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JJOTICE! 'i Coromlttee appolnted by the Board of Managers of the Wasntenaw Couuty Agricultural and Hortlcnltnml Sodety. ti lnquire luto the Utl of the re;ll cstrite ol' Uu: Society mul nuort a li.-t ut' the Iilfij Mtrabèrs, wlll meet at tho ofBce ofl). Cramer.Sec. retary. on Friday . the 26th lost . at 10 o'cfoek a. m LU ■ M mben Hoving ■. rtifleata are reqaeeted to iHrniih their numcs to the nnderslgned on or before Lli:Utiay; and persons claiinin; to be Lifu Mcmbers. bntn' h'U-iii'i r.rrfilï -ƒ..-,, shOUld advise the Comillitteo at iu meeting of tho grouud of thelr claims. Aun Arbor, Fcb'y. 8d, iyï K. B. POND, Ch'n. of Com. A DMINISTltATüIi's XOTIGE! XX All persons indebted to the estáte of Chas. Bentier are bereby notifled tïüit all accounts Dot settled within thirty aayi fromdate will be haudd toan Attorney. Ann Arbor, January 31st. 1T0. AUG. WIDKNM AXN. 1255W4 Adraiuistrator. THTbATTLËÖF THËSCHOOLS A_ LECTUEE ON TUK SCHOOL CUJESTION, FROSI A LIUEliAL AND CIIRIST1AN STANDP01NT, BY ZMI_ J. IDEE, EDITOK-IN-CHIEF OF THE WESTERX CAT1I0 LIC, PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO AND DETROIT. The alm of this lecture will be to cominee Chris tifius of all denominations that the only hope for the perpetuation or their faith is in the establishment, o bchools in which every citizcu eau have his chiUrei edneated iu his OWD faith. W All who purchaso tickets to the trotara will b entitled to tkree month's subutription to the W f tin Ca.h'Aic for euch lickeL purchased. HANGSTERFER'S HALL, Thursday Evening, Feb. lOth At 8 o'clock p. h, TICKETS- will be iu: sale at the Principal Store of the City, and at the Hall. Utitrl Estáte of llobert liooke. OTATE OV MICHIGAN, Countv o( ftsshteatfn-, sa k Notïce is heri-by given.thatby an orderoftb PtobateConrtforthe Coimtyof wasbtrnaw, marl on the tblrty-flnt dy of Junuary. A. I). J8T0 .-i momhs hooi that date wére allowed lor crediton t lrhcnt tUelr claims agnnst th Mtate of Robei Uooke, late ofald Oonnty deceased, and tbat a ota nffnid líeceneed are reqalred to preaei rluir chiims to .-:iid Probate Coiirt. nt the Probat Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, for exam'uiatiun ant allouatice on or before the firf t dny of Anglist, next and that Bucb clalios will be hoard before saiil I'n bnte Cottrt. on Baturday, the tweuty-thlrd day AprU.and on Monday, (hoflrat dnyof A (tn ut ten o'clocfc in the foreuuon of eacb of ihusu cUfl Uatid, Aun Arbor. Jauitíir Slat. 1870. HIKAH .1. BBAKK8, 1256w4 Jndgt of Probate. Notice. STATE OP MICHIQAN. The Fourlli Jnükbi Circuit, in Chancery. LEONAKD A. WILLIAMS, i .IOA.NNA WIIJJAH ) Snit pending in U)O Circuit Court for the Countv o Washtenaw, In Chancery, nt Ann Arbor, on tbe -( tlay of Pebroary, D. 1870. Dne proofby afflda vii. having been made that the defendanl. Joanm Wil Iiun8.does n'i ].[,■ wHblD the iurisdictiou o this Court, aml that the Sheriff of thls Countv is un able to get serv loe of proceda on sald derendant du motlon of O. Oramer, Sollcicor for the eontplain ant, u Isordered by the underaigned. inr of cir cult Conn Coinnileslonera for the County of W'ash tenaw. i bat sald defendnnl ippear and anawer th Bill of Complalnt Oled in this caue wtthln to inonths froin the 2d day of Febrnary, A. D. 1870 and it is further ordereilíhat a eopy of this order be pnblished iu the Michigan Argus, apoUlC rewspape prlnted and publlshed in ïalil Countv ol