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A COUOH, COLD, OR SOKE THROAT iyftW ll-iuires immciiate attent ion, :is ne vim fiflect of ten resulta in an incuiabl w'ySMTOBrown's Bronchial Trochs ÉVjjjWfflr willmostiDvkriabljr gireiastautrelie F.r Bkom jiitip. Astiiwv, Catarbh, Conbimpttv and Tjroat Dïsease-, tliey have asoothin offect. SINGEIÏS aui PUBLIC SPliAKERS use them to clearftnd slronlhen the voice. O.ving to the &nd reputatioo and popularity of th l'mchoe, matiy worthlesn a?id chtap imitatiovt are oj fcred. whichartgoodfor nothing. Be aure to omtai.s tht tru e BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. l-iliüü soai EvevniiKKK. POR SALE ! A honfe and lot adjoining University prounds The house la two ttorlM nncl ha nine rooms, Oei l.u, í ":!itii una Wood Hunne Terms, reasonable Euquire at No. 30 South lugalls Btrcct. 1-'6S-S s. DILLS. "pOTICE! The Revisert Edition of the School ï.aws have been recetad nt this office, and re rcady for disíribution. Towimhip Clcrk" aje requested to arud iu their ord'-rs at an arly day. MWwSi .Ton J. ROBISON, Ann Arlior, Fcl. JTth. lTii. County C'lcrk. A DMINISTllATOR'8 NOTICE ! xi All persons indebted lo the eetntc of Chns. Beutlcr are hereby DOtlfled that ull uccunutinot settlcd wthi D tliiriy days from date will be baniled toau Attornry. Ann Albor, Jamiary 31st, 1ST0. AÜG. WIDKNMANN, 12s5w4 Aduiiuistrator. "Sheridan 20 Miles Away!" A.. A. TEERY, (rucckssok to kbmpbr ic dieiil,) Hs on hand a large and wall nlNtol tui-k o( WINTER GOODS iTirl-.i.imija full tu of HATS & CAPS! I-atest styles &nú best ijuaHtjr. Ladtcs' and Geots' Furs, GeDts' Furnishing Goods, Gloves, Collars, Necktics, &c, which will be ul! at the V Eli Y LO WEST FIGURES! 13?" Hemombcr thc place, X... ÍS Sonti ran Street, the oltl toro of .íulni AVost. A. i...,. n',r. ::. .,;i. , í( l S I MpSJpi I ..... .... r.vit-.M MdJltiNK UÜMfiUG, gOttOD u í' to dupa the iguorant and oredaloua, nor ie it repretentad as beiuj ' conipustid of rare and preciuus snbsiaiiceRbroulit trom Hit for corners of the earth c;irritvl CTen tí mee nc. oes tbfl CJrcai Dcsert of Sa Imrah on tb backs of ifurtt'e" caracls ,and brought ncross the Atlautic Ocean on t9 nhips.:' ltisatmple mild.soothing lianedy, a ptrteet Sp'.cijic j'or CAthkh and "Cou i.vthkHkjd,'1 also for ofFeaxive breiith, Lossor Impuimieiit of the .Sense ofSmcll, Tgsti' or Hearing, WiteriDg or Weak Kves, Pain or l'reitsure in the Jïead, wlii-n r;iuKfii, &k tlii-y all not unfrequently are, by tlic riolenceof CaUrrh. We offer in good faith a standing rewarl of $500 for a cae oí Catar rl) tl at we can not cure. FOE SALEBY Most DRUGGISTS EVEEYWHERE PülCE OWLY 60 CE.VT8. Sent by mail. post i.aM.on riceipt of SlaTI Ckktb, Kour packlges for íi 00. or 1 Dolen for Í6.00. Lenrt a uo cent stamp tor Ir. Sage'b parapblet on Catarrh. Addresa the Fropriotor, R. V.riERCE M.D., 120 lm 5 BürrAtO.N'.Y TO HIK WURKIN'G CLABS -Weare now prepared to furnish all classes wilh constant enipjoyment at Lorre, the wbole of the time or for the apare roomentn. Rusinesn new, light, and profitable. Persons f c.tber exeasily earn trom Site. to $5 per evenine, ma a sum by devotlng their ivliole time to tlio bimincM. Boy and girla earn nearly aa much as men. That all ho see thlB notice innysend tliclr addreNS. and t"st thobuslnesa, "f makf thU unparallelod offer: To michas aro not well salÍKBed.wo nrill send SI to pay for the trouble Ofwrltlng. Full particulars, a Taluable sample, whicli will do td commonce work on, and a copy of Tht ■ Proplt't Lilerary Compinion-onK of the la reent tod bntftmll neuripipersimblished- U ent frec by m.iil. Reader, ifyou iv:int permanent, prnntable work, ad.lra.-i E. CALLEN & CO , Augusta, Mslne IiORILIiARD'S ia an excellent arti "EUREKA" 2s:HS Smoking TobaOCO versallyadraircd. It is put up In han' muslj'n hap, in wbich ordera Cor Meei-Kchuum Pipes are. (laily packed. LORILLARD'S claed by all who -v-r a rtT-rm nt rrn ensume ft as the YACHT CLUB l1',!"