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Cuban Affairs

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President bl raut sent to tho Hou'e j on Monday. u largo mass of documents on Cuban aO;iirp, niuoli of tiiem prefiou]y gent to the Seoate and pnbüshfd. üen Sicklea writes ou iIih 17(ti of November tbat the Bpanish Minrstry desire intiuiate relations vrith the United States and would extend fiee inatitu ons to Cuba were the Cub'ins prepured for free iiiHtitutions ; that the governmont had been asked to ordor inmediato ele-tions lor ihe Cortes in (Juba, hut bad refused because the uative populatiou would not partic:pale-; that tho CuImd que-tion could r.nt be considored in the Cortes vrhile Cuba was in n bellion, but that the gnveroment was prepured to recommend the Inrgust liberty. Gen Sickles u ged the immediate promulgatioo of their pla:i ds the best wajto terminate the diffioultics In rop'y, thcy sid that they would sor-n bö ended. An nrmis:ic3 was rcgarded as impracticable. 'J hoy ptated that the Cuban iuestion would bo settlöd when the war was eiHed on the basis of seif-govenmie.nt aitd commercial reciprooity, and that slsvery wilt ba grad-aally abolisliod. Minister SiaUles, on Deoemher 24th, alludes to the Bnxiety Dianifested in Spain na to ilo o lurse of the United S Cates. Tho winter campaign in Cuba is regarded ps a fuilurf, and despondeney is apparent iu all except official circles. Secrctiiry Fish addreesed Micistcr Sickles, January 26thj ihnt the public interest feit in the Uiitod States in Cuban eíTairs bs di-cretBud siuco the flügrant violations of liw by the agents of the insurgents had heeomo knowu, uud had alienaled public Bjnipathy. Kd the junU expeiided1 their nioney Had etiergy in Bonding to the i sure;i anns aod munition (f war, instead of devo ti iig thein to deüberato vi Jation et the laws df the Uüt'rd Stftt.s and t ad tbey in lieu of tli "e Ilegal puiployment of per bods within.tbe d'MiiHiii uf the United States to tjtt arinfd bami to Cuba, pro ceuded Ihither ihe-iisi'lveí to luke persnnal p-'rt iu tho rt'-ugd" f v itvlïj endence, it is posib'.o the resul t rou!d hav beau different iu Cuba, a id it i? csrtiin tlicre would bhV8 t ■en moro ardoiii fee'.ing in the d Stat s in favor ! o' t ii is cause, nnd mote rep"ct fot ; their owd pinoerf'y Rtd courage. It bec mes ra re appa I tent uvery d iy thnt the conteat caiuit toriuinate vi:ho;it th aboiition of ela ! very. Tho goviTtniifüt oonsiders the governnvnt ut Malrid as comuiitt d lo this regult. Y'u bave severhl times re oeived positive BFsurance8 to this cffec! faom more that) ouo member ol the Cab i inet. You will, th'Teforw, Frnkly sinte 1 Uiae this governniSiit, relying upiii tlie : laa-j'ra.DCM s- often fiifeu, wiii expset ! steps to bo tabeo for the emaneipstion ! of the slaves in ihe Spanish oolouios as wu'.l as fjr tho esrly tuitiation uf the I promised reform. As our Saline friends propose lo vote jn Monday nes-t, npon a proposilion to lid the Toled', Aun Arbor and Northjra Kailroad, it may be propor to invite tbeir attention to an ai liólo io anDther column, headud "The Tole io aud Pouieroy R. R." This pioposed road, íhn early building of wiiieli is certnin, DÍTern another streng inducenunt for the building of tha road from Lctm to Toledo. We havo berotoforo presented the advantaes of ToleJo as a coinpeting inarket witb Detroit, the advantages to ba derived from making onuection with ' a net work of railroads now sealcd to us, say the Pennsylvunia Central, the Baltimore and Ohio, and the nads leadipg to t 'inciunati and the Sauthwest, and Deud ii o t rep?at thum. The ai tiule in question makei public advantaps vf' have not bsfore detailed, aud wbich will be sure to fullow the building of our proposed road Not only inay we invite our redrs in Saline to give the article their uttention, but alao thoso of Pittsfiuld, Lodi, and York, each to vote in succossi n. - We inay a'so urge the clectcrs iu tbose towus to g:ve no heed to the vari ou reports put in circulation for selfish purpoie that another liue bas the ineide truck, aad that il t ustless to vote nioney in