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DOTY'S WASHING-JSACHIN3 LATKLY MUCII IMPROVKH- AXD TUK KKW Universal Ciólas Wringer. Iraproved with ftumi U.'t 1'ATBnTPoruLECOG whkkls and the Pat.emStop, are nuw.u:iqa(.nably f ar su peiior to nny apparptuR for wafthlng olothea ever in veatod, andwill save thfircost twioea year, by sav iug labor and clothwi. Thosc. who have usod them.jrive tot mony a frllows "We Htte ou' machine much ; coulil not bc persuaded to do without it, autl with the aM of Düty , ve o f' the pooit Ion." - R9, L 8eott)Bi$kop M. h'. Ciurch. "Itiawortfa oue dllar a week ia any family."- N, Y. T; I ' Iu the laumlry of my house títere Ifl a perpetua thanksglving on Mondaja for the inventiun. "-(? Thtodort L. CiiyhT. " Jery weck has giren it a stronger hold itpoa the affecttona of ihe iumatcs of the laundry."- N. Y Obserrtr. " I heartily oommaad it to eoonomists of time money,and contentment." - ïiev. Dr. Bellota, Friend Do- Your lnst impiíivctivnt of your W&shing Machine isa complete suucss. lasRure yoi 'our Machi ie,' after a year's Qae, iá-thoughtmoro o thauever, and wou td not be paited with under Uky . ucumatances."- oion Hobiton, " Your Wasbinf Machine has been ín laily ukg ir our hiondry, and tLe houaekeeper expreases turset ashighly pleased with it. It crtiuly a00OmplUhé a greatezamcuiit of woik, with leas labor, and tloea nol wear tbe clotiies near so piuch as tli old fashionet wash-boArd. Hy nsi), iit 'inelauiulress l dispenaer with.' - Pt'm.F. ttoi lettétnt of Inant Dé partment of St. Catherhu'1 $ Nitrsry, -V. }'. City. "After a constant uso of the Universal CtOTirEs Wring kb Í r more thên fourveaia Jn our family. ] am authovizifiï by the 'powere tliat bo:to fflvc it the most onquallfl ronoanoe II an ihHh pen.iable puit oF the ïnachlnery of lunisekeepiag O ar servante ba ver. a it, anc always have ü I ry lYard Becchcr, PUICES- A Fair Offer. Sendthoretailprice, Washflr14,Eïtra Wringer 9 and wc will forward ei4her ür botli machines, freeo freight,to places jvliore o ia telling; ind --o aun are we thy will be liked, that we ngree to refunr the money if any one wishe to rcturu tlio machines free of freight after a mo ath trial, poording to tij rections. No husbapd, father or brothor abonld permit tïn drudgery of wnshinti rit]i tb l.ands, Sltj-two dajra i: the yoar, when it oan ba lonf! better, more expfdi tioualy,with less labor, and 110 injury t'"1 tlicgar munts,bya Poty Ciotheu Wdsher, and a Cuirea Wringer. CanvBfiscrK with exclusive right cf ftate make mone) Üutf them. S -:jld by dealers generally, to whom liberal diacounta are made. R. 0, BEO WNING, Gen. Agent ISaStf S Cortlandtstrtet, Neir York. #-f S I i S S - 9 l . % ■ i ü i -Z ra h M 1 o H , P J .S 1 S üj í h j S 1 8 tt 5P - g ïd H a 1 5 Í5 fQ 5 ! O O y ( el " i 5 fe 5 o K P O H TOR A FÜLL LINE OF FLANNELS, PLATDS, NAPKINS, TABLE LINENS, BLEACIIED GOODS, TICKINGS AND DOMESTIC GOODS GO TO THE FARMERS' STORE PflYSICIANS' Proscrip , tions Accurately and Care fully Prepared by R. W.ELLW&CO. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. jg. A A dressing which -Maffijk is at once agreeable, fíM&xí wÊï healthy, and effectual wEÈsBÊ)! or preserving the 25#JtBS3 hair. Faded or gray &k ïsMflg hair is soon restored K1 Thiu hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness oflen, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair wliere the follicle3 are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair witb. a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. lts oecasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those dcleterious substances whieh make some preparations dacgerous and injurious tö the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm, it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing clse can be found so dcsirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yct lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, IiOWELL, MASS. PRICE $1.00. ' PoH at wholesalo t FAKKANI, PHE1J5T COHetroit. Al ret;ti 1 byalldruggists aad merchandijgi dealerföTerywhare. f ATEST NEWS .' ! JU WM. WAGNER, lias justopeneda large stockof FAUL GOODS ! 