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Chancc.-y Nol ico. OTATE ÓF MICHIGAN- Fourth Judicial Circuit, in n Chnncery. Snit lie Ctíciút Courl I ï tin: ,r V, :■']; ■.!.,.■■. ■ ■: 'y: BeforeHon. K. Lswrence, ( li uil Judge itl i íu ': . al the City of Aiiu Axbor, ou i lu: -d day of vjvexnboi", A. 1). 18C3. Lucinda Larned, vs. ;. Oliyjr Lamed: j 11 asi irü; a) , ■ ■'■■■ b; ,. Wavt', thut the Dufendaiit hi this suUj OHver Lamed, resides oat of his State : in motlon of B. F. Grangcr, of Counsel for t!n: Complsinant, 11 is ordered th.-ir. the raid Defendant, OUver Lamed, cause bis appearance to be entered in i, on or before the twenty-third day of February next, and that in case of ujs. a tnce, he cause kis answer to 'he Cömpl.ilnani's Bill to be ttled, and a copy thereof to be served :t ihe Complaiáanrt Solicitor, wi liin twenty days aftor servies of u coiv of yaid Bill and ijoiicv dl' tiria order, and in dufauft thereuf Ëhat ae said Bill be taken as confeseed by besaidDefcudaut, Oilver Lamed: And it is onlc.rwl, that nitbin twenty dftye, the sald Complaiñant caaBe a copy of this order to bc published in tliu Michigan Ar, „y. .-;uil iliat the said pubUeation be continued In latei paper, once in cari: wet-k for ete weeks ín yuccerfsion, or baat hc oavse a copy of this order to be served ily on the said Defendant, CHlver Larned, ( Ieasl twenty days bcfore the Urne prescribed for bis appearaBoe. f. trae copy. J E. LAWKENCE, J!. F. Geakoku, Circuit Jadee. Soïicitor Tor C1 mplafnant. 1086 U. S. Interna] ïievenue. Stamp, 5Q ccut?. Chaucery Noticc. QTATK ÓF MtCHIOAN, the Fonrth Jnfflclal Cirenlt, O In chaucery. Snit pending in the Circuit Courl tot the County of Washteuaw, In Chaucery, at Ana Arbor, on the tbirteenth day of November, A. I). ltJ5. LewellaO. Shoemaker, Coinplanant) agaiust t Lcvi Shoemaker, Defendant, j Dueproof by alüdavit nayiug been made that the Defendant, Levi Shoemaker, is a resident of Uio Towushi) of Ralem, in said County of Wnshtemiw, that process for the nppearaace of said Defendant lias besa ditly Issued out of said Conrt, in thia cause, retnraable on the twcDty-ninih day of September, A. D. 1S66, and tliat aucli prucese cduIu not be served by roason of the coutinuuu absence of said Defendant fiom the State of Michigan, aml from bis plftoe ol rcsiánce : On motion of Mr'. Beakes, Soïicitor for Complainant, it is ordered by the undersinetl, Circuit Court CommisBioner for said County of Waxlltenaw. that sniii üefendant apprar anü answ er the Bill of Oompluinl liled in. tais cause, within three monfhs trom this thlrteenth day of, A. D. 18(i5 : And it s tucther ordered, that a copy i)f ibis order be pub i-!iel in the Michigan Argitg, a public newBpaper priiited and publlshed in said Connty of VuKhtonaw, witbin twenty days alt'-r the date of this order, and that such publicaticn be continud once in eaoli week for six weeks in .succession, or that ii copy oi' this order be served op Fairt Defondant, personally, at least tivcnty days beforc the time above prescribed for the appearancc of said Defendant. Bated, November líith, 1365. R. E. FRAZER, H. J. BsakBis, one of the Circuit CourtComSoliciíor íor Complain't. missióners Co,, 1035 Michigan. Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT haring been made in the condition of a ccrtaii'. Mortgage made and executed by James S. H ynoldfi to the uudersigned, James Fonntaln, bearing date on the: twenty-niaw day of i)i:ceinber, A ü. iteen hundred and sixty-fonr, and recorded in the office of the Begister of Deeds of the County of Washtenaw, Michigan, in liber thirty-tbree of Mortgagea, hitüihcd and forty-four, on the sisth day of Jannary, A. D. elghteen hundred and sixty-five, npos whieh Blortgago tflere is claimed to be düe for principal and interest the suxn ol' .six thouaand three huudred and thirtyeigtil dollars and thirty-tiiree cents, nt the date of this notice, and the power of sale contained in said Mortgaye having bccome absolute by reaaon of suth dêlault, and no sult at law or in equtty having been iustitutcd to recover the amount secured to be poid by said Mortgage or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given, that said Mortgage