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Spread Of Mormonism On Long Island

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T!ü Mormon propoguudists in our uiidül are still driving tlicir work, ;imi t!iu far with a deree of suceess thnt gives ïise to painful appreheusionson the part of the ''(uiitiie" world. In ilay's issue of the Timtt the protiress of the Mormuu missionariea ou Long Islaiid was set forti. Gen. Burtoa, it was reported, bad establihhed a branob of ilie riaints it Baldwinsville, uear Rock vüie Center, and dispatehed othor laborero Dortb and soutli throughout the isíaud. 'ib e particulars of ñs opemtions in th;it section híboo his arrival reached us ou Wedneaday evening. We laarn tliat ('.uring bis tour through the ouo'.rv, in 'ha neihbiirhood of IlcmpBteaii, Baldwiusvllie, Iluckvillo Center, FatcbouJ, and Freepori, where he now is lonaud, bis work was eoufinod to Bearching out tbose people of Mormon prcc.ivUieg, for the pnrpuse of awakeniug theiu to aotioo. His reasous for so duing have been variouslj axpressëd. tíonie bave it that the proplieta in tbe "Vaüov of tbe niountuins" bave bad a rovelutiou trom t lie Most High. warnÍDg thein of coming trouble by fire and sword, wborefure they felt it thuir duty to oall up jn the preaobera and elders of the people to go out amoog the Beattered sbeep, to arouse tbeir slunibering faith, exhort theiu to active uiembursbip, and, finally, establish asuiauy Mormon branches ia our raidst as tbey could. This view of the mission is takeu by most of lbo brethren in the oastera etutes, coneequontly a grand rally arouod the banuors of tbe Latter-day may be expected. An eider of the flock iu Williamsburgb informs us tbat most of tbo Mormous loeated on Loag Island are wealthy, and willing to co-operate ia tho work. ïwenty of ' thöm havo already rentcd a ' houso in Baldwiosville, where they hold : for-th three titncs a day. At Patchogue j ie luca'.èd the nucleus of another brauch, ; at Rockville aoolber, and Freeport is at present the seat of a grand cffort to establish btill auother. Already we are infonned Ihat 12 persons hava been ! verted and baptized tbere by Gen Burton and nis co-laborers, of whom he had eight or uine. In Connecticut also aro a number of missionaries, who, natives of that State, became Mormons sotne years ugo, went out to Utah, and on the cali for laborers in tho eastern States were eb osen to come atnong their frieuds and preach to thein. Bostou, and inany of the principal towns in Alassachusetts. Maine, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, bavo been set apart as distriets which are dow being worked. Miisionaties have been sent to Canada and England for tho purpose of gathering uil tho memben and as many proselyteg as can be hud to Utah, or, if the xnovemeut is suceessful there, to tho eastern Utah, Long Island. These statements niay appear to be incredible, bat tliey are borue out by those of leadiog Moruion churcli digiiitaries now in our inidst. One of these, in a conversatiou yesterday, faid : "We do not seek bloodshed nor war, but as tho Master revealed to Joseph Sraith that this great continent was to be the luud froui which the delégales ef Christ were to be sent to all part8 of the uubelieving world, and for this yurposo in His owq good time He will give it to our people, we are deterniined to abide the issue, be it what it may." DuriDg the coming week an additional force of elders and priests, headed by n bishop, are expected to arrive in the city, to reiuforce tbose already here. Anolhcr mission bas also been commeneed out west, and no effort will be sparee to awaken the Monnon element thruugb out the country. The Freeport brauch is considered by the Baiuts as firmly tstablished, and Genera' Burton will re turn to that poiot to day or lo-iuorrcw


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