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fyOTBCE! xa? rua.T" n?o g-o TO THE FARMEB'S STORE, ünd ÜLearn their Prices before buying your Goods at other Places. rUY YÜUK Hiooking Glasses OP W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOR 3 REA3OÍ9. First, becauje httkacpstha betof Imported GUss, and u gooiï assortment of ijujire mud urch top f ramen, a ml swll.s Secoc'llj, becawse tliey belonj? to Ms buslnen. He mak a thcin a special f y, doe hi o wij wurk , and can fcflfard t nuil CHEAPEB I Tbïrcllj, Beeause hn minnfatitnvps ihm, fciid can mul wiU sell tlie OHEAPEST 1 of any one In thecity. He aleo m]! PICTURE FRAMES! ThccbeapeRt oí anybody in tbcSt.ite- ar far as lieard f rom. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 5O OTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & liails! FIIESCH GI.ASS- bj the light or box- ForPictures orfor HOTTS3E3 ! 33 EAST IIUROJI STREET, ANK ARIJOR, - - - MICH. IHfttf pALL AT ÏIIE Farmers' Store, and sce thcir Goods and Learn thelr Price3. Everything in Dress Goods Marked Down. ■VfOTICE! Noticels hreby elven that thoco-pftrtnerahip herotofore existin under the name of Huil, Robinson k Co., is tliis clay ri-solved by mutual consent, Vïm. D. Ilarrtmiin r6oncsa (iEO. I,. HTTLL, WILLIAM B R0BIK80N, W1LUAM D. UaKKIMAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. lOth, 1870. ."O-PARTNERS HIP. The nnaorsigncd hnvc nssociated tlicmselvps In a :: partnership, umler tho flrm namn of Huil & Rob -. ; in, :md v.-ill continue the grocery andpr bnslnefisac the 'Mrl stand as saocessore ti Hall, lïobineon&Co. AM business matters and ontatandlng accounts of the lateflnn win bc settled by Hnll S Roblnson. GEO. I,. IIT'I.L. W1IJUAM E IiOmKSON. Datcd, Ann Arbor, .Tnn. loih, ISTj. l'-62 Es' ate of Margaret McCartliy. PTATE OF MICIIK; AN, County of Wsshteniw, p?. ' Notice horebygiveiii tb&t by .in on Ut of t Proate Conrt for the Gonnty of Waehtenaw, made n ,he twenty-fbnrth day of January, A. ]i. Í870, i-ix months frqm that date werp nllowed for credltore lo ircsciii thclr claims azalnst the estnte of Uarsaret ilcCarthy, !:itu "f sala CouDty, deceiKed, and that all ■ri-lLr of sald deccased are reqnired to present helr daiins to snh.l Probata Cooii, at lh' Probnte Oillce in Ui? dty cf Ann Arbor, for ezamlnatlon and allowancA, onorbefore the twcnty-flfth diiy of niy nest, and thai snch dnims will bc hc.inl berore ald ]rj!i;itc ('onrt. on Uonday, the foarteentb day nf Mnrch, and on Monday, the twenty-flfUl day (ir nlynezt, at ten o'cluck iu the forenoon ofeachof DO86 rbiy-'. Dated. Ann Arbor, Jannary ií'h A. I)., ÍSTO. JIIKA.y ,T BEAKES. iXS Jodge of J'robate. K-tale of William Pidd, Son. ÁTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtsnaw, ia O Noties is bereby given, tliai. ln-an order of tht 'róbate Cour) tor th County ol Washtenaw, made on the fonrteenih day of Jannary, A. 1). 1810, ;x months f mm ihrit date were allowcd lor crcdltorj to pre eenttlfir claltne agalnst the estáte i f WllUam PI ld, en . late f sald onnty . deceased, mul thatall credil sald deccased re teqnlred to present thetr claims to sald Probate Conrt, at the Probate Office, la the City ol' Ann Arbor, tor exarolnatlon and allowanoe, onor beforethcfourteenthdnyof Joly nezt, nrd ia! snch claims wlll be heard before sald Probate inrt. on Saturday, the nineteenth day of March ld Tb.nnday.the loarteenth day ofJnly next, atten clock iu the forsnoon oieach of thoee dnvs. Dated, Aun Arbor, Jmiuan I4ih. A. i). I8Í0 HIEAM J. BEAKES, 1233 Jadge of Probate. Estáte of Robert Hooke. