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The Washington correspondent oi the Chicago Tribune, the greut Itadical papet ot' the Northwest, gives thia peu and iuk sketch of Uur lilair :" Austin Blair is fifty-two ycars old, md came from Jackson Michgau to represent C;itaiu Waid, lumber, sak, copper, and iron. Michigan has bceu so diverscly and bouutifully endowed by t'rovidcuce tl)at slie oan no more atford 0 be disiuterctited tbau that rich mau who oaiue to Qhriet wtth good iuteniolis : "Sell all thou hast and give to the poor !" And Michigan went nway sorrowfuly ; " for sho had great pusaessiopf." Poor young Michigan, covered with umber and t'ull of niiiiurals and salt, sking to bo protected agaiost the povrty all arouud her! Austia Blair was be War Qovernor of Michigan, and he s repregeqted to bo a reasonable tnaü 1 coinmittee, but ho is withoiu indepencncc, kep ur:dcr and stulified, like uany a gond n:ao io Congress, ly t'ie upposition of the power und despotisrn : tho manufacturen, bis constituents. lïy conseijuenco he is of ño figure on the Hoor of CoDgrebf, but representa tlio superetitiua of Michtgán in the Ways and Muans Committeé. Justin 3ïcUrthy is tbc Great Salt Luke, Austin Blair is the ürcat Salt Desert. Over 6 C00 persous ware confined in the Pittsbnrg lnck-up duriug the past year, and 19-20ths of thum viere cHargeii with draDkenness.


Old News
Michigan Argus