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Editorial Chips And Splinters

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- Burlliiirame ia hob-nobblDg wlth Risraarek i(. Berlín. . - Tlte Burlingame Amerlcan-Ciil trcaty bas been ratifled. - Forney advisea 1 awcs that " hu is out of piuco in tbe Repúblicas party." - J. Hom Browne wants $12,000, extra expenses of hls pleasure trip lo China. - Gottschalk, the dtsllngulshctl muslciau, dU'il at Tijucs, Brazll, December - That Imposltlou, the incomc tax, Is to be Imposed auolber year. - Powcrs bas chlseled another - m tflsl - (Jrc-ük Slave ont of her maible I -- Qco. D. Prentice, poet and wit, editor oí' the Louisvlllc Journal, died on the d Inst., aged 0(3 years. - Jaarez, kuowlog the ncklenese of the . au people, has sent his iïimily to Euïope. - Grant ilon't like Dawcs' speech about exttavagauee and tlie " other enü of the uvcaue." - Failiiis to ?i' ' B s';lt '" tl;o B Will Cumback, of Indiana, has bevn i : od liitf pasaporta to Portugal. - The Democratie members f Co.. propose to issue the recent speech of Mr. Dawes as a campalgn document. - The model Republicana ni Was ton are this week toadylng to Prlnee Artluir. - The Loncloti Times gires a foor column review o!" Mrs. StOWe's book, aud concedes that I.ady Byron belleved Jier husbaud Incestuous. - The Indlgnant protectionisN charge that Commlssioner Welks luis been "bonght yrith Britlsh gold." Whose gold tlo the protectlonisU Uisburse ? - Jay C.ouUI swears that $500,000 was iuvestcd i:i gold on account of Hm. Grant, the same soldat an t. vanee, and the proflts, $25,000 renutled to her. - Ex-Gov. Seymour lias declared btmsell' In favor of a frreat redaction of tolis on the Xew York canals, and even for free transit f need bc. - " Onr IJlair " 13 reporlcd as fiivoring abolisliin;; the duty ou conl. Good for ■' Our Blalf." Report was a liar. He voted no. - Congressnicn are gravely charged with frauking Postmaster-General CresswcU's petitious for the abolHiou of tlie fraoklng privilege. "The ruling passion strong in dath." - Postmaster-G-eneral Creswell reports $000 iukl Hamsey for atteinptiug to ucgotiatfl a postal treaty with France. It ouglil lu bc deducted froin iliaister Washburae's salary. - The New Orlesns Badtesls detrrand the reinoval of Collector Caaey, the lential brother-in-law. He is charged with ;he cnormous sin of keeping soine Demosrats i 11 minor oüices. Oiï wlth liis head - Spinuer estímales that wlth the presïnt rate of tiixvitiüii the natkraal debt wlll je paid ofi'in til Ir teen yeers. lic don't estímate tiie extent to whlch business toterests ivill be demorallzed and topoverlshed, tocantlme, by sucb excesslve taxatlon. - Stinmer, iüjtlio recent Senatorial debate on Virginia, charged Trumbull with syinpatuizlng wlth the Ku Klux Klan, vvlilch made Trumbull eat all bis dennncltíons and vote feu all the damnable restrlcions. - At the close of Gould's evidenee beore the gold panic invet-tigatiug commitee, at 'Washington, lie aaked tbat Corbln, Ira. Corbln, and Mrs. Grant be suinmoned before the comraltee. - Messrs. Lee & Shepard threaten to untsh the llterary public with the "cómlete works of Senator Sumner, in ten volumes. Vhat lias the ]ioor public done that t should be tlius entonta d i - Methodism nas not a single meetlngïouse ia Wyomlng Territory. - jtdtanee. What of it, ! The woraeo are all votew here, and as womivn suffrage is to prove ' the balm for every wound," meeting houscs are of no accouut. - The Kadiculs hold that Ohio Itaving once rejected the XVt!:. amendtnent can adopt lt ; but that New York havlng adoptedorratlfled it can not resclnd or repeal ts ratlfylDg resolutlon. That's the fllflterence between tweedie dom and tweedie dee. - By electlng "a inai aiul brother" to the United States Senate, for the term end ng Maren 4th, 1S71 - the shortest posslble term- the Mlaslsslppl legislature is supposed to have proved lts "lollty" aud se cured the linmedlate admlsslon of the State. - Voineu are getting their rights In Cansas. Mrs. Lydla Sextoo has been appuinteil Chaplain of the penltentlary at Leavenworth, and Jliss Emma Uainpbtl! elécted Enrolllng Clerk of the House. - llrs. Julia Wivrd Howe has a new lecture : ' Kich Wonveu and Poor Woinen." - Ex. In the llgtit of modern " dcvelopmcnt ' wouldn't that read b'etCer: "RIch Woinen and J'oor Men ?" - At the recent Wonjan Bufirage Con ventiou at Baltic Creek, Dr. Stone face tiousiy - as he supposed - remarked tluit women wcre uow excluded from only two Michigan institutions: "The Agrlcultu ral College and Reform the verj tü institutions to which ther-e is Deed fOJ soine o!' thcni to be admltted, The Uhicersi', one of the leadinjj advo cates of womao snfifrage and expoand iïoiush's riglils, says: " Marrlage Ia a gi ganlic infernalism. lluinaiiity's greatcs need to-day is that it be aboüshed." Tiltoi and the Independent can take a back sea until after the next Rlchardson-MeFarlant case. - A Mograpbieal sketchcr of the late James T. Bntdysays that " lt was largel; owtng to lus Indef&tigable skill that Sick les walked i'orih a free man" - acqnltted o Uic iininlcr of Key, which ought to makc the bones of Urady restuneasy in the grave - " Givethe d - 1 nis :lue " is an old siw Ijut t is jnsl what Represcntatlve Daivf did the other l:iy when he so justly am sevi'i'c'iy ecorcd t!i3 Radical financiera - executlve aud legislativo - for asking fo 50,000,000 inore a year than they de uounced Andrew Johnson's admlolstratloi for Bpendlug. - We are sorry to sec Senator Thnrmat taking Postmaster-General Creswell to tas! for circulating petltlons for the abolition o the Cr&nklug imposltlon. Radical member should be left to defend the A lmightiness o Congress agaiust tlie encroacUnieuts oí ai executive departmeut. - The Radicáis instead of villifying Jodge Black, and rldlcullng hls recent ex ]im' of Stanton's career in Bnchanan' Oabinct, would do well to jmt Gen. Di.v and Jos. Holt on the stand, both "loil witnesses. They can teil whether or no Black utt'rs the truth.


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