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Tho Eev, John Todd, D. D , of field, Mnss., wliOïiü lectura before tbe Htudcnta' Association, a íbvv weaka ago, we took oeoasion to oommend, hasgiven the New Kngland public, tbrough the Ourigreualionalist, iha opinión he fornied of oor Univer.sity. Ilis title - " StroDg Engine" - is eertaiüly au appropriate ote : I spent the last Sabbath (Nov. 5) at Anu Arbor, Mioh., where I foiind n most powerful eugine, hard at work, and vvhich is designed to litt up tbe whnle state of Michigan, to say nothing of oeighboring states. I mean the " Uuiversity of Michigan." I was aware tbat there was such an instimneutality, but I bad no expectatioo ot tinding it plauued on a scale so grand. Here is an instilution of learning, situated on the highest grü;inds, and overlooking a very beautiful couutry, riuh iu natural scenory oí groves and meadows, pleasaut homes and chanuiug lawns. The grounds aro ampie and when fully laid out with winding walks, and sbadod by i'ull-grown trees - after tbefeetof gendiation h.ive troddeii them, and after " Addisou's Wa-ik " and " Johnsou's Rooms" can be pointed out - they will be surpassingly beautiful. The buildings alone cost over oue hunuied thousand dollars, and if tbe money was not all laid out the tnost judiciously, rnuch of it was most wisely. For examplo, tho librury room is in fine taste, wcll arranged, already good in its couteuts, well kept, warmed and lighted, and open to the students uiue houra d'iily. All that there is to regí et here is tbat it is not - as it should be - fire-proof. You are taken into the rooms where the leclures aro delivered, in luw, medicine, ohemistry, &e., arranged to contain 450 or 500 each ; and cothing could exceed thtir noatness, their cunveuience, and their planning. I was greatly struck with their cleanlinoss aud order. The museum ro ma sontüio the begiuning of wbat vvill b CO ie very valuable in the arts, statuary, i at iral histovy, aud the like The latter is ulready an object of great interest, coutaining many animáis and birds, and even what I never saw before, the Wolverme - from whiofa the people of the state took heir niokname. Tiie pooriellow is only a niattei' of tradition - -being i'ound now, seldorn, if ever, this siilc of the Hocky Mouotains. Ho is a fiere ■ looking croa ture, and well beooiiie his uame. The medical museum - if thut ia its title - arranged, and oollecled, too, hy Prof. Ford, is iu neatness, order, beauty, of collecticü aüd arrangement, a model. - The laboratory, over which Prof. Dougass presides, excites admiration for its ompleteuesé, its eonveuienees aüd its usurpiissod ueatness, The lurge dis ectirig room was anotber marvel, lt nigbt Inive boeu mistaken í'cir a place of ocial gathering. 1 hesitute uot to say hat the líaculty, iu the several depart uaunts, are most entbusiustic, and most bundautly qualilied for their duties. - Aud who would nut be enthusiastie in ucb a field ? Ilere, where twenty years ago, thÍ3 young iustitution graduated Uree as ils first class, are now about 450 medical studeuts, over 300 law studeuts, and over 800 elíissical, besides a classical academy, riot having any counection with the Uuiversity, but whiuh is aü ïonor to the place - iu all nearly or quite twelve hutidrad viung men gathcred to jecouie fitted for the duties oí professional life. I should be glad, did my jmits allow, to spea'k of each of the professors by name, for tbey richly deeervt it The Ohancellor, llev. Dr. Haveo; has been knowu in Boston as the editor of Zion's Ilerald, a gentleman of elegant auaress - tauaaius a inris lauaaois. One is much struck with the appearance of the students - not alone theii' graat uumber, but they look like tall, mature, eaniost, wide-awake fellows. - They are piainly older, on ao average, ihan ihe students in our Eastern colleges. They are not sent here; they come, beoause they want an educatioa. - Many of theia have tirst to eara the mouey that now supports thera, and henee they look earnest and interested. I was deligl'ted with this trait of eharaeter. It shows itself as they