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The Fire Marshal Of New York

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ports, for the yar endlng Oct. 30th, 1869, 08 fires oaused by Kerosene, cstlinated damage $72,720. From the same cause, there are reportcd 12 flres, three persons burned to death and seven severelj' injured ia the inonth of November. Fivc persons In Detroit and three in CJjicago burned to dcath from Uu saine agent during tlie past week. Of the 70 sarnplcs of Kcrone examined by the Public Inspector but a single sample passed inspection or was proiiounced "safe." Tlie law agaiust the sale of adultcrated Kerosene is being enforced In New York, Chicago, and other citius. Why net enforce it in Jliclilgan ? The World Almanac for 1870, which has come to onr tablc "with he compliments of Mantos Mabbt.k," maintains the high reputation it has won in previous ycars. Besides ts fnll calendar nnd astronomical tables, t gives a synopsis of the principal acts of the last session of Congress, a history of Rccoustruetion, the political record of Üie ycur, important events, ueciology, Rtatistical tables of crops, cotton, tobáceo, public debt, United States and State Government, clection returns, army and navy officers, stamp duties, fcc. It is a nccesslty to the man who would keep posted in public affairs. For sale by all News Dealers. From O. J. Whitney, 197 Jefferson Avenue Detroit, through W. D. Holmes, No. 32, Huran Street, we have the followIng pieces of ncw inusic : WsEFine uy the RivF.n : SonR and Chorus. Wordg and Mclody by IÍ. S. ChasTi.s i.i. ; Music and Arrangement by "PreTKO." The flrst stan.a will show what she was weeping for : "The river Klcfimcd with silvery crest, Thft wavRS wrfi passing by ; The fuli red eun hart punk to rest, Benenth th nzure sky, 'Twas there lovea Hps were pressed to mluo A oft In days gone by ; But he has left me hen: t" pine, Lcft mo to droop and die." Tnn Robín Of the Westerm Gems" for little flngers. Having ncither played nor waltzed it, wc pass. The Hearth and Hom bas got well into its second year - the Btb number benig beforc us - and is promlstng to excel tself. It is beautifully prlnted, superbly Ilustra ted, and its sevcral departments illlcd with readable and instructive matter. It is empliatically a Journal for the flreside, whethcr of the farmer or the unfortnnatc dweiler in villnije or city. % a year. Afldress Pettexüii.i,, Bati;s lx, Co., 37 Park ltow, N.Y. - The Jlearth and Home and the Anocs $4.40. Whilc passing from the Savings Bank corner to the Grfgory IIoukc, last Wed nes' day forenoon, OilAKMiS BEnu sllpped and feil, bteaking his leg just below the kneeOur wcather editor can't keop tap with the changcB, iscompletely demoralized. and glvcs it up la disgust. The reader muf t get np his own report. Ex-Gov. John S. Babby, &no of the abicst, most efficiënt, cad honest cxecutives Michigan ever had, died at Con. stautine on the 141b inst., in bis GOtli jear. Ir the Springfield (Mass.) Republican does the üueida Communists anytlanglike jusüce, the Rev. Frotihnciiam may Lavo derived from thom his doctrino of "affinity ;" the Rev. IBeeciikii liis ' liberal" practices in the marriagc line ; and the Tilton bis easy divorco and free-Iove notions.' It says : "Among the articles cf thtí creed that Ifgitimatel; follow from tiic fundamcutal belief (11 thiügs in comnion, socially and fiíiaiicially) are, that shaine ia sin; holinesa comes first and then frce lovo ; tho íibolition cf niarriage and the substitution of Coininuuisin h n Christian duty, and so on." Tuf. st urn of Mondiiy moruing last was terrible in Southern Oliio aod Kcntucky. AtCare City, Ky., abont fifty housestrere destroyed by wind and liail, and a numbsr of lives lost. Great iujury was done at Louisvillo and Cincinnati, to buildings, milroads and bridges. The Ohio rose ten feet in twcnty-four hours.


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