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High And Low Life

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Who aro those generally in society, whoin society itsolf regards as enviablo - as, indeed, reprosentatives of tlie higliest life of society ? Are they men of intellect, meu of accouipliahmonts, men of pure moráis and puro motives, Christian men ; or are they the men of weulth, or the oecupants of place ? Who ara those who givo to sooiety ite shape - who puU down onO and set up auother ? Who arrógate to thetnselves the distinctions und the prerogatives of high life ? 1 auswer, the men of power and the meo of money. It matters not .vvhat the ir pursuits are ; it matters not what thoir motives are - whether a lovc of power, or distiuotion, ar money ; they claim, receivo, and hold tho highest piace. - Low lifo ridos and high lifo walks. fow life assumes tho leadorship, aud high lifo modestly, though with many iuwurd protests, acqiiiescos. Low life throngs tho p laces, througs the watering places, tbrongs political conventious, thi'ongs tho halls of legislation, througs all tho fashionablo aseembüe. It has & low and vulgar desire to besoen by men, while high lifo is modest, and shrinks froin contact with so much that is mere tricious and base. The animal is rampant and regnant, and tho angel hangs bis bead and folds his wiogs.


Old News
Michigan Argus