v.ill bc fureclosed by ;i sale of the morí gi d in said Mortgage. or some part thereof, at public -venduc, at the South door of the Conrt House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw, fthat belng the place where the Circuit Court for said County ia held,) on Baturday, the thirteenth day of Jannary next. at ten. o'clockiu the lurcnooii of thut day, which said mortgaged premisos ajedescribed in eaid Mortgageas foi ihnt Mrtainpiece or parcel of land sitúate in the Township of Manchester, in the Coimty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known as Fcmntain's Premium Alill uroperty, bèing on section one, in yjiHl Township, and bounded as follows : Commenong at the Weet cornet ot' the mili dam of Sftid milis, running Northerly alone the. West bank of the River Rafain tooth line of land ovned or ocenpied byjuhu Ohadick, theuoe West along said line te the Soa hWest coraer of said Chadmck's land, thenco North along the West line uf eaid land to the South bank of the Itiver Raisin, is it was in 1848, thence West along the old bank of Bftid liivw and acróssthe tuilrace from said mili to the West bank of the same, thence South he West bank of sdid race to a poínt ciïit rode North of said mili, thence West to the Eastbank of tho race of the saw mili, t)ence South atong tfa bank of said race to the mili pond for siüd inill. thence Easteiiy along the inill dam ín the place of beginning, beiag the same property qonveyed bv Jabez II. Fountíiin aud Harriet lí. Fonníaiñ, Edward A. Patridge and Martha J. Patridge, to the sala James S. Reynolds. Dated, Aim Arbor, October l'-Hh. 105. JAMES FOUNTAIN, Mortgae. IIlRA-M J. BüAEES, Attorney for Mortyagee. 1031 Mortgage Bals. DKFAUI.T having bt;e)i made in tbe eonrlition of certaiu Mortiae made aod exécated by Jttbee il. I-'oiini;nn, to the andersigced, FernaodoCJ, 1'caraaD, iH-at-in;,' date the twenty-eighth öaj of Nuvcmber. A. D. eightw u bundied aod Btty-wx, and recordad 'm the office of th.e Register of Deeaa of Waehtenaw Couuty ii, in Ui) r twenty-three of m ,■: ; ooe hun'lrec and ninety-uuf; ;uiU oae Euadredam Dioety two, on íhe sacona Oh;; öI December, A.D e-ighceen honctred aod öfty-six , tipon which s; id Mort e theri i cl med to be dñe, :it the date of tb ia no tice, tht1 suu of fuur buü'U-eü and eighty two doilaï uil üliy iwo centè, fojr p rüacip! ;uid interpst,ánd no pk ai law oj a equity Ka ving been instituted t1:-;1 dover fhé amouñt sêcürëd to be pai-3 by said Mortgage and the power of sale contaiced in .saij Moyigage hav Dk' beennje absolute : Notict' is therei'oie berebj given, th:i t. sail Mortjfagfl wifl fee foredosd by a s.'i! of the raortaged pren I ibed in satcl Moj or Boate pa-rt thereof, ivt pibiic vendiie to the biches i Edder, at the South dour oí th Cóurt cuse, in the City of' Ann Arbor, ín said Oounty of W&sbtenaw (said Court House beiog the piace wfaere the l Court for faid County of Washienaw; is lieM.) op Sat urday, tbe t'irteeüth day of Janüary nttxt, at tei o'clock In tbe foreooolij whieB Baid preuoifies are de I io said Wortgage, as follown i All that certain picce ot parcel !' land sitúate in the vil Ia ge of Man chester, in the Connty uf ffaabtèmtw, am StatO o .Vicbigtm, known, bounded m! ilt'.cri'jeij is follows to-wit : Commeuciag on tlie North-We.t corner o!' lo number one (1), in bloeit numbe twenty one (21), in eaid VU lage oí' Manchester', aooording to the surve; and ].!;it theseof, pecorded iu the gister's Offico io thejrfoutty of Wastítenai ün'i runningtlieiiceNort on tl, e Hne of Rail Koad Street to Exchaóge Street tliencc Eaet on the line of Exchange Street to tbe ceu ter of the Iï Raisia, and down the center of sai( River Rais!n, where it ran in Wie year Iö41, to lot nuru ber one, aforu.