Washteuaw within twenty daye after the date of thi order, nti that inch publfasation be contiaed once in each week for eix Bnccenive weeks, or that a copy of this orde be served ou said defemlaut, persoñally. iit leas twenty day before the time aboTJ preaerfbod for th appear.ince of said derendant. Datcd, -.d, 18TO, SIBIEV .TAVLOR. uce of the Circuit Court Commisj'ionerfl for Wvhteuaw Cotiuty, Mi h: D. CBAMKE.SolIcitof forCompl't. I256wfl Estáte of Benjamin Avery. CTATEOP MICUIGAN, Coimtyof Washtenaw-, ?s ►-'Ata sessiou of tho Probate Court fQr the Ooont of Wasbtenaw, holden at Ih Probate Office iu th City of Ann Arbor. on Wednesiliiy, the Dlneteenl d-iyof January, Iu the yuar one thousaud ei'-ht huu dred and seventy. Present Ilirnin J. lleakef, -'udfie of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Benjamin Avery deceased, Oninden I'. Avery and WUnam I. Avery AdmlnhUratoraof aaldeaUte, come luto Oonrtan represent that they are now propftred to reuder thei flual accounts as auch AdmiBuHrnton. Therenpon it is onlercd, that Mondny. the twenty elghth day ol Februnrj next, at ten o'clock iu tli forenoon, bc asabniea for examiBinp: and oliow ml such account, and that the heirs at law of sald de ceascd, and all otherpenons Interested in sald eatati are required to .,r.-ir t a eaaaioq of sald CqotI Uien to tie holden at the Probate Olllce, iu the City o Ann Arbor, in salil Countv, and ahow canso, if an' therc bc, why the said account should not be allowed Aud it is furthcr ordered that snid Ailnunistrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of said account, and the heartni thercof, hy caticiu" a copy of this' order to be pub llshed iu tha Michigan Argui, a newapapor prlntec and clrcnlatlng In sald County. threo successlve weeks prevloas'to said day of hearing, (A true copy.j ' 1IIHAM .). BKAKF.S, 1-35 Jude ol Probate. Estáte of Lucas Kittel. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw.s At a stëslon of the Probate Courtfor theCo'.intj of Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate Olllce iu tli city of Ann Arbur, on Frilay, the twenty-eightl day of January, in the yearoue thousand eíht Wn dred and seventy. Present, Hiram J.Beakes, Judj;e of Probate. In the matter of the of Lucas Kittel deceased. On reailinir and filinjrthe petition,dulv verificd.o Thomas Kittel, praylug tlial ICmanuel Mann may be appointed Aduimistrator of the estáte of said deceased. Thereupon it Is Ordered, that Monday, the twenty-clühth day of Pebrnan i xt, at ten o'clock in_ the forenoon," be asigned for the hearing o látd jietttion. and that the heirs at law of saiddeeasea, umi allotherpersonelnterested In sald estáte irorttquired to apjicar at asession of said Court, theu 'i be holden at the Probate Office, la the City of Ani Arlortand show cause, ifauy therebe, whytne práye] tfthe petitloner shonld not be grantedi Amlitis ortber ordered, thnt said petitioner ;ive notlee to Uie tersona interested iu said estáte, oí' the pondene ol ald petitloji, and the hearing thereof,uy causipga "lJ.v"fthis Order to be pnblished in the Michigan IrrHí, a newspaper printed and olrcnla'lngin said County, three successive vfccks prevjos to bniilday )f hearing, (A truecopy.) HIRAM J. BRAK BS, 1255 Jude of Probate. JNCOME AND SPECIAL Tuft.22:ES U S. Internnl nevonue Asslstant Assessor'e Ofllre, 5th Dlv. M list. Midi , Ann Arbor, Jan. 18tO. ANNTTAL TAXES f OH 1870. I amnow ready to ri-ci ivo lu.