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$mm patos A COUGH, COLD, OE, SOKE THEOAT NnK Requeres imincJiate attention, at neBymftjjy ylixt oftcn resu'.ts ia an incuiable WMgyBrown's Sronchial Troches yfjÏÏ[3$Sr willmostiu . ■ instant relief Tor BbosCHITIS, AsTHMi, C ata Ruw, CoNsrKPTTVE and Turo at Diskasb?, tbey hare asoothlng effect. SINGERS PÜBUC SPEAKERS use them to clfarand streng theii the voicc. Owing to the good ri-putation and popularity of the Trochos, many woriklesa and chtap imitations are offzrtd, wfiick aregoodfor nothhig. iïe eure to oütai.v the tme BROWK'S BRONCHIAL TR0CHE3. 1244m6 SOLD EVEKYWHKRE. 1&__&M HALL'S ftiC T VEGETABLE SIQIÜAN ■KViï' " HAIR WSÊim j&EttEwm . IT WILL POSIT1VELY RESTORE OKAY 1IAJR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It keeps the foojn fftlUng out. t is the best dressing in tïie world, maWing lifülesB, fttilT, brasby linir, liuaHby, soft aud For sale by all (iruggists. K. P.I1A1X&C0. Nashua, N'. II. Troprictora, v4-r.5l. TLOUB. AND FEED STOKE i:W 3M3EW BBICK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhb Flour ! AXD ALL KIKD9 OF FEED AND COARSE GRAIN Censtftntly on hand, aod deliveied to cusioimis in auy jjart of the city. JOH.V G. L.AUBEXGA1KR. Aon A.I.or, Xuv. 1869. Iü4im6 OÈMOVAL. J. KECKfe CO. Hare removed their STOCK OF FÜ11TÜRE And Undertaker's Goods, To Mack i: Bchmtd'a lilock, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. THE LARGE3T STORE IN THE CITY, AND BUILT ESFRESSLY FOB THE rL'I'.NHURE TIIADE. ■il!i;v 1IAVK NOWINSTORKTIIE I.AKGESTand K1NEST STOCK OF i r;:Mii SE :.vii: ori-KRi:u in' Tilla COÜNTV, OP ÏIIEIU OWN MANÜFACTUSE, &UTERIOR BOTH Ut QL'Ai.iT.' ANDSTlfLB, WHICn TFIEY NOU' OFFER TO THE PUBLIC CHEAFEB THAN CAN BE B0OOH1 4NÏ WHEBE EL8E IN TUK STATE. THEIR STOCK IXCLllDKS EVÍRY ABTIOLE HXEDEOTO FURNISH TUK BES C HOUSE FR OM TOP TO UO-J'TOil . ThefroM patronsand the putiic generalij' are invite 1 :o fflva tUfm a oau. .1. KIXK fc CO. Aun Albur, Jamiiirv, 1S70. 1Ï51 f IVBBY AND SALE STABLE. AX'I'KIjI. B ItAMAGE, Corner Main and CatbtrloeitTeets. Hor board' cd on röasonablc ttüi. Sycuud hand bucgies, cui tersaad haruesí fot tale. l-'óiyl W - KaBsBKËSÉauJI iu.bia ftu rAlüN'i1 MtDICiNE HL'MBL'G, gotlen up to dupe tlie ignorant and erednlous, nor is t representedas beiog ucömpoed of rare a ml preeious snlístancts brcmht f rom the four ctrnerH o f the earth carríed even limes kcioss the Great fiesert Of Sa hftrali on The backs of lourteenóamels.and brought ibe Atlaotic Ooeanon two shipsv' tishsimpU, mild, sootkhtg litmedy, a pertect Sptciftc j'or CarRKH atid "Cold is the Haio,'1 also for otfeosive bre&th, Loan or Impaítraeot oí the Seuse of Sraell, l'aste or HeartDg, Watering or Weak SyeB, l'ain or Pressure in the Hcarl, when caused, na thoy all not anfreqnentlj art-, by the violence o f Catarrh. We oil'er ín good faiih a stan)i ng re war i o f L500 fora case of Catarrhthat we ean not cure. FOR SALEBY Most DKUGGISTS EVEKY WEEF.E PK1CK