-itl, und alonlut nuiubor one,afor siitl, to lbo place of beginniD?, (except bat portio of Raid premises horetofore deeded by VVilüam A. Mc ClellanQ to Amariah Conklin) : Also, the first right t use tu tiie wnifi ueuwarj iur ruuiuijg muí mus ul etone and the ttecessary machmery i'or ilouring ín a millón said premiaeg, ai the dam at or near said premisos, and to mike or repair said dam without resirafnt : AIso, all the rights or privileges of Sowi&i lands for tbe purpose of keeping up the water of said (l.iin . conveyeü ty George Bedgwto to the paid Jabez H. l'ountain, by deed hearing dato tïie Keventeecth day of July, 1865. Dated, Aan Aibor, October 16th. 1865, FERNANDO C. BEAHAN Mo-ïtgagee. HlKÜSI J, BjU&BS, Attorney for Mortgagee. lOiil Mortgago Sal$. PEFAlTLT having bwn made in the conditions of L certain Siortgae made and executed by Cyrem J. Pew'y to Jolm N. Gotfc and Üeorge O. Mer riman beartng dato tue nintb ilay oí November, one tlumsanc eight hundred and Bfty-eight, and reeorded in tl office oí tbe Regio ter of Deeds, of the County of W; tenaw, in the State of Michigan, in libernumb twenty-five of Mortgagea, on pae one hundred anc twojonthe ifteenth day ut' Ko verober, one thoosa-ni eight hundred and fifty eigbt at 4 o'clock, P. M. , feaid day, and duly Mfogoed by tlie utid Jobo N. Goand George 0. Merriinan, t" Obadiali Trio-t, on tl fourth day of August. A. D. one Iboueanc eight hu dred aml'sixty live, and recorded in tlie ofliee oí' th KegNter of Deeds, on the fourth ly of Outober, o thousiiïid eiht buudred and sixty-fivo, at 12 o'cloc M. of said daj , in Uber auraber one of Assignments of llortgages, uii pftge liiirty nloe, upon which said Mortgage there is ciaimed to be cluë, at the date hereof,the s li m of mx hundred and eighty dollars and (ói ty-eight cents, and the coeta and nharges of this foreolosure ïncïu l'ng raasoaablti charges lor Attornej 's services as provïaed by said Mcrigagcí, and no snit at law or in equjty ia ving been íustll uted to remover thd amo uut seonn á to be paid by said Mortgage or any part thora-' of, aad tbc power of eale eontaiiwd in said Mortgage baving beooiue absolute: Notice is tberefore hereby givtri, that said Morjage 'ilt be forecli sed by a sale ol" tbr raortgirged premises, orao nmch thereof as may be requtred to Batïsfv the amount due upon sata Mortgage, for principal a tui in eres f, ;nd the oostsjand expenses allo wed by law, at public vendue,tofbe higiiest tiid'ler, at the South door of the fïouri House, IQ tbe City oí' Aun Arbor, in the Couuty of Wasiii n.,w, afórela i 1 , (that bfiing the plaoe where the Circuit Conrt fo1 aaid County la neld ) op Öaturaay, the tWenty-seventh daj Ut January Qext,a,tten o'olockie förenoon of úd day, Which premiseii are desenbed as followg, to-witi Being a part of seotion uUTöber one, Tovnship tour South raoge tbree Kast, En said County, oommextclng ten coda Nart fa of the quarter post, thence North fifteen roda 'n said aection line, thence Weet ftighi rodo to Jacksoo Street, thence South on said Street fif teen rods,thenoe East eight roda tu the place of bèginniog. contatnlng three quarters of an atre, more or lesa. Dated, October 28Íh, 1865. OBAftlAfi PRIEST, Assignee 6f Hortgsvees, Jonx N. (urr Attocnoy for AsBignee. 1032 Eelate of Ellen Nelligan. QTATE OP'SIICHIGAN, CoimTY of Wabhtkwaw, bs, O Notice is hereby glven that by an order bf the Probate Conrt of the County of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-eighth duy of November, A. 1). 1868, six months from that date were ïillowecl for creditora t o present their clatma agaiiaat the estáte of Ellen Nellignn, late of sald Coauty döCeaBed, and that all creditorsof saW deceased are reqnlred to present thcir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office Ín the City of Aun Arlior, for ezfimination and aHowance, on or bcfore the twenty-elghth day of Btov next. anfl that raoh claims will be tteard before said Probate Oourt, ob 9aturday, the twenty-fowth ilay of Pebruary, and on llond:iy, 'the twenty-eiffhth day of May next, at ten o'clock in "the förenoon. of each of thoae days. HIRAId J. BEAKE9, Judge of Probate. Dated, Auii Arbor, November 2Stb, 1606, 4wiO38 EötQte of Muses Metoalf. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofWashténaw, es.- Notice is hereby givea, that by i héPro-! bate Court of the County of . Waehti eonthp twenty-fcevei I raber, A.t. 18(!5,sixmoiths l'roiti i,i.,' i . thelr claims agüiial rlate of ;;id County, aeceased, and that aïl ceasert, at ■ I it thek ciato art, at the Pf ■ . of &nn Arbor, for exaualuation and aUowance, onor bofora the twenty-glxth day of May next, and tbat sucb claims ill be heard before ialdProbate Cou 'day, the twenty-fourth day of Febraacyj ai'd Satarday, tlio twenty-sixth day of May uext, at ten o'clock 'in tlio foreneon of eacn of thoie iays. HIEAMJ. BEAKKS, Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, November 2Tth, 1885. 