listen to a lecture, or a sermón, or anythiug else that they thing worth heariug. We never spoke to a more appreoiative audi ence. It was interestiog, toe, to notiee wbat a large number of these students had been in the anr.y. It wab almos boyor.d belief. Here vvere captains, ma jors, colonels, aod even brigadier gener ah, to say uothing of' chaplains, all fallen back iüto the rauks, docile, quiet, earnest studects and good scliolars. - Arma cedant togas,. Il so happeued that I becauie acquaintod with the ical departinent, partly beoause some of the professors lecture iu owu Berkshire Medical College. There are tvvo tilines iu this departinent whioh I notiead with. groafc pleasui'o viz., iuatruotiou given how to take care of their own lieallb, snd how the well muy preserva health, and ulso, a room fitted up witb iurnaees, retorta, humera, &c.,&-, by whieh lifty studenis ata time go through a courso of aualyzingand compoutiding - working out ulonu the solutiou of the ni any problema. Tb:s analytioal arriiugeraent is most complete, aud euthusiaaticully puraued. When one Kiands among the decayed palaces of old Veniee, his wouder ia that the old Veuitians- who gathered the wealih of the world by.what we should now cali robbery - should over have had moiiey enough to build such a city, aud theo taste euongt to enjoy it. But when one stands here, his wonder is that the men, who a few years ago, set tled this statu, should have had foro thought eiioigh, coinprehensive view auil largo plans cuough to créate and plant sucu au iostitution. It is pat oí debt. lts funda are so ampie - oreated j by the sale of two townships of laud, wliich, it llieir reqüèst, Congress set aparl when the state was aditiitted into the Udíüu- tliat do student paya a cent oftuitiou! It Ls all free I Is it any wouder that thuy uil flook hcro in such clouds ? Is it any wouder that gome of i líese yimng men are willing to board two miles off nrther thau uit enjoy all these advantagesf If thero is any special want that I noticod - and what viwitor ever went auywhore, and did not feel vvise enough to make some iinprovurnorit - it is a new chapcl - set apart for religieus servioi's, and uscd for those ouly. I waut all assotiiiitious oí' such a place connected ouly with religión. Aud then they need an earnest, t'aithful, kind, bold p.reacher. - The iustitution is a slato concern, govorned by regents appointed by the state, and, oí courso, vory anxious lest any one deuouiinatiou ühall be prominent, but I dou't seo why a warm, earnest, judicious man eould ncjt bring ttiose joung meu into contact with tho " prinue of all sciences," theology with out sectarianism. Keligion ia essontial to the training, developmeut, and highest good of man, and it is a grievous wrong to withhold i'roui youug men, in tho best period of lifo, in the formatiou of character, and in the estáñate they make of their mission iü this life, one ol tho best pussiblü of religious advantages. No iatitution of learning ought to be based on anythiug teebier tlian religión ; and, in due' time, overy one wiil feel the absoluto uecessity of it Of couree I mean real, true, genuiue evangolicul religión - aud no shan. It I eould have fuund this provisión uiade for that noble gathering of young men, my visit would have beeu onu ofunailoyud eujoymeut. The kindness vvhich I received, I feit must be respect paid aot to me, but to JNew England. Their Quruber of i'oreiguers is so few, and they so geneíally come f rom the East, that tüe peoplo claim to be inore like Puritana than Massaobusetts herself eau claim. Semper mantal. Wnat a mighty inrlueuce will the Uuiversity have on th;U vvhole región ! - What an ainount of influeuce is lo go from it every year ! Furewell, beauüful spot ! The stranger can but admiro and bless thee, and forvenüy pray that noble defenderá of law aud justice, ablo and bkillful oíaos, and gloiiüus hflrulds of the cross, uiiiy go out fïotn thee to bless this auü all gentiratioüs to eoine, uud tliut tliuu raayest bceoüie a crowt) and a glory atnoug the diadems oí' the West! Jisto erpetua.


Old News
Michigan Argus