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q. Te. fuutii i ncmiam, m. d" PnYSICIAN AND SUKOEON. Office over Dril! Store, No. 7 Hurón Btreet. Rotidence, No. 3i Thompson strect. Office honre, S to 11 A. M , am 7 to ï 1'. M. " GËOROE GRENVILLE, DEALER IN DítUGS and Medicines, Xo. 6 SoutI: Main Street, Aun Arbor. HULL, IlOBllíSOÑrG07 OUOCEHS, Produce and Commissión Mcrchnut, No. 43 South Mnin Street. ELLIS & KI8SELL, DRUUGISTS. and dealers In Paints, 011?, etc Xo. '.' South Main Street, Ann Arbor. TIIEÜDORE TAYLÖlf& CO., DEALEUS iu Groccries, ProvUtone, and Country Produce, No. 13 South Main Street, Aun Albor. JOHN KÉGK & CO., DEALEBS Iu Furiiitiire of cll kiuds. No. 33 South Muu Street, Aun Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTOItNEY and Counsellor at Law, Kcal Estáte and Iuaurance Agent. Conveyauctua and (Jollectiou of Claima )roM!ily attenced to on liberal terme. ufice une door sotlth ol' First National Bank, up Btairs,.Sonth Main Street, Aun Arbor. W. II. JACKSON, OEKTIST, scccesRor to C. B. Portar. Office, comer Main and ilurou Streets, over the store of R. V. Elli &, Co , Ana Arbor, Mich. Anathctlcs ndmlulstcrcd if roquíred. W. F. BREAKEY, M. D. PlITSICIAN AND SXJRÖBON. Offlm ar realdenoo, comer of ilurun and División Streut, flrst door Kast oí PrtJüliyteriaii (-fiurch. Anu Albor, Mich. H. J. JOHNSON, DEALEU IN IIATS and Caps Por, Stratr OoodsOcnts' Fnrplsblng Goods, 4c, N. I South Main Street, Anu Arbor. SUTHERLAND & WHEDON," LIFE and Fire Insurance Apents find dealers in Rea) Bátate. Office oju Hurón Street. Alo ell Urstclttes Sewinj{ Machines. W. D. HOLMES, A.(ENT for the Florence Sevving Machine, anrl donler iu Pictur.'.s, Trames, Ac. Kp.SJ ni Bureta I LE WÍS C. RISDOÑ7 BEALER In Hardware. Stove, House Fnrr.ishing Goods, Tin Ware, Ac. No. 31 Soulh Ukln Street. 13ACH & ABEL, DEALERS lo Dry Qoods, drocerics, &c, &c. No. 215 Suutli Mjiin Street, Ann Arbor. c71l"millen, OEALEE in T)ry (J:iod, Groceries, &., &c. No Seuth Mnin Street, Aun Albor. 8LAWS0M & SOÑ7 6R0CETÍS, Provisión and Commlsdon Merchants and dealen in Water Li ne. Land Piaster, and Piaster Pari-, No. 14 Kast Urn-on Street. s. sondheimT" fTHOLESALE and retall dealer In Readv Made f'lothinif, Oloths, Catsiiueree, Veeting, aba QeJiU1 Furuishini; (ioci;l. No. 9 Boath Main Street. wmTwagñeu, DEALER n Rrady tade Clothii)'.'. Cloths, Casslmeres nvd Vi'stin, llats. Caps, Trunk, Carpet Büí;, &c-, 1 Soatb Main Street. ILM0RE & FISKE, BOOKSELLKUS ind Stationcrs, Medical, Law and College Text Books. Scliool and RuóeilaQCoafl ]tookn. No. - North Maiu Street, Greyory Block, Ann Arbor. FINLEY & LKWIÜ, OEALF.RS in Boott, Shocs, Gaitera, Slippcie &c, No. 8 East Hurón Street. R. TA RKANT, LADIES1 Fashionable Shoe Uoupe, No. 21 South Main Street. A tí. CllOüliY, AlTI r GREGOR7 HOUSE Hegular Office Hours, 2 to 3 o'clcck P. M. QRO CK É R Y , GLá.SSWARE & GROCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY Have Ín storea large tock of Crockery , Olassware, PUted Ware,('utleiy , Groceries, &c. &c.,alltcbe otl At udusus liy Ir) w prictf. N'o. 12h'ist Hurí riStisct, Ann Arbor. HJBtf J.k I'. DÜNNKJ.LY. QÍTYLÍÑJE OF HACKsT" ROBISON & BAXTER, Prop's. PurnisbeflcxpedltiouB Conveyaucee to and from thc Bars, and all partn of the city. tw Funerals ntu-.náed, and elegant turnoutsfurllehed ladies makin; calis. Pricaa reas ouable. Orders left at Uouk'nllutul or at tholr office promptattended to. VíHtf JOHN G. GALl" FEESH AND SALT MEATS, I.AKD, SAUSAGES, litr., Crdrsrll;Hêi1 nJpromptly mini with the best KenU iu th market. 81 Eat Wanhicgton meet. Ann Arbut,S-pt. I6th,18B9. 12S5tf R. O. )i. POHTER , DENTIST. Office in the NEW BANK BLOCK, ANN ARBOR. All Operations on the Natural Teeth, l';:lF0tMED WITH CARE. UNSTJRPASSBD FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTÍF1CIAL TEETH, TO qiVE EACH 1NHIVIHUAI., betuutu rf ílu yri,,cr tizr, fhaje, culvr, JirmnctK and natural aprêiiÏBH. 