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A COUGH, CÖLD, OR SOKE THROAT Vbv í'fliii.'ieH Lmmediatt nttentioa , as ne ■JwmUV glcct o"ton resulta iti an ucmable VJjSLiilEgBrown's Bronchial Troches tíftfiS&r wlllraostiDvariably giveiastantrelief For Bro-nciiitis, Astiimv, Catarbit, CoireuiTPTm aod Turoat DUBA8B9, thej lüive a soothin? eíToct. BINOERS and PiriJLIC SPBAKEEfl use thera to clearaud strenthon the voice. Oiving to the good rcputatíon ainl popnlarity of the Trechee, nmny worthlesg and rheap imitations are offcred,xokicharcgoodfornolhing. Be aure to outaix the truê BROWlí'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. 1244m6 SOLÍ) EVERVv. i& M[ HALUS g-. J VEGETABLE SjCILfAN KPi jZENEWER . IT iriLL P0SIT1VELY RESTORE GÍIAY HAIR TO 1TS 0RTG1XAL COLOR. II fceeps tlio hair falling out. It is the bet !rissii]Sin the world, makinu lifeless, etiiT, brashy bair, healtby, soft anj frloasj. FOTM?bft)l druggists. R. P.IIAI.I.&CO. Nshuo,N. H. Troprieiora, W4-1Í61. CONSUMPTION. Tiio Threo Bamedlei. " en enck's Pilmoxic SYKrr," for thecuroof Coughs, Cold, Brunchitia, formof Consumption. Tho pccuünr action of thinmedïcine ri;ena tho Diaera in the lungs, promutes the discharge of the corrupt matter by expectcration. ?ur!fi tbo blood, and thus cures Cimsumption, when every otber renicdy fails. "Sobenck'aSca-Weed Tonic" for tho euro of Dy8pcpsi.i or Imligestion, and all di-eaie arislogfrom debüiiy. Tuis tonic inrigorates the digestiré or. gans, supplies the placo of the gastric juice when that is deficiënt, and then enables the patient to digest the most nutriticus food. It is a sovereign remedy for all cases of indigestión. " Schenck's Mandiake I'ills," one of the mot va!u;ii ' J ever discovored, being a vege labie substituto forcalomel, and ha ving all the usefu] propertiee ascribtd to that mineral, without prodneing any of its irjurious effect. To these threo medicines Dl. J. II. Sc'nenck of Philadelphia, c.wcs his unrivaled succes n the Ireatment ol Pulmonlc Cooramption. The Pulmonic Sjrup ripens the. morbid matter, lincharge it, and purifiea tho b'.ooii. Tho Mandrk Plllj act upon tliclhcr, remove all obstructions tberc(rom,g!Ta t),e orpn a healtl.y tone, and cure Utm QMnplainti ivliich it oneof the mott proiui. nont cause.sof Cunaiimption. The iea Weed Tooio avigórate the power of the stomach, and by strengthening the digestión and bringing It to a normal and healthy condition improvesthe quidirj of tbc blood, by whiei means the formation of ulcers or tubercles in the lungs becomesimpoBsible. The combined action of theso medicinen, as tlms explained, wül cure wery case of Consuraption if ,'he remedies are ued ia time and tho use of themis persevered in sufficiently to bring the cose to a favorable termination. Dr. Sehenek'a Almanac, eontmtnlng a full treatis'on the various forms of discaite, his modeof treatment, and general direotioní how tome his medicine, can be had gratis or sent by mail by adrtceulng his Principal Office, No. 15 N . Sixth street i'liiïatU-iphir . ' Prico of tho I'ulmonie Srrup and Sea-WeedTpnic.cach, $1.80 per buUle,or.87.S0 the hall doien' Mandrake Pilis. 25 cents per box. For sale by all druggistband dealers. JPLOUR AND FEED STOKE I2ST 3STE-WT BEICK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flour ! AND ALL KINDS OF FEED AND COARSE GRAIN Censtntly on han-1 , and delivered to cu stomers in any part of the city. JOHN G. LAUBENGAÏKR. Ann Aibor, Nov. 1C9. 