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw. N ■ itlcc tí hereby frlven. thatby an order of the Probate Conrt r.r the Conntj of Wasbtenaw, made n Dim IhJrty-flrft day of.Tannary, A.I). isto pix months (rom üna date were allowed lor cradlton to present thelr crntmi against the eatate "f Roberl Kooke,late ofaid Coonty dec . hat all credltore of said deceased nr. requlrad to present rnelf clalm to atd Probate Conrt, al the Probate Office, in the ('iiy ir Aun Arbor, tor ezamlnation and "llrlw:" t the Brei day of August, next, and that ench claims wlll be heard before s:iiii l'nibate c.iurt, on Saturday, the twenty-thlrd day of April, auffon MönSay, thé fint dayof Auenst, next, al ten o'clock in the forenoon of ea 11 of thoee days ÜatiMl, Auu Albur. Jaiui:ir Btst, 1-7o UiliAM .). BBAKE8, 12iBw4 Jádge of Prohate. PHÏSIIM81 PBESCRIPTIOSSl ACCURATKLV AND CAREFÜLLY PHEPAEED b. w. ELLis & ca., imuauisjs. SPECIAL TOVSIirP ÉBfiTUIO. NOTICE to hereby giyen, thal In aooordance wlth the request iu wntlng of thirty mul ( v r tax pa; townahlp of Korthüvld, ia the Umnty 'ii Wahtenawt that a meetlntrof ihe electora o sald tow]i-!;ip wül be held at Walsh'e Corners. ;:i tatd townahlp, on Saturday, the i-tíi i Pcbruary. a. j ist, at nlne o'clock A. rporc. {{ elector shall o voto of towLfthlp by toan ti) the ledo, Aun Arbor and Northern Railroad Com■ n tlie constrnotton oí ■ 3, '■■■ to tUe provlsiona ■ ■ ■. oí Vil lace i ;iid, by toan or donation, to a:.; I impauy bartered r organizad, r thatmayb d auder aud by vlrtae of the lawsof Michigan. ín tho i n of its ; Bfarch --1. A. i. I8(í9j Aud that Bnch electora havein thelr fcald wittton i ; i!f Hum of F.f.i en " Dollarfl I ■ ■ ■ i : . . tO FüCll Knllro ■ I omi anj - ; be Issned by bhcí townshlp Id iccord -;i! v íth eaid nct, :-l;mjs. i:ot more than Vl.oouand not leMthaii said Cvmpany thali requeat wïth conpons id for the aDJiuallatereal íhereon, sncb bonde i,o draw Interest iit the rato of íeveu per cent, per finniun, and Boch bonds and coapons to be execated for sach 'i'" r an i Clerk of .iit Townehip, and be drawn payabte at the office of ilu ■r oí said Couuty ; the pi Incipal to ■ ble in flfteen eqnU annoal ioatallments, thé Lústallmt nt I ;■ ofFebraaryi A. U. isr., and the nther inutnJln tberiif ■!. f-: in r n rcceedhigyearfl; anflthe c ditlon lipón whivli euch Loan u uo uado tnat from and sfter ihe time when saW Compaay Bhall recelve ■ State Treasnrer, whenever aud asoften as fiald Compauy shal] make any dividend payable ti the ! i mpany, upon the stock of said Company, Batd Compauy Bb.allpay Into the ofllce of the Treasnrer ol eaid CouBty, for the use of saM Townshlp, 6n the amonnt of (fiich loan or the b then anpal ;. : le d tlicii made : and wln dtvldemlsdo nol excced the rale ofseven percent, per anunm icr the timo, sach paymenl to be deemed and recelved las a fnll payment of the interest to bepald ■ i ompany ir joch time upon tho inclebtednesi of said Company for hip.1i loan ; mid whenever s-.u'h dlvidei d the rate of seven per cent, for snch Urne, thee ih :;!n:n!t ot sacb excesa over, and ulier paylng e per cent. Interest, shall apjiJy towardsrepaylng the principal of the lndebtednese of sald Company for the amoant of snch loan, antil soch principal shall I .i',v pd.i. And sald Oompany shaU apon toe receipt 01 sneb Bonds, exoi Supervisor of sald townshlp th" nKriif'i' nt of said Company wUhsaid to to thal c ffect. Bnch bonds ío be pxeented and ddivered to tb"1 State Tr iaeur t lo be dlsposcd of In accordancd wlth t!i ■ provfsionfl of said Act. Tnal a depot shall be located at leasi ihrer. fourths mile soath of the base Uno, and withlnoneh iif mlte of the west bank of Whltmore Lakt'. Datcd, Northfleld, January 19tn. 170 PATRICE WALL, 125"itd Bnpervieor for the Township of NorËhflelr'l SPECIAL TOWXSHIP HEE1J. lvrOTICE Is hereby glvea that In aecordairce wilt li r inKKt in wnting of thlrtj tax-paytng elec1 1;- township of l'iusüiltl. i:i i he Coauty of Washtenaw, that a meeting of the electon ■ townshlp will be held at Towu Ball, in sald tonnshl] Frlday, the fonrthday ofMarch.A. l. isZ(K ut o o clock A. M.. foc the pnrpose, Cif electora Bhall so TOte).of pledelng the aid "f sald town. .siiip by loan, to the "Toledo Aun Arborand Northern Kallroad Company," in tha constracüon r iis Railroad, accordlng to the provislons of the Act of the Leglslatare ol the State ol Michigan, i ■' An AotXo eoable ány Township. Olty, orí to