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f $mm xwímv. ==miss'e. aThöran IS PREPARF.D ti manufacture all kinds nof Hair Jewelry Residence on Detroit Street, opposite the Agricultural Hall. ' ■ -' 9mIU22 w7fTb1íEaKEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN ND 6ÜR9EON. Office in Dr Haven's Block, 5 doors Kast of Cook's Hotel Residence corner of Huron an.l División Streets, ffrst door kast of Presbyterían Church, Aun Arbor, Michigan. C. H. MILLEN. IDEALER in Dry Goods, Groceries.Crockerj , &c. &c. j Main Street, Aun Albor. fhilipbachT' -pvEALERS in Dry Ooods.Groeeries . Boot & Sboes, U &c.,Mainst., AnnArbor. rIsdoFITheNDERöON. TEAI.ERS In Hardware, Stoves house furnishing U rod, Tin Ware, &., &c, New Block.Mainst. "X"1TSÜÏHER.LAND, GENT for tlie New York Life Insurance ff A Oltice on Huron atreet. Also has on hand a stock il the most approve'.sewing machines. " wTlli a wTTëwïtt. PHYStCl IN AND SURflEON. Office t bis residence, north side of Huron, two doors west of Di visión street. M. GUÏTËRMAN & C0. WHOLESALE an,l Retail' Dealers an,l Minafacturers of Bedj-H8de Clothing. Importar t Cloths.tas■ttferex, Doeskin?, e.,No. 5, Phoenix Block, Mam st. WM. WAGNER. DEU.ERia RealyMidcClotliini.Uloths.Cissmieres, an.l VVstinK9, Hat,, Caps, Vi-unks, CarpeV Uags, &c, Phfïiiii Uiock. Main etneet. ■ . SLAWSOÏF&SON. -IROCERS Provisión and Commission Merchanfs, And (j Dealirsin Watei, Land Platr, and Piaster of Paris, onedooj cast of Cook'n HoteK SOOTT & LOOMIS. AMHROTYPEand Photograph Artists in the rooms „vr Camp.on's Clothillg store , Phoenix Block. Perfct stisfactionpvn. O. B. PORTER. SURGKON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main anl Huron treeta, over Bh & Pierson's Store. AU Ui prompllyattond-d to Aj1859 MACK & SGHMID. DE VLEES a Koreign and Dómeme Dry Good.öroce. rie. lUts and Caps, Boot and Slioes, Crockery, kc. Corner of Main & Liberty sts. ANDREW BELL. DKALKR in Groeeriea, Provisions. Klour, Produces, te &c, er Main nd Washington hlrcets, inn Arbor. tlie highestmarket produce. . . D. CRAMER, A TTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ABent for A the l'liceuix Fire and Conneetüut MutuULilelnuranceCo-npanies. Conveyins and Collectmg promptly attended to. Ol:t over StebWn & W.lson s ttore. ' M. C. STANLEY, Photograpliic Artist. Corner Main and II iron Streets, Ann Arbor, Micli, PHOTOCRAl-HS, AMBROÏYPES, Sc. . &c. ,' nthelatest styles.aad every effort made togiv s.itisfaetion. 958tf D. DeFOREST. IITlIOLBSALE and retail .lealer in Lumb ; Lath y 8&lle,"n. IMors.HHnds, Watei Lime, G:icc tiver Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Nmls ofallsiy.ts A f uil and parfect issortraent of the above, and aUothei linds of buiWinainatunivlscoiistantly on lian O at the o po!Sibl.. rates.on Detroil st . , a few rr.dsfrom the ïiilroad Depot. Also operating extensivelj in the pïtent Cement Rooling. X UMBER YARD ! C. KRAFF, Mas a large and well stockcd Lumber Yard, on Jefleron Street, in I he Soutb part of the City, and will keep eonstantly on hand an excellent vanety of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, &c. which will be sold as low as can beafJbrdcdin thie market. Qnality and prices such tliat no ono necd gotoUetroit' CONRAD KRAPF: Ana Arber.Dec. 6th, 1864. 986H VEW MÜSIO STORE I Persons wishing to buy Pianos or Melodeons, honld go to WIBSEY'S MÜSIC STORE, beforepnrchasing elsewhere. He will warrant satisfaction to purchasers.andtakes pleasure in referring to those who havealready purchased oThim. Ile takes pnde in saying that he has given the best of satisfaction thasfar.andintends so to do in all cases. Any l'iano will be furnished that purchaser may require. He wishes it tobe distinctly understood thathe will not be TT HST 3D E !R. S O Xj JD by any dealer East or West. N. B.- The latest SHEET MUSIC forsale, PIANO ALVIN WILSEY. Ann Arbor. Dec.27th, 1804. 983td .■-"■■. gBA.T ■ w-1 A KNABE PIANO- one of the best instruments made - eutirelynew Inquireatthe ARGÜS OFFICE. FOR SALE! Cif HODSES AND LOTS, worth from S1.000 to jilK) $5,000. Also Beveral iroproTed KARMS. A..I.SUTHERLAND, Ann Arbor, Peb. 994tf CommercialAgent,


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Michigan Argus