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Husmeas imtm$. " Q. E. FROTHINGHAM, M. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Dni Storo, N. 7 Hurón etreot. Residence, No. 3! Thompson Street. Office hours, S to 11 A. M , aut 7toSI'. M. GEORGE GRENVILLE, DEALER UI DR0G8 and Medicines, Xo. 5 South ' Main Street. Aun Arbor. HULL, ROBINSON & GO. GRCCERS, Produce andCommiseion 5IerchantsT No. 43 South Maiu Str ELLIS & KISSELL, DRUOGISTS. and dealers iu Pniiits, O!ls, etc. No. 2 Soutb Main Street, Ann Arbor. THKODO1ÍE ÏAYLOR & CO., DEALERS in Groceries, Provisious, and Country Produce, No. 13 Souili Muhi Sireet, Aun Albor. JOHN KECK & CO., DEALER8 in Fürniture of all kinds, Ko. 33 Sonth Main Street, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNEY apd Couneellor at, Rea] Kslalc and In8tirauce. CoIlectlOD óf Claimt prom;jtly atteuced to on liberal terms. Office one door soutb of ïii'st National Uank, up stalrs, Soutb Main Street, Aun Arbor. T7 TT T 1 ilFOnw DENTIST, snceessor to C.B. Porter. Office, corner Main aml Buron S the store "f R. W. Ellia & Co-, Arm Arbur, iiut.. Anaisthetics adniinistered if requirea. W. F. BREAKEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN' ANDSUKGEOX. Ofllce at reêldence, corner of ïlurou and División Strects, flrst door Kast gi Presbyterian Chnrch. Ann Arbor, Mlch. E. J. JOHNSON, DEALEK IX BEATS and Caps. Furs, Straw QoodB' Oents' Pnrniehing Gouds, cc, Nu. 7 South Xlnin Street, Anu Arbflr. S ü TJüËRLAND & WIIEDON, LïFE and Fire Inisurance AgenU and dealere iu Real JCsiate. Office on ïluron tHreet. Alao sell ürstclase Se.:m: Machines. W. IX HOLMES, AOEXT for the Florence Sewtag Machine, and dealer in Picturcs, Frames, &c. Nu. 3.' iiasl iluruu Stroct LEW IS C.RÏSDON, ■DEALER i Hardware, Stoves, Honse Fnn.. bipg ' Ooods, Tin Ware, fte., N'n. 31 South UtJn Street, BAX3H & ABEL, DEALERS in Dry Goods, Grocerk-s, Jbc, &c. ?o. iii South Main Str'et, Aini Arbor. , C. if. -MÍLLE2Í, DEALER in Dry Ooods, OroecrieE, &., &c. No Söuth Main Street, Ann Altor1. 8L4W80M & SON, OROCERS, Provisiuii hm. n JJw.dinnts and dealers in Walt1:1 U oe, r,:.iu Fhtster, :iud Piaster Paris, No. 14 ló:iit lluron Strcot. S. SONDHÊÏltfT" IVHOLESALE and retall dealer In Ready Made Cloth. I aaimerei, Vesting?, ftna Oeuts' J?ur!,i;1,.ui Cuods. í!o. 'J Soalh Miin Street. wmTwagner, BEALER in Ready Iludo ClothlDg. C'.nth?, Cansimsresfndi lUi -, Uatp, Cnps, Truuka, Carpet Bags,&c-, 21 iütii Maio Street. ""GILMORE & EISKE, COOKSELLEUS and Statlonero, Medical, Law and College Tt:xt Books, School and Miscellaneonfl Books. No. 3 y.otlh Main Street, Greyory ülock, Aun Arbor. FINLEY & LEVVIS, PEALERS iu Boots, Shocs, Gaiters, Sllppeis &c, Mo. 1 Eust llurou Struct. R. TARRANÏ, MMES' Tashlonable Shoe House, No. 24 Suuth Main Street. A U. CKOSBY, M.D GRSGOSY HOUSE Regular Office Hours, 2 to 3 o'clock P. M. rurö'c k"e e y , GLA.SSWAEE & GBOCERIES. J. & DO.VNELLY in storea Urge stock of Crockeiy, Glassware, Plated Ware,Cutlci y , Gioceries, &c. Jc.,&U tobo ■old at unusually low prloes. Ko.19 Bilt HurcnSticeet, Aso Arbor. 1128tf J. & I. ÜONXKLLY. piTY LINE 0FHACK8! ROBISON & BAXTER, Prop's. Furnishesexpeditioui Conveyances to and from the 8ys, and all parta of the city. ü& Funerala atteiided. and o]ri;nnt turnoutsfurajshed tadies raaking calis. 1'riceB reasonablc. ■ Orders left at Cook'silotol or ui thcir olllce iiromptattended to. l'zlátf JOHN G. GALlT" FRESH AND SÁLT MEATS. L.ARD, SAUSAGKS, Etc, Crdtra solleited tndpromptlj ITllcil wlth the best Deata in themaikt't. J1 Eaftt IVaabipgtoo fitrect. Ann Arbor, Si i. . 1235tf rjR. C. B. PORTER, DENTIST. Office in the NSW BAKK ELOCK, ANN AEBOE. All Operations on the Natural Teeth, PBRFORMSD HITII CMiü. UNSTJRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPEHIENCE SETTING ARTIÍÍCÍAL TEEïll, ' TO G[VE EACH INDIVIDUAL, Pintura of the proper sixe, skape , color , Jirmness and natural crjrt%nion. 1244 "pHE JLAKGKST AND Best seleoted stock of Plaid Poplins ; also the new and elegant PLAID REPS to be had at the 1240 j' ■ATtMIiRS' STORE. JPOR SALE CHEAP! ■A. Médium tïand IPress In good couditluu. lsqnire at tho argus ornes. Aan Arbor, Ang. itb, ISOfl. nPHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICÏÏ. (KSTABI.ISHED IN 1807. JoiiN" .i. iuüi.kv, Pxmidiht, JACOB 3. PARRAND, Tloa Prcsiilcnt. JNO. T. LIGOETT, SeoreUrT. JAMKS 0. W.ll.