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Our Friends At Saline Having Advised

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or nsLsted tbftt Vork nnould vote down its proposed aid of S25,000 to the T„ A A. A X. K., bccausc thelr llvely village was not inale a point, and having also rcqulrcd Lod! and PIttsfleld to mafce a ltkc condition, shotild now come up squarcly to the work and go their "bottom dollar." We litvc no heéltatlon In saylng that we favor making Saline a point, to do whlch we are informed will involve au extra expense lo considerable of an amount - the line betng longer and thegr.idclteavier. Saline s'nould help itself fit m poses rcstrlctions and eondltions on the other town? foi' lts benefit. The last assessment of Saline was $575,000, on wliich sum 10 per cent. would give $57,. 000. She has already voted $18,000 in aid of the Detroit and Ilillsdale road, and can, thcreforc, aid the North and South road, which her business men and citizeus all prefer, in the suin of $89,000. WW sheoall t an even $35,000 and sail in ? Tberc is no time to lose. - Sincc the above wns In type Saline tas issucd lier cali lor (20,000. The Railroad nid eleetion in York, held on Saturday last, roaulted in defeating the proposed lom of $05,000 to the T., A. &.& N. li., by a large majorlty. Bet ween jjiline, Moorevllle, Mllan, anti Ypsilanti, the electors found it hard to reconcile conflicting claims, and so concluded to vote down the pending propositlon and begin ncv. We believc that a petitian for a ncw cali lias already boen signed by "a majority of the Uw-paying electors" enough pne would judge to secure success next time. The new cali, if we are corrcctly informed, U to make Saline ■ point, and otherwise piC6cribc or limit the line through the town. Our York friends should remeraber that too many eoiHÜtions and restrictious may bc troublcsome Whon the working line Is run. - The sum York propones to vote - $25,000 - is a rractlon Ic-ss than 0 per cent. By order of the Common Conncil, the United States Chemical Fire Engine was tested on Wecluesday afternoon on the flat below the railroad, where a building had been erected and lillcd with boxes and .ntraw saturatcd with kerosene. The fire ■was extinguished in ubout tliii'Uen minutes, though it raged trememlous hot for awliilc, nd destroycd the shell. Those of our citizens whosaw the experiment must jndge for themsclves ; but before wc would adTisc the Council to invest in the "mashuen," we slioukl like to sce an ordiuary water cntine put to the same trial ; and then should wish to see the Uuited States workcd at a real flre. In anothcr column will be found a cali foran electiou to be held in the toivnship o! Lodl, on Tucsday, Muran lt to vote opon a proposition to aid the Toledo, Ann Arbor and NortUeru Bailroad In the sum of f20,000, conditioned on Saline being made a point. The last assessed valnatiou of the townshlp was f430,157, so that the proposed loan Is a íraction lesa than 5 per ■cent. - Also a like cali, for a likc amouut, and ■with like conditions, for an election to be held in Pittsfleld, on Friday, March 4th. - And, also, one for Saline, for Monday, February 28th., with, thc same conditions and amount. Saltpeter is generalij credited with íiaving saving qualities, but like every otli er gaving artiele too nuicH of it w more than Rufflcient for the curativo work, especially when takea into the liuman atomach. A lady of this city - Mrs. Pkübi.ks, living on JcfTerson Street- trled a Jj.beral portin on Monday, mistaking it for alts, and was made sicker instead of well. The poison was neutralized by promptly givingher milk ín extra liberal quantities, ifollowed by the white of eggs. "The township of Y"psilinti proposes to ■ote a donaüon of $50,000 In aid of the Toledo and Saginaw Air Line Railroad, a fraction less than 10 per cent upan the valuation. - Ann Arbor township votcd but $15,■000 in aid of the T., A. A. and N. l., a .íraction more than 3 per cent. The Ypsilantiaus evidently have more "blood in their eye." Their zeal is worthy of imita tlon. "ThoBe who attended tho entertHÍnfntnt given by the P. Z. B. and P. Z's. Ia3t J'rlday evouing, seemed to be wcll pleased With the performance. The music was of a superior quality, anj the case and quickness with which the " boys" went through the tactics, showed a ptofjeiency in drill Whiqh will rank them high among the mil.itary corapauieK of the State. Kon. IIlgh McCuDv, of Corunna, flud Dr. Uui!v..vj;o, ofáoutii Sagina vv, were h .oir city on Tuesday, in tlic interest pf ihe East Saginaw and Ann Arboi' Jiailroad Corapany. These gentlemen say thateiiougU Rid and stock has been secured to insurc the success of the project. Dexter hag lost one of her most active ci;izeus apd prgii;h' -i 'uviifss men, KkiJION COSTEI.I.9, '''. "' lllr lil'"J OÍCOSTKI.I O Brotiieiüj Sé Gukgokv, tnerchants, and KPTS & Co., millers. He died on Mondy fltóht, oí inflammation pf Uie bowels, agéd 33'. 8. II. Ajkin-, a inember of tho Junor0 Pl8softhe Uniyersity, dicd 011 Monday niornlng, after a brief sickness,- of nflamatlöp of thc lungs. He residcd at Tckonsha, psthoun Couiity, preparod at Albion, enft-ed a Junior, and was 21 years old.


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Michigan Argus