ONLX 50 CZHTS Sentby mail. poet raid,on receipt of Sïxty Cents, Four packies for S2.00. or 1 Dozen for $5 .00. Send a two cout Ptamp ior Dr. Sagt'j paraphlet on Uatarrh. Address the Proprietor, E. 7.PIBRCB. M.D., I261m8 BüypALo.N. Y inTïïiTïTïi] ÏO 1HK WORK.ING OLAgS - e ure now preared to furnish all classes wiih constant employment at hooje, lhrt wliole of the time or for cb.6 spftrfl iuoinentw. lïusinesn DftWt light, arul proiitable. l'ersons of ettber eex easll j ea-ro from 5Oo. to $"' por evenint;, ana a projorti'jna 1 m by tltvuting their wbule timi1 to tb.c busiooss, iioyn and girl earn noarly ns mach :lp men. Tlwit til who see tliis noticc inay Mod tbeir addresa, and bMt the business, we make thia on para lle led offer : To uclias are not weli gatlftfled, we will sftnd $i to pa y for tho t roublo of writlnff. F'i i í particu tars, a ralnable sanpto , vhich will iln to coiniiu'nce work on, aod t copj OÍ The Pcoptr's ÏMerary Conpanion - oao of tbo la and best family pew spipers published - all seat frtv ljy nuiit. Ronder, ií you trant peiiiuuir-ut, profitablo E. 0. ALLEN ft 00 , Atifiireta, Ualne LORILIjARD'S I fi au excellent artï ELIrefclC Sk I Virginia; wherever B"B-"""-r lintroduced it ia unlBmoking Tobacco veriatly admlred. It U ' il lip in bandeóme musljn bajjs, In nulch orders fur Meer.:c:h;tuui Pipes aro úaily p.ickcd. LOHILLARD'S daased by nll w!n tt a nTTm nrirn consume it as the YA0HT CLUB "ftnest fíi]1; M w Smoking Tobacco leaf grown; itiaünti nerVoualn ita efTectf] as the Nicotine lias beon ex ■ i,i b (te r BmoiE' ing ; it i very miliï, ligítt íq color aod wei fht, bdoce oneponnd will last aslong as tbree t ordinary to baco?. l ii tli is bran t orders wqtj day rorfirsl ifiii li1 v lleftrscbaunq l'ipts, Try it and con vinceyounelf it i all it cl&ims to tCj " THE FIN EST OF ALL." I.ORILLARD'S Tuis brand of Fine il? RITU KfH# CutChwinTobaooo Chewing Tobacco. without doubt the bast chtiwiug tobáceo in tbu oountry. LORILLARD'S I ''"v now ')l!en '" S ; li I-t ,1 United s" '■'" ■ Ijll J _L A KJ l!0 jcars, and still ackaowledged i( the J' wliererer used. Il' your itorelkepei does nit liav tliese articlps for nn ; llicy -solft b' respectablf jobbers alm(st yvr. n Circular oí pricea forwarded on application. P. LOUILLAHD & CO., New York. l . i ;m3 pÖRCASH YO0 CAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C SUTHERLAND & CO. Ann Arbór, Ja noa-rjf t 87O. 'nEÖPLE'S DRUG STÜ R, W. ELLIS & CO. I _A.üsr:i$r akbob Ayer's Sarsaparilla9 E-OR WHUVe'JL7íG TICE 35 LO O O. The reputation this ex-"■"""v ceílent medicine enjoys, í-. " tó. is tlerived firem its cures( s SsTÉSi ïny of wuich are trwly "ff m&I iarvclrus. Invetérate - iiv cases oí' Scrofulous disff n case, where the systcm -v !