pledge i tí aid. by loan or donntion , to any Railroad ■ rl or organlzed, or that may bereafter organlzed, ander andby virfno of the lawa of the 8tate ''T Michigan, in the constrnction of Itsroad, Aud approred March 2Ld, A. J). Id69. And that Buch electora havo in ihelr said wnitten r ■ [ f$-0,(H)0; twenty thoosand dollars, as the araoont of aid to be pledged to sn ruad i ompany, by way ofloan in bonds to be Issaed by saeta townshtp in accordance with Baid act, in suchsttnu notmore than ilOOO and not less thaa $100, as said Coinpany shal) reinest, wlth conpons annexed for the annaal interest thereon, sach boods todraw Interest at the rut í; of seren per cení ikt aunum, and such bonds and coupons to be oxecuted for f och Township by tlte Bnpetrisor and lurk of said Township, and be draw payablo at the ofiice of : of ï Coooty: the principal to !■ payableln flve cqiial lnstallroents, the flrstlnstallle dao on the Brei day of Pehrnary, A. 1. 17 1, aiiil the other installments yearly thereafter, for the four (t succeeding yeare : and the condition apon whlch snch loan is to be made, thal (rom and after the time, 11 receive ench bonds Irom the State Treasarer, whenevei often as aid fjompany shall make any dividend payable tothe Stockholders of ■-.:: the shall paylnto the office of the Treaeorer of sala 0 nnty, for the ase Pownsl lp, on the amoant of sueh loan orthe balance ihereof [hen unpald, mim equal m rata to sach dividend then made; and when inch diridends dit hoi exceed th? rate ;f wm per cent ht annon) for tiiu Urne, Bach payment to bodeemei as rail payment of the int rest (i be pald by sald Oompal - me npoa we Ind ibtedneff Bjr i"r (uch loas ; and i i divirl■ il excei d i: time, then fh" amonm of i ■ warde louut of such loan, tintil snchprl libe thereby fally paid. Andsaid iny shnll npon the recelpt ofsnehbondi cute and delirer to the Supen i-or of said Township lemcntof saidUompany wjtb sald Township tetbati bonds to bo èxecoted and deHvered to the State Treasarer ti ) disposed of in accordance with t ie provislons of satd Act. '. v.;i Arborand ■ !otnpar,y upon the following con■?■■■■ That tl 'oad Company hall erect a good and snitable frelght and i pot withln one half mfle of Ann Arbor aud Adrián Btr ets. ia the v]V-.:jr m s Dated,Pltt8fleld, PebraarySd, 18T0 " DAVID WILSET, 1CG5 Snpcivisor of tbe Townahtp of Plttsflold. 8PECML TOWXSHIP .TILETI(i. ■VOTICE s hereby elven, that in accordance wlth 1 the reqoest In wrfcing of tbirty tax payln tors ;.i the townshtp oí ödi, in the Ooonty of Vashtenaw, that a meetuigof tl of said townshlp will be held at the Town Hall, in sald townshlp, on Tnesday the Jst day of March, A. U. 18TU, ai u o'clock a. m , for the pnrpose fif the eli vote), of pledgiug the ald of said township by loan to the ' Toledo, íiiiu Aibor and No thern Railroad Company, ■ in the constrnction ofitu Railro cordlng tn the provkjlona of the Ad of the LcifiBlatora of the State of adlchl . ■-.■,„ .Actto any Township, City or ñllaee, to pledge lta aid by loan or dooatlon, to any Rairoad Compan) now chartered or orgnnized, "r ihat may he hereafter organljsed. ander and virtae ofwe laws of tiie State of Michigan, In tlit" constiuctiou of lts road " tndapproved March a-d, A. D.tSti. And thal electora have In thelr lata wrltten reqocat specUed of twenty thoosand dollars, as the amooirt of aid tobe pledged to each Ballroad Compi wayoi' loan In bon. Is lo be l-sued iiy snch tOWOShlp ia accordance with sald act, In sach soms. not more than 11,000, and not less than SlOO.assiid company pliall reqnest, with coapons annexed for the annaal interest thereon, such bonds to draw :nt:rcst at the rate or elgat per cent, per ranún, and such bonds nnd ooapona lo be execnted f,,r sucli township by thc Supervisor and Clerk r n-.úá Township, nd be drawo psyable at tho oílice of the Trcamirer of sald Cuiiniy; tbeprlnclpajto bepayableln ten eqnalinstallments, the ttrst Installraent to bccome due ou tno firet day of Febrnary, A. D. 18M, and the other Installmentsyearlythereafter, for thenlne sncceding yeart and the coudlUon upon wbich snch loan .