1XCLUDIXG CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C. LATEST 8TYLES AND BEST QÜAL1TIES WHICH IIE0FER3 LOWER than EVER Alto in Store a large stock oj READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FUKNISHIM Goods. OARMEKTSMADETO ORDEitIN THEJJ Also I.ADIEi 'jud QENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21 .SouthMalB Street- Eaataiae. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILL1A11 'AGNER. Ann Atbor.Seft., 1869. DEMEMBER THAT HDLL. ROBINSON 4 CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSOKTMENT OF CROCKEEY, 60LD CHEAP. 1245 HËËTÏNGST AND A FUI.L ASSORTMENT OF DOMESTIC AND HOUSE ■ FUENISIIIXG G00D 8 AT - - . - - - ! [ PEYSICIANS' Prescriptions I Accurately and Carefully ' pared hy R. W. ELL1S & Co. 200 DIECES OF SIDE STRIPE 1 MERRIMAO D. PRINTS, JUST R15CEIVED AT THE Farmers' Store ! AND FOR SALE AT 12 1-2 cents per Yard. 1241 ■ Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havin; heen made in the conditions of a certuin moriirao. nvtde and exeonted by GottMed David Frledrtck, mul Jakoblna Friedrtck, Ma ■ ; Ano Arbor, Waahtenaw County, Michigan, ti Tramao Schram, ui1 the same place, on the l"ih day of February, A. D. 1866. and raeorded In the Ice of Vahienaw County aforesaid, on thrl8tb day February, A. 1). 1866, at o'clock A. i'.il day in libel 33 of morttfn-jcs, on p: which Baid mortgago was Truman Schram to E. II. Bpaulding. by an anelgn ment l -tcd the lTth day of March, A. I). isu.i, ■mdrci'i the Registers Office ol saidCouniy, on the ly of March, A.D. isc.5, at '■'. o'doik A. ;.!.. Inllber 83 of mortcages, on -■■■re 02; whi mort-rtic wjih ilüüii V,it .' I .! B. Q. Spanldli ■ an asfip-nmeut daled Ihe 8ta day of September, A.P. 1865, aod recordad In tl - (.flice of eaid Couuty on the '_l! h day of Jauuary, A. U. 1SGS, at L o'clock P. M„ lu llber 1 of Asalgomenta of Mortgages, on page 600; vpon which mortgage, and the ■ .the sum of fo'.ir hundred and three ■' ;osides an Attorney'd fee i ■ Hars provided lor in said ■■ havin": been ted at law or in chaucory to recover the pari thereof: Now, therefore, by virtue oí thé i!e contained p said moi and by vlrtue of th ucb case made and provided, notice j . that on Saturday, theTth da; of May, . i). !T". ut 10 o'clock n the foreno ht sooth door of tb ■ i Arbor, Coonty r:i Washtenaw, asd StatE oí Miel ■ ■ ■: ttiejjlaceuf holding the Circuit Conrt wiitin said County, 1 8old at public anctlonto the hlgneat bidder, the preinisefl 'U bci Ibed in sald mortgage, or uo much thereof Ae ::ia be to satisfy the amoant oet and costa allowed by Jaw : which eaid premiecs are ile. ecribed as fullows: All the (bllowlng described pieces or parcela of laod Bitoated in Ann Arbor, and County "f Wakhteaaw, and State of Michigan, bilí southeasl q'iartcr of the northwest oaarter, uorth half ui' the nortbeast qawter of the Boathweet qimrter of Matton uumber twenty-three, in township twosouth of mnce six eatt, containing sixty acres ui land, more or la, Dated, Ann Arbor, Fel), nth, lü"0. JAMES 1'. ROYCE.Aseignec. Edwábh r. Sliitso, AUoruey. km _ Mortgago Sale. rvEFAIILT h&Tlng been made in the condition of a U morteage given by Stephen B. McCracken and Lucinda, Dlí vrtfe, to E lij ah W. .Morían, to secure tbe payment of fnrtlLor advHuccu and premlnmB forln" ■ ■ among otber, dated June 16tb, a. D. lS(i'.', and recorded In the Register's Ollice, iu VVashteuaw Uoumy, June 20th, A. D. 1SG2, in liber 29 of mortgages, at page .;■':, by which the power of sale tlierciu contained became operativo, and no snit proceedmg having beeu instituted at law to recover the di:U necured tliereby or any part