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Bach & Abel's

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jTO. 26 MIIST STRETE. ÜB' 9 -& Second Largo Stock of Fall and Winter Gooda, bougLt sinoo tbe (EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH,) is ono of tbe LaFgest and moet complete over otiered in this City. 100 Pieces ïïill's Semper Idem, yard wide, bleached goods, at 18 3-4 cents, reduced from 25 cents. 500 Pieces of Merrijnac, Sprague, American and other best makers' Prints, at 12 1-2 ets. per yard, reduced from 15c. We sell J. & P. Coat% Ciarle 's O. JV. T., and the Cdebrated Orr c McNauglit Spool Ootlon Thread at 8c per Sj?ool. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF EVERY GRADE AND STYLE, AT PRICES LOWlïR TUAN THE LOWEST. Ueaver Cloaking-s, Flannels and Woolen?, Shawls and Blankets. Knit and Worsted Goods oí evary olass and variaty, at prices tliat oan not fail to give satisluction. 500 Ibs. PRIME LIVE GEESE-FEATHERS, JC7ST RECEIVED.J It is our aim to keep our Stock so Largo and Attractive, and tbe prioo of evory article so low as to make it the intérest of every purehaser of dry goods in this vioinity to do business wilh ua, Bft.Cï3: Sc A3BETj. NO. 26 MAIN' STREET.


Old News
Michigan Argus