-ON, At-tuurv. D. 1J ., JUJical Exomiucr. A SucceKsful Michigan Life Inmiranco Company, orAiiizMd for tlie purpOí-o uf íuruishicg Juburance ti pon uves til THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBI.K WJTH Absolute Security, &n] for the furiUef furpoe öf KEEPIÏfi HONET AT HOME, whích hcretufore has been seut Kust, RATES AS LOW AS 8AFETY PERMITS. EJNT1RE MUTAL1TÏ AKD STRICT EQTJITY Mark the syntcta and prevail in tbp I . IbotíOD ul ANNUAL DIVIDENDS TO THE IXSURËJ), While,by Vrovinions of the State Lav, and by thtir ow u tt'rms, AL1 POLICIES ARE ê NON-FORFEITÁBLE. IÏOTRAXCE FUHNISHED ITON ALL DESI11ABLE PLANS. AU tko BEST FETVl!I5Sof the OU Companies'. tbi!r F.KROKS AVOIDEO. SECURITY, ECONOMYj EQUITY AND its motto. L3T ï"or Agencies apply at the HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Sirect. JL3f I, M. TiIAYER,Gen'l gent. FSED. I.. HAIIN, Agent. 1ÏÏ9J 1 A. WIDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, ANX ARBOR. MICIÏ.; OFFERS FOK S-A-XE z 53 seres of land, within one half milo from tho city, tobe suld in who'e, or piirct'U, is fullows : 24 aerra n section 19, in tbe town of Ann Arbor' borderiug en tbe eosi on 1b ro1 landing to Coruwclla' paper mlHt, and 011 the f-ou.h on 15 a acres situafed on the northwest corner of tlie Gorham road and tbo füii'l Corhvell Factory roid. (Tïiie is ene of the handomest .situatiuui, 111 U10 neighborhoud of Aun Arbor. j 13,"-i ec-res lmproTd laod jolnlog tbo above 15K aorëa aud froining Gorham Koud. 1 .ere of land with a new two story frame house on Thoiupson, Spoor Jt Thuiüptcn's Rddilion tü the City of Ann Arbor. 7 Int of % aero oaca, oc Tiiompson, Spoor i: Thorop6cu's Adiiitioxi. Sacres of land, with a plondid grove, joipiag the Firexneiis Parlt on the West. IBoom and Ik lot of land, with Barn, WashKitcln'n, CarnaRf Houc,iind a 'nurobwr of modero imprOTDMDtSj n the northwoat coruer ot "ourth and Fackaid Strett. 1 Houio afid Lot in the 2d Ward, on Sputh liberty btrect. 1 Houro and 3 Lota in the 2d Ward, near 2d Ward Schuol IJouio, 1 House aud -1 Lots.nuar the Ü.C.R.R. Depot. 320 acres oflaoó in the uouth of the State of Missouri , near the Hanniba.1 4r3t.Joiph Kallroád. ■ 2 City I-ütg ncar 2d Ward Scliool House. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, jaCH. SELLS A1ID BUYS DRAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES In OREAT BRITA1N' , GEKMAXY, FRANCE, 5WITZEKLAN'l'i elc. M y direct connecttons with Kurope eoable me to offer a fair ratea ■ any Nhw Vors House. lU'i-ifii:! r. I -_ 1 x i'Ct un auvzit oí any hoOM in ibis c'U Dl v , but I urn ha v i ug direct comnauu ication wilh the bont houBCt in Hurope. COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BY POWER OFATT0RKK1 OB OTl.'i .;tVISi;, W1LI. BE PROMI'TLY ATTENCED '10. PASSAGE TICKETS per Steamerto ainl frrm N York to all principal po rte of Enxope I will eeJl nh [ollowi ■ ' i'rom New York to Syulhamptou, Ildvro, London, Brciueu or Hamburg, 1 l I .vi. 2dC!nss. Stecago. Ivo. $72. $25 in Gold. Return tickets, Ti. löj üi ' " 1 Fromabove places lo Xow York, ltClae. 21 Chiss. 8(1 Cla. Sl-0 $11. $10 in Ooia. From New York to Liverpool, Cabin, $80 to $100 Currency. Steeragc, 30 inUurrcncy. L Krom Lixerpool to Mew YorW, Cabin. (100. Btmrag, 37. i ü. WIDENMANN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT -A.3ST3ST ABBOB, For the Howard Insurance Co., in Kew Vork, one of the oïdest and bchtCompaniea in tho couutry. The l'eutonia Imu ranee Company in Cleveland, 'l'ho honorable and aio management "t lhin i n - 1 tlitlon ha? mude It one al In jnott reltabl Firt Intuiacce CompanieR in the Wet-t. 1367yl


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