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Ni:v YORK, Jan. 4. Tlic ínoiicy market is quite stringen: GoUl ranges bet veen HOaud 120. The fai ure of Ilugh N. Cnmp&Co., Bagar refluers Isannouiiced- liabilities over $G00,000. It i too soon since tlie holidays to predicat much 011 tlie stale ol' trade. There is a improvemeut in breadstufl's on the weck equal to 10@30c per bbl. on flour. Til wheat market, however, is weaker to-daj The piicc of Michigan white aud ambo wheat in New York on tlie 3lst of Decem ber 1808 and 18G0 respective]}-, was as fol lows : Dec. 1868. Dec 1869 White Michigan, $2.iOa2.2r $i.4i@i.5 Amber " 1.85 á.10 1.32 1.43 A careful reviewer says : " The predom Inatlng characleristlc of the wheat trad abroad appcars to be onc of general staf nation," and that " in reference to tlie siti ation on thís sido the waters, the wors that can be said of it is, tliat the Brttta are practically without competitors ior ou surplus." Buttcr is dull and heavy - Miei igau rolls, 30c. The week shows an ac vanee on dressed hogs, although there is decline to-day from yeetorday'8 prices, con currently with a decline in pork, whicli i lower at all points. Butcher's meats ar in bctter demand since the holidays, anc beef cattle and sheep have advancud Jc Detroit, Jan. ü. There is no revival of business of not slnce New Year"B. The breadstiifïs marke reniains dormant, with prices a little wcuk er, but not materially changed froin las week. Bnckwljeat flour i.s weak at abou $G. Beans are dull, and declined largcly. Butter weak, at a slight decline. Dried Apples, qalct and dried Peachos weaker, at 18@20c. Eggs are scarce aud firm at quotations. Feed is In demand for sblpment at somewhat iinproved priees, $15 for ba-an, ISOforcoarse ni'ddilnga, and $27@29 for line. Hops, oocbanged. Poultty, weak witli a decline siucc the holidnys. Drcssert hogs advanced Uuring the vrtek up to ycr. terday fully $1 per 100 Ibs., the hlgtaer range belng filO.50@ll.50. In Chicago yestertlay thore was a decline of 25c froin the highcst range of the ilay before, and abont the sanie ecliue in pork Ij fiilly $1 per bbl. As Chiago and Cincinnati are the leadlng pork lurts, the decline in tliose cities may be aken as au indication of large stocks, and decline anyway, as the seasou is ibout loslng, is not favorable lor an early reaclon. DETROIT PRODUCE MAHKKT -The following ooutlousrepreeiitthe cnrrent net pricenreallseo ycommUlon dealer, aud are carefnllj revlsedeTerj eek.for (be AaQDSi by our Uotrüitcorrtispondcut. edactloDB Ir in theso priccs f"r emmkn na and barnes , will th"W the net ratea t flrst liauds : Apple,- órled iim.ii .k ■. Qreenper bbl. 2.50@2.b0 Barlev- parcwL.fl sii-il.'.o forHol lïui'tsWiiji- per 1b. :t."ir( :;■. Beang- wliite, $l.-i'" 10. Huttur- crock 29@81c; flrkin.2!'iíi3Pc per Ib., Oheeac- Michigan Faetory, I9SO. Dairy, U@16. Ohtckens- dreued, piTlb.,9Ciloc. Clder- Pei bbl 4.00 Cora- perbo., 8V ■ Bgg- perdoz., :i II iili's- ilrv . per lb. ,Hii,ïfic-; creen , Sí?Síc. Cali Bklns- Orean, 151Tci dry, -i'.. . Bhsep Skins- 40016 ; lnmb skiui. 40(a60. Hops- New, perlb., 14@lSc. Lard- pcilb.. lS0o. ( ).:i -- per ba. 44 Oni'ins- per bll. 2 50@2.7t. Pototoe- Betvarletleprbbl.,tl40l.S0. Seed- clover. per lm.. 7.-_''i i.T.50. Sinokcd Hama, 10c, Slioulder, 12(13c. Tallow- 839o Turkevs - ilri'Sfecl.per Ib., 1.WI5C. Whi-at extra whlU, I.131.14 No, 1. $1.0T@1.08 Amber, l.ülxs-l.ii. AX iKKOtt PRODU'E JIlltKETS. ? Akgijs Office, Jan. 6, 1870. Wc quote this afternoon as followe : WHB AT- White. 85(g,ifc ; Rcd,S0c BUCK WHEaT- 75c UOR.V- 35c.(o OAÏJ- 4de. BBANS-1.75. BUTTElt- :sö3i.c. EGGS- SBistïSc. LARD- 18 On il y- ti: i". woon- í a 7 on. APPLB8- ried- per lb. 7@9c. ; grecu. 60öf63c. POTATOE8 -new, 3)3.35c. CHTCKENS- 9(,10c. TDRKBY8- 13c. HONKT- 2ÍC PORK-$10(S il per cwt. BEEF- $7$9 per cwt.


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Michigan Argus