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Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT DSTtnjC been made In thn eomlïtinns of a certain tnortgage made and cxccu'cd by Gottfried David Predeiicfc of Afin Arbor. County of w htenaw, and State ofMti tugan, to ETreenuuiP. Oalpiu, oí the townsnip of Sapeiïor, Coanty of Washtenaw, and Btato aforesairï, in the id day of July. A I), i-;-:. and recorded In tbe Registert office of Waahtcnaw County nfurcsaid, on the lltti day of July. A. L366, at 8 o'clock a.h. oftald day, in líber 3fi of morlgages. on page 81. and that thcre fsnowdue and anpald apon sald mortgage, and int panying tbe sanie, the sum of twelve handred and Mxfv-tive dollars anti cents, ther with rsasonablo Attorney'a fea provkïefl tot mortgage, and no snit or proceeding at lawor in eqnity haviiig been Inatitnted to recover the same, or v.ny part thereof. now, therefbre, notice is hereby giren that on Suturday, the V.'th day ol March, A. I). isto. nt 10 o'clock Ut the forenoon of sald duv. at the BOHtb door of the Court IIouhs in the City of i Ann Arbor, In said Coonty, by virtnc. of a power of sale in sald mortgage c ntalnëd. í hall sell at public aactlon1 to the tughBSt biddt-r, the premisas described in s.-iiil mortgdge, or eo macb thert'of as may be nc■ eassary to saiïsfy the amonnt due on sald mortgage, with interest and coat and expenses aliowed by luw ; wliich aatd premiáis are deserlbed a fotlowa The eastforLy acres of the weet hall" ol the sonthweet , qnartcr of section number fourteen, in townebJp Dumber two south, in range nnmber mx eaet, lying I in Ann Arbor, i]i Mtid Coonty umi State. Dated, Anu Arbor. Doe. 24, 1809. PREEMAN OALPIX, EnwAKii R. Si.AWfiON, Mortgairce. Att'y. for Mortgagcc. 1248 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been made in the conditlons of a certain tnortgase made by Richard Clinton and Clinton toNeleoD B. Nye, Executor ander the will of Charles Hyland, deceased, dated November the seveiith, A. I). 1809, and remorded on tho tcniïi day of November, A . I) 1800, in the oiBce of the Register of Deed for Washtenaw Countj, Hlchlf L':tn.iii Itber thlrty-seven of KEortgageF, on page two ' bundn-d, which said mortirae wna duly assigned b} safd Nelsan B. Nye, Bxecnaor, to Rlchatd Baaban, Adminlstrator wltb the will annexed of tin est ito of , said (.'liarles Hyland, deceased. by asstgnment dut cd ' May the eighteenth, A. II. isoni which aasignment ' was dnJy recorded in the Regtater's Office aioreoafd, 1 on the flilh day of November, A. ). 1809, in llber 1 two of Assignments of Mortgagea. on paige three ' hundrerï and twenty-six, apon wliirh morurace there 1 b) now claimed tobe 3ne the sumfof three hundred and suvcnty-flve dollars and nine cents, besMes the sum i of thirty dollars as an Attorney'a or Soltdtors fóe prbvlded for In sald mortgage ; and no snit or proproceeding havlng been Insutated at law to recover ■ the sum now dnc aud secnred by s:ú inortjjage, or any part thereof ; Now, therefore, by virttie of the ' power of sale contained in said niortgage, and by virtue ot Btaüite in such case made and provided, miticeis hereby giren, that on Satnrday, tho nint1 teenth day of rebroary next, at 12 o'dock, noon, of ■ thnt dar, at the south door of the Üonrt House, in 1 the city ol Ann Arlmr, County of Washtenaw, and ' State of Michigan (beins the place of bolding the ; Circuit Court within said Countyj, thcre will be sold [ at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premises described in said mortage. or so mnch thcroof as ■ may be nec6Parr to satlsly the amount due on said 1 raortgage, witli interest and costs, includingan attorney :fee of thirty dollars as aforevaiá. whi'-h said prèmlsefl are described as follows: The northenst part of lot nnmber ftve in block two north oílíuron street, range three, aocording to the recorded plat of the village (now city) of Aun Arbor, Michigan, commendng at tl;? uortheast corner of said lot and block and rnmüng south elffhteen toet, thence west sixtysix feet. thence north eighteeo eet, thence eastKixtysix f't;t to the place of begtnnlng. AJuo the right to join the brick wall etandingnear the south line of said land. Dated Nov. d, 10. lS4Std RICHARD T1EAIIAN, AssignceMortgnore 8a)e. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a certain mortffage exeented by Minerva Darla and Lorenzo Davis, of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw. and State "i Michigan, on the 21etday of Angnst, A. D. 1867,'to Darius Doughiss, of the City oí Ann Arbor afforesaid, and recorded in the íi-'soülce oí' said Couuty of WashtesftWi on ïth day of Anffust, A. D. I?6T, at i o'clockP. M. of Batd day, in uber :í7 ol mortffageSf on page öis, on which mortgage there is claimed to be duo at tïie date of thls aottce, the pam of two hundred and forty-ftve dollars and twentj-seven cents, algo an Attorney'8 fee of thirty dollars shoold any procced-. ings be takon to foreclosü the same, and iig. uitor procecdings at law or cquity havlne becu instituttrd to recover the dt:bt or any partthereof; Notice is hereby gtreo that by viitue of the power of sale in Bild morteage contained, I shall scll at public auctien, to the highest biddor, on the ldthdayof Pebruary A. I. iv7(t. at ü o'ctoch In the afternoou of that day. at the front door of the Court Honse, in tho Ulty t' Aun Arbor, in the County of Waahtenaw and State of HEchirain, the premisea Jescribed in e:üfl mortgage, as all that certain tract or parcel of land SftOAied in the City of Ann Arbnr, Countv and State aforesaidj known, bonnded and described as followa, to-wlt: commencfakg t tho eonthwest eorneroflot nnmber elght (8} hi block nnmber two f2) sottth oi llurnii street. and range number cight east, in Danforthand WUaon'a Andttion to theVillago of Ann Arbor, thence running east on the Bonth line of said lot eighty links tu a stake standing on said line, thence nortnerly parallel with the west line of said ]-l to a stake Btaouing on the urth Hue f eaid lot, thencn weat on said north line elghty links to the norttiwest corner of said Int, thence southerly cu the west line of sald 1( 1 1" the place uf beginning. Kovember -oth, 1899. LOUISA J. TTCKXOU. Excnitrix of the last wfll and testament vi Daiius DonglaWt deceaaed. Jouw X. Gott. 12-ió Attornev fur the Executrix. Moitgige Sale. WHBRBAS, John liarris and Mary ..Harrlg, hla wlfe, of the City of Aun Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and t:itï of Michigan, on ttre thirteenth day of September, LSGT,execateda mortgage to Wilüam H. Parker, of Lowell, Massachusctta, to secure the payment of certain principal and intereet moneys toereln mentionedi which mortgage was recordt'd in the offtcn of tho Register of Decda. in said Coniity ,on the'J3d day of September, A. 1). ls!7, at 11 U o'clock A. of said day, in libér íl7 of moit,on page 651 ; and, wïiereas, default hu been made for more than thirty days in the payment ol an LnstaHment of said Interest money which became due on the thirtcenth day of September. iS08, by reason whereot and pnrsuant to the terms of said mortp:agc, saidmortgajieehereby electa that so mnch of sald principal aa remaina nnpaid with all arrear:iur"s of interest thereon, shall bec(me due and pyable immediatoly ; and, wherean, there is claimed to be duo and unpaid ou said mortL.iLe at the date ol ibis notice, fourteen handred and tixty-fonr 82-100 dollars for principal and interest, also an Attoruey'g fee of thirty dollars shnuld any proccedings bc taken to foroclose eaid mortgjige, and no suit or proceedings hau been instituteu cither ín law or equity to recover the same or any partthereof; Notice is therefore hereby given, that on the ninetcenth day of February next, at two o'clock iu the afternoon, at the front door of the Court House, iu the City ol Ann Arbor. being the building in which the Circuit Court for Raid County is held, and by virtue of the power of sale contained in eúd mortgage, tahalí scll at public auction, to the hignest bidder, the premisos described in said mortgatre to satisfy the amonnt ofpüncipal and interest above claimed as due, with the charges of snen sale, insnrance and an Attorncy's fee of thirty dollars, the folio winsr described land, situatcd In U13 city of Ann Arbor, Countv of Washtenaw and State of Michigan aPoreaid. kiHiwii, bounded and described as follows, to-wit : beioglot number four, (4) in Bowcr's Addition to the City of Ann Arbor, according to the recorded plat thereoC November 2fith. isro. WÏLLtAM n. PAKKER, Mortcagee. .Toiiv X. Gott, Att'y. for Mortgace. t'24-)td Mortgage Sale. DEFAUT.T bavlng been made in the condilions of a certain mortirage made and exeented by Charles Beutier. Bvenstfne BenÜer, BJenard O. Travei and Margaret Traver, of Ann Arbor, County of WashtenaWi and State of Ukhigan, to Bobert UcCornüeic, of tbe town of Ann Arbor, State afbresaid, on the 28thday of June, A. L. 1807, and recorded in the Hegtsterfl öffln' of ':ishtenaw County aforesald, on the -".i;li day of June, A. 1). 