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'iw Yímlt.Keb. '2Jd. TM havingbeen kept s a huliday, no busmess ivas done, and reporta are necossarlly prnclicatecl up ju yesterday's transactions. Gold rulea low, cïosing festerday at 11vh, The passace by tlie Houso of the rcsolution favorinjr an increase of tlie currency to 'henmount of $.'.), DOP, 'io:t cr.u-ed a teroportry rise, but the bear combinaiion brbugbt the pricc down again. Shoiilii Obnjtteaa p9 a bü! in accordance with the resolution, it will doubtleaa caaM an cxpansiun of values to a considerable extent. Cotton BOld on Saturuay at '24%, the loireft figure reaclied binCB the war. The wbeat and th.: Hooi market is in a very unsatisfactory state. Flour ie ftbont at laai wccks figures, bnt wheat marks a declineCorn and oats are dull and unchanged. There has beeu qnite an activo movement In bntter, but si greatly redneed pricee. The market Í8 not rot set' tltfd, and it la imposalble to teil how low it mny go For the medium and poor gradea it will be fuiinc difftcult to realize little better ;h;tn grease pritis Hops remrüu inactive. Tho best anthoritiee COBCUI In the opinión thftt the stock ofgood hops Is verj short, and in view of the wants of the English mar ket for thls grade of hop?, an advnnce from preseul prices is coufideutly predicted. Wool remains flnn at the late advance, but transaciions are chi'Ckrd bJ h Idcrs having ttil! further ad anced thfllr views. Ea.stern manufacturera aDd dealers havingaonght the western market qnite freeiy, tho views of holdera there have become slrengthened bcyond the pres. ent disposition of buyers to pay. Auyway, holdera will not lose by keeping thcir views well np, as pri. ces will hardly go lower before next shearing. Sales of Michigan extra and doublé extra at 4S@51. Detroit, Feb. Í3d. New York dirpatcbes received to doy report a fnrther decline In gold.selling at 11S'.'. Thesteadydeclijie in the face of causes that should have an oppoeite tendency, is the work of spcculators, and probably precursee a rapid advance at no distant Any. When those who are uow playing " bear ' have de. presseil tl; market as far as pofsible, tbey will becomc "bulls,1' and take advantage of circiimstancia as they may exist to holst the oppositc end of the flnancial lever. Breadstuffö have beeu quite bonyant thns far in ihe week. and considerably better prices aro paid for wheat than & weck ago. Transactions have been quite liberal also. General produce is dull and will uecessaiily continuo so uutil the opening of spring, and for most kinds of country produce no very active demand need be expected until the openIng of the Lako Superior trade. lïcans continue A sale of l(io bbls. hand ploked, la rapprted t $1 65. Batt'T is quite strong, with aa advauco on thewuek of fully 2c. Dressid hogs, SIO.25@1I 50 Kïïl's rule ïow. latest quotations being at21@22c, brnt in view of the chnnged weather it is dnnbtftil if more than lnside flgures conld now be rralized. b'eed i weak at ilü for bran, $.!üül for coaree midJlings, and $-.'7!a)-8 for fine. Ponllry scarce and conideraMy Clover secd wuak at S@8.26 rimothy, $"6. DETROIT I'RODU'K MARKKT.-Thc followlng luotations represent the current nt pricet realiied 7commlston dealen, aud araoanfallj revisedevery vcek.furlheAKUua, by our Uetioitcorrüspoudeut. )edactlona Irin these prices f r onnmlaafoua aud Aatgea , will shciw ihe net ratcs t" tirst haiuU : Apple,- Dried, 10c ; Oreen per bbl. ï.7S@3.0O liarlev- perewt., il GOiïl.66. for Nol Beeswaz- per Ib. 3.v3S. Buhus- white, $1.651.6l Butter- crock 81@82c; llrkin, ?í'!i30c per !b., Chei'sc- Michitran Factory, 19(990. Dairr, 14li. Ohtckena - dreued, perlb. , 10(3.1". Cider- Per bbl $4.00 Corn- perbUai H : r"'Kgi;R - perdoje., UAftSC' llidert - dry , per Ib. . 18420C ■: green , S@8.Vc Cal f Skius- Green, 15(17c: dry, 2.7v30. SheepSkin8- 4070; lamb skin 40(60. Hops- Kew, per lb.. 15@2uc. Lard- perlb.. 17G419C. Oats - per bu. 47('v48c. Onious- iwr bbl. 2 50(0)2.76. PotutocR - Iiesi varieties per bbl., 51401.50. Smuked llama, 100, Shonlder, 12:-#18o. Tallow-sw.ic. Tui'keve - dreBBed, perlb., 10(i$20c. Wbaat-eztra wiilte,i.25sii.2; No, l.$l.i@i.i Amber, IM&1M. iS ARBOa TKODlfE M1RHET8. Anous Office, Feb. 25, 1Ö70. We quote thiBtifternoon tt foMows : ' WHEAT- White. 96105c ; Red.SOc 111' K WHEAT- 70c. OORN- 35C.(.V OAT.-Í-40C. BRANS- $1.80. BUTTBR-2S@30c. K(J(iS- 10c. LAHD- lse. Uy_$13ívló. WOO1)- Wa 7 00. Al'l'I.ES- l'ried- perlb.T.'iUc. ;prefn.4O@$C0c. l'OTATOKS- uew. aiKaiSsc. ( l-.'.".i;i. TDKKBY8- 16. HONKY- W. rOKK - '■" ■"'- rvr c!. EBEF -f?fl5 rerert. The notorioua Jobo Keagan and ai ; complices wcre arrested at Milao, TeniH'Esee, Monday night, on Uie cbarga of nilibing Major Roïviuson, paymaotei of Mobile and Obio Kailrojid ot $2,000, A. mob hun2; them up thrce timen nd tliey oonfcssod tlie robbcry nncl re uriic;! thu nmiifiy. Reagan alsi coufüsstd tliat j he and Jini Greigliton robbed tlio ] ern Express oflicc at Jackson Tonu., ft ' vear ago, of wbich robliery they werd tcquiied. Tliere is strong tulk of takiug them out of jail nnd lyucliiug tbem.


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Michigan Argus