tliereol, and tho snm u! bí hundred and elghty one dollars CSCSl) beiog now claimed to be due thereou ; Notice is hereby given, Ihat said iuort-.'n:c will be foreelosed by .i snle of the mortgaged premties, described ae lots No. twelve and thirtecn iu block Xo. six. in Bruwu and Fnller's Addition, in tbe viiv of Ann Albor, in the County of ■Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, or somo part thereof, at public vendue, at the Court House, Iu Arbor, on the twelltu day of March next, at uoou. Dated, December 16 th, A. D. lr.!. ELIJAH VT. MORGAN, J. Kinobliy, Att'y. Ï2H Murtyagee. Commissioners' Nctice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. The" anderólgned fa&hng beeu appoimed by the Probate Cimrt fur said County. Cotnnñsalonera to rei camtne-and-adjoat all claims anddemandsof all persons against the state of WllUam v.Grant.late of said County, ricceased, hereby t-ive noiici; that alx njontlis from date allowed, by ordr of said Probate Court, for creditors to preseut thui: against the eta(f of said deceased, and that they willmeetat , tho office of A.D. Crane, in the of Dexter, in said Cuunty, on Saturday, thr du of April, and Wednesday, the tenth day ol Augntnext,at ten o'clock A. M. of eachofsatddaya, to rccelve. examine, and adjnst said claims. Dated, February loth, A. 1). lTu. 126GW-1 CliOAuklX, }commiüsioncrs. Commissioners' Notice, OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Oonntyol Washtenaw. ss. IJ The undersii_'ned haying been appointed by the Probate Court lor said Oonnty, Commissioners to reeive examine, and adlust all clal nis and demanda of all persons g i -late of Thomas Benüey, late of said County, deceased, hereby pive notice that ilz montba from date are allowed by order of said ProbateConrf forcredltora topreseuitlu-1'!Wmsagainsttheeitateofsaiddeceaaed, andthatthey will mejt it tho l'rubite Offlte, iu the cty of Ann Arbor, in said County, on Kturc!ay. the ninth day ol April, and Prlday, the flílh d iy of . nest, at ten o'clock A. il. ol' each of ys, to receive, examine and acijuöt aaid claims. Dated, I'Vbruary Sth. A-D. 1ST0. JOQHTJA ê. LKLAND, )„ . . 1357 HBIHOOTT M, MOWRT, J001111Eatato of Robert Booke. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oonntyof waahtsnaw.n Notiwis hereby glvn, thatby an order of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, mnde on the thlrty-flrel day of January, A. ji. nto nix monthB i'riitri thatdate were allowed for credltoiu to present thelr claims against tl Üoberl late of taid Couutj deceased, and thal all creditors of said deceased are requlred to I Ims to satd Probate Court, at the Probate Office, Iu tne City of Aun Arbor, for cxamlnatlon ::m allowance on orbeforo theflnt day of August next, and that sucb claims will be hoard before said Probate Court. on Saturday, the twenty-tbird day of April, and on Monflay, the fint day of August, tl ten o'clock In the foruuoun of each of thosc days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Janu'irv Slsi.. 1870. 1UKAM J. BBAKES, 1255w4 Judfjc of Probate. Ks'ate of Margaret McCurihy, BTATKOF MICHIGAN. Connty of Waabtenair.N O Notio ven, tbat liyan order ol' the Pro. mty of Washteniiw, made on ity-fonrth day of January. A. 1). 1810 lx Irom that dato were allowed for creditors to their claims agalust the estáte of lïargaret HcCarthy, late of sala County, deceased, and th xediton of ptb deceased are requfred to i the Probate lh city cf Ann Arbor, f.,r examluatlon ind llowance, on orbeforo i tventy-flfth dav of luly i. :,;., andthai such claims will be heard before said Probate Court, os Mouday, the r i' Mare] iventy-flfUi i .. at teu o'clocli iu tlie forenooo of eackof hoBodayc Dated, Aun Arbor, Jauuary 5-ltli A. I) , l-;7i) HUUVJ. BBAKES. 