! Smoking Tobacco "ÍÜVÍl'iíSÍ :l nervousin its the Nicotine has been nxracted ; t leartts no disairreeaMe taste aftor mokag ; it n rerjr mild, liKht n clor and weight, henee mepound will lart u long as three o( ordinary toacco. In tin brand we al:, pack orders erery day 'urlirst .uiility Mt-oracl.auin l'ijn-s. Try It andcon rinoeyourself it m all t claims to bc, " T1IEKINKST 3K AI-Ii." . XiORILLARD'S This brand of Fine AITMTI IO# ■■tChewinuTobiiceo wrCI V I Vrí& I Has n [unlortiupe i m , rir anvwhero. Il la Chewing Tobacco. without doubt the lt)ftt clicwiug tubacco iu the country. I.ORILLARDS I have now been Id O TTTl"1Tln gi'iieral uae in tha ni I h SI ii;uitcd ■stic5 "vt-r V , ,Y - -A. '10 year, anj still cknowl.dgd"tlibMtwhireTMl! If v..,,r ,t,.,,.ke,.por ,lo.s „ot have thw artici for le M n,„ togel .],r„, ; th,r ar, .o ld br re.pec tibie jobbers alninst ■vitv wlicrc. Circulur 01 prieel iorivárdcd uri applicalion. P. LOHILLAKI) & CO., New York. ür)3ra3 TOR CASH YOU CAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT TUE YARD OF fc SÜTHERLAND & CO. j Ann Arbor, .In nQary , 1870. 1252 PHYSW'lA2f& Prèèoriptim 's 1 Accurately and (Jarefully PreVnrcd iy 1!. TT. ELL1S d Co. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, auch as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronohitis, Asthma, and Consurnption. Probably nerer lieforc in the wliolc histrny of medicine, na i anj tbing won so widely and sodcëply upon tlic confldoncé of mankind, as ihis excellout i rcuiedy lor pulmonary compl&inu. Tlirough u long series ofyean, and among most uf the races of men it has risen higher and higber m thcir eslimation, as it lias become etter kiiown. lts uniform ch&ractei and power to cure the varions affecttons of tUe liings and throat, have made it known as a rcliablu protector agauut thein. While ndaptcd lo milder lbrms of disensc and to young children, it ia at the ame time tlie most effectua] rcuiedy that can begiveu for ncipient oonaumpUon, and the dangerous anections of the throat and lnngs. Asa prorlslon Igainat sudden attack of Croun. it should bc kept on liand in every familv, aml indeed as alt are sometimes subject to coliis and coughs, all bhould bc provided with tliis antidote for them. Althougn settled t'onsumption is thouglit incurable, stil! great numbers ol cases where the dis case seemed settled, have been completely curcd, and the patient restored to sound liealtli by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete 3 its mastery over Uie disorders of the Lunes and Throat, that j tlie most obstinate of them yield to it. M'hcn nothing else could reach them, undcr the Cherry l'ectornl they subide and disappear. Singara and Public Speakers flüd great protection from it. Asthma is always relievcd and oftcn whollv curcd by it. Bronchitis is prenerally cured by Uking the Cherry Pectoral in sinall und frequent doses. So gencrally are its virtues known thut we uecd ; not publish the certllloatc of them here, or do more Uiau assure the public tbat its uuhties are fuJv maintained. Ayer's Agüe Cure, For Fever and Atine, Intermittent Ferer, Chül Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Aguo, Periódica! or Bilious Pever, &c and indeed all the offoctions which arise ftora malorious, rnarah, or miasmutio poisons. As its name mplies, it dnps Cure, and dOM not rail. ContaininfrneitherArsenir.Qninini!, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonou. subytance whatever, it m nowise inlures any patient. The number and imnortance of its cures in the ague distnots, are litcrallv bevond account, and we lielicve without a parallel in the history of Agiie medicino Uur pride is gratirted hy the a'ckiiowledjrments we receive of the radical curen pfl'ected in obstinate casos, and where othi-v remedies had wholly failed. l.nacelimated persons, cither resident' in, or travelling throngh miasmntic loralities, will be protectnd by taking the Afíi E cure daily. For I.iecr Complaintn, arising from torpidlty of the Liver, it is n excellent remcdy, etimulating the Liver into healthy activitv. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, It is an excellent remedy, producing manv trulv remarkabta cures, where other meilicines had failed. Prepnrrd by ni!. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell. Mass., and eold all round the norld. ÏRICE, $1.OO PEIt 1ÍOTTL.E. SoM at wholesale by FAKRAXD, SHKIJiV & CO' Detroit. SILVER PLATED CAN BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT QULL, ROBINSOA & CO'S, JpOR TEEN EXT Sixty Days the Farmers' Store will Sell Goods Cheaper than any other Store in the City. f IVEHY AND SALE STABLE. AXTKI,L tV RAMAGK, Corner Main and Catharlnestreat. Ilnrrerhoardort on FMtonAnle tennt. Bttcood hand bnygieii, cutters and for enlc. 12ü'2yl PHÏSKJIAKS' PRESCRIPTIOlïsl ACCrHAiKl.V AND CARËFULLY PREPABED BY ,'. w. ELL18 A 00., nnrnfiísjs. iSE m '" '1 I


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