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What Thackeray Thought Of His Own Works

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lío spokc without reserve of liis past liíu aud his literary sellemos. I wiJl jot down a fcw oí tho frauk words of tbe great writer on the subject of' bis own works. They ir.terested meinueh when I listened to them, and now, that the lips whioh utlered ibem aro eold, fcboy may interest otlicrs. "í do uot thi:ik much of Tendennis,'" said Mr. Thackeray. "it certainly drags about tbe middle ; but I was very 11 at th;it time, tud could do no biittcr. I dictatod a part of that book to an amanueusis, oud the whole of Esmond w;i. dictaied too. You liko the ecene of Esmond's return to Lady Castlewood ? I wish all was as good but we can't play the íltst íiddle always." "I dou't likü to reud Don Quixute t raukes me sad. Dumas is a great favorita ofmiue. He is wondert'ul- better than ';il cv SeoU! I bouht the Memairs of D' 'Ar tognan oucü for a six pence on a Loudou bookstoll, and intended to mako a boot ofit, hut DUmas got abead of me witb h:s Trois Motisquetaires. I have read 14 of the small volumes containing Duinas' owd Memoirs. They are delichtlul !" "I never write at nigbt it excites me so that I cannot sleep. Tho inorning is my time, and I alwnvs commencn wíth a oigar iu my mouth. I niarried carly, and wroto for bread Becky Sharpe inade my fortune. I liko lieoky, and have soruo of lier fastcs for the society of 'Bohemians.' 1 Imve seeu e . ery eort of t-ociety- dukes, and lords and ladics, urtists, and actors, and authors- aud I tliink I I:ke the last the best- artists of all sorte- tbey are more natural aod laconventional ; wear their hair on their shoulders if tbey like, aud dress picturesquely. Becky liked tbem Licttor than'her üne society. Do you remeniber where sho comes down gradually to associate with all sorta of people ? That was woll dono I" "lam góing to wrile a book tobe cali ou tue 'Iwo 'irgiuians,1 but I am afiraid I will not be ablo to do eo for at least two jears to come. I cannol write upon a subject I know notbing of I :nust read up for it." " Your book will be a novel, I suppose. Mr. ThacUeray ?" "Yes : the story of two brothers - ono on tlio British and the other on the American side - and both iu love with the game girl." "ïour scene is laid, then, in the Revoluüon ï" "Yes, in Virginia, at that time." "Au excellent subject. Yorktown will be jour natural denoucment. liut L beg your pardon. I forgot that you Wütti an DglishmsD I" "Au Énglishamp 'l ' "Lord Coruwallissurrenderedat Yorktown." "Oh, I accept Yorktown !" "And Washington, too ?" "Mest ccrtainly - hc was one of Iho greatcst men that ever lived." "And yot thiuk- if you had caught liim yc.u would probably have hung bim as a rebel." "We had botter have lost North America. " These unreBervcd utter.tnces, haetüy jotted down, aro in the exaot words oi' the speaker, - Jlours at Home. . Ilumoi-tí are in circulation in Snn Francisco of an org;mizatioa for tho purposejof externiinatiiig Chinese resideüton or before St. Patrick's I)ay. Tho attuutioii of the autlmrities has been oallod to the matter. Thero aio said to be several associations, one of which nuuibera ü,000. Spelltog it "rhum " in MaFsachusctts mukos tho stuff a general bererage, '


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