1037 EstatQ of Jaeob J. Renner. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtetuftr, BI. Notice is hereby riveu, that by au order of the Proe inrt of the Oounty of Washtenaw, made on the iwentieth day, of November, A. D. 1806, rïx m&nthB im that (hite were allowed for cretlitors tp present Rür claims ftgainst Éhe estale of Jacob ■. o ate of said ( . ed, and that alToreditors of defdeceassd, are reqnired u present thelr claims to ad Probate Com% ;vc the Probate Office m the _:ity of nu Arbór, for exÁmlnatlon and aUbwance, 011 or berc the nuieteeüiti day ui' May next, and that Kuch aime will be heaté before said Probate Court, on 8atdaji the twenty-foarth cluy of Febraary, and Satüray,, tho uineteenth day of May uext, át teu o'clock 'llic foreuoou of each of those daj.. HIItAM ,T. BEAKKS, Jndge of Probate. lated, Aun Arbor, NoTembei -Oth 18öö. 1030. Real Estáte for Sale. 1 Jt the-matter of the Estáte of Henry W. rabcock, . Dclia Babcock, aud L. Doll Babcock, niinora. Notice is herebj given, ih:i iii pur. name ot an order granted to tlw: nadersigned, Guardian of tlie estáte oí' said minora, by tlio Hom. Judge of Probate ïbrlue County of Waehtenaw, on the twentietb day o November, A. I). 1886, tuere will besold at Public Vendue, to the bighest bidder, at the South door of the Court . n the City of Aun Arbor, in the County of Wai-titentnv, in said State, on Tuesday, the niiuh d.iy of January, A. I). 1864, at ten o'clock in the foreuoou of that ciay, tBubject to al! encumbrancew by mortgage or otherwisc existtaf; at the time of sale, anti :' ject to üie rii_ht oi' dower therein, of the widow of Munui.s Kenny, deceased,). the uudivided onetwelfth of each of the following described pareéis of land, viz : The West half of the South-East quarlor of section flfteen, and the North half of the North-Bait quarter of section twenty-two contáming one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, in Townsnip oue South of range five liast, in the State of Michigan. Dated, November 20th, A. jj. 1886. ïoau WIL1.ÍAJ1 HANCOCK, Guardian. Real Estáte for Sale. TN the matier of the K.-tato ui Harriet L. Bri;:;s. late . of Aim Arbor, deceased . Notice is hereby gfren, that in }ursuanee of an orler granted to the undersigned, Atlministrators of theestate of said dec by tbe II u. Jaágeoí Probate for the County oi tenaw,un the thirteenth day of, A . 0.1865, there will be fold at Public Vendue, to the bigbeet bidder, at the touth door of the Court Houa,ki Ann Arijor, 'm the.Coutity of WasKl cnaw. in sn-id State, mi S; t ■: i-.lay , the sixih day of JJÓEUaxy, A. :■. at ten o'ctock in the furenoou ot tbat day, (subject to all encumbrantes by morta (r otlErwi ■ i sistïng at the thne of th áéi I deoeatied,) the following dc.-icribeil real estáte : Lot fmr in b!ocl t'-vu Houth of ranpe eleven Kast, in the City of Anu Arbui , County and State aforegaid. Dattd, Ootobtr '28th. A. t. 1865. X0C6 JAmto,.. Real Estáte for Sale. "N the matter of the Estáte of Norman M.Cunimings, X deceaseii, Notice is hereby chiven, tbat in potaaance of' an order grantei to Ihe umlersined, Adniinistrator of tbeEatite of said decea-erl, by the Hon. I l'robate for the County of V;tshleu;iv, on the thirfceénth day of Njpwmber, A, D.J.R65, thefe ivil! b tn)ïd at Public Yeiuiuf', lo the highest bMiivr, at tbe ingliuuseon the premunes, ip tbe Cimnty of wsli naw, ia sai d State, on Saturday: thü ikiitieth dn y erf ecember, A.P lS6ó, ai ten o'fclock in the íon-uoon of ]i;it day, (subject to all encumbra nces bv ta'Jt i ■ uther wise existfag at the of the dath ol ceased, and also subject to tíic rïgfet of dewer therein f Alletta J. Cumnrings, the widwr vï aid défc be following describid real ete viz; The Korf h .