'W4 Judac of Prohato. Real Estáte for Sale. CTATBOPMIOHIG fv:!v,,es ' 7 In i li" matter of the estáte of Antomcttel. Ann' abll. minor: Notlcela hereby given, thatln pnrsuintedtothe nndersigtnad Quardl( an ol r! ...,1 minor, by tho Hon Jndeo ' of Probate for the I ( tahtsnaw, o Bret day of November, A. 13 willbesold ; ai public vendoe, to the hi I , al the dweil' Inghooaeontl tiereinafjar deecribed In ! the nlni :■ entn daj . a. D. at ' , noon, of that 4ay, fsubjecl to alien ' cumbraneea by mortgagaorotherwise ezUting at (he ' ■i ajso subjeel to the right of dover or ' thewidow ol ira Annabil, deceased, therein.) tho 1 followIngdfecribedKaleatate, vit: Theundivlded ! fonrth of the ait half of the southwest quarteror ' BBOtion el . teen, and undlvlded fourtb oi'thceait half of tlu, um: eetion nineteen. in ' township thjee sputh of range thr,-, cast. contalninc ' one hundred Ud aizty atea mpre less, lnsaid Tantuiry Otb, P .„,, ?HODILLE AHMABIL, SPECIAL T0WH8BIP HEKTim NOTICE is hereby íri ven, tuut in accordftii' ■■ the reíjuesl in M-itiu1: of thirty-nijie t.ux linyLownsnlp of Sulino, iü !).■■ ty of Waahteaaw, that a muctlati oL lbo ele ■ eiiid townahip wil] ba lild :it the American Hotel, inihe :ic, in said toiniship, on Monday, the28th dayofFobruary.A. ]i. 18TO, atulneofdock . M , for the pnrpoBe,(if electora shall'so' iiifi tin .:] by loan to the ,ibor aad 1 Company,1 in the construction of its eordlngtothe provlstons of the a-i of the L ture of the 81 . H a ■'AnActto enab'.cany Townahip, Ciü or Villace to plo . nny ilailroad Company now diaru-red or organizad, or thatm'áybe nereafter organtaed, nderand by vlrtne of the lawsof eonstructiun of is road," ; I, A. D. 18 8 ; Aml !um ui" .'J - Dollars 20,U0lh ïln tki: aiuouul ti Railroad Compány, by wa] i to bq by buod tov. dam e wil ii Buma, not more tnan $1.000 and not lei :.11 reqneat with .mine;. ■■ thereon, sn I c i dra-,, c ent. per allBum, and such bonds 1 . . ttedfor sucli Township bytho Supervisor and Clerk ofsaid .1'. fl"(i ' '■ ' Ie at the office of ihe Treasurer oí iald Coünty ; i to bepsya■ ti-u equa] annna] loatallments, '■ iMstnlhiii ut tobeconiediie nu tlu fust day of Febrnary, I1. 18 0( and the othur installmeatfl veariv thereafter, lor the nlne years : and I dition au la tu Ge made that froin aiui afl - ild Compftny shall receive sucn bonds fr ■ ■ Treaenrer, whenever and ai aften aaaaid Company Bh.aU make pavab] ■ . holdere "i .- -, npon the stock of Kiütl oluto the office of thi ofsaid Ooonty, for the U86 of said TownBbip, on the ainouii; li'a-i'. if:c!i unpaid, a saín eriual ■ h dividend then made ; and when such dividends do notes . lofseven percent, per iiiniiMii Tor the time, snch payment to be deemed and ment o the Interest to be paH bj Bain Company for uch time upon tho indebtedness oi aaid Company for enchloan; a-ranch Is shall exceed the rate of aeven per cent. ror :,!'■■ then the amonnt of soch excess ovi i. shallapply toward -uápal of the indebteiiness of aaid Company for the amonnt of anch loan, ontil snch principal BhaU-be-tberefey rally patd. .V 11 npon the recelpt ofsach Bonds, exemite and d !i. " :■ io the Supervisor of snn! ■■ the aLrepm-nt of aaid Oompany wlthaaid townsuiij to that o Snch boud to be executed and dclivered to tho State Trf osarer to be dieposcd of iu accordance with til' lruvis:(j!is of s. iald al 1 to be roted upon the condition that sald railroad of said Toledo, Aun Arbor and Northern Rallroad I maln locatcd withtn on" half a mile east of the int' rsection of Adrián and Chicago atreots, in the of Saline, and said Company shall erect good aud BQlfable balldinefl r.t said poiut. Patcd, Dúb 4ik day of 'ebniary. A. I). 1 S70. MÍRON V7EBB, 1255 Supervisor of Saline. SPECIAL TOWA'StlI? ITIEETllfG. TVTOTICE Is hereb; glven that in nccordnnce Wlth J- the reqnest in wntinff of thirty tax iMiyingelec:ii- (owfifihip of Pittofield, in the County of Washtenaw, tnat a meeting of the electora of aid townahip will be held at the Tovu Hall, in aaid township, ou Friday, th fourtli d.iv ofHarch, A. 1). 