1345 mf ÜEMOVAL. J. KECK $c CO. llave rcmoycd their STOCK OF FURN1TÜRS And Undertaker's Goods, To Mack & Schmid's Block, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Strests. THE LARGEST STORE IX THE CITY, AND BCI1.T EXPRESSLY POR THE FURNI1ÜBE IIUDE. TUE V HA VB KOW IN" STORE TUE I.Ar.CEKTand KINEST STOCK OF I URNITURE RVER OFFEIIED CJ TUIS COUNTY.OF TIIEIR OWX MANLTAC. SUPERIOR BOTII IX QUAUT7AND3TYLK,WHICH THET KOW OFFER TO THE PDBLICCHEAPEB TIIAN' CAK 1113 BOÜOHT AXV V, T. [S THE STATE. THEIR STOCK IXCLDDES EVKRY AIÏTICI.F. NEEDEDTO FUBNISB TUE KOM TOP TO BOTTOM . Their oM patronp and tlio public geuorally are invite 1 to :-:ive tljtin a cali. J. KECK CO. Ann Arbor, January, J8TO. 1251 PHTSWlANSi Preawiptione Accurately and Carefuüy Prepared ly li. W. EL LI 8 db Go. "Sheridan 20 Miles Away!" -áL. A.. TEEEY, (8UCCESS0U TO KKMPER & D1EIIL,) lias ou haml a largo and well seloctod stock ol ■WI2STTER QOODS incliidluga ful] line of HATS & CAPS! Latosl slyles onl beet quality. Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, G lores. Oollars. Nnnlflina. it.n wliich wíll be soM at the VER Y LO WEST FIGURES! &T llemembcr the place, No. 18 Soutli Main Street, the old store of John West. Ann Arbor, Dec. 23, 1869. 124'Jtf ■jDOOTS AND SHOES I FINLEY & LEWIS, ARE NOW RECEIV1KG A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS,' SHOES, SLIPPEBS, RUBBERS, ARCTICS AXD FUR LINED OVER SHOES. THE ATTENTTIOM OF BCYERS Wno WAX1 fiOOD GOODS AT IIEASONABL.E PRIOES, ; is mvixbd to odb stock of baad made: CALF, KIP, AXD STOGA BOOTS ! WORK WHICH WE WILL; ÍVARRANT TO GIVE ENTIEE SATISFACTION BOUGHT FOR CASH, ■ AND WILI, BE SOLD AT THE 1.OWEST CASH t PRICESANDPROFITS. . 1210 ' rpiEODORE TAYLOR & CO., (3CCCKSSOR8 TO C. B. THOMPSON' A CO.,) Wholesale and Re tail Dealers ia GROCERIES & PRODUCE FEÜ1TS, EXT R ACTS, SPICES, Orockery, Glassware, Lamp 3 and Oil, Table Cutlery, Plated Goods, Looking Glasses, STOXE, WOODEN, AND WIIulLOW WARE House Established in 1850. So. 13 South Slaln street, ATIÍT ARBOB, MICH Theo. Taylor, A. J.Siitherland, 1217 V 'V. Wbtioü, JACOB HALLER, DEALER IM CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, KO. 22 EAST HURÓN ST. MY STOCK INCLUDE8 American & Swiss Watches, Of the Best Manufacture ; Gold and Silver, I.iiüv'a andGent'a. SOLTD GOLD RINGS, CIIAINS, LADIES' SETS, SPECTACLES, BPOOXS, FORIiS, Kto. All Good.i varrantedasrepreKented,nd sold&t LOT PRIOBStï" l'AKTICL'LAR ATTrNTlO.V QT7EN TO BE. PAIRTNG WATCHE8, CLOCKS AND JKWELRY, AND WORK GDABAHTBED. 124Cm3 DRY GOODS ! GHOCERISS? CABFETS, OIL CLOTHS ! AT THE FARMERS' STORE. BLOOMINGTON, 1X1. KüRSERyT 19tliYear! 600 Acres ! 10 Oreenhousea. t,btotttoo1i and shlppiiw facilitifR. APPLE, Datoliaag, Transcendent, Hislop 1, 2 nd :i icois AI'PLE KOoT-ühakis, obolce, inc udlog i ROOT-GHAFTS, IVnr, i-hun, Chorrr. BSBD8 Apple Pr, .Ve, WIl,DQOO3t, Muur, Lombard. l'lums, EVERGREENS, ROSES, I I, 1100, linhlias' Qladlolua,TaberoM, ;lti:i.NHOt SE, HcMíiik Plant' Send 10c. fur Catiil.nriM's. h'. IL. PIIUiMX. lárowia Pfl7SICIANS' Prescrip tions Accurately and Care fully Preparodby 11. W.ELL1S&CO. W I rWJTl jHjII lU.ais U fATUNT HhXUCiNfi ilüMBUG, gotten up ff fíupe the ipnoraut and credulous, nor ia it representeü (is beinfi "composed of raro aud precious snbPtances broughi from the íour cnrnerH ol the earth carried even