1867, at 8 o'clock P. M. of said day. In llber 85 of mortgages, on page T88, and that thore is now due and nnpaid npon said mortgage and note accompanylng the same, the som of nlne lumdreil and nine dollars and thïrty-threc cents, aUo an Attorncy's fee Of forty dollars thonld any procecdings bc taken to foreclORC said mortgage : and no proceedings at law or in equity havtng been had to recover paid sum or any part thereof, now, therefore, notice is hereby given. that by virtne of a power f sale in sal! mortgage contained, T hall eell at public auction, to tbe hljrhest bidder, on the 5th day of Fcbruary next, at 2 oVlock P. M. of saidday, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, Connty aforesaid : The west twenty-seven and a half feetof lot number five, in block number two south of Huron street and range number four east, in the city of Anu Arbor, Michigan, accordiug to tho recorded plat thereof. November llth.1869. ELLEN MoCORMTCK, Expcntrixof the la! will and testament of Kobert McCormick, Mortgagee. deceased. Jonx X. Gott, Attorncy. 1243td Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haring been made in the condition of a oartain nortgase made and execoted by Louisa );ivi, oí Clinton . Lenaweo County. iu the State 'f Michigan., to Julia A. Hall, of Ypsilanti, County of Washtenaw. aud state aforosaid, on the I5th day of October,1866, and recorded in the Registert Oftice of Wftthtcnaw County nforesaid. on the 14th day of January,A. D. ïsr.f .at o o'clock P. M.. iu LJber85of sfortgages. on page 50-, and that there is claimed to be e npon said moitgage and the noto accom;anying the same theeum f eight huudred and forty-nme dollars and forty-five cents, and an Attorney's fee of thirty dollars shouid any procccdings be taken to foredosc eaid mortgage j and no proccedlccs at law or in eqnlty having been had to recover eaid sums of moncy or any part thereof: Now, thert-fon;. noÜoe is hereby given that by virtue of a powei of sale in said morteage oontaiaed. T shall Peil at prtblicauction to the blgheat bidder on the üfthday of Pebruary aext, at 2 o'clock P. M. of that day, at tïie front door of iho Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in e;iid county, all that certain parcel of land In tbe city oï Ypsllaiiti, kiidwn and described as Lot Xo. one () in jhe Normal School addltlon to the vlllage fnow city) of .Ypsllrtutl beiin; thfl aaiae propsïty eonveyed by'the party of the secoud part to the party of the flrst part. November 3d, 1869. JULIA A. HALTi, Mortgage. JoiiN-N. Gott, Att'y for Mortgagee. ÏM8 Mortgage Sale. TEFAULT having been made in the condition of a XJ mortgage exeented by Edward BiAenhardt and Caroline, his wife, to Angustus U"iiicnin:mn, dated Janaary 24, ise-7, and recorded in tha Registert offlee. tn Waantenaw Cotinty. Michigan, on the Mth day of Jauuary, 1SGT. in llber Sft of mortgages, on pace tïlO, by which defaalt the power of saJIe oontal&ed in saia raorteage became operativo, and no proceedings in law or equity having been Instltuted to recover the tiebt secnred by said mortgage or any part thereol, and the ram oï one bandrea and eixty-two dollars belng now claimed to be due npon said mortgage; notice is therefore hereby frWeo, that said mortgage will be foreclo8ed by :i of ihc prt'inises described in sald mortgage, or some part thereof. to-wit : The followlng deienbed land, sltuated on eeotion thirtytwo, In t&e townsblp of Anu Arbor, in Waahtenaw Connty, Michigan, vla.: Beginning on the west side of sald sectlon, at a point 5 chaina and 83 i links south of the QQrthwest corner of said section, thence easl paral lal to tlio north line of tbe section 7 chains and 50 links, thence north parallel to the wast line of said section fi chaina and W% links, thence weet par■ill-l ut tho north line cfLthe section to the westse tlon liiu', thence sooth 'l chaina