-t fractional quarter of aection one,in tpwn three Sonth of rauge tlu-ee Kast. cintainin? one hnn!r( .1 )fvt:nty-ih e acres, more or Ifiss and a paici-i descriU&d as beginnin at a pot on tlie section line between secio&Koaeand two. íb towo &t range thrce Sast, in the centre oí' the bighway, and ruur.,; . on the section Kne five ebains Böd foi heneo South t'ighty-nine aatl a hall degresa Wet three cKaïns, nïnety one and a half hnks, th'ence North thitty-fivc and b half li-yiees K;ir, nis chains aiid Hcveiity-fïve links to he placu pi begianing, )■ i acre of land, more or leSj all ia said State ui Mich Dated, November lStb,1865. UKNN18 ROCSCWKLL, 1035 p AUmioUirator. Estáte of Alvah Burgesn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, (Vt-tv of VPaöhtemav, . i At a Bession of the Probate Court for t!io Connty ot' Washteiiaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of ;iiii Arbor, od Tliureday, the tfairáeth day of November, ia the year uue thousand eiglit hundred :md Bixty five. Present, Hiram J Boakes, Judgc of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Alvah Bargese, deceafied. Ou reafling anñ filing the petition, dnly verified. of Horace lïocitlt. i to seli eartain Eeal Estáte whereo ƒ said cd dicd cised. ïhereupon it is Orderod, that Friday, tlie twelfth day of Jaimary uext, at ten oelocb in the fbrenoon, be asaigaed fcr tlu1 hearing of and th;it the'luirs at law of sai ' and al other persons interested ib ■ .uired to appeai'ataaessionofeaidcouft thcu tobehoKl Probate Office in the City of Ami Arbor, and shon cause, if any there be, wh.y the prayer of the Oetïtiouei shoalé not be granted: And it is Eurtheroraered, tha saïd petitioner givè notice to th in Bala estáte, of Iho peudency of .aici petition, and the ■ thoreuf, by causfng a copy of this Order to 1 1 publisned in the Michigan Argus a ñewspaper, printe and ciiTiilaiiiur in f-aid Connty, fbur Büocessive weeks prevlous to ssM day of hearing. (A truc cojy.) " HIRAM J. BEAKES, L0B8 Jndge of Probate. Estáte of Harriet L. Rice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 8f At a session of the Probate Court for the Couniy o Waslrcnaw, holden at the Probate Office, iñi oí' Aun Arbor, on Monday, the íbnri h day of December in tïu: year one thoosand eight ímndred and sixty-fí.ve Present, Hiram J. Beakea, Judge f Probate. lu the matter of the Eatato óf Harriet L. Rice, de eeased. On roading and filing the petition, duly vcrïfied, o Nancy A. C. Wells, praying that a certaiií Instriunen now on file in thïa Court, purporting to be the last Wil and Testament of said deceaêed, may be admitted to probate, and that she may be appoimed Executrix thereof. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Tuesday, thc second day of Jaimary next, at ten o'clock m fche asaignedfor the hearing of said petition, and that the legatees, devisees, helrs at law of said d-1 and all other persons interes teil in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of san! Court, then to bc holden at the Probate Office, in the Cïty of Arm Arboi and show cause, il nnv iheiv be, whv the prayerof the petitloner ehonld not be cranted : And it is furthcr ordo red, that ytxiú petitioner givc notice to the porsoos interested in said estáte, of the pendemy of said peti' ton, and the hearing thereof; by caasïng a copy of IJ Order to be pubttefetecl in the Mvshitfan Argtti, & nevrsp&pet ■printed and clrculatinir in Baid Coimty, three successive weeks prevtana iu Bajá day of hearing. CA true copyo 'HIRAM J. BKAKES, 1038 Judije of Probate. Estáte of Aon Warren. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, B& O At a BOSSlon of the Probate Couvt for the Connty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of November, in the year onotliouaaml'eight luuidrcd and eixty-five. Present, Hcram J. Be.vkkr, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the EbUitd of Ann Warren, deceascd. On reading and fllins thc pelition, duly veriñed, of Alpaene Felch, prayinglihat a certaln Instrument now on file in tbia Court, piirportüig to be thc last Will and Testament of said deceased, may be admitted to proc bate, and that letters testamentar; may be granted to hini as Exccntor thereof. Thereupou it is Ordered, that Saturdjiy, the tliirtïeth day of December nexl, at ten o'clock iiï the forenoon, be assignod for the hearing of said