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Editorial Chips And Splinters

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- The trial of McFarlaud is set down Ittr the 7th of ïtlarch. - Parson Cooke lias turncd up figain. Tlns time In Astorla, Long Island. - Hoar proposes to " stick" - to the Attonuy Generai's oflice. Stauton is his precedent. - The report is perslstently circulated tliat the late Secretary Stanton committud suicide. ■ - Cumbaek has góiic back on the m!s sion to Portugal. He sets a btghcr valué ou hlmself. - Representativo Iloag, Democrat, of Ashley's old district, died on Saturday last, of pneumonía. - John B. Uough performcd a wonderful feat at Cliicago last eveiiing. Lectured on "Peculiar Pcople." - Plymouth Church proposes to revise its creed. WllI it lnsert, " I Ikjücvc iu liberal divorce laws," etc. ? - The "f:ithr of greenbactcs," Chicl Justice Cliase, luis tarned against liis progeny. " Ougratefal man." Womau is gettlng lier rights(?) out in Illinois, onc liaving been electod a justice of the peace by 2G majority. - Jndge Streng, nevvly appolnted to the Suprcnie (Jourt, vvhen ou the Pennsylvania Bencli held the legal tender act cónsüuitlonal. - Xot so in lissouii, the Legislalure of Wblch State baa relmed to appoint au 'aspi ring feniale, Assistant Superinleudent of - Fred. Douglass enllghtened Chicago Wednesday evening, on " Our Composite , Tationality." A new name for a miscegeuatud people. - Michigan owes abont $2,000,000 contracted before tbc passage oí the legal tender act, the bonds for which are now, like the 5-20's, gold-bearlng bonl. - lt was at Troy, N. Y., Mis Kate Field appeared " mrapped In her thetne as in a sheet of fíame." She will pro'oably be more snbstantlally garbed this eveniug. - Georgia has ratifled the XlVth. and XVth. amendmenls. Congrcss had her " in chancery " and wouldn't lat up uutil she dld. Wliat a way to ameod a coustitutiou ! - Grant's neivly appolnted Governor of Montana - ex clerk tialomon, of Cliicago - has come to grief, the Suprime Court of Illinois having fliied him f l,C00 for con tempt, lie paid tlie tino. - The ffifc of Brighain Young are, - no, the wives of Urighain Youug is, - no, confound tlic grammar! the mormon women are lo be enfranchistd, the woinan suffrage bill having passed the Utah House. - The Sonate, on Tliursday of last weck, thially disposed of the uominatlon of Attorncy Qeneïal lloar to bc Chlcf Justice of the Sopreme Court, rejectlng hhn by a vote of 24 to 3!i. Now for a thlrd-rate man. - Tbe final funeral obsequies of the late George Penbody took piano at Peabody, Mass., on Tucsday. An uddrcs? was deliv ered by Hon. R. 0. Wlnthrop. Prince Arthur and otlier notables wcre resent. - The Senate not haring aeted upon the Domlnatlon of " Gov." Ashley's guccessor, tlie ilistinguishcd impeacuist holds on - umler that beautiful Of-offlce law, enacted to tie the hands of Andcew Johnsou. - Senator Reveis feted his Radical colleagues a few evenlnge sincc at an oyster saloon. Chaiidler was thar, wherenpon au lmpadent scribbler asks whethtr Reveis and wife will be invited to Chaudler's uext party. - The Free Press crcdils the YpsIIant) Sentinel with giviug it " many kiiul notiees." We'll bet the next one Woodruffgive it wou't be consldered "kind" - even b; our good-natnred and loug-sufferlng Fre Pres frlends. - The Hartford 2 itrut declares thatwhc Senator Bu inner compliniented 3Irs. Senato Reveis upon the gooil fortune of ber hu band. that deliirlitiiil hulv rptilied. "Tan you, sah' dougb de Lord ailüuk you wid white skin, he gub you a hcart as black a anyboily's !" - Sumner and Tipton were reccntly in t.roduccd to Mrs. Senator Reveis, eolorei in the Sonate gallery, and taking seats - one at eilher side - vied with each otlier i dolng Her honor. AYlio blaincs SIrs. Sun ner tbr leavtog lier sponset - Our Radical office seekingfrlends, wh liold tliat the way to political success lie throagb a woman's smltes, must remembe to put on thcir best looks and make the most graceful botvs whenever they mee the ladies of color iu theiv alteruooa pron enodcfli - Tlie " hite lameníed " Stanton had h life insured tor $10,000, and left real estat worth ü0,000. Congress ought to give h faniily a year's salary of a Judge - au offlc he never held. The tax-payers are all í much richer thau hls estáte, it woukl equa ize the thlng. - The rat pit of Kit Burns has bec converted luto a hon;o tor lallen womci witii a daily prayer meeting attatjicd ; bq Kit runs a saloon next door, throug wUich the ministers liave to pass to reao tlie platform. It will be anothev " wickec est man " sensation. - The Chicago Tunes is decidedl " sweet " on Kate Field. It says : " She quite attractive iu per.son, beingüt mudiui size, and flnely formeel, with a nuble, frank, Intellectqal foe, l'ull of spli'it and aulination. lier Ktyle is like the mountain brecze from wl)Ich she recelved lier tnsplrations, fresh, racy, and piquant, total ly different in kind froin that of most of the fomale kxturers of the day." '■■! '■ I lx THB language of Autejias Ward Gov. Walker, of the new State of Vir giuia is a "sarkastical cusa." Witnes the following paragraph from hls mes iage to the Virginia Lagislature, deliv ered on Tuesday : Of the state coustitulion, lic says: " It provisions shull have a í'air and uupartia trial, and when, f ever expexlence shoulc demónstrate the iuutilit y or impracticabili ty of any of tliem, we will proceed to muke sucli modlflcatlons as necesslty may de mand. The manlfestatlons of a punlc fa 1 1 by others afïbrds nojuvtitlcatton for a tWpartnre from thepath of rlght by us. The aoclent and proverbial repntatlon of the people ofthla commonwealtb for Iionorauc intsiirity wiU 1; niaiutaint;d regardlcss o the m l'Jsh and fenatlcal ritnperation ol our enemles at home and abroad." The Radicáis of Congrega who went back on thcir pledges, and exacted uew coiiditioos, can "put tbat in tbeir pipes and smoke it." Tuk Houso Electiou Comniittee, despairing of makiog a show of invostigation in caoh of the tvventy-two contebted election cases, proposes tho appointment of a separate special committee in each case, by lot, with a pledge to abide bv the reports of euch committees. A ijuicker way, and one iu consonauce with tlio regular, sstablished action of the Houss, vvould be to pass a siugle resolutioa deelarinc; the several llodical con;estants entitïod to their seats, aud prolibiting Democratie candidatos running n their diitricta fiereafter. What's the ïse of makbg fwo bitcs of the political :hcrry ? 1f Miss busAN li. Anthony and her coailjutors tlon't " hurry up their cakes," their proposed XVIth amcudineut 10 the Federal Courtitution - getthig tubo federal, in earnest - vvill hiwe to fll to the rcar and give preoeiience to greenbacks. A lladicul Congress will not hesitate long betwccn beauty and bnoty, and Julias will liud the odds against him in the contest with Ixgeusoi.l, the forrner backiu tho woincn, the latter the greenbacks. Hereis the lat ter 'g amendment proposed ou Tuesdny : " The Congress " ehall have power to issuo Uuited "States notes and may 'make them a " legal tender in the payment of debts." - Wouldn't it bo better - saving future amendmeuts - to introduce one abolishing the Supreine Court ? The States might be legislated out of t! e Union, and admitted one by one, as the-j ralify. On the Marshall reverme tariff r i. lutions, offered aud tibled in the House on Mouday, Indiana furnished $ix Kepublican votes aguinst tabling; Illinois t five ; Oliio. Jour ; and Iowa, four, but every niotlur's e=ou of the ' gan delegation voted to table, aud in tavor of taxing tlio psople to enricli E B. Waüd ai.d other füt and sauey . manufacturers, making Michigan a i sini)le tender to Mussachusetts and Pennsylvania. What say their coustitiieuts or that porlion oftbem who went to the liepublicun party from the Demojray, and who Lavo uot yet forgultuu their free-trade proclivities ? i - i Countinq on the adoptiun of tliu XVth araenduiuiit as certain, Seoalor Williams has already iotrruduced a bilí to enforce it. We have not seen it, but presumo that it áims to make negroea vote in New York, Oliio, Michigan, Illinois etc., despite their local laws '. a:id to absolve inspectora of election and otlier officeis i'roni alhgiauce to the laws tney have BWOfD to ob.'y. It will be a nJvelty to see the chairnian of an eleeioa board modifying or ameoding the . oath he is required to adrninister to a i challi-ngcd voter. Queer times, tlus-e. Tu e Advertiaer and 7'itbue is t a lo-s to küow who and vhat Mr, Jos. P. , Bbadleï - receuílj appoiuted by dent Gkant tu bo an Associate Jusiic-e of t tha Suprema Goirt,vio$ EFoar f ed - if. 13y intituting an inquiry our ' cotemporary will verylkuly liud that lie ' is a lawjer of gifts. we mean :i gifled lawyer ; tliat is thal he has given somethi to Gkant or taken stock liberal ' ly in One Ör umre of the "gift enterpria" ' es " gotten np for the Presideut'a benetit. If uo', previous reports siy that Lie ; principal uuckji's for the place - Gov. Wai:d and Secretory Roukso.n - have, wbich U)akes it all the samu.


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Michigan Argus