timen acOBB the Great Desert of Sanaran on the backs of lourteencameln,and brought acrosK the Atlantic Ocnan on two tthipfl. " it is a WWpit. mild, $ootking Remedí, a pertect Spicijic for Catrkh an5 "Cold i.xthkIIead,'1 also for oiTensivr breath, Loes or Impairment of the Sense of Smelï, Taste or Hearing Watering or Weak Kyes, Pain or PreBsare in the Head, when caused, as they all not unfrequently are, by the violence of Catarrh. We olfer in good faith a p tundí ng rewari of $500 for a case OfOttftrrhtbat we can not cure. FOR SALEBY Most DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE I'RICE ONLY50 CE.NTa, Sent by mail. poet iaid,on receipt of ixtv Cknts, Four packages for S'2.00. or 1 Dozeu for $6 .00. Seo(l a two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pain ph let on Catarrh. Addrcss the l'poprietor, B. V.riERCE.M.D., 12ólm8 BcrrALo.N. Y TO HIK WOBKlNOCLAga - We areno wprepured to furnish all dassen with constant employroent at horoe, Iho whole of the time or for the spare in o - inent. Business new, lipiit, and profitable. Persons of eitber ex easily earn from 50c. to $5 per fivening, ana a proportlonaJ iam by deTOtlng thoir wliole tim1 to tin. bDSlneM. Boys and girl?. earn. nearly a.s much as men. That all ho see tl is notl e e ma y Pcnd tbeir ad d reus, and test ibfl buslness, wo make this un para lic led offer : Tosuohas are no well gatisficd, wc wlll send gl topay for the trouble of writiDg. Kuil i'articulars, a valuable nani)lo, ■;vliii-h Aül d-nto commeneft work on, and a copyof The PcopWê Literary Coinpanion- one of the largest and best faruily newspipt-rspulifilie! - all Bent ftifl by mail . Reader, if yovi want permanent, profitable work, address E. CALLEN & CO , Au.-usla, Üaio LORILIiARD'S I fl an excellent arti"EUREKA" I ywni.;'!:; Smoking TobaCCO veraaUyaiitnire.). It is put up In tundióme mualin bap, in which orders for Meerüchaum Pipas are daiJy packed. IiORILIiARD'S classeil by all who -TT rrrm nT-n-n consumo it as tha Y ACHT CLUB " ofninn Smoking Tobacco ef sll,„ . tt, nn. ti nervousia its tftCU, as the Nicotine ba br tracted ; it leaves no ilsRKrepable taste ft er [ng;it isvery mild, llght in color and vaigbt, henee :in.']iound wit) lut as long as three of onlinary to bacco. In this brand we alito pack orders erory day juality Meernliaam Pipes. Try it and con rinoe ynuraelf it is all it claim to be, " THE KIM ESI ÜI' ALL." I.ORILIiARD'S This brand of Fino ArX0 mU CaVChewinj; Tobacco j ICEn I IJn T }ms 11') fquul or stipe„k , rZ riot aoywhero. Jt U Chewlllg TobaCCO. ) without duubt tho best chetnng tobáceo in the country. IiORILLAHÜ'S I have now been in OATTTInn " uc n ti Si I { iv ll;iilt" sttM ont Y-L?,' JL 1 lUO jears, uud still ïckuowledged ■' the bt ' wberever used. Jli. '""■ ■'";■■''■'■."■[ '""'s not have tbsw articles for w,ki ntogel thera; thsy are soW bv repectable jobbsrsalmost nvi.rvw],,r ' Circular 01 prioei forwarded on applloatton . 1J. LOKILLARD & CO., New York. 12r)3m3 pORCASH YOC CAN BUY' Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAiN, AT Til E YARD OF C SUTHERLANO & CO. A nn Arbor, .Tamiary , 180. 1253 pEOPLE'S DRUG STOti-íí R. W, ELLIS & CO, .