petition, and that the légateos, devisees, and heirs at law of said deceased, and sU other persons intcrested in soid estáte, are re. qnirod to appear at & seêston of said Court, then tb be holden at the Probate Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show canse, ií' any there be, why tía; prayer of the petitloner shoold not be granted: And itismrther ordered, that said petitloner give notice to the pereons lntereeted in said estáte, of the pendency of eaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by causlng a COpy of thls Ordftr to be published in the Nichijan Argus a ncwspaper printed and circulating in said Couuty, three successiTQ weeks prevlotifl to said day of hearrae. (A truc copy.J HIKA.M J. BKAKES, 1037 Judge of pjobate. Estáte of Sarah Fitch. STA.TE OF MICHIGAN, Cor.vxv of Wasutxhav, !.- At a session of the Probate Coifrt for the Countj if Washtoiüfiv, h-iliii'ii it the Probate Offlc in ; Git of Ann Aibor, en WedüesAtfy, the tyrenty eeoond daj ol N'Dvcmbor, in the yeai1 on thousand eight hand red umi sixty-üve. Present, HiRAsr J. Bkakeh, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Sarah Fitch, deceased On reading and flllng the petition, duly Terifled,of Philip Bch, praying that a certain Instrum on file in f hu Court, p urpnrting to be tl:e last Wil] and Testament of saiil itren lueil, ist:i y be admitted to Pro batí, and that lie may beappoioted Kxecuor thereol Thcrcupini it i.s O nlc rei, that Monday, tbc eighl eenth duy of Dew tnber uot, at ten o'clock In the forenooo, be agsigoed for the hdariog oí s;lí1 pctitici!, and thai the 1 legatcesi dovigRes, and heirw at lawoi s ;id deon . d,and ill other persons interested in said estáte, a re req uirt'd ; tn appenr ;it a BMBion ofaatd Cnurt. then to Ire holden at j the Probate üllice, in the City oí Ann Arbor, and show 1 cause, if any there be, why the prayer of thc petitioner 1 sbonld DOtbegrantfidi An it i-; i'urthci ordered, thatmld petitloner give notice to tt i. e persona interettted in &aid ■ estáte, of the ptndency of sai'l petition, and the liear' ing thereof, by eausing a oopy of this Order lo be published in the Mv-hitian Arijuf, a newspaper printed ■ and circula üng in natel l'oimty, three sueceaaivfl weekv p revio ua to said day of hearing. [Atrtit cnjiy.] IIIRAM J. BRAKES, 1036 Juügtí of l'robat-e K'tate of Ida Ham. OTATE I ,X, Cu: .... , .. 1Vl. O Jla uiuuf i . ,'..., WilahU'D.nv, huliiinnl the l'i otu te Office, iu of Ana Arbor, on.-!aturday,tl-e sircoml ú. intheye tyflv.' i'. .1 . I: . ; .1. .. , Of i'robaie, Ín th üiiii ur uf the estáte ü( i (hi teaUin). anti Uling úe petitiou, dulyveríBeá I f Mary Ann IIi , ab'm T Val .vitli a,. V, ,11 ai n,,,i Kíl cii ci b i'Htaíí not adminis p i Thrreui on il s Ord. red, dial Saíuriiay, 'i ■■ V;oi, ,V'" of December mt.inl, at teno'clock n the forennoni; assigued hr the hca-icg of said petition, UJ .i.,! tho legateer JoTÍsee, hejrs at law of ooastV, aml h I are required tu app-iir atu id O be noUíbnat tlie Probutu Office, in the City of íl Vrbor, and show cause, I auy tlicre be wLv'th prayer of lhc petitioner sliould uut :egrantèd: " ir," : , that eíií4 j)eitioBerRive ni'ticetft the persons interest, d iu saM estáte, of the [enií, of said petitiun, and the heaüng thertof. b; caiiy a copy of thig Order to be publishnd in ihe'lnihiaj. Argus, a newspapor, priuted and circalatingmigafj County, tlnee successive wetka previo as tu said ikV' t hearing. ' "■' ;I (A ruecopy.) HIBAM J. BEAKEP I03átd JudKe i,i Probat. Estáte of Lot Willcos. OTATE MICHIGAN. C'orxiY Wisutfx-aw n O At a session of the Probate Court for the Coñiit. ofWashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office inth (Styof AnnArbor, on Werlnesday, the sixih án ,,t December, iu ihu year oue thousaud eight hmuji-cd'aii sixty-five. u Present, Hiram J. Biabes, Juclgo of Probato In the matter of tb Estáte of Lot Willcox, H.' Onreading and flling the petition, dnly veril " Phillips, prayinL' hnt certaiu real esta'e nhere of said deceased dled seized, may bo panitioirt anviiiL'st ais heírfl ;it Law. Thereiipoü it is OrJered, that Tuesday, the secón day of Januarynext, at ten o'dockin fhe forenoon be assigned for thc heariiig