and ftö% links to the place of bezinning, couiaining two acrcB, azoepttng a right of way one rod in width op the cast side of the ahovc described IhikI, at rmblic vendue, at tho Court 1IOU8O, io tUe CJty ol Aun Arhor, in Mtid Connty, on the -üth day f February next, at uooii. Dated Deci-inhor Jd. 18. AUGUSTUS WIDEXMAXX. N. W Cnr.Tvtr., Ailyt 1210 Mortgügcc Mortgage Sale. ■nEFAÜLt hnVlDR been mrtc In the conditions U of a certuiu mortgage exeouted by Aaron Dean, and CatharMe Deun, (Ha wlfel, of iho cuy of Aim Arlior. MicbleaDj to Norman Chapin. ol the ïimt place, ancl iK-nrhii; date the twenty-Bfih day "1 Jnljr, A. D. i wjc. and recorded on ihc twenty-evi-ntli day ot July, a. I). ïsciï, ,. the office of the Iiegsf.-r ol Deede of W.ishtcnaw County, Miclii"an, in líber 35 of Mortgagea, m page 8;7. which ssid mort; by tbe aald Norman Chapín to Jtunee V. flojea, by an arhlxnmcnt dateiltlie twentythlrddnyoi' Atn-ust, A. D. ISWr which assienment corded in tl! RegUtar'a office of the aald Connty of Waabtenaw, on the tweuty-sevonth day of Jannary, A. D. 1868, In Hber or.e of aasigsrnenw of fes, at paje B67, by which ilefnultthe power i: aald mortgage haa líenme opcrative, and theam nntclaimed io bc dne (and upald) on said mortgage, and tbe notes accompanyiüg the same, at the date of tbb notiee, la fonrhandredandforty-tbree dollars and twelve cents, also an attoruey's ree of twciHy fivo dollars prorided for in said mortnagc, and no snit or proceciing at law, or in clmncery. having been instutiicd to recover the same, or any part thereof, no.w, tharefore. notiee ia nereby elven, that on Satiirdav. the tifth day ofFebruarv. A D. 1S7, at ten i.'dock in the forenoon of said dav. at tho southilMoroftlieCourt House, in the sa ld city or Aun Arbor, by virtnc of a power of sale' in said inort"nce contalned, I sinll scll at public auctiou, to the lilghest bidder, the premiss described in unid mortgage, or BO much thercof as will hc uecessary to palUfy the amount due on sald mortgage with interest and costs and ezpensei llowed by law. the premises deBCribed as f"llows : All the folloning deserlbed plecc orparcel of land, coraraendBg in the center af the BbeJ White road, on seclion thirty, in the town f Shlp "f Ann Arbor. C'o'intynf Waahtenaw,and8tat of Michigan, at the north-weit corner of lanrl owned by Clement R Thompson, thence south parallel to the cast quaiter line of said seclion to the south line of said scetlon, therce west on the nonth line of said tectlon foür chaina and Krenty-elgbt and one-hal links, thence north parallel to the west quarterline of udd cetion to tne center of the Ebor white road, thence northeasterly along the center of said road to the place of begnrnlDg, roi:tíiinin: ninegand sixtyone hundredths acres, mora oí Laas. Dated, Ann Arbur, November VH!i, 1 36ft JAMES F. ROYCE, P. Ckamkr, Asslgnee of Mortgage. Att'y. for Asflgnee. 1243 Real Estáte fórjale. STATK OF MICHIGAN', County of Wa-htenaw, a. Id the matter of the Estáte of Bonnan Browning, deccased. Notiee is hereby given. that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigntrt Adminlatrator debonü non of the estáte of said deceaaed. by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the Connty of Washtenaw, on the twentT-fonrfh day ol Jaunary, . I). 1870, Usare will te; sold al public vendue to ilie higbest bidder, at the welling hpnse onthepremises herein describid, in the County of Wabhtennw. in said SSIate, on (Vednesdar, the sixteenth day of March , A. I) 1SV0, at ten o'clock In tha forenoon of that day, (subject to all enenmbrancea by mortgago orotherwise exlatlng at the time of the. d'eath of Id deceased) the following described real estáte, viz: The northweat qnartcr of the southwest quarter of sectioneightecn. in township fur south of rang; sevcn east, containiug forty acreB more or less in soid State. Datcd, Jannary S4th. A. D. 1S70. CHARLES G. WHEKLER, 1254 A'lministrator delonisnon. Estáte of Gilbert Süowers. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, tt. O At a session of the I'robate Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflire, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the thirieenth day ui Jannary, in the year one thousand eight hurdred and seranty. Present, IUram j. Bcakes, Judge of Probate. In tbc matter of tho estáte of Cilbert Showers, deceased. On reading and flling the petitinn duly verifled of George W. Tiirnbull. Administrator with Mil annexed oí said dceaaed, prayin thut he roay bo licensed to aell certaln real Cítate whereof ulddeceased dled seited. Thereupou il a Ordercd, that Monday.the twentyeighth day ofPebrury, next, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon, beaaaigned for the hearing of aald pciition, and il:. ;. devisees and helrs at law tf suld deceased, andall otberpenooa interetted in said es tatetare reqatred to appcar at ascsyíou oí said Con rt theu to be holden at tho Probate Office, in the city o Ann Arbor, and show cause, il any there be, wby the prayer of the petitlouer hould uot be ;;railed : And it Ufuri her ordcred, that said petltloser irive notiee to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendancy of said peiltlon, and the hearini' thereof, hy canstnga copy of this Order to be pnbllahed In tho Michigan Arffmtj anewapaper priuted and circnlatlng in said county, four enccesslve weeks previousto said day of hearing. CA truecopy J IIIRA11 -I. BEAKE8, Vüiti Jadgeof Probate. Estáte of Mary E. l'arsons. STATEorMICIIIGAN.CotNTvoF-WABiiTi.v-, ss. At a session of the Probate Court fortheCounty of Washtenaw, holden at theProbateOlncein the City of Ann Arbor, onThuriday, the tweuty seventhday of Jannary, in the year onó thousand eight hundred j and seveiity. Present, Hiram J. Pcakes. Jndge or Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Mary E. Parsons, deceased. Onreadingand fillng thepetition, duly verified, ot Thomas S. Saoford, prajing that a certain inMrumant now on file iu this Court, pnrportlng to be tho last will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and Ihat he may be appointed sole Biecntor thereof. Therenpon it is Ordered, thnt Monday. the twenty-first daj ofFebroary next, at teu o'clo'ck in the forenoon, be SBsigned for the hearing of said petitlon, and that the leñatees, deviüees and hcirt: at law of said deceased, an.l;ill other perfeona interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Coart. then to bc holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any thero be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And i t 'is fnrther ordered that said petitionergive notiee to the persons interested in s:i'nl estufe, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearini: thereof, by canaing a copy of this Order to be pnblisbedln the Uickigan Argos, a newspapcr printed and circnlatlng in snid County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. Atrnecopy.) HIKAAl.r. BEAKES, Iï54id Judqe of Probate. Estáte of William Euckmaa. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wnshtcnaw, ff. O At a session of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Wa-htenaw, holden at the Probate office in tho city of Aun Arbor, on Mouday, the twenty-fourth ay of Jannary, in the year one thousand eight hnndred mul seventy. l'rescnt, Hiram J. Bcakcs, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William Ruckman, deceaed. Willhim M. Gregorj, Administrator de hani.' von with the will annexed of said deceased, comes into Court and represent that he is now prepared to render his final account as such Administrator, and praying that a decree of distribution be made, and that paid estale beclosed. Thereupcn it is Ordercd, that Monday, the twenty-ñrst day of Febrnary nest, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for examiuiug and allowinir ench acconnt, and that the legatees, devisees and heirs at law of sald deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are rquired to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Oíñce, in the City of Ann Arbor in s.iid Connty, and show cause if any there be, why the eflid account should not be allowed : And it ut further ordercd, that said Administrator give notiee to the persons iuterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by canafng a copy of this order to be publishcd fn the Michigan Artjus, a newspaper printed and circulating in aatd County, three successive weeks yrevions to sai I day of hearing. CA truecopy.) II1KAM J. BEAKES, I254td Jndse of Probate. Estáte of Mary Kelly. QTATi: OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa lo At i