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Water For Stock

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The water supplicd to müoh cotrshas au important beuring npon tbu lacteal MOretioDB, rmd a few cousideratioDS demand our attentvm. With u knowledge of the largo percetitage uornially preseut in milk, il is natunil 10 couclude that a ftill suppiy sliould be alwayi aocoseible both iu p istures and in yarda, and that the quality slxmld be uoexceptionub!o. Jladdy, Btagèant pools ir. pastures i!o uoi luruisli the li(uid in proper cond ilion j oud as iuiU;ii powb ara geucrally very fastidious rcgarding the Bweetuesa aud porlty uf water, thcy will remano ( for lionrs parched with thirst, before drinking at such èóurcea of supply. This protracted tbirst a fatal to tbe formation i Í' milk, inasiuuch as the aoimal is reedend uervous and frulful, and water is aomally uteded to enter into tbo socretion. The locntioD of farmers' we lis upoti th ir preraitia ia au imjmrlant poiot. How oítea do ynu seo ttien loca-ed withb or upuii the margin of '.ho baru-yaid, near huge manuro heajis, reeking wrth amnioniiical and óther truses, the'prolifie source of solulle salts which tind access to the water, and render it uufit is n beverage for man or bta-u ? It is well knon ibat in the gradual decomposition of animal and vegetable ubstances at or near the surface of the eartli, undcr c.ertain cónditions, RitrogenouB oompoundü are fi rmed. Tlie nitre earths found uider cid buildings result from these clianges. It is, however, quite difficult to undorstand the precise nature of t! e obemical traDfiformatioD which produce them. In ihe waters of a large ninnbcr of wel! in towns and cities, and also in the country, the intrates are found in considorable quaintities. The salts fnrm at the Buiface in warm wealher, and beiny; quite soluble, are curried with the percolnting raia water into tho wel!s. Heuoe it will be understood how important it is to lócate wclls away froin all cíintiiminating iuílueDces. It bas long been a ma'ter of surpiise to me that instanoes oí' impuro water are eo often fouud in tho rural district, amoug thoto who are not cunfined to the narrow limits oí city lots. In an experienco of inany years as consulting physiciao, I have had alarger peroentagj of examiuations to innke of water brought from counlry homes, than from any othcr source. The result of these exaininaioBs has proved that great carelessness ifl raauifested in allowing sink-drains, cesB[iools, and exerementitious deposiis to exist ia close pioximity to tbe water supply, and gerious üluesícs havo been aauaed Üiereby. I bog of you, gontlomen, to look carefully nfter your wells and springs, aijd pefmit no possible source of contaruimtion to exist witbio broad circle around the Bpot where t-bey are located. - Address oj Dr. Nicho befort the Frat'.ldin Countij (Mats.) Agricultural Society.


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