ëL encined saturated witta ím tu xJ corniption, have been ■3 " purifled anU cured by It. - LglM"w. öorofulous affectíons and . - '■- "; orders, whichwere ag-ZaBISiMpBg' gravated by the scrofnloiis contamination UDti] tbeywere p.iinfully nfllicting, have becn radically riireíl ia such great mimbers in :ilmost every sct tion of the country, the public scareely nèed to be informed of its virmes or neos. Scrofulous líoison is onc oí' the most clestrtictive enemies of our race1. .Oftcn, this unseen ani Tinlelt tenant of the orgauit-m nndermfnes the con-stitution, and invites the attackof enfteblingor faial diseasee, without exciting a suspicion oí' its presence. Again, it secms to breca infection tliroughout the body, and then, on. 6ome favorable occasion, rapidïy dcvelep iato one or othcr of its hideous forms, eitner oa the euri'aco or amonj? the vitáis. In ;he lattcr, tuber des may bc buddenly depositcd in the litnes or heart, or tumors formed in liie livcr, or it shows its presence byraptiona on the 6kin,orfoul ulcerations on some pavt of the body. Ilencw the occasional use of al)ottlc of this tifarêapariUu is advisable, cveiï when no active symptoma of disease apocar, l'ersons afllíctedwith the folio wing comvlaiuis geucrally ilnd immediiitc i"clief, and, at icnftth, CttJre, by the hp of thia SAIiSAPAJtlLJ.A: at, Anthony' s lïrc, Jtose or J'fin pelas, Tvtttr. Salt BJieum, Scatd ilcad, jRit0tcörmt Hora JLfes, 8ore llats, and other eruptions or visible íorms ot Scrofulous diseaaQ. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dtspcjisio , Ztvopst, JIcftrt XHseaêtt !"ir , XLpilepêMt mtratffi&, and tht: varioua ulcerous ailecuons of the moscular and nerroui eystema. nyphiliê ov }'f nere&l and Sferourtal TUsoanes ave cured byit, thoogh a long time la requiredfor pubduing these obstinate maladiet byany medicine. ünt long continued use of Üiia medioine il ture l'laint. Ieucorrhoea or Irhtteê, l'tcritie flmttfiui's. and Tcnui}r IHseateSf nro coniinonly soon relieved and lütimately cured by its purit5'ing and invi i. Mínate Cprec:. ine fov c 1 ti olí-i1 fouiid iu our Aimanac, eupJihenmailêtti and Gout wkvn caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blo.odj ■ it. as also Zdvev ComplaintHf ':" ■,:,. vtmffestionor Ttt-flatntnatUm of the Linr. awïanndie#f w hen arising, in the blooil. TMb Nsl Its.l l WlLï.A is a gn pr of the Bystem. Thosewhp :ii-.' tnnauid and tAt&cês, Despontitiif, Sléépless, ann troubled with Xferwxus Ap jrreiteti&lonts or 7-'im-s. qx any of the affectíons Bymvtomatic of Wraknen, will nd Immediate relief and convinciug evidence of ita restorative power unoii trial. PltEPAItED BY Dr. 3T. C. AïElt &. :O.,S,owcll, Üïass., J'rtictiral and Amthdrul Chemists, SOLP EY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWI1ERE. Bold it whoiesftld by FAttEANO. SHF.LEY & CÓ[ 'T" FULL LINk"ÖF Oolored and Black ilks ! . BLACK AND COLOREO ALPACAS! EMPEESS CLOIHS, AND OTUEIf SEASONABLE GOODS, JVS 1 AT C H. MILLEN'S. RAB WRÁP8 AND NEW SHAWLS! A Fine Stock 1 tiii Linu now opening at C IILLEJV'3. liraiÁSS' PBESCRIPTioi"7 - ACI l .: VT1 :. 1 . CARÜFULLV PHEPAFED BY R, W. BLZJ8 & CO., DHUOGISIS.


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