-ouni returns for 1S69, and SpBflsal Tax CLieense) returns for 1STO. Kor the inrpoae of aacommodating the Tax Payan of the 6ih Jivision, whlch conslsts or the north half of Washenaw County, I will be at the ()I''KK'H 01.' K.0CH YOST, Esq., n the City of Ypsilauil, ou Tuesday, the iStU day of 'auuary, JS70. AT I-AI'HAM'S COIiNERS, n the township of Salem, ou Thursday, tho 27th day ol' January, 1SÏ0. AT WHITMOUE LAKE IIOTKL, n the Townshi[ of NorthSeld, on l'rlday, the 2Sth ,ay of .lunuary, 1,70. AT THE) OFFICK OF A. D. C1}ANE. Eq„ il the village of Detcr, iu the township of Seio. on VeiliKsiiny and Thlir.iiliiy, the '-■;1 and :i(l liays ofl'e!)uary, And at TUK CHFJ.SEA HOTEL, n the vlllage of Ghelsea, in the Township of gyivan, n Tuesday and Vednesday, the Sth and llth days ol Febiuiiry, 1-Tf. Tux payeratn the leveral pnvu of tlus División, vlici do not wlah to como to Ann Arbor to ni.ikè etnrna lm ome or swiil Taxes, can nmki' Unir etnrns at on of the above mentioned places ! ?ey person falllag to make returns by the tirr,e reuired by law, wiU be Uable to be aasessod nftyper as a penalty, iu additíon to the proper tax " Ou otner days ho wlll be at his oAice, Aun Árbor K. ,i. 19Mw Ae-si(?tam Assessor. SfECUL I0WH8HIP BEETOM}. VTOTICE is hereby glven that In nccordance wtth -■-i the reqo at in wntlnt! 01 thirty tax.paylng elecors of the tuwoshlp ut l'iiistirld, in the i'ounty of Waebtenaw, tbat a meeting of tbe electon pf aaM ownshlp wlll b beid at the Towu Hall, in Bid owusldp, ..ii Krklay. tbe fourthday of Mareta. A. atSo'clock A. M-, ih parpóla, [il eleeori Bball o yote).ol plodglug the aid ol uld town. üiji by luau. 10 the "Toledo AnnArboraná1 ! i Ka iictton of IM liftilro. ■ : u the pruvlsions of the Act of the ui the State .i Michigan, e ■ An Act to enabje auy Townshlp. City, orVIllage, !d. by loan ordon u ■ KaUroad Cumpany now chartered or organlsed, or that may "" !!'■ ■ 1 of tlii: hi Jtato f Michigan, In the conatrnctlon ol It9road."nud approved t) , :. And that Buch electora hare in iheli aaid wrritten specUedthe Bunvol C$iO,Oom tweuty thouaand dol.- the aanount of ;,'.i to i ih !::iil road i ompany, by way ofloan in banda ti be Issued byeuch townahlp in accordance witb said act, In snelisums notmorethan $1000 and iot lesa than $100, aa aald Üompany ahall reqnest, with co annexed for the anuual Intereat tbercon, Bach ttuntl todraw Interest at the rato o: aeren percent per mds and coupons to beexeented hTownshlp by the Supervisor and tlerkof aaid Tow nshlp, and !. drawn payable ut the oilice of the Treasurcr ofsald Connty; the principal tu bo payabletn Ivo eqotl Installments, the ftrst install. munt lo tacóme due on the Brst 4ay it Pebrnary, A. li 1874, and the other Inst illm intayearly thereafter, for the fmir (i i ancceeding yeart -, and the eondltlon upon wnJch fuch loon Is to be made, that from nd alter the time, nrhen aaid Company ehall receive fuch bimda iroin ihe State Treasurcr, wbenerer and aa oreen aa SaM Uömpany shall make any dividend payable to the Stockholdersor sald i ompany, upon the stock ol ■ aid ompany, uld Company hall pay lato ' Hce ot' the Trcasurvr o F said .' unl v, u-e Townshtp, on [ of barí, loan orthe i ilam e thereof ihén nnpald, a sum eqrial pro rnm to such dividend then made; and when anch dividi-mls do no: exceed tho rata of evon peí cent. per nnmim tr the time, anch pojrment to bodeemedand n as rail paymenl ol tbe intirestto b; paM iy snid kxnpany Cor snch time apon tnelndebtednenofaald my for anch loan ; and whenever anch dividends 8liil] ex cent. Tol such time, then amonni uf BOch excesa over, nnd aftar paylng snch seven per cent. Interest, saaH apply to warda repaylng the principa] of tbe ndchtednens of said Company for the araonnt of such loan, until Bucb principa! Bball be thereby p.