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'f númé pmtotg Te. FiioTii i.y;ham7m.d., pnYSICIAX AND BÜBGEON. Offirc over Dmz gtonv No. T Hurnn ptre.t. Resldence, No. :'■■"■ Thompmn street. Ofilcc hours, 8 to HA. il , and T te 1". M. ___ GEORGE GKENVILLE, DKAI.KR IN' DRUGS íiiirt Medicines, No. S South Main Btroet, Am: Arbor. 'Ö]LL, KÖÏÏINSON& CO. GüOCn;. Produce andConni-.isfiou Mcrchants, Xo. 43Suuth Malu Street. ELLIS & KISSELL, DBtroGISTS. and dealere in Paints, Oüs, etc. No. 2 South Mnin Street, Ann Arbor. THEODOKE TAYLOll & CO., DEALKKS in ÖroCMles, ProTMoflB, and Country FjoSsn, No. 13 South Main Sircet, Anu Albor. JOIIX KECK & CO., DEALERS in Furniture of all kinds, No. 33 South Mam Street, Anu Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORXKY and Coaneollor at Law, Real Estáte and XnawniKv Agent. I ng anfl ColIecüOB of jÜHiiiïis promiitly attescd to on liin-r;.l utiüs. (;ftce öne i""r south of Wral National Hauk, up Uln.Sootb Uain Street, Anu Arbor. W. II. J ACKSON, . CEN'TIST, successor to C. 1?. Portor. onice. cornet Min and Hurou Strueta, "over tliu Bton "i R. W. JtUis .& Co , Ann Arbor, Midi. Auaisttictics admiuislercd if rw;uired. W. F. BREAKEJ, M. D. ÍIITSICIAN ANDSUBGKON. Office at residence, turner of Hurón and División Strseta, Ei"t o( PreubytiTian Churiil. Aun Arbor, Mich. E. JOHNSON, DEALER IN ïl.V'.S and Capa, l'nrs, Strnw GoodaGcuts' Pumtstaiug Goode, &c , No. 7 Soutli Main Slreet, Anu Arbor. SUTHERLAND & WHKDON, UFE and Pire 1. i.-inEcal btate. Offlcepn lluron Street. AJsu ecll iirstClaiüi Sewii. Ma61 W. I). HOLMES, A;F.NT tor ttii - ■ u and dealer in l'icuiri-i. Prami s, &c N". B il llurou Street LE WIS 0. KISDON, DEALER Lp Hardware. Stovcs. Honse PnnJsMbg Oouds, TIn Wro. &c, No. 81 S BACii & ABEL, BEAI.EItS in Dry Oooda, Grocerl, &c, &c. No. 20 South MftlwStraet, Ami Arbor. cTTí71lÍLLEN, BRAI.EIí iu Dry Goods, Grorcriee, &., &c. No Hth Maiu Sim et. Aun Albor. SLAWSON & SON, OïtOCKIÏS, Provisión and Comtniflion Merrhunts tud dealerf iu W;iier Linie Land FKtbtcr, and i'lu.-ter Pur".., Ne. 14 BÜt Ilurou StrovX. s. sondheim, rnoLESALE arm rotail dealer in Ready Made ClothiiiK', Clótha, fe, and (JimiUs1 Furnuhiui; Guod. No. '. Somh Main Btnet W.M. WAGÑER, DEALER in Racly Made Clothine. Clotlie, Cassimerexaod Visli:", HatB. Capa, Triuiks, Carpet Bg,iibCM -1 Soath Maiu Street. GILM011E & FISKE, fOOKSELLKHS and Staiionore, Modicil, I,iv nnd College Text Books. School and liucellsiiAOUS Booko. Ho. 8 Nurth Mum ytreet, Qngorj lilock, Aun Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, DEALERS In Boots, Shocs, Gaitcrs, Slippen &c, No. I East Hurón Street. R. TAEKANT, tADIES' Fn9hionablc Shoe House, No. 24 South Min Stroet. A lí. CKÜSBY, tVl.D GREGORY HOUSE Regular Office Hours, 2 to 3 o'clock P. M. QliOCKERÏ, GLA.SSWARE & GEOCERIES. J. & P. DOVNELLY bn In itoroa Iarff6stook of C'rockcry.Glassware, fUtedWarii.Cutleiy , Gruceries, &c. i-c.,all tobe ■oldmt HooBQallj low priear. No.l2Kist llunuSuect.ADn Arbor. 1126tf I.'ÍP. DÜNNELLY. QITY IJNE OF HACKS ! ROBISON & BAXTER, Prop's. Ptirniahesexpoilkicms Conveyances to andfrom the Vare, mid all part o( the city. 8V FmuinilH iitteiulofl, and elegant turnoutsfuruhdldicsmakiiiL.' calla. Prlcet reuonable. orders left at Cook'sllotcl or at theirofllce prompt_attended to. InUtf JOHN gTgALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, SAUSAGE9, Etc, Ort]rfioUcite(l snd f romprly f M 1 - ■! with the bent "W4H in the market. 31 Kast IVaüliington treet. Ann Arbor,Si;t. lCUi,1869. ISSStt jy&. 0. B. POliïEE, DEÏSTTIST. Office in the NEW BANK 3L0CK, ANN AKBOH. All Operations on the Natural Teeth, PERFOKMED 71777 CARB. PNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCB SETTING ARTÏFÏCÏAL TEETÖ, TO GIVE EACH INMVi. Dnturu of t&c pnyer $ixc: .Itape, color, firmnes and ■ l expreieion. 