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T ADÍES' FASHIONABLE SHOE HOUSE. Ü.. TARBANT, 54 South Main Street , If lei ín LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, j TUE NEWEST STYLES I3sr Kid, Oalf, and Oloth, Aiwa ys on hand, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT A. BOOT, JL GAITKB.1 A. 33TJSKIN, OB A. SLIPPER, 3ALL AMD EXAMINE H1S STOCK BEFORE PUR CHAFING. PKICES LOWEK than the R. TARRANT. Ann Arbor.HajE17th,m9. SvtM'AnsN T MpIiH'iNK IILMIH.'G, giitCi-n up to dupe the ignnrant and crivluloii, nor ia it rnre,entel being " cmpwcd f rare an. ,,rec,ou snbstance broughl trom the !""r i-nmer of the earth the Groat Be.ert Of 8 harab on the back of (ourtpnnciim=l,nnil biougbt croas the Atlantic on to hips. lt I 5" ple mild. tootking Jtcntdy. a pertrct Sp:cJic jor l aV,Rh and "Cotü uniauW alo for olTeOH.yc broath. l.oisor Impalrment of the bense Smell, Tante orlli-aniiK. Witpring or Weak Kye. ""; Pressuroin the Head, whcn caincd, thi-ï .11 not unfrquently aro, by the violence of tütarrn. We offer in roo.1 faith a tndirK rewari of Ü500 fora case of Catarrh that we can net cure. FOB SALEBY Most DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ï'RicB om. 60 era. Sent bT innll. pont naiil.nn rfcelpt of =ixtï Cmil, Tour puck gci for %1 .00. or 1 Pown for 5 .00. fcn'l a lm cent stump lor Ir. Sagc's ini.hlet on Caurrh. Addro.s tb. prr, 1251m8 Boffa. X. 'i T UMBER YARD! C. KRlPF TI a litncennA ll t.ickid Lumhor Vnril, on .T.f. fer.on Street, In the n-rath part ..f the City, u4 w.ll kecpconntantljr on hand n culleot vailety ui LUMBEB, BHINQLEH, LATH, &C. whlcb will b old au low as oan be nlTordcd iolhil Qmii'tT and price mich tliat no f ncel t( R" lo DetroitOONRAD KRAPF, Ann 84tf II nnum prescriptiobís ACCUHATELY AND CAREFTJLLY PHEPABED 7?. w. wlïms co., DBtr&oms. 1 - -- "" - Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Disensos of tho Throat and Lungs, suoh as Coushs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. ProbaWv ncvcr before in the whole lustory of medicine, haa mything won so widely and so deeply uoon confldence of mankind, u iins excellent remedy for pulmonarv coiuplainls. Through :i tone series 'of vcars. and among most of tlic races of men it has visen highcr and hignW in tlicir estimation as it bas bccome botter knuwn. lts umlurm character aiul power to cure the vanons aücctiong of the tanga and throat, have made it known as a reJiablo protector agalnat them. whilc adapted to milder forins of dlsease and to yonng chUdren, it is at the saine time the most oflectual remedy tliat ean, beitiven lor incipient coasumpUon, and the tan cerous alre(tiols ot' the throat and lnngs. As (i provisión against sudden attaoks of C'roup, it should bc kent on liand in cvoiy laniilv, and indeed as al are sometimos subject to colds and coughs, all shonld be provided with tliis antidote for them. MlhouKli settled ConsumpHon is tliouclit incu'rable, still great numbera of cases wliere the discase seemed seltled, have been c.ompletely cured, and the patiënt restored to sound health by the Cherry I'eeloral. So complete is lts miistcry over the disorders of tho Limes and Tbxoat, that i the most obstinate of them yield to it. W hen nothIng else could reach theni, under tha Cherry l'eeI toral they BUbsido and disappear. Singeri and l'ublic Sptakerê find great proe07ita11iValways rclieved and oftcn wholly BrmchUU is generally curcd by talnng the Cherru rectoral in sinall and frequent doses. So eenerally are its vlrtues known that wc nced not ntiblish tlie certiilc.atcs of them here, or do more thaii assiire the public that its qualities are fully niaintained. Ayer's Agüe Cure, Por Pever and Asue, Intermittent Fevcr, Chill Pever, Eemittent Fever, Dumb Acuo, Periodical or Bilious Pever, &o., and indeed all the affections whioh ariso ftom malarious, marsh, or miasmatio poisons. 8 its name hnplies, It does Cure, and loes not rail. ContaininirneitherArsenicQuimne, Bismutn, Zinc, nor nny othor mineral or poisonous substance whatover, it in nowise injiires any patiënt. Tne nnmber ind iraponance of its enrea in the apio districts, nrc literallv bevond account, and wc bclicve without a parallel in the history of Aeuc medicine. Our pride is (rratiftcd by the acknowleilfrinents we receive or the radiral cures olTectrd in obstinate cases, aiuVwhcrc oUicr remedies liad yholl■ lauca. Vnacclirnated persons, cither resident in, or travelling ihronjrti miasraatie. locnllties, will be protertcd bv taking the AQVB CVltK daily. For IJircr Comptaint. nnsnig from torpnuty of the Elver, it is an excellent reincily, stimulatmg Uio Livor intohealthy activity. . Kor lülious Disorders and l.iycr Complaints, it i an excellent remedy, producinK mnnv tnily remarkablc tires, wherc other medicine had failecl. Prcpared bv DR. J. C. & Co., Practical and Chcinists, Iowel), Mass., and sola all round the world. ritICE, $1.00 VEIt BOTTttS. Sol.l at Wholesale by FAUHANÜ, SI1KLEY i COI Detroit. 200 pieces OF SIDE STRIPE MERSIMAO D. PRINTS, JUST RECEIVED AT TnE Farmers' Store ! AND FOK SALE AT 12 1-2 cents per Yard. 1241 ■pLOUR AND FEED STORE IIST 3STEW BBIOK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY &T. Delhi Flour ! and aj.i. kinds of FEED AND COARSE GRAIN rPntntl.v"nhnol,niirl deliytrod to eu.stnmfri in JOIIV G. LAlBESf.Al R. Ann .V.bnr,X..v.l 65. iMSmM PIITS1C1AÑS'1 Prescnpïtons Accurately and Carrfully Preparcd hy B. W, KLUS ds Co. I - ""' " r


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