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DETROIT '.MT.Unsi: .UEXTS. fy" Special allcjïlion U ctilUd to the rdiable Detroit líoitti-s adverlised in hts column. OTATECOPFEE AND SPICE MILLS. A. R. & W. F. LINN, Miinufacturers of öround Coflee, ápices, Mustard Cream fartar &e ., and Jobbers of Teas aud Fine Groctries. No. 120 Jejferson Ate., DETKOIT.MICH. HUGH JOHNSON, manufaCtcker or CARRIAGKS, BUGGIES LIUHT WAC0N8má SI.EKiílS. A fiüc aBBortment of ttuiocics aod Light Fomily Carriages eonstantly on hand Orders solicitud. 15, 17 and 19 Monroe Atenué, Opera HouseBluck, DETROIT, M1CH. D. P1ERCE & CO. Iniporters and Jobbers of Foreigñ & Domestic Dry Goods, 35 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT, .... UICHIKAN -Y-OILKRjAND SfllOKE STACK 15 FOR SALE INGOOD OKDER.viz: 1 Steam Bollar 9 ft. Sin. long; 34 In. diameter; dome, 11! i.l X 23 ín ; coutainmg t" lluei. 2.', u. 1 Siuhko Stuck of heavy iron, 52 ft. long, 38 in. n iiaimtrr. with bonnet and guys complete. Priceof the Boiler, $125. l'rici. of the Stack, S75 .Apply lo Z. H. HHO( KWAY. At Houne of Corrccliou, Detroit. DETROIT MACHINERY. JAMKS JKNKS, ;liilcr In Sluchliiery, 28 ATWATEB SI. EAST, DETROIT. I.NQriRIK PlíOSPÍI-Y ATTKX'DF.D TO. loyon wanllo purcliasc a Superior CIRCULAR SAW MILL OR STEAM ENGINE ? Send Tor Circular ani Price List to FÜLTOX HiüX AND ENGINE WORKS, J. B. Viral, Ireosurer. DETROIT, HICH. nOlLER SHOP. J. &T. McGREGOR. AtJcater 5rrtí, between Hastingë and Antoine. Manuf'acturers of Flur, Tabular and Iocnmotlvo Boilers aud Shni Irán Work. Rí'p.'iirrf puhctually atteuded to, 5" Have constRntly oa hanJ Socontl-hand Pluo, Tubulur ainl Locutnotivc Boilers, fur nalu cheap. a .i aclilue Sïiuj i-.iul jíia-t.i i-oiuuiij. Do you want firat-clasa Brass Work or Brass Castings (roo Pipeanl Pittl&gfl for Gis, Steani or Water, HijfhorLon Pr8sun Steam ;agiQed and Boilers, Brewhouse and UiatltlerjT Haohioerj', eto., etc. , end fur Circular nw Prloe List. JAMES FLOWKH&DílüS-, tiJ ürush St., Detroit. N. Ii. - All kinds of i-team Heftting done. v A WS. SAWtí, SÁWS. Leathor & Rubber Belting, FILES and MILL FURN1SH1NU GUODS, uf üll descriptions. SHINGLK MACHINES, ani Oeneral Maehïnery. BNGUSH &AMER1CAK &TEEL,a Urge stock. SAWBKPAlftlN'a, WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Branch Ilüuse. 42 Wooilbridgo Street, East, DJ&TBOIT, i JRY DOCK ENGINE WOIÍKSU Miiuufacturors of Mariun, Siutionary aod Portable, Condensing and Xon-Condenniinr Mili Qearlog and Mining Mnoliinery of all dejiciiptions ; lirj;n and Iron Castings ; Blacki-inilDini! of all kinds, WM. OOWIB.Pru'tsod Treasuror. OJice and Wrk, Atualcr Street, betmeen Orttans and üequiadre Streets, DETROIT, AIICH. JP. BENOIT Í1BROS., 353 CrojranSt., De troit, manufacturers of (lrst-class ilachinery. .DETROIT BILLIARD TABLES. 't SCHULENBURG &CO. Billiard.PiïPonhole ind Jennv Linfl Table Manufacturera, H8, 1Ü0 tt 1M Run'lolph Si., Detroit, Mich. Branches 81 RandolphSt , Chicago, 111., and:)4 Third Et.. St Joscph, Mo. All kind of billlar.l appurtenancs con.stnntl.v oq hand. Hepüirin and altcrlng doneat short no'.ice. Work warntnted. ÍKORGE SMITH Manufacturer of Superior T Hilliard. Bagatelle and Piffüon Hol Tables. Tables repairtd and Herel. BUliarn FurniehingB "fallkiüdrt. Specinl attentiftn to furnighiux private houes. Nos. 03,67 and 8!) Lamer] St. KhkI. Detroit. DETROIT MI8CBLLANBÜÜ8 CAttDS O TO N R! STONK! O KINDLA'l'EK Js BRUNTON, Sared Ohio Bine Frpestoue and Amheist San'lstone. Orders for Cut Stono promptly atended to. Yard on Dock, bnt. Urush and Kandolph Streets, Detroit P. O. Roí 495. Wolverlue PLUG TOBACCO Works. (RANliER, CAIÏTEK fe CO., Manufacture of Plug Tobacco, No. 33 Almiar Street, letroit. Jobbinj? Trade furitiRhed with goods as low as can be. bouglitín any market. JjlKUIT nd ORNAMENTAL Trees. Of everj dMoriptlon sui table for our climatc, rb : A pplen, Pears, Flums, Cherriös, Peaches. Quince, Currants, Gooseberriea, Blackberrtes, Haspberries, &c. Green HousePlants, Roses, &c. Hollaud Bulbs just rt'ceivtd, Hyacintus, Tulips, Croms,Snowdrop, I.ilies, &c. ,&c. Wíl, ADIR, Detroit. QKO. FROST & CO-. DETROIT, . - MICHIGAN. Dealers and Agents for Pine and Farming Lands, In every part of the State. Agents forthe payment of Taxe in thi State. Sell Improveil Fjiriiis and WiM Ijtuds oncommissin Maps and Diagrams furniahed. Cíub. Noble. Geo. s. Kkoit. Cuas. W Noble 1241m3 t?UY YÖllK"" ' Looking Glasses OP W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, POR 3 KEASOKS. Firet, because hekeipsthe best of linported Glass, and a good aMOrtmeatof square and archtop f raines, um] sella CHEAP 1 Secondly, becausethey belong to his bohíos?. He makes tbem a spocialty, doesbis ownivork, and can alTord to sull CÜEA.EK, I Tbitdly, Because ho manufactures tbem, and can aud will seil the CIHIiE.A.IF'JEST 1 of any one i n the city. lic il so sella PICTURE FRAMES! The ebeapest oí anyboJy ia the Sta te - &a far aa heard from. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 5O GTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FUS.%C1IGI.AS3- bj tlioligbt orbox- For Picture orfor noTTStna : 33 EAST HURON STIÏEET, ANN ATtCOR, - - - MICH. m.'.tf SÏÜBlLATi CAN BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT HUL, BOBIKSON & CÖ'S. Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and Modicino6,Paints,Oils, &c.


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Michigan Argus