1344 ■JiTëTauükst aivd Best selected stock of Plaid Poplíns ; also the new and elegant PLAID REPS to be had at the I2Q FARMERS' STORE. ,pEOPLES DRUG BTOtilSi R. W. ELLIS & CO, A.isrir arbor MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICÏÏ. (ESTABUSHKD IN 1867 JOHN' J. BAG1.EY, PKBSinEXT, JACOB 3., Vico Presidí nt. JNO. T. UOUKTl', Secrelary. JAMES O. WATSON, Acluary. I). O.FAKKAMJ,AI. D., Medical EiMiiiiur. A SuccesM'ul Michigan l.ire' CompèDJ, organizad lor Ihc of iuniishing lusut-HDce apon Utu ut THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Security, and for the furiher purpose of KEEPIM MOSBÏ AT HOÏE, wlilcta heretofore hut, been sent llubi, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PÏBMITS. EJN'TIRE MUTAL1TY AND STRICT EQXJITY Mark the ysteui an3 Tivsi! in tl.e dlatrlbutioD ui ANNUAL DH'IDENDS TÜ TUK IXSIRED, 1 rovisiuiis of the Ptale Lav, and by thtir dwii türme, ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FOEFEITABLE. IKtURAKCR FURNIfHtD U.I'ON ALL ÜESIRABLE PLANS. All the BEST KE4TURES of the OW ConJmiirs ADOPTED.allthcir EKKOKS AVOIDED. SECURITY, ECONOMYj EQUITY ANB THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. L5T" Pr Agencies apply at tho HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Street. _SLi? L M. THAYER.Oon'] ---i'i,t. FRED. L. IIAIIX, Agent. 123üyl A. WIDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, AÑN ARBOR, MICIÏ. OFFERS FOK. SALE z 53 eres of laud, within one half mile from the city, tobe told in whoie, or pareéis, as follows : 24 acre on feetin lfï, in the tonn of Ann Arto'1 borden g on the et on the rotd le&dfng to Coruwella' paper milis, and on the ion fa on 15á acios hituaicl on thtj nnrthwixt corno.' of the Oor ham roal and tlie is;iM Comwell Factory rotd . (Th is ís i nc of the hHnd.Minesl situaüuus in iho neighborhood uf Ann Arbor-j 13}j acres improvtd land juinin the above ;1. Acre aud frouiing Gurliam Koad. L cre of Umi witli a dsw two story frame bODM PU Thompson, Spoor & ThompMB' anUitiup to the City of Aun Arbot' . 71utof 1Í acre each , on Thompson , Spoor Sc Thump-scu'h Addiiiou. i acres of land, iriih a splen'inl grove, joining the Kiiemen'a Park on the West. 1 Houbb and Ji lots of land, with Rarn, WashKttchen, Carnaje llousu, iinl a number of modern improvemontft, no ihe northwcht coruer oí Fourth and Packurd Streett. 1 IIoue aad Lot ia the 2d Ward, on Sauth Ubertv Btréet. 1 House and 3 Its in the íd Ward, near 2J WarJ School House, 1 House and 4 Lots, uear tho il . C. R . It . Depot. :)OacrcN oflaod in thewutb of the State of Missouri, aear the Hannibal ál. Josoph Kailroad. 2 City Lots near2d Ward School House. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, 1".ICH. SELLS AND BUYS DRAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON' ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES InGRKAT DRITAIN .CKKMAXY, KKAXCE, EWITZEHLAMl.otc. AI y direct connections wlth i enable meto oíTor au fair rutes as m Nf%w Vuik Mouee. Kenietnbr, ï aio not an agent of nny heuse ii thiis conntrjr, bat I na baving direct communicatïun wiUi the but house in Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BY POWKR OF ATTORNIiV OH CTIIKKWISE, Wll.I. DE I'UOSil'TI.Y ATTKJÍCED To. PASSAGE TICKETS per Steamer to and from New Yoik to all pilncipalport f I.:jinj,e I will sell aa fulluws : Prom New Vork to Southampton, Havre, Lon'loo, Hromt'u or Hamburg, lltCIfl. 2K'liiss. Stee'ngo. Í1.0. $7-J. $25 iu Oold. Itütura tickets, 22ö. iöó üL " From above pUceiloKew York, Ist Clasg. 2,1 C1M. 31 Cías. 130 il-. S10 iu Oold. Froni N'ew Vori lo Liverpool, Caliin, $80 to SlOOCurreucy. Stuerage, Í30 a Cureucy . " From Liverpool to New Yoik, CubÏD, 3100. iSteeraK: i M . WIDENMANN, URE INSURANCE AQENT AGNOST -A.ÜBOH, Kor the lïoward lnsurancft Co., in X-w York, one of the oldeecand bet CoiapaitisBin the country. Tb e 1'eutonia Insurance Torn pan y in Otflfeelapd. Xhe honorable and safe management nt ihi :n-tituUon ha made it one of the moot rUtble ir' Inburancc Companies in the Wcs'. . ÏSWyl


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Michigan Argus