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The Holly, Wayne & Monroe Railroad

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For ome days past curroncy has boen f Ten to a report totho eflea% itiat the [., W. & M. Kailroad is a failuro, and ihat Un) i fficers of the conjpany huve adandi'iied hope of oompletiug tho same. Wu hivo taken pains to investígate the matter, and opon wthority which notoe will questiou, propose to give sume fjctbeat ing upou thu the case for the inf rs matioD of thosu fi icnds of ihe road wlio havo been mit-led by tire icports rtforred ti). lt bas been generally uuilerstimd that oegotiatioDB wero pending rith powertul corporatioi8 for additiooal meaus nccessary to complete the ruad bed, uud lo iro the same lrom Molly ti Toledo. Such is thefact, and recent aaBurances froui the s;:id corporations, (aud with a full knowledge on iheir part of the statemen's mado by thu Ypsilanti projectors), are of the most encoui agiug charac.ler and all that could ■ be hoped for. Reporte to thu conliary have no basis in íact. The Toledo & Northern Bailroad Company of Toledo I offer a guaruutee to this company of exI elusivo control over, and management of a liücfrom tho Stute line ihrough Toledo, giving it all the assistance which has tt uny time beun espeuled, nul iu no "jol or tittle" les This ri ate ment is made upon authority of tho Directora of the T. & N. Co., given within t!iu present week - ihe annnunuement of tho Ypsiianti cumpauy notwithstaiiding. Lei notie of the friends of the II. V. & M. road be dcceivcd by any placebo, bowevor specione. The lacla íu tlie cafe warrant the belief, that withiu the next 30 duys the spoedy oompletion of the road will have beeu guarauteed beyond a peradventure. Iu the mean linie let uo hostile iufluences whiob hve beeu, or may be, brought to hu r, deatroj Ibis coiilidcnce. And we eugguet that such influences in favor of aoy rival rund shouid have no weight iu mUleading any into giving aid or eocouragemeot, eith er by voice, vote or stock subsctiptinu in favor of any project inünioa! to thi througti fear of i'.s proving a failure. - If these guggestiiQ8 are oumplied witii, the advanced oooditition of thU line gives sure promis? to the adjoiuiug west' ero townsbips, of the completion of a road which will atl'urd theui every fatility that could be seoured by any other proposed iiue, and ruaoj, wiiieh lo otlier can givo ihem, oue of vshicli is a direct comniuiiicaiion iii Detroit, a fact most essential to all tbia soction ot' country ïo the towiig spoken of, will ennie th doublé market ficiiitien (Detroit and Toledo) wi'.hout the esp udi:u:e of a dollar on. tin ir part Auy one familiar with the section of country ttirougii which Ihe line of the projected road trom llolly via psilant to Toledo vvill pass mast see ít once tbat it touches not a viltago, nor wil) it accominodate a ñooriog mili or any uianufueturiug interest of iny kim), uor wili it p;iss ne;ir any natural power, upou whLh such interest could bo built up, from Milford to Ypsilanti. lts uiain object seems to be to beuefít the city of Ypsilanti, ai.d uut to help t':e pecV.i: to more and better markeu alung the line for grain, potatoe.-, pork, pouitry, and wbatever a farmer h:a to geil. 'i'he important question for ilie pcople of the t wns iulerc-sted to dec du iá this - whioh of the two roads (:f only ono oï tliem is buill), will yield them the greatust good. If it be tlie H. W. & M , thetl a vote giving aid to thu other is agamst their own interest. Let us look atfacta whel fairly stated. ïhe H. W. & M. R. R. traversa u eection that hus lurge m'liiug power, ex tensive manufactunes, old and well es tabüsheti villages oti the line. Al! i hese poinls, with railroad laeilities opened must furnioh ma: kets for everythüii' t!is tonner has to sell, witu cue udvant&ge it comjetition at these puints, and also tlie choice ol eiiber Detroit or Toledo. ïho natural advantigis of the numerous villag s on this liuu have made tbem point of exti.-nsivo oommeroial, manufacturin and milliiig inicrcsts, aud sucb the; malt remaio ; while on the Ypsilani lioe, souih of Milfurd, there is neitliei and frum ihe nature of tlie case, Uier nover can he. For iilustration lake th town of SalBin, throuh wliich tha ne road is to pass, Aun Arbor, Ypsilauti o Detroit is ita present market, Wouk tho building of tlic aew line chance tti situatiüii ? Not in the least. Thes raust still be its markets, for tbe reaso that thcre are uo poiuts where milis o maDufacturKS could be opeued. Th same is true of Lyou. Upcm the whol it does not appear tbat niuoh btueli coiild acerue to any pmnt except Ypsi lanti. Tliere is uo doubt but the cora pietion of thu H. W. & M. Koad wml in some measure injure the prospecta fo Ypsilauti, which are coutiageut upo the success ot tlieir line. "We siiuply ask a careful coosideratio of the merits of the rival Unes (so far a .they are t iva)) as benefits to the peopl of Lbe towus which are asked to favor the new project, befóte doing wbat mai cripple ihe interests of tliie, which is uow substautially ready ior the iron for lialf its length. If aoy desire to do thiswe can ouly say vote againsl this liue by voting for the other; but not with false impiesüioiis wliiah have grown out of hasty interests and reprosentatious. Ii' you do not tbus desiio, wait a few weeks aud you will be better prepared to judge not only which road would be preferable, but most purely und speedily secured. NORTHVILLE. Koutiiville, Feb 4, 1870.


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