of said petitiou, uiA that the heira at law of said deceased, and all other per iis mterested in said estáte, are reqmred towoar at a sessiou of suid Court. then to be holden at (lie Probate Office, in the City of Anu Arbor, and show cante if any there be, why the prayer of thc petilioner siiould notbegrantedí And it is ñtrther urderefl, tliat said petitioner -ve notice to the persons interested in 8,j oi' tlie pendeney of said petition, and thehear in;,' thereof, by canaing a copy of this Order to bo públ shcíl instile Mirkinmi Anjus, a newspaper printeíand drenTating in said County, threo successive ivceksmevions to said day oí' heuriuír. fA trac copy.j HIBAJI .1. T!EA i, MM Judge of Probata Estafe of Hngh Vaughan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CoCTty of W bíwa bs O At a session of the Probate Court for the Coniitro í ■naw, holden at the Probate Office, in (he Citv oí' Aun Arbor. on Sattmlay, the dav of November, in thc year one thousaud eight huudi-od mt sixty-live. Present, Hiram .r. Beakes, Jndíre of Probate In the matter of thc Estáte of llnch VauhaiL dereased; On reactíhg aud filing the petition, dnly verileirf Michael tt'aish, praying that he may be appoinled a:' the estáte oí' suid deccaai Theienpon it is Ordercd, that Saturday, thesw day of December nest, ai ten o'èlock iu the fórcnomiie assigued for the hearing of said petition, and ttíiílt hen-s at law of f,i,i deceased, and all other persons t terested in said estáte, are required to appear at asa. sion of said Conrt, tlicu to be holden at tlie Probits Ofiice, iu the City of Ann Arbor, and show cauw, ifjiv here be, why the prayer of the petitioner shonlduot begranted: And it i farlher ordered, that - tiouer givu íioiice to the persons interested in suido, tate, ot the pendeney of stúd petition, and tbe I if, by causiBg a copy of this Order tobepublisö a the Mkhyian a, s, a cewspaper printed andera attng in said County, three successive weeks previoi to said day of hearing. (A true 0OLjfJ HJCRAM .1, BEAKES, IWiT Judge of Probate. Estáte of Margaret Vaua-hoo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waihten i.' At a sesPïoiï ol tne Probate Court for íhoConnfy itenaw, holden at the Probate Office, iu tbe .vi, n Arbor. on Saturday, the chili teenth day of November, in the year onc 1 imnOred uid fixty-live. ut, Ilifara .T. ■(■ of Pmbiite. In :he matter of tUe EsCiitü of Margaret Vau-hau ■ ■ On w " ■ ■. ■ , .-■wei of tí i eert ltd iastrameiit ïow on file in thfecoart, porpoftfeg to tic the la Uid ■' e admiiieiï lo proba1 e, and 'har fae may beappoin'.ecLËxecn or'.hereof. ■ f!, that Monday, üw eight'. ín iñe S&rüDOi : fcjj the hearittg f said peiilioa, ílÍ !.ir sed, and al] other persons ii recjiiii-ctl to appear ;it il sa s:ikl Cotirt, then to be holden at the Probate OBa,m ,hc City of Aun Aroi', and show cause, if anjiliat x-, v."hy the praycr of the petitioner shonM graat d : And ïi . ivo r.otice to the persons üitercsted in s;:idos the peacleucy of eaid the hi i thcreot by cansing a copy of' this Order to bc pnblishedinti , a new p ■; said C ranty, three succesriXve weeks previous . öay of he (A truc copy.) H1RAM J. BEAKES, 10SG Jndge of Probate, Estáte of Jennrngs - Minors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "H 0 At a sessïon of the Probate Court for the O Washtenaw, holden at the Pjobate Offi oí" Ann Arbor, on Fiklay, the bv, vember, in the year one thousand eight hundred acd ■ ■ivo. Present, Hiram J. Be ikes, Jadge of T:iXn tbc matter of the Estato of Ira M. Jendngs, KmmaS. Jenplngs, and Fnuik Jenningg, mioors. Ön readmg and filing: the petnibn, duljTrffiedif María E. Jenniuírs, Guardian, prayintl tl to teil certain real estáte beloning te said minors. Therenpon ii ia Ordered, that M htewft day of Decem ■ I i 'doek 'in the l&reaooo, igned for the heari [üon, airdtöiil the next of kin of wid minors, and aÜ othtf peKïö 1 e itate, are required to appeai at i ■ ,-;:! Conrt, tiien to 'ie holden at the Probate i, in the City of Ann Arbor, and ebow caase, K aflj there bi prayer of the petitioii'-r Bhculd nol begratited: Anditü forther ordt ii!. t h;.t &aH pet:tlbner giyenoticc to the nest of kin of eaid BÜoons and all other persons ïnterested In saidestatei pendency of said pel cansipj i F this Order to be pnbllsheldiw ■ r . . a newspaper print ed and circula 1 ud '. 