-iid. And said Company snall apon thereceipt oíaneh honda, ezacute and dellrer to the Saperrlaor of said Townahip the agreement of aald Ubmpany frjth said Tovnubip tothateffect. Snch bond to be executed ancldclivercd to the State Treagnrer to be dtepoaed uf Ín accoxdance wlth of said At-t. Saicl.-ii.i to be voted to aald Toledo, Ann Arhorand Northern Rallroad Compa&yopon the followlng condltlou.vli: That the sald Rallroad Company ahall erect a Koodand, snltable freígb.i aod paesonger dc[it. wiihin one half iblleof Aun Arbor nd Adrián atreet, ni tbe vfllagedf Sitllne. Dated, 1'HtMiekI, Pebmaryïd, iSTn DAVID WILSEY, 1255 Supeivisor of the Towrublp of PiUslicld. SPECIAL T0W.SH!P BEEIEfii. iVrOTICE is hereby glvcn, tliat in accordanes wltl li thu reqneat Ín HTltlug of thirty tas paylng eluc tors oí the t wnship o!' l.uii, in the Coonty of wash tenaw, that :i meetüig of the electora of aatd towu shlp wül be hcld ut theTuwn ll;ill,iu sald town.-liip oí; Tuusday thu Jst l!uy of Mavcil. A. D. 1S70, at ! o'clock a. m , for Ids pnrpoíe di the electon ftiall se vote), of pledging the aid of miíi townahip by loar to tin; ' Tok'Uo, .mi! Ail)ur anxl Noi thurn Knilruin Company, In the esonstrncllon cordiníí to the provisions of the Act of the Legisla tare of tbe sute: of Uli-hlgan, entitled "An cttc mableauy Towuship, City or Vllhige, to pJedgeUi :ii.l uylo&Áor (louittiun, to auy ftniroad Cumpmi] uow charteréS or organ éd. i r thal v be heroute organlxed. nnder and by virtne of thelairsol thi State of Michigan , in thi construction oflta rond.' and approvad March --ii. A, 1). loo. And thal sacl eltíctors hare tn their aaid wdtten Peqnctt speclflei the.-um of twenty thonsand dollars, a the of aid to be pledged to snch Uüilror.d Company. bj u ;iy of loan ín bonds to be iitled by Bach townshi tu accordance wlth aiti act, In ihíi Boma, not mor than l,(K't, and not !rs.s ttiau .'rl'jO.aasaiíJ camvan] tihnll roqaeat, wlth coupons annexed for the aunnü Interest thereoii, suefa bondn to draw Interest at tin rate of eight percent, per anunm, and f'.ich boud and coupons to be exucnted i' r such to.wnship bv tb Supervisor and Clerk of said Townehip, and i drawn payable at ofllce ol the Treasarerol ;ii County; the prlncal to be pyable :n ten eqnalin stallmenta tlu; lastallnient to Uícohh; dueoi the first day of Febniary, A. n 1874, and the othe Inatallments yearly theivafter. for thir njne i : and the coudttlon upon whtcb süch la be made, that from and alter time when pali Coropiuij Bhall recelva Buch bondi from theSUt Treasarer, whenever and aaolteuas saidCompan sball make ny dluldend payable to Hit1 Btockbofder' of aid Company, upon the Btock of said Compan, j-iiid Company shulï pay iuto the oilice of the Treaa nrer of sald County, for tte nse of sald Townsbi on the amount of such loan or the balance therec then ttnpald, a 'snm cqnal pro rata to such dividen trien made : and when sudi dlvldenda do not exceei the rate of elgbt yer cent per annnm for the tirtin such payment to be deemed and reoeÍTcd as a f] paymbut of the interest to be Compan lor sucn time upon tos Indehtednes of saidCoiipan for sneu loan ; and whenever