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The Radical Doctrine

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íLh it'curit gpeeoh of Tuad. Stevens - he aeknowledged Hepubiican leader of the Hüubu ot lieproeentutives - fully aid down the ïlepubliein doctrino and developed ibê radical poiicy. Ho büldly assarted that tho Suuthórn States went out of tbe Uuion at the date of their nevera! oidinancos ot ueoessiou ; tbat they aro still out of the tTuion, and of course we tio nllegiance to it ; and that they must be held for an indefinito jut loug term of years as conquured or subjugaled provinoes. If thia tbeory is correct, the country bas been terribly ieluded during tbe last four years, and insteal of being engaged in a war to put down rebellion, it has been engaged in a wur with foreign power, a war of conquest, carryiug it on under f'alse pretensos, cheating itself and tbe world. Mr. Stevens doe8 nol recognize the existente of any State of South Caroliha, or Georgia, or Alabama, or Tennessee ; he prououuces their Provisional : Governors, pretenders; their i tures, " aggregations of wbite-washed ! rebels ;" and, by purity of reasoniog, President Johnson an alien, aud a per of the oöce he claims to hold. And i this anomalous eonditk)D of States which have been refused permission to throw off their a'legianco ia to bö maiDtained, aceording to Mr. Stevens, until they shall inake tho negro " equal before the law," which meaos that he shall be " whie-waehed" - " Jew, we thank thee for that word" - recognized as socially equal - to Mr. Stevbnb and his co-radicals ; aud endowed vfith all tbe political rightg of citizenship, including the right to vote and hold office. This Mr. Stbvens thinks would givo the late slaves tbe control of the Southern States, and perpotuate the Republioan party,, Q office. (Jpon thia latter point Mr. Stevkns franldy declares : " Accordiog to my juilgmünt they ouglit never to be recognized as capable ol acting in the Union, or of being counted valid State?, until the Coostitution ihall have been o amended as to make it vfhat it framers intended ; so as to secure perpetual ascendarcy to the party of the Union." And this is the ultimatum of Steven1?, and Sümner, and Witsosr, and Binoham, and Sciienck, and the who!e pestiforous orew. They rode iuto oiiice on the back of the negro wben a slave, and iiow that ha ia free they still deeire to keep on his back that they may keep in office. With such men to control tho Northern States, and Ibe control of tl:e Southern State - excuse us, provir.ces - given to tbe late ignorant and degraded slaves, we shall Lave a bt'auülul governnunt. - As our view of Mr. Stevens' dpeecfa - and of the policy it Bhnpti.s - may not be eonidered orthodox by the " loyalists" among our reader, we commend to thora an article in anothor column from the N. Y. Evening Post, edited by Wm. Ccllkn Bhyant, a jourrial whicb is entitled to epeak with nuthority, even to radicáis. It neatly and eiï'.'olually disposes of tho claim of Mr. Stevens to bold tho Southern Statcg as conquered provinoea, and legisiate foi them on all matters of domestic poliey. We are sorry to dissgroe with the Post in ita claim that Tiiad. Sïkvens does not represent the Republioan party. The leaders and the rnsjority of that organization endorso all his ultraiams and vagaries. gyST The Jamaica rebellion nr insurrecUon, - if a riot or mob rnay be dignifiud vri th suoh a name, - has come to an end, about 15,0Ü0 insurgont negroos having been hnnged aud shot, and other th'unauds flogged or otherwisc punished. The robcllion lasted but n day or two, and uot an oflk-er of the govcrumcut - civil or military, private iucluded - was scratched or injured. The Englinh Oovernment and people seem to thitik that the negroea of tho South - but just emancipated - ought to be made full eitizons, but do not incline to iucrease thoir privileges ia Jamaica, or to conceda them nny rigbts, except tho right to be slatightered. JE" Senator Sphaoue, in behalf of tbc New England manufacturera- who have been clearing froui 50 to 200 per cent during the last tbree yoars - asks Cx)ugress either to increase the Tariff or decrcase the inteinal reveuuo, These manufacturers say that the heavy intor nul tux bi'ing3 up the price of their f'ubrics so that importéis can undersel them. Thoy should be satisfied with a ïeatuoablu profit - say anywhore up to 50 per cent - aud tben tlicy could bid detiauce to importers. But Nuw Eugland must be provided for, aud the cotton and woollen aud shoddy lords are New Englaud. LiL" The Empress of Mexico has goue to Europe, aod the Loudou Observer eays tba'. Napoleon ia earful thut Miixin.iliHii wili epeedüy follow her. The Obstrver predicts that he will be in lLuiop buloiü íl#w Yeat' daj. L=iC Hun. H.J. Kaïmund, of Y., timdo a Hjiüücb in tbe Houso on tho 20th intt., n reply to Tiiad. Stkvbnb. It wan not a slroi'W speech, and shows (hut Mr. R. is too timid to ooutest thb i gruund with lus radical opponent vrith any auccess. Whila oomhating Mr. Stevens' theory of State suicide and ooi] quered provinces, itfuils to rccoguiae Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia, in all of whieh Stato giivernuieiiU are in operatiou - tho Provisional Governors hnviug been suporseded by Govornors elect - as entitlodto representation in ihe Houso. It seeins to sustain the policy of the President, but stops farahort oi adoptiug ita naturul and legitimnte resulta. Mr. Kavmom) must follow his couvictions to tht'ir conclusión or conseDt to resume hi.- placo in Tuau's pocket. Mr. Kaymond makesone or two good p :intfi, howover. Ho claims tbat if the seceded States did go out of the Union, in fact becaino a foreign power, and are dow held simply as conquered province, the Govermuent has no right to try Jisff. Davis or any other man for tre tóoD, but miit-t treat them as prisoners of wur. And aguin, that if the seeeded States accomplished seeession, becaine a foroign power, and are now simply subjugated territory, then the Federal Government mherits the debt contracted during tbe exii-tonce ol the Confedérate Government, and must pay it ander the law of natioLs. The radicáis would do well to reflect upon these two points. IJST Gan. Logan having declined the nuission to Mexico, Hon. L. D. Campbell, formerly member of the Houae froni Ohio, bas been tendered tho position. Report saya tbat his inBtructions will be to present himself at the heddqnarters of President Juárez, and follow the voluntary or forced peregriuations of that functionary. If go, Lotns Napoleon may not relish such interferencü with his pet American empire. Sc3T Gov. JEyrb, of Jamaica, has been suspended, aud Sir Hesrt Sxukks commissioned as his succossor, pending an examination into the late insurrection. Gov. E. is charged with unnecessary severity. f,jLT The Uritiab Coarta are Btíil engnged in trying, convicling, and seni tducing tiio Ferian prisoners. O'Donovan l;as been sentecced tu imprisonment i for life. SfEVBNS, the cscapsd Ileud ; Center, Paris at the latest dates. WST The J;:nuary numbur of Hoursat Home has a very readaWe table of contenta. ?3 a yea.-. Address Chables 8cribsek & j Co., 124 Orand Street, N. Y.


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