- to !■ made, that trom and .ii-r thi linio when eald Company slcill recelve such honda frun Ih'eSUite TivuMiriT, wnenerer nd asoltenás sald Company hall make any dluldend payable to the Stockholdeis of ald Company, upon toe stock ofsi laidc'ompany Bnall pay Into the office of tbe Treaeurer of sald Connty , for tte nae ofsald Townghip, on the atnoont of eucb ioau or the balance thereof then unpniil.a Bnm eqnal prorata to such dividend thenmade; and hen snch dlTidendt donot i the rale of cien t per cent, peí annom for the time, paymenttobe deemed and recelvcd as afall paymenl of the Interest to be pald by :u Company tor ench time upon tne Indebtednees of Baid Company i'or rach loan and whenever such dlvideoda Bhafi excecd the rute i1 etsht per cent, for wtich time, then hs nmonut of snch excenover, nnd aíter paylns h.t per cent, interest, shall apply towarde re paylng the principal of the Indebtedne oi saldCompanj ror the amonnt of saco loan, untll such principal ehall be thereby fnlly pald. And sald Company símil iipon thi' recelpt ofench bonos, ezeente nnd deliver to the Bnperrlsorof sald-Townahlp thc nírreement of aid Company sltb Bald Townshi to that effect, Snch liomls to be ezecntod and dellvercd to thc State Treasurer to he di.posed of in accordaiice with the provisions of BaldAct. Toe condiUons of tbe afúresald id tobe as follona Thut thesaid Rallroad f hall be located, and be within one half n mileeast of the Jnnctlon o f Adrián i nl Chicago strests, Is the vi : nd alto that tne said Company Bhall erect good, andsnitanle .1 buildings at said pointon Baid liailroad. l):tt.c] í.,)ili . Fi'hrnnrv 9r1. ISTrt BRT P. HARPEB, 1255 Supervisor of the Townahlp of Lodi. Chaneery Notice. STATIÏ OF MICHIGAN. The Fonrth Judicial Circuit, in Chancerj. LEONARD A. WILLIAMS, ) vs. K JOAHNA WILLIAMS. S Snit pending in the Ooait fur (hc Cornity of W ashtenaw, In Chancory, at AnnArbor, on the 21 day of Febrnary, A. D. iyro. Due proof by r.ilida. vit havin i in ■ Joanna Williams, doe nol ri.l.' n-ithln the Jnriadlctlon of Uiis Conrt.ond that the Sheriff of tliis Conntr is miable ti : ol proceoa on tha a'ui defendant : on matton of Cramer, Sollclcor for the oomplalnnt;t, it orderod by the andertlgned, on o of the circuit Court Commlwloners for ihe Conntyof Washtcnaw, thatiald defendanl nppear and answer tbo Bill ofComplaint flled In llii. canse wtthln two monthtfrom the 2d -■ of Pebrnary, .. J. isto. and ir la further ordored Lhat copy ol thls order bo pabllahed In t :i public cefl prlnted -i ; l pnbltahed tn -ild Coaní i ol fTa&htenaw, irlthln twenty dayi after the data of Uils order, and that snch publh ttlon be c Qtinedonce -'- each week forslx successlve weeks, c r iiiüt a copy of thlt order be Berved on eaid d peraonally, at leaet tviuty daya before the time abova proserfbed for the appearance of .:ii'i defendant. Dated, Febioary Zd. ■ 8IBLET :. TATLOK, One of the Circuit Conrt Commlsaionen for Wfthtenaw Connty, ■ D. Ckaver, S.ilicitor for Compl't. Real Eetate for Sale. STATBOFMK HlOAN,CountyofWashtenaw, B. In the matter of the Mtate of Antolnette I,. A nuahil, mlDor: .v 'eby given, that lo parsnanoeof an onirr gri i au of tbe estáte of sald mloor, by the Hon. f Probate for the i (lift (Imv dl N :■ wi] „. 6oi,i :it. rendne, totlio hlghesl bidder, ut the kwelling tl":. ■ ,!y dl1 Washtcnaw, In uald Stati . the nlneteenth day of Febroary, Á. D. 1870, iit twelve i n, of that ay, ( subject to ■ b mortgae or othcrv gntthe . adalso Bubjtct ui i i ower ui' the wldow ol Ira Anuabl] . In.) tho f]livinur d n:i:.-'! : lx: The nu fnnttii 01 '■'"■ I 191 i::'!. "!' thO BOUthW een, nnd mi half of rter ol eeotlon aineteen, in townshlp thrce Boath or range three easL contalning onc humlrcd and slxly acres moro ur leas, la suid State. Datel,.7:imwr.v ötli, A. D. TSTn. ItHOLlILLE ANN-AmT„ 12J1 t. irdlan


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