo, Burdick House, each mouth,13th axk I9th. .íackaon, Hit bard House, each montb,20. Aun Arb" , MomtorHouse, each month, 3l8t. -VaUlioïj House each jnon'hítli. Eoledo, Suiamít Street House, each immth, 26th and CLEVELAND, OHIO, REfllOENGE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STKEET Kíist of the public square, opposite the Tostofíice .jseacli month, lst, Üd, 411), fltb, fltli, Office Loursfrom 'J A. ;'.! . to 12 M, aml from 9 P. n ío 4P.M. OuSunilay li-om 9 tu 1U M.,aüd 1 to 2 P M Jt-Maximíístricl Ij iuihcred to- I gi?e sucb balm a? }iaTe no strife, With nature ur the la's of ufe, Vllli blooa toy liarn'is í never sítain, Nor[ioísuu uien toeaKO theirpain. tí o phytician indeed, whn Cures. l'lie Inüi.iii Herí. Doctor, H. J. I. YOIiS, cures the fol lowing corü p l;ii nt sin the most obstinate stages of thei tíxistence, viz: Diaeusesof tUeThroat, Lungs, Ileiut, i.iver, Stom iich.iiropav intBíChert, l'-'r ureratiam, Neuralgia, Fitjí ,vi"alHuK--i"'Yous !crangi--ncnU Ua6 lldiaseof the bloo'l.sach as Scrol'ula, Krysip Ia , ('anoers , Fever ore, Lejirosy , and all uthf r ram plicóted ohroDiccoinplsintB. Aillormi. of i':m:iu .lifflcuHies attenuea to witli tb ha'ppíeft't resulta. LOpdthtnoone-wlldepir of a cureunti the have giren the laSianHerb Uoctor'n Medicines a f:üandfaUMulttil. .During the trav elnio Europe West Indies, South America, and thi United tnlcs, lio lías hoen '.be insirument in God' iiuud. to restore tfl health and vigor thou.imi. wbj ren rivennp MI'l prooounced incurable by the mos imlnentoW school physicians; nay, morf , thouBand irhowöreon the verge of the tave, are now living mouumente to the Indian Herlj's Doctor's skill am mccessI'nlvreatmcnt.iinrtarci'xilyoxclaiminEr: "Ble3, ,ljv henflrst we and partook of the ■iiilmiillerbí)octor-s medicine." Satmfactory rferncBOf oa -ill be gladly and tfulljgivenwheneyejFieiiuired, ThcOoctor Bledges bis vnv irtid hoBr,tnat he will r „,',-ise dir'ectlyarindirectl.y, or cause any '„.i!, tfltakehis medicine jrithoúi rhe strongERtpÓDll'"-'!'M,iriVa"fr'K.Tmination.'.vhichis entirelyiliffeient D,. l,yo„ ..rufesses to discerr, di, tfceeW. üftlw.vcforcaslisnoqueflt.ons nor mirejatieowtoeïptoiiK'ymptoBjs. Callona nd all,, nd have ihetoptoms an1 looation of your üstane xplainedtfree nf charije. poorshall beliharally oonsidcred. -FoloDic(address,hox263j YQ}.g M j, " ■.„l,„,rn.Nov.55.ia82' ly830 fULIUS BAUER & CO., Great Piano Forte and Melodeon EMPORIÏÏM! WAHEROOM& IN "CROSBY'8 OPERA HöüSE3!' 69 WASHINGTON STREET., ew York Warerooms, 650 Brnadway. Wholesale Agents for ü. S. for HM, KNABE & GO?S C K I, E B K A T E D bid Medal Piano Fortes! ' i. retattie merits of t'i",ip PIAN'OS, ve u : refer '" the Certificates of Excellence in our n m THAE,REK.G.EiTT8HAlilt, - H, G. SATIS, H. VIEUXOUIS BTBIÏ and iS. Hl'ZIO, MusiI) rector of Ihe l'ülian Operft, as also trom souie ' igi ditinuiBliO'i Kfofcwscrs ;uid Amateurs i n '..- cou.ntry. All Instruments guaranteed fur jive ALSO, AGENT3 FOR 1 BLER&SM1TH, ■3OAKDMAJV & GRAY, I. ALE &CO., And ütherFiist-Class Pianos. ■ have the LARGESTaod BEST ASSÓBTED STOCK (;- ! '■■ 'i RE i'lTY. which Power aml 8wetn (.'" 'l'mic. Easy and A.gieeabïe Touch, and Beauty : h, lave, byjudges, ben pronounced it7(riU 'ai [calar attent ion paid to the .select ion ot Isi I rum i-nth for tii.-ia.nt or(!er, and a privilege nf exranted at any 'M me within aix mnntöf-,if the 1 . ol MH'uld not prove entirely satisfactoiry - 1 ral iiêcountto Clergymen, Teachers and ychoolfi. Pe . i.-ral. V ►LESAL1 DZALEHSwIH fin.i i it to thoir a'lvanx i gi .' .i usa cali, iifi by grcatly increased faciütiefl i e ibled to fill orders witj diepatch. erflon&in want of A REAIXY FIRST-CLASS PI N') will do well to cali beíoro purchasing elseWHOLESALE AGENTS FOR C ARfÍAI, NSEDH AM &CO'S CELE BR ATB D HAHM0N1UMS, MELODEOftF jiSuKT ■ o=3-ja.isrs(. ALSO FOR GEORGE A. PRINCE & CO'S MEL0DE0NS and 0RGANS, ManufacturorK umi Importara Of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And other Musical Mercliandise, Tlio Pn.vKR nml SRA88 Tptbi'nents, of our maiiufacturt' andlmportittiüT), ar used ly most all of the bt Bands in thtl'vited States, and wli enever pxliihi' cd huve alway's recefved the Gold .Medals andBlGHBST PHSMIC'Mg, ' Havíogconnctlon witb Mnnufacturinjy fJouses in Üerlin, Lüipsic, Drcsden, Eugland and Paris, w .are preparedto fürnish DEALERS, BANDS and IKDtVIDLI4LS, vit!i bvei-y article in thia liue, attheiowest manu fací urors' prtces. UEMËMBEJt TÏIE P1.ACE, JULIUS BAUER & CO., 69 WASHINGTON STREET, CHÍOAGO, - - - - IUL., 1012 New York Warerooms, 650 Broadwaj.


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Michigan Argus