such dlvidends shall rx ceedtherftte of elgbt per cept. lor such time, hei jhe amooni of aur.b excep over. and aftcr payini Bncheighl per cent. interest, shall apply towards re paying the prtuclpal of the Indebtedness . sald Coni pany (or the amount of snch loan, uut il such princl pal shall be thereby fullynatd. And said Compan' shall upon the recelpt orsuch bonds, execute ani dellvet to the Supervisor of said Townshlp the agree ment of saiü Compaoy vrltb said ï'mvnahia to tha ctt' et. Such bondi to be execated and delivered to th Staie Treas urer to be diaposed of In accoidance witl Ihe provislona of said Act. The condltlbns of the aluresald Bid to ho a follows the sald Rallroad haU be looated,and betrith in out.1 half a 1 thetlou ol Adrián ani ostreets, in the village of Saline; and alw Lija: the said Company shi .;1. pa89i ehid f relght ouildiags at saiüpolnton saii Railfoadi Datcd, Lodl, Febntary 2d, I8T0. . IIARPER, 12.Í5 Supervisor ol the Townshlp of Lodl 8PECI1L TOW.VbUIP HEETUfi. 7V0TIC1-: jahereby elven, thal In accordapee wi:l J.1 ttio request In wRtlng of ttiiriy-nine tax paying electora of the townshlp of Saline, in the County o Waahtenaw, 'hal a meating of ihe electora oïf ori townshtpw 11 De held ál die Merlcan Hotel, In tin Village of Saline, in sald township, on Mondayth 38thday ofFebruary. A. 1) 1S7U, at nlua o'cloik A M., for the purpose . (il electora ehall sovote) of pledj; ing the aid of said towcshlp by loan lo the "To ledo, Ami Arbor and Northern RaUroad Com pany," in the oonstruction of its liailroitd, nc cordlng ;o the provislons of the Act of the Legisla tnre ol the State of Michigan, entltled ■'AnActtc anabie any Townshlp, City or Village to pledge it: aid, by loan or donation, to auy Kailroad Compauj now charcered or orijanized, or that may be here ifter organlxed, ander and by virtue ofiíie awa o the State of Michigan, in the construction of it road," and approved Maroh xad, A. lt. is:'j; Am tuat such electora have in tlu'ir aaid wiUten reoAes apeclfled the eum of Twrnty Thouaand Dolían nïO.uOtt) as ihe amount of aid to bc pledged to suct Rallroad Company, by way ot loau in bond to bi laaued by sueh townahlp in occordance with said act in sneh Bnma, not more than 14,000-and not less tliai $iim), as said Oostpaay shall reqoeet wlth coupon annexed for the anuual Intereat thereon, ench bondt to draw interest al tin; rato ol aeven percent, per au nui:i, and Buch bonds and coupons ti be executed foi such Township by the Supervisor and Clerk of saii1 Township, and be drawn payable at the olllcc of tin Treasorerof saldCounty; the principa] to be paya ble in ten cqual annual iuatallmenta, tile lirinstalhncnt tobecomedue on the fljstday ofFebrnary A. D. 1830, and the other Installmems yearlv therë al'icr, for the uine sncceedlnff yearai an:, the con dition upon which suco loai i to loe laaáe that fnon and aftcr the Urne wheu said Company shall recelrt fsticii bonds from the Siate Treasurer, whenerer anc as oftan as said Company bdrH make auydividen( payabletothe Stockholders uf aaid Company, upon the stock of said Company, said Coinpanv shallpag into Che ofllce of the Treasurer of said County, foi the use of eakl Township, on the amount of such loan or the balance thereoi then unpaid, a .ini equn! pro rata to such dividerd llu'll made : and when puch dividendsdi) not exceed rate ofseven percent, pei annuin for the time, Bach payment to bê deeitncd sai receivt'd as a lull paymeut