srssion of the Trobat.' ("itiiri for the County of Washleuaw. holden at the Probate Office, iu the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the fourtfenth day of rlanuary, in the year one thousand eight hnndred and 8eventy. Present. liiram J. Beake?, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Mary Kelly, deceased. On reading and fillng the petition, dnly verifled, f Charles (iafl'ney, praying that Luke i'oyle or soiue other suiuible persou may be aipoiuted Adminiatrator of the estáte of said deceased. Thereupon il Is Ordered, that Mondav, the fourteenth day of Fcbruary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petilion, and that the heirs at law of said decensed, and all other persons interested in sald estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, than to be holden at the Probate Olllcc, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show canse, if any there bc1, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And il is further ordered, that said petitioner gïve notiee to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of sald petition, and the hcariiiK thereof. by cnusing a copy of this Order to be publishea In the Michigan Aryus, k newspaper printedand circulatfauj In said County, three suecesslve weekeprevioua to said day of hearing. (A tmecopy.J HIRAM .T. BEAKES. 1253td Judge of Probate. Estáte of Nathan Thomas. STATE OF MICMIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss. At a sessiou of tho Probate Court for the lounty of Washtenaw. holden at the I'robate Office, in tho City or Anu Arbor, on Friday, the fourteenth day "f .Tañiiary.iu the year oue thousaud eight hundred and scvrtitv. Present, Hiram J. Beakes..Tudge of Probate. In the matter of the Cítate of Nathan Thomas, deceased. I.ydia Thomas and Samuel I.yon, Execntors of the last will and testament of said deceased, come into Court and represent that they are uow prepared to render their ünal acconnt as such Executors. Therenpon tis ordered, thnt Thursday. the seventeenili day of Febroary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aasignea for examlning and allowine such account, and that the legatees, devisees ancl hcirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of aaid Conrt. then to be holden at tho Probate Oflicc, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Couuty, and show canse, if any there be, why the said account sbonld not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said Execulors give nonce to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeucy of faid acconnt, nnd the hearing thereof, by rausíng a copy of this order to be pubUabed ln.tbe Mirhiwn Aryut, & newspaper printed and circnlatlng In said County, three encceesive woeks previoua to. said day of hearing. (A trae copy,) HIRA5! .T. BEAKES, l63td Jndflè of Probate. Estáte of Franklia Swift. QTATEOF MTCniGAN.C rNTV nrWisiiTFNAw, 0 At ;ises8ionof the Probate Court for the Conutj 01 Wasluenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedneaday, the telfth day of Jannary, in the year ono thousaud eight luudr'd and seventy. Present. II irainJ.Beakce.Jïidge of Probate: In the matter of the Estáte of Jt'ranküu Swlft, deceaaed. Delos Showerman, Exccntor of the last will and testiimeniof saul deceased, comes into Court.and represents that he is uow prepared to render hi first account as such Kxecutor. rherenpon it is Ordercd, that Snturday, tho filth day of Febrnary next, at ten o'clock in the forenuon, bo aesigned for examinicg and nllowine such account, and that tbc légateos, devíseos, aml Itoir at law ol" said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a esslon of said Court, theu to baholden at tho {'robate Otlice, in tho City of Ann Arbor, ín Silid County, and show cause, if unv Ehere ba, why the sald acconnt should not he nlJlovedi And it is furlher ordercd, thm sid Kxecutor give notiee t the persons Interested in :d isi.ite, of the pwidencv (,f said account, and th hearing thereof by eausing a copy of this Order to bc puhlished In the Michiyan Argüí, a newspapeT irinliil and drnil.itinir in said Oounty, three SUC ■essivf weeks previoufl ti said day of hearing. (Atrnecepy.) 1I1IIAM '. r.KAKKS, Ijftjtj " Judcof Probat.


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Michigan Argus