1S70, at 9 o'clock A. ?i.. for the pui-pose, (il' eii-etors shall eq, vote), of plcdglng Huí há of said townehip by loan, to the "Toledo. Ann Arbor m North ern Baiiroad Company,'1 in the conatn Raüroad, accordii)i to the provialona of the Act of tiie Leffialatnre of the state of Michigan, entitled - Au Act to cuable aay 'i to pledge Ita ald,by ioan or donation, to any Railroacl lïiy now chartered jQT organizad, or that may be lui :md by virtne of the lawe ol the State ■ f Uichigan, :: the oonatrnction of its roitd." .'inil approvcd M.-.rih Z2d, A. IK 1 Ï69. Aud . ■ iu their said wrrittcn request sppcllled the sam of C$20,0001 twenty thot:sand doliiieamount of aid to be pledged lo snefa Rail road Company, by way ofloan in hands to be [asaed ysnch township in accordauce with aaid act, in as QQtmorethan $1000 and not less than I;1;, :s uaid Compauy shall reoneat, with coupons anuexed for the annnal interest tliereon, suchbonds todiaw iiitcreyt at i)v. rute o seven per cent per aunum, aud Buch bonds and coapona to be executed hip by tin: Supervisor and lerkof said Town8bjp, and be drawn pa-.rlice of theTreasnrer af aaid Connty; the principal to be payableln flvo equ:: . ■. tin' Arst lnstallmentto becomQ duo on the Srst day of Pehraary, A. i). 18T4, and the pther Invtallments yearly thereafter, for tli,' foor (4) socci eding yeara ; and the coudition npon which eoèh loan i- to )c made, t:-.;it from mui : ■ shall receive Eiich r, rr .-unl ;;s ny liull make any dividend payable tothetjti Compaoy, upon the - Company shail pay into the office of the Tteasorer of said Connty, for t f . ■ ■ ;i-c of :;ic! rro-.v:. imount of aacn loan oí the balance there i' then ojipaid, a Bnm cornil pro rata to Bach dividend then. made ; . do uot -■ . per annnm for the time, uuch payment to be deemcd and r aRfnllpi the interest to be paid b; Corapanj ie upon the lndebtedneas ofsaid lyforscch loan; and whenever si'.c'en percent, i time, then the amonnt of : ,i afler r cent. interest, s!i;:ü Bpply to repaying the principal of tl Iness of the amonnt o.f such loan, untíl eoch principa) shall be thereby lully paid. Company shall upon thereceipt ofsuch bonds. exeente and dellver Iu the Supervisor of said Toment ol' aaidUompan; wjtli said lownship to that effect. Snch bonds to bc exeented and dellvered to the State Trcaeurer to be dlsposed of iu accordauoe wlth the provtstons-of eaid Act. Raid aid to je; vott-J to sald Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Ballróad Compa&y apon the foliowing condltlon, vla: That the saldJEbulroad Company hall erect a vood and suitablc freighi aml paaaen] pot wtfhln one lialf mile of Ann Arbor aud Adriuu streets, in the vUlaeeof Saline, Datad, Plttsfleld, Febmary2d, 1870 ' KAVli) WB 1255 Supeivisor of tho Township of PlUsfield. SPECIAL TOWSSIHP BBETOrt), TVrOTICE Is hereby glven, that in accordance with i" the reqnest in wrftlng o( thirty taz paylng electora of the townahip of Lodl, in the County ofwathtenaw, that a mei-tin : townsliip will be held at tEsTown said townahip, on Tuesday the lst day of Harch, A, D. 167ü, at 'J o'clock a. m , for the parpose flf the electora BhaJlBO vote), of pledging the aid of aaid township by loan to the ' Toknio, :inn Aibor and Northern Railroad Company, iu the coustructiou of lts Railroad, accordinjj to the provisions of the Act of the Lejrislaturc of the state of Mi-hL-an, entitled "ah .Actto i uable auy 'J'owuhip, ci;v or Vlllage, to pled aid donation,' to any Rauroad Companj uow chartered or organtaed, or liiat may ie li .; by vlrtne of the laws of the State df Micfil ,,!' ;ts road." mul approved Harch 82d, A. D. lgcu. And that such electora have in their said written request spedfied I4f tweuty thousand éollars, as the amonnt of aid to be pledged to such Kailror-dCompauv. bv way of loan i.i bonds tobe Usui.d by sneb townahip In accordance with