nid of the Aun Arbor io;te. We say wih tbe utmost confldence that the succees of the Toledo, Ain Arbor and Northeru Raüroad it a fixed act if the towns long it vote the prposed aid, and t at tvio tuott satisfactory couneciiou8 Xor'.b nd Soutb aro guarantecd ; f.oijiuctioi s which wi.l make our ruad part of a pveat thoroughfare. A word to the wisc is suffieient. Thkke was a eharp oouteat iu tLu Scu■ ate, on Wtduesday, over the oredentinln of lÍKVKLg, the so-called colorcd Senator ' from Mivstseippi. Oljoctioa was made ! tbat iio had nut bccu niae years a titij ztiu, ibtti tLere wj-s no evidence of hip elec'mn - liis ordcntials beinjr signed ! nv Military DiotEtor Ames, bu' ene 'o lis finner dircpulablecari er :n Indiuuu, St. LoiiÚ, sii-d Reputa'iuD or i (T-ialitícHtiors, cliaracter or iiilelligenoc, re at disoonnt at Washington, so that j the ooiisfioo ncei tioito na wond'jr. The Seuuie fiualiy adjouruid withuul tOlillDi - In tl; e House, the bear-cght of the day - there i. uow a bear-figlit almos' every day - vua over carpel bag Wiiirtksiokk, charged wilh Eelünj a cadat chip. Bü appeare 1 for tbe aecus ed, and pronounced the onnfessed sell ing uf bo fiocount, because the pi ecceds were ppent for charkalle purpose. i Ultlku, of Ttnnesaee, spent ';his price'' for oüiical purposes - tho attempted election oí'St.keh. No ilei:is:ou vvas rcai h' d. - Ii 8 not yet reported thnt nny of Grant's varioug "gift euterpriíes" will be iuvcstigntcd. lx r.nother coiumn we record tho deatb of Hoa. Assn Buulingame, Minister Extraordinary from the (Jhiuese Qovernment to the Western Power, w'uioh ocnurred at St. Petersburg!), on Wednes d iv morniug, tlie 23d inst., of conges:ion of tl.e lungs, and after a BÍokuess of but four days. The father of Mr. Burmnqamb come to Ibis State io the early youth of tho deceased, settling ia Pe' troit. In 1835 ho moved with Lis familj to Braucb, then the eouoty seat of Brarjch county, where we mado the acquaiütance of the late Cbinese Ministor, and joined him in many a boyish frolic. He was not rnuoh on work, but conld do Lis sbaro at out-door sporting, wbich oocapied his evening bourct, eomctimcs until lito into the night, whilo bis days were given to reading, and especially to n veis and poetry. Uis later career is briefly ski-tehed in tl'e extraot roferred to, the laat paiagrorh of which trutl. fully tells the secret of his succeis. His ileatb at this time is grea'Jy to ho deplored. A number óf the radioal carpet-bag gers at Washington are coming to grief ; among them Butler, of Tennesgee, aud Whittbmoke of South Carolina, the proof being positivo that they havo sold appointmeuts to Wost Point and the Naval Academy, A resolution was introduced on Monday, by Mr. Looan, iroin the Military Committee, cxpolling Mr. Wuittemore, which was not pressed to a vote. - We fear that if these and kiudrcd disgraueful and criminal acts are ventilated and invesligatcd, without fuar or favor, Congress will he dooimated. Anna Dickinson is crcdited with saying in ber recent leoture, that "the crving want pf the age is not brains, but conscienco." Anna has so long bien ehetk-by-jowl with the Radical leaders, PllILLIPS, SUMNER, WlLSCN, COLFAX tl al., that her declaration is to be taken as the confession of a party ; at least that therc is a lack of conscieno? in lladical circles. As to the other artiulo, "braiiiP," she is careful not to say that there is a surplus of tho article, but on!y tliat. without conscience brains would be a dungerous possessiou. Oew. Reynoldh, commander in Texas, has a higher eeoBe of honor thau some of Lis brother tnüitary eatraps, and decline to uje Lis poritiou to procure for himself a Beat ia the United States Senate. He considers his residence iu Texas an offical aud military one, and doults whether it constitutes him " an inhabitant of tho State in tho cense in whicb this phrase is uvod in tho Cons'.i tuiion of tho United States" It is a pity that Geu Ames, commander in Migsissippi, oould nrt hare had a similar ens of honor. Jt at least would have eaTed him from some mepicion, i


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