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The Michigan Argus

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Fubllshed ever; Pricüiy msralng.lo thethirdstorj of tho brieu biock, coruer of Alahi and llurou títruuta AN.N AUJOK, tOH. uu Uurou Streel ápposltotltfl i'ot Oihce. ELIHl U. PO.W, Editar ;iiï:lJi'uMishcr. $erms, $2.00 a Year in Advance. KA.TES OF ADVERTISIXG: lines or less cunsldercd a ■aare.J 'öPAOK. 1 w. Bt, tí. . i. ly. ' 1 aguare I .$ 7:. i IO$9.00 ajqiiares ! l..n 2.6ÖT'3lsfll I 8.Wí"Í2]00 8 aquarcs I 2.1 K) I 3.00 1 4.50 T.;0 . lu.iió 16.00 1-5 colnmnT .0 I 8.S7"sT(Kríiro0 li.oo i 80,00 1-loliimu 13.001 4.501 li.lXl 1 10.00 15.001 Ï6.00 'FscftiiiTOa I 4.00 f .oo I ■"' ■ 1-2 column 6.0" in in. nu 1 column l s.Vhi j Ï2.00 j iQ.fib jj a-ij"' : ; ■ ' . i ■ ■ 76.00 "OARDRINUIItiCO'IOKY.nottoexcoedfonrlincs 4.QP B Advertlsertito theeztdntof á rjuartor columiT on a Qiir1ycontrrtct. will be entltled tu have thelrc&rdsiD iiroc'tory without extra el Local NotK-.-s tes cent per lino r.rthe flrstlnsercion, and sii cents a line for oach subseqent interllii, tot oo ïwiüce nsertcd for lcss thnn $1. Spocliil lioücsi onc-and-a half the ratcs ofordl,i.iry atlvortisemcnts. v,-ir!v adTertlsere have the privileare ofchanRine héirftiívortisrmcntn tliree times. Additlonal change will be charged for. ir Advertisoments anaccompanled by writton or Turbal directlana will bepublished ttaree mouths and jhargedcoordlngly. I.ogal Advertlaements,flrat inscrtfon 70 cents per olio. 35 ceiitH per folio for i-.i'-h sabaeqnentiiiBertioii. When apostponciiirn! i added to an advertisement hawhole will be charged thaamc asfor flretiaserion. JOB PRINTING. Pamplilcts, Posten, Hand Tint, Circnlars. Cards, Pall Tickets. r.iï'H'lj. r.':'.n!;:-. Bill Heads, nnd other r;iritiesof Plain and Paocy Job Printinfr, exeeuted with promptn'.'ss.and in tht; blatyle. CARDS.- We baven Uu??lcs Rotary Cnrd PresB, and alarïcvnricty of the lateat stvles of Csrd type whichenables ns to print Canlg of all kinde in the neatest pOMible gtyto, and cheaper than any uher aouse in the Cltj. Buglnen Carda f"r men 6 all ■■.-. ec.itionp and profBtsionfl Tïall, Wedding nd Visitin cards. printed on short notioc. Cal! aod aaesamples.


Old News
Michigan Argus