aaid act, in such Bnma not more thanJ,ü;:u, and not lesw than 100, as said companj shall request, wlth coupons anue.xed for tlie auuual Interest thereon, euch bondt to draw Interest at the. rate of elght per cent. per aunum, and Bach bonds ndconp n township by the Sopervlaor and Clcrl; of . hip, and be ürawn payableat the (;!ii-e of the ïreasarcrof said Connty; the principal to bepayable iu ten equallnstallments, the Snl Installment to batome on tho first day of Pebruaiy, A. D. 1874, aml the other lienta yearly thereafter, for the r.ii.c succeding ,ud the condiUon upon whlch such loan i- to be made, t!. at brom and fier the time when paid ■ shall receive snch bunds I'roni the State Treiisurer, whenever and as oittu a? i ai.l Compauy shall niakc any dluidend payable to tlie Htockholders of aid Company, upon the" stock of said Company ■aid Company t-!iú:i pay iuto the otlice of the Treasnrer of saiJ County, for tl. e ose ol' said Township, on the amonnt of inch loan or the balance ' then ui., eqnal prorala to such di then made; and when sochdivldends do not Qtper cent per annnm for the time, ii fu1 deemed and receivcd as afnli payment ol" the interest to be paid by sald Company forsuch tinicupon incin.l. i . ■ ld Company tor sucti loan ; and whenever Midi divldenda Bhafi -.. Eeedthei tper cent. for eucb time, then he amou -.over. and after paying " apply townrds re of the lndebtei ,.Com!anyfi ofaucbloan, untll Buoh principal shall be thereby lully paid. And said Company thall upon the receipt ofuch bonds, execste anil to the Supervisor of sald Townahip the agreenent of said Cumpauy with sald Towushio to that ;flVct. Such bond to be executod aml dsljvered to the itate Treasurer to bodispoaedof inaccoMance with he provisions of sald Act Ddltlons of tin aforeaald aid tobe as follows: Rallroad .-hall be located, and be wlth - n one half a mili: ea-t of the Jonctlon of Adrián and , in the vlllage of Saline; aid also iiat the sald Company shall erect oud, andsuitable tassrngerandfrelghtbnlldlngaat saldpointon eaid tallroadt Uated.Lodl,Febn:arv 2d, I8T0. EQBERT 1'. HAB l-'.5 Supervisor of the Townahip of Lotli. Attachment Noticc. VOTICE Is hereby glven that on theseventeonth day of December, A.D. elghteen hnndred a&d Ixty-mne, ;. w rit ol al . - i.s;:eii oul 'in aii. Conrt lor the Connty of (Vashtenaw, in favor i Alocro cl. uk aml Edwin v Preeso, jilaintiffs. Ittols, llli.liysand ■ itkerson, dcfendant, lor ae snm of two hnndred and nlnetysix dollars and ts, that aaid writ of attachmant as sturnable . n I anuary. .. ]) lihteen oundred seventy, and that it appearsfrom ie retarn of said writ tbat projíorty has heen atished thereon, and that said defendaut could uot bc Mind. Bütcd, Januaiy, lSth, H70. (ZO CLARK, EDWIN W. FUI. E. B. Woon, . Attorney for rlalntiffs. l-.53w6 Chancery Notice, JTATIÍ OF MICIIICAN. The Fourth Judicial 3 Circuit, in Chancery. ÜEtD A. WILLIAMS, 1 3ANNA WILUAMS. ) Court for the County of ' ■'. ,:i Chancery, ut Ann Ai hor, on the Sd ly pf Pebruary, A.D. 1870. nu,: proof by affida t. having been made that the defendaut'joauna ! Uliams . does uot re-lde withtn the Inrisdlctioo of ' ils Conrt, and that the Sheriff of tl . i-, : dant ■ [ -:- the oomplalnit, it Isordered by the underslcned. one of tlie ( Irilt Conrt Comí :■ [be Connty of Waahnaw, that sald defendanl appear aud anawer ill ofComplaint Wed in tUM cause wttbln two , ■ . li tsru. id it is fnrther on!, red that a copy c,i i ais order be , : m the HM il pnbllahed i : lw itliin twenty 6 orthis order, and . pablleation be aontloed once in eachweek ! . s, or ihat acopyof this order , : "ii said defendant, peraonally. at leat renty lavs before the time abovn pnuorfbed for the , mdant. Uatcd, Pebrua ;:y o. tatlor, ' One of tho Circuit Ooui onere for Washtenaw County, Mlch: D. CÁMBE,6ol!citorforCofflprt. .ni


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