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C G. bJfBöTH I N ( 1 1 1 A M , M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllco over Drui; store. No. I Huren Mtvt. Refldence, No. 35 Thompson Street. Office honrs, 8 to 11 A. M , and J to 8 1'. M. " georqe grenville, DEALER IN PRUOS and Medicines, No. 5 SOOth Maiu Street, Ann Arbor. HULL, ROBINSON & CO. GROOEKS, Produce andComniission Merchante, No. 43 Sonth Maiu Street. ELLIS & KISSELL, DRUGOÏSTS, and d.alera in Paints, Oili, etc No. 2 Soutli Miiin Street, Ann Arbor. THÊÜDÖKE TAYLOIl & CO., DKALEKS in Grocerics, Provisions, aud Coantry Produce, No. 13 South Main Sireet. Aun Arbor. JOHN KECK & CO., DEALERS in Fnrnitiirc of all kinds, No, 33 Sonth Mam Street, Anu Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, Real Estáte and Insurance Agent. Convcvaiicini: and CollecÜOO of Claim? promptly attenteil to on liberal tcrms. UÍflee one door BOUtb of First National Bank, up ataire, Sonth Main Street, Ann Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, DENTIST, pacecspor to C. B. Porter. Ofllco, corner Mnln and lluron Strcets, over t'.iu store of II. W. EI1Í8& Co , Ann Arbor, Mich. AnEesthetícaadminLstered if required. W. F. BREAKEY, M. D. PntSICIAN' AXDSURREON. Office at resideuce, corner of Hnron and División Streety. tirst door Kust o( Presbytcrian Church, Anu Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, DEALER IN IIATS and Caps Furs, Straw GoodsQentf' Furuisiiiuu Goods, fcc , N". T Soulh Main Street, Ann Arbor. SUTHERLAND & WHEDON, LIFE and Fire Insnrancc Agents and dealers in Real Kstatc. Office on Ilnrou Sireet. Also acü firstclass Sewing Machinei-. W. D. HOLMES, AOEXT tot ttie Florence Sewing Machine, and dealor in Picturus, Framrs, Jtc Kast Huron Street lew is c. rTsdonT DEALER in Tlanlware. Stoves, Ilonse ForLldring Goods, Tin Ware, 4c., No. .11 South lltin Street. ]?ACII & ABEL, DKALERS in Dry (ioodx. Groccrics, &c, &c. No. 26 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, DEALER in Dry Croods, Ororeries, &., &c. Xo South Main Street, Ann Ai hor. slawsoíT&Tson, GROCERS, Provisión and Commisíion Merchants and dealers In Water Linie, Land Piaster, and Piaster Paris, No. 14 East Huron Street. S. SONDHEIM, KTIOLESALE and retail dealer in Rendy Made Clothinjf . Clothe, Cassimeres, Vcstings. and Gents' FuruiihhiL' Goods. No. 9 Soulh Main Street. WM. WAGNER, DEALER in Ready Made Clothing. Cloths, Casslméres and Vestings, Hats, Caps, Truuks, Carpet Bag, Ac-, 21 Sonth Main Street. GILMORE & FISKE, BOOKSELLERS and Stationers, Medical, Law and College Text Books. Scliool and Mincellaneous Uooks. No. 3 North Main Street, Greyory Block, Aun Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, DEALERS in Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippeis fcc., No. í East Harón Street. R. TARRANT, LADIES Fashionable Shoe Ilouee, No. 24 South Main Street. tí. CKÜSBY, M .1) GREGORY HOUSE Regular Office Hours, 2 to 3 o'clock P. M. rjRO c"kTe"ry GLASSWARE & GEOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY HTe In Rtore largestock of , Oiassware, HtedWre,Cutlery , Groceries, 4c, &c, all tobe old at uDusually low pricee. No. 12 Etst Hurt nátreet , Add Arbor. H28tf J.&P. DONNELLY. QITY LINE OF HACKS ! ROBISON & BAXTER, Prop's. Pnralshesexpeditious Conveyances to and from the Bars, ami all parts oí the city. t7 Funerala attended, and elegant turuoutsfurutnedladiesmakini; calis. Prices reasonable. Orders left at C'ook'sHotol or at their offlee prompt__attended to. ■ lüUti JOHN O. (GrALL, DEALER IXT FRESH AND SALT MEATS. URD, SAUSAGES, Etc, Crdr snltcited nii promptly frilcd with tho beet met in themarket. 31 EüBt Washington Street. Aan Arhor.Seyt. 18th,1869. 1235tf jyi. O. B.lOUïElt Office in the NEW BANK BLOCK, AUN AEB0R. All Operations on the Natural Teeth, PERFORMEn WITH CARE. UNSÜRPASSED PACILÍTIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTÍFÍCÍAL TEETÏÏ, TO GIVJJ KACH INDIVIDUAL, Dnluraeihe proper rixe, thape, color, Jirmnat and natural expreuion. 12-14 L H ELAÏÏtfÊST A W ü Best selected stock of Plaid roplins; also the new and elegant PLAID REPS to behad at the 1240 FARMERS' STORE. POR SALE CHEAP! A Med ium Hand Press I good condition. Inquireatthe ARQUS OFPICB. Artor, Aüj. 5lh, 1S09.


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Michigan Argus