--yrc -A-ïlBOR Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseasea of the Throat and Lungs, such as Couehs, Colds, Whoopiag Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. FronaMr ncver before .in llic whole history of medicine, has anything wou so widely and sodeeply upon the confldence of in:inkind, ;V litis excellent remedy lor pulmonarymmplaints. Xhroiigh a long series ot'years. and aniouff most ol" the races of men it has risen higher and lngher in tbeir estimadon, as it has heroïne better knoivn. Jts uniform character and power to cure the vanous alfections of the hings and throat, have made il kuown as a reliahlc protector against tliem. Wlule adapted to inililcr 1'onns of disease anil to young ehildron, it is at tlie same time the most elTectual remedy that an bogiven lor incipient consuinption, and" tlie dangcrou affectlons ot' the throat and lungs. As a provir-ion ajiainst sudden attacks of Oroup il should be kept on liand in every family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds aud coughs, all ehoiüd bc providcd wilh this antidote for thein. Althougfi settled Consumptioii is thought incurable, still great numbers of cases where the (Iikcaio scemeil settled, have been complete!; cm-ed, aml the ]:itient restored to sound iicaltn by tlie Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the LungS and Throat, Unit the most obstinate ol' them yield to it. Wlicn nothing else could reaob them, undcr the Cherry Pectoral they subsirteanü disappear. Siutjers and Public üpeakers find great protection from it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly CUVfd by it. lironcltitis is generally cured by taking tlie Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known üiat ivo nced jiot publish the certitlcates of them here, or do more tban fiHaine the public that ils nualitiea ai-e 1'ulJy maintuincd. Ayer's Agne Cure, Por Pever and A?ue, Intennittent Fever, Cnul Fover, Eemittont Fever, Dumb Agüe, Periódica! or Bilious Fever, &c, and indeed all the affeotions which arise trom malorious, maxsh, or uiiasmatic poisons. -As its name ImpUes, it does Cure, and does not rail. Containine aeither Arsenlo.jQninineBismiith, Zmr1, nor aiiv oiber mineral oí poisonoua substance Wnaterori it, in nowlse Iniures any patiënt. Tlie niimbcr nnd lmportance of lts cures inthcatriicdistricta, are hterally bevond account, nnd e believo without :i panülel in the history of Agne medicine. priilc is gratlfled by the acknoñledRments we receive of the radical cures cflectod in obstinate cases, and where otlier remedie: had whollv failed. Unaoclbnated per-ons, eitlier reddent In, Ol travelling throujrh miasmatlc looalities, ill be protected by taking the AQVB cciu: dally. For JJrrr ComplaintK, arlslng from toniiriity "Í the I.ivcT. It ts an excellent remcily, sthiuiluling the r.ivcr into healthy actlvltr. ! Bilious Disorders and LlTOT Oomplaints, H is 'innt remedy, producinff many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines liad (alled Preparad by Dr. 3. C. Avi:u & Co., Practital mul Analytical Chemlsts, Lowell, SI;iss.,and sold all round the world. PIUCJS, $1.OO PEIt SOTTLiIS. SoM at Wholesale by FAKRAND, SHKLEY & COE Detroit. ' ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FLOÜR '3.25 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDEHS AT THE POST OFFICE. J. T. SWATSEL. lyöfiCE ! TO Till!' FARMER'S STORE, A.ná Iicarn their Prices before buying your Goods át óther Places. GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and Medicines ,Paints, Oils, &c.


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Michigan Argus