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The Doings Of The Circuit Court

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The follon-ing business has been disposerf tof In the Circuit Court, since our last issue, ör !n addltion to that reportad iu our lat :■■ : Tlioums Nlnde "s. George Gcorge, et. al. Judginent ior pluintilV, on defautt, $219.28. James Jenks m. Alfred D. Parsons and Orrin A. Walt. Judgmeut for plnliillfl', on default, f 342.77. Charles H. Wallace M. James Rhodes Judgmeut for plaintiff, on default, J170.8Ü. Dvld Babeock r. Hichnrd II. Woodard Plea withdratvn, and judginent for plaiutiff, $112.86. Patrick AlcCubc and Charles Carroll, admltted to citizenship, on proof of resldeuce, character, and previous declaration of latent leun. Blce A. Beul H. James C. Watson. Actiou for libel Jury Impanneled Thursday; ;ivcn to the jury Monday afternoon Ver dict not íí u i 1 1 y . Bakes, Joslin and Lawrence for plaintirt'; Havvkius, Frazer, Root and Kinne for defendant. Motion for a new triiil pending. ThtPcople ts. Georgc Knisley. Informaniation for morder. Prosccuting Attoruey, H. J. Beakea, tor People ; 0. Josliu, D. Cramer, for defendant. In tliis case, aftor cxh.iusting the regular ■panel and a large number of talesinen, the ollowlng jury was impanneled and sworn on Mouday afteruoou : Alexander Dancer Lima; A. A. Tuttle, York : Win, üxtoby] Ann Arbor; M. C. Ld warde, Sen., York; Artcmus H. Glover, Lodi ; James M. Kelcy, York; W. D. Ilarriman, Ann Arbor; J. U. Peeble, Aun Arbor ; Hausom 8alsbury, ïork ; Roscoe P. Copeland, Webster; Wllliam Yager, Lima ; Elias Halre, Aun Arbor. The case &s given to the jurv, on tlie charge of the Court - pronounced bv al' wlio heard it both able and - at .about 2 o'clock, Wednesday P. M. At 9 _A. M. Thursdav, tiie jury carne luto Court nd reported au Inabllity to agree, the Jbreman statlog the difl'crence, -vhicli eenied positivo, to bc as to the grade of the offence - whether morder in tlie second de grec or manslaughter. Judge Hiobt reinlnded tlicnj that there outfht tti be no dif iculty in barmonlzlDg that dlUerence, that ad agreeinent was Important to botli the pople and the prisoiier, and remanded them to their room. The People vs. John Slater. Information for seductiou. Jury Impauoled Wednesdajf P. AL Case elven to the jury bv the Juflc at 9 A. il., Thureday. Verdict not guilty. l'rosecuting Attorncy and 0. Josliu for People ; D. Cramer and II. J. Beakcs for deCeodant. fflrancls M. Wait vs. Geo. W. Wit. Decree r divteiao gnwted. The People tí. Allen Healy. Information for burglary and larceuy, froin safe iu Dexter mil! at Dexter, February 17th, Ü869. Jury impanneled Thursdny afternoon. Case non on. Proseculing Attorncy for People ; 0. Hawkius, C. Josiin ior defendaut. 'TLeibanquet and ball given on Tuesüy evcüing, by the RcigUts Templar of tlils city, culled toetlitr a coodly uumber of the order with a Minitod number of inTited guests. Gueste and hosts were in the Ibcst of spirits, and i.'l "Went-merrr ae anarringe Ceast," The fine hall of the iraternity was approfiriatcly and beautófr.lly ornamented lor the oecasion, the reooption and dressing rooms were coiiveuiunt.the iiiusic - by the Zouave Band- ecicelttnt, the dancing "the poetry of motiori" - we supposc, the full dress uniforms afthe Knights attractive and glitterIng, anti the ladies, but we are no "Jeukins," od our pencil stops. Supper was served, ibouutifully served, and in a stylc fltting the occasion, by Messrs. HcLL & Roiiikon, under the special direction of A. F. Bi.anchaud- wlio proved himfielf a flrstclass catcrer, iu the room adjoining the dresslnc room, aftjr which dancing was kept up into the "ree ma' hours." With ftll the order and sociality of a party conveaeá in private parlors, it was the affair of the eason, and we heard the brotherhood from Ypsilanti, Detroit, aud othcr places speak tliclr satisfactioo. - We should have sald that In the afternoon the Knights paraded the streets, unionned, armed aad equlpped as the rules of the order direct, escorted by the Portcr Zowaves and their excellent band. Tbe tudents of tbe Univcreit}1, moro ptrotic than C!ongress, eelebrated W;ishlngtou's Birthday. A procession formed in the campus, under the direction of J. F., Grand Marshal, assisted by J. V. Eccles, Assistant Graiut Marshal, aud near score of assistants chosen ff om the several departnwjits, and marelied to their own uic- the Port Wayne Band failing to come to time- through the principal streets, bringing up at the M. E. Church, at about 12% v. M., where the exercises took place, Mr. Berxak Mona prattdlng. Washington's Farewell Address- an antlquated document, the doctrines of which Jve beo considered oK1 fogy und sadly out of date ever since Zack wrote hls blootl-lcttiug letter - as read by E C. Loveli., of the Law Department, and brief addresses delivcred by ,1. S. JIai.tmas, Ot the Senior Class, Llterary Department; J. MATBXB, of the Medical Department ; nd A. D. (íii.MoRK, oí the Law Department, whloh not having heard we shall not - regular reporter like - criticle. - We hear that the Band was "ia at the death," and played three tnnes at ?20each, the notes of wliich wcre dear if not sweet. Electiona in Aid of thé" Toledo, "Ypilanti and Sagiuaw Air Line Railroad are CAlled to be held as follows ; In Ypstlauti town, Saturday, February J6th, to-morrow tlonation, 50,000. Iu Salem, Tuesflay., Marcïi lst.; donation f25,00Pï InSuiiV-r, Saturday, itai-ch 5th.; don, tion, 30,000. In Augusta. Motulay, March Tth.: doiiatlon, ??n.000.


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