3244 Best selocted stock of Plaid Poplins ; also the new and elegant PLAID EEPS to be had at the 1240 FARMERS' STOKE. PeOPLE'S DEUG STOKEi R. W. ELÜS & CO" A-1ST3NT -A.RBOH nnHB MiCK!GAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICH. (ESTABUSIIED IN ISC7 .IOIIN' I. HAfil.EY, PmaBBHT, . -. f hksi vici' PrtstdêBt. .INO. T. I.HJfíKTr. Sicri-Ury. .JAMES O. 'A'fSON, Actnary. D, O. KAKKAMl.M. 1)., JUOical Exoimiur. A Puccossful Micliicnn UT InmHUKW OompDy, organiznd for the purpohü of lurnisbing Iüsuranc upon Uves at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Security, and for tUo furthcr purpose of KEEPIM ÏÖNEÏ AT HOME, wliích heretofore has been sent East, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY VERMITS. EJNTJRE MUTAL1TÏ AND STHICT EQXJITY Mark the ijfttem RDd prevalí in tl. e dihtribution ol ANXUAL DIHDENDS TÖ THE IN'SL'RED, Wliüp,by 1 rovisions of the Stale Lv, and hy thtir ywn türuiö, ALL POLICIES AEE NON-FORrEITABLEIN.U'RANCF. KUilXIiHEI) ITON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. Al! tbo BEST FFATVKESof tlio 01.1 Com;a:;i(. AD01'TEI),alHheir ERIiOKS AVOIDED. SEGURITY, ECONOMY, EQU1TY AN'D THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. L For Agencies apply at the HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Street. L2 L. . THAYEIÏ.Gen'l Ae'nt. F3ED. I.. IIAIIX, Agtnt. 1239yl A. WIDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, AXX ARBOB, MICII. OFFEES FOE SALE: 53 acres of land, wítMo one half niitc from tlie citj-, tobe sold i n wliole, or pareéis, U futlows : 24 acrcí on section 10, in the tovn of Ann Arbo-, borderiu in tbc i-h-i on the rund leading to Cornwells' paper milis, and on the onh on 1." , :icro Bttnatd on the nnrtliwyst corner of the Gorham road aul the fiai-1 CoiSWell Paotory roid. (ThisUnneof the handsomest situatiuuft in the neighborhood of Adii Arbor.) 13 acres improved land joining the above 1&H acres and frouting (ion;mn Road. 1 -creof land w!th a nev two story frame house on Iliompsciii, Éi io'r & Thompbon'ií additiou to the City of Ann Arbor . 7 lot s of Ja acre each, on Thompson, Spoor &Thompson's Adütüou. 9 acres of land, with a Kplondid grove, joininpr the Fiiemea! Park on the Wttt. 1 IiousA nml 1' loU of land, with Dam, WaghKitclien, Cari ifie House, and a number of modern improvemeuts, od the nortbwest corner of 1'üurOi andFackardStreetH. 1 House and Lot in the 2d Ward, on South Liberty fctreet. 1 House and 3 Lota in the 2d Ward, near 2d Ward Schuol House. 1 Ilouacand 4 LoU, near tho U.C.R.R. Depot. 320acrrs nf land in thesowth of the State of Missouri, noar the Hanaibal 4dt.Joseph Hailruad. 2 City Lots near 2d Ward School House. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, MICH. SELLS A1ID BUYS LRAFTS, AND ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL FRIXCIS'AL PLACES In GREAT BRITAIN , GERMANY, FRANCE, SW1TZERLVN1, etc. My direct connections with ïrop enaïjle meto o(Tcr as fair raten aH any New YorK Hnute. Kenicmber,! am not an tnDt au] In tbli oouptry. but I am liavinji direct couiinunica Uod wit!, the bust housos in Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BY POWER OF ATTOUNEY OR OTIIERWISE.WIM. CE PHOMPTLY ATIENDES 10. PASSAGE TÍCKETS per Steamer to an.1 frrm New Yoik to all principal port uf Europc livill teil aatullows: trom Now York to Southampton, Havre, Lgndon, Bretoen or Hamburg, ÏUCUW. 2lClnss. Steeraeo. il'.'O. T. ÍS5 n Gold. üi'tiirn tickets, ''b. 136 61 " " Fromabovo places to New York, ltCla8. 2'lClasn. Sil Clam. $120 tl-2. H'l in CoU. From Xow York to Liverpool, CiImii, $fo to Í100 Currrncy. Steeragc, $30 in Curroncy. From Liverpool to New York, CaWn, . WIDENMANN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Kor the ITowArUniurinr Co. , in KewYork, me if ihe oidcBtuid bebtComi'auiohtn the country. Tlf lVutonia Inpurftnce Compnny in Clevelaivl. '. TbehADorAbleandBftfe maoagmen1 