of tho interest to bepaU bj said Company fof uch time upou the iudebtcdnesii of said Company for such loan ; nwd whenever stu'h dividends shall exceed the rate of seven per cent. for such timo, then the amount of snch excess over, ami alter paying such sevc.n percent, interest, shall appl] fcowaros rapaytng the piiucipal of the Indobtedneei of said Company for the amount of such loan, illlli: Buch principal shall be thereby fullypald. And sale Company shall upon the recelpt of such Bonds, txeecute and deliver to the Supervisor of auid townshlp the acreement of said Coinpauv wjthsald townahil to that efTeot. Snch ÏKjnds to bo eaceented and deliverrd to the State Tnaaurer to be olapoaed of iu accordanci.' with tin' proTiaionii of said Act. The f aid aid to bo votud upon the conditinn that said rallroad of said Toledo, Aun Arbor and Noiihern RaUroad Company, shidl b ■ coustructed and remaln located within one half a inile east of the Inter lectlonol Adrián aud Chicago streets. in the V01ag of Saline, and said Company. Bhall erect good anc Bultable buUdlngs at said polnt, Dated. this lth day of February. A. n. isto. 1IVJWN WBBB, 12Ö5 Supervisor of Saline. T ADÍES' Kll GJL.OVE8 IN' ALL TUE NEW COLOES, AND THE Best in Quality __at O. H. Mlllen's. A NEW INVOICB OF FINE DOUBI.K AND SINGLE Paisley Shawls ! PLAID AND STR1PED SHAWLS JUST 'HE0E1VED AT THE FARMERS' STOHi:. SÏLYER PLATED GAN BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT HÜLL, R0B1XS0X & CO'S, "Sheridan 20 Miles Away! A.. J. TÉERY, (SUCCESSOR TO KKMI'KIï ie D1KIIL,)1 ïTag on Uand a large and vrall selocted stock o. "WINTER QOOBS iueludiny a full line of HATS & CAPSÍ Lateiit ütylcs and best qualitjr. Lodies' and Gents' Furs, Gents' Furuishing Goods, Gloves, Collars, Neckties, &c, vrhlch win be ioM at the Y Eli Y LO WEST FIGURES f Í3" Renicmber the place, No. 15 South ! Main Street, the old store of Johu West. Ann Arbor, Dcc.ï3,1669. 129tf ■ "DOOTS AND S1IOES! i Li ; FINLEY & LEWIS, i l ABE NOW KECEIV1KG A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCÏ OF ! BOOTS, SHOES, '■[ SLIPPERS. 1 I RUBUERS, ARCT1CS, J and PUR LINED OVER SHOES. b v TUK ATTEXTION OK BIVEKS WHO WAN' e (1CJOL) GOODS AT UEASON 1 ABLR PRICKS, IS 1NV1TED TO OU1 s STOCK OF II AND MA DK i CALF, KIP, kñ STOGA BOOTS ! WORK WHICII WE W1I.I.; g WARRANT TO GIVB ENTIRE SATISFACTI01 OVR GOODS ARE BOUGHT FOR CASH, ' AXD WlUi BE SOLD Af THE LOWEST CA81 d PRirKSAXDI'ROFITS. I 1810 j OROAD CLOTHS! ï CASSIMERES Í FOR r-ft-XjXj stjits, '' AXD ;; GENTS' FURNISHING G00DSÏ AT C. II. MILLEN'S - PHEODORE TAYLOlt & CO., (SUUCXBSOKS TO C, R. TlIOMl'SÜX A CO., V WholealeandReUil Dealers ia l QROCERIES & PRODUCEi- , ; FJiUlTS, EXTHACTS, f ; SPICES Orockery, Gl a ss ware, i Lamps and Oil, ; Table Cutlery, Plated Goods, Looking Glasses, t STONK WOODEN, AND ï WILLOW WAEE I ! House EstablislKMl in 1850. i " " No. 13 South Main trect, AN3ST ARBOR, MICH; Theo. Tajlor, 1 A. J.Suthcrland, 1217 V "V. Wbedon, 1 TACOB nALLER, DEALER IX CLOCKS, WATCUES AKD JEWELRY, NO. 22 EAST HURÓN ST. UT STOCK IXCLUDE8 American & Swiss Watches, Of the Best Manufacture; Gold and Silrer,'a andüent's. SOLTD GOLD RINGS, OIIAINS, LADIES1 SETS, SPECTACLES, SPOON?, FORKS, Kto. All Goods warraoted asrepresentod, anti old at fW. PARTICULAR ATTENTIOX GIVEX TO RE. PAIRINa WATCHE8, CLOCKS AXD JEWELRY; AN[1 WORK GUARAMTEED. ]'24Om3 DRY GOODS ! GROCERIES, OARPETS, QIL CLOTHS ! AT TIIB FAUMERS' "ÍTOR.J&


Old News
Michigan Argus