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Tho monthly report of the depurt ment of...

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Tho monthly report of the depurt ment of i griculture if to be isued in a i few d.iys. Tie Newark Adctriiaer't i Bpoci&l Washington eorrespoudent. gives i the fyllowing fiic's anti figures froni the orthooHning report : "The figurei nhow a Diaoh larger re dttOtion tlian was noted a yar agn in niest of tbs producís of thefurm. The fall of whent has inaiked on era iu io higtory óf irici-H of tliis grain. In the New Engiand States, whcre the prices ranged from B'2 to $'2 42, the averages now range Erom SI 40toLl 83. ín New York, the reduction is from 08 to SI 87; in Oh;o, f; om 81 G5 t'. $t 03;- in Illinois, Irorn $1 20 to 70 cents; in lowa, from 05 C3nts to öli ceuls. The price of corn has fallcu iu New Englaud trom thn average of $1 42 to that of 81 03 ; Penosylvania from 81 to 92 ots ; while in Ohio the pnce hus increnseil frora 00 cents to 72 oent? ; in Illinois, from 4'5 cents to 57 cents, and in Iowa, from 37 oentb to 50 cents. The price of corn h&a iucreaped throvigliout the west, except in Miunesotu, Nebraska and Kansa. "Tho average rate of wages for all farm laboren, as shown by these returnB is 8'2; lii per montli without boird and 815 88 with board. The following is a Btatt-trient of average vages for the different aections of the couutry, as compared with 1808 : 1S0'. 18C9. Eüütern tates Í3a 30 $32 03 Muidle statre 30 ft7 ïj ir, Western stutes íi- i1 'J.1 01 Soathero etates 16 n 10 Si (JiiUforniü 45 11 46 35 "Prices havo incrensed in some of tho Boulheru 6ia!oa on account of the profits oí cotton culturo iu the past lew yeurs, and have besB fully maintained iu Cülifornia by mcans of the introduction of new producís and oí tl e large yields of wheat; the eastern" ai d middle states have nearly maiutained the old prices, while the west, eonfined nniiuly to the pursui'B of agrioulture, and dtpondent upon tho profits of such indusiry, have hoonest lelt iho effect of a decline in the values ot' farm products." Cairo, Fcb. 22. The followin'g are the pnrtculrrs of tLe disaiter to itio Btcamer Emnia No. 3. Slie Btiuck a snag iu a ehute near Island No. 35, on Salurday about 10 a. ra., aiid whüo siuking tlowly careeoed and upset the s'oves, setÚDg lira to the i cabin and driving every person uto the water excejit Capt. James Marratta, wbo was saved by elinging to the wheei, tud p.he mate, (J!'b Marmita, pilot Atteuborough, tbiee passengers, ihe heod el amber.nnid a d head ook, who mnnageit to rciiiain on a small strip of freoastle, shul'ertd bebiud ?omo casks, that thej' prevented from bui'ulDj by íhrow ing water upon thetn witli tbeir hats. - 'l'he offiúerd launched the yawl, and succee.ld iu kccpiiig back the aÖ'rihtod piseng"vs ai til ihe ludiek on board, Gve n nuiuloi', were in t, ünd aa niany paseujiers as was considered scfa, 13efore the ynwl could be cleared from the j steamer the fia'nes burst out with such i fury tliat others could uot be restrained, and tlicy jumpcd iu, swampiDZ tho yiwl and tnrpirig it bott 'in opward, by wbich all the ladies vere lest uud soiue twenty otbei'f. ïl;e Burvivors, cïcept those saved on the biw und ou the wheel, mauaged to reach the shore on doors, planks, and ootton balee, aud were picked up by peopie aloug the river aud by the Fttamor ('jlumbian, wbich bi'Oiighl a nuinber to ihis city. Oiher &urvivors wure taken to farm houses iu the neigbbnihood, ond have not yet arrived. - Head engine r Lyenberger died from i ezbanstiou afier reathing the shore; al so a passenger named McFarland. Steward James i'urd is uot expected to live from the sanie cause.1 Walter Marratta, firot cltirk, in disregard of dangcr to liinisell', made an attempt to save ii lady passuuger, aud peri bed with the others. It is Lopcd that the ncxt arrival from the sceuo of the disaster willgive names of saved atnong thoüo uow repjrted missing. Cairo, Feb. 23. Cupt. Marutta bas arrived from the Eiuma No 3. lic stutcs pcsitivcly Ibat ver tcveuty livos were 1 t . Jle ndds to tbo list of lost tlie riüints of Mrs Bowles nnd Difoe, of New Orleans, uud Miss Macnauie, ot Chiougo.


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