'u '.mt y, three auccessive weeks previoaat i' lieariug. CAtruccopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, tOSfi Jnpnp of Frob3k._ Estáte of Knapps - Miuors, STATE ÜF MICHIGAN, Couxty of WuTKSiff,'Atasessioa oí' the Probate Court fr tin ■ Washteoaw, holden at tbePrubate Office ie MAnn Arbor, on Wednesday, the twerty spoood ij c' November, ia Lhe year oue thousand eiglit hundred 5 sixty üve. Present, Hiram .f. Bkakks, Judge of Probate Iathemntterof.the Estáte -í" Eüzabeth B. EmrF o lül JohnWiÜiam Knapp, minors. Phili; B;ic.b, Guardian, praying that henmy Del:ceniü lo sell certaii; real estáte belonging ts taitl minore. 'J'hcreupon it is Orrteied.Thai Thursday. llieiH1 cf l'fuenibcr next, at ten o'elockin the füi-tnoon, be ü- signed for the hearing of eaid petition. and thsttcs ni-xl of kin of said minors, and al) uther i.cisomí1"' estedinsaid estáte, required to appearat &sJll!tt ■i oaid Court, then to be holden ai the l'robute Ons. in the City of 4nn Arbor, and show cause, if any tb"r be, why the praycr cf the petitioner shouia i" grunted : And it is further ordercd, that said petitffliB o-ivf uotice to the next oí' kin ::' aul imiiorsanu'' other persons intercsled in said . state, of the e of said petition, and the hearing therfof. bycafl!1s a oopy of tbis Order to bo publishtd in the SMtr1 Argus,s. nej)aier printed and circula'ing m '" Coanty , three Riccessive weeks previottB ïü saiü fJ hearing. [A tvtie coiiy.] HIRAJI BKAKE?, iuaet.1 judgoffrotat Estato cf Pranklm M. Hendrick. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countj' of Washteo' ,'■■' 4ta sc-ssionofthe l'robato Court forth ffashtenaw. holden at the Probate Office o ""'L Ann Arbor, on Mocday, thesixth day uf .!'T ' in theyearone thousanilciurhtltundred anasixv"" I'reseDt, Uiram J. Beakes, Juda olTn'bste. In the matter oL the Estáte ui1 Franklin M. HfflQnI ' deceased. .fi ,,[ Onreadin and 81ing the ]etition, duly verjnwi Uiram Newman, Administrator, praying tb1 ,a (. be licensccl to sc-ll certainreal estáte whereol ■ cea.sod tlit'd Bolzod . 1eerili Ihereupon il is Ordercd, thal ïuesday.thH"'" ", day of December next, at ten o'ilock in the W D; be 'assigaed for the hearing of said pentu1" thatthe heirs at law o( said dcceased, and ui )0 persons iuterested in said estute, are require , appearat a seFSion of said Court. tliento betto the Probate Office, in the City of Ann t and show cause, if nny thejt be' . , l. the praver of the petitioner should not be gram And it is further ordered, that saia .PliT uotice to the persons interested i s;' , .irJng of the pendency of said petition and the nt () thereof, by oausing a copy of tliis W publiühedin the Michigan ArgltsnrW-!"}'. ancl oirculatinK in said County (our """ ' woeks previous tosaid day of hearing - (A;,-,,(„,,y; -tillrei-ii.) JnAíeJÍl- lístate of Thomas Wond. ..-, QTAÏEOK MICHIfiAX, Cocxtï OF Wjisbt1 O At a sessiou of the Probate Court for tj Washtcuaw, holden at the Probate Office n ■■ Ann Arbov, on Monday, the twentietb day 01 " (li;in the year ouo thousand eight hundrea o ' Present, HllUM J. Biwkes, Jndge of Pr0"',?, Si' In the matter of the Estáte of Thomas uou On reading and flllng the petition," "r.gei John C. Wöod, praying that the dower 01 ffood, in the real estáte whereof saia UK Mtzed, mar be naflgned to her. hU'': Thereupon .1 is Onlcrod. thatMonda.r.tï' day of P mbci ten o'clook 'n V' and'g' for the hoarim; of said pi"tl0' , „ib" the hoirs at law of said icceased, "D' ' ,irtl p persona mtorested in said estáte, are . ïoide '' apperata ol :.i Court. thi'li t ,1,1' theProbteOflioe, IntlicCitj of Ann ArWi "S oausf.if ay tlierè be, why theprayer1 "■' f jrfetdi should not be gjanted: And it is fur' „' ter'; I that said petitiomr (ri-ve Dotice to the l1';''1.. ted in said stilte, uf Ihe pendenry i learini! thereof, by causing a copy '■ 'i?,f [ to be puhllshed ie the Michigan Argni, , printed and circulatie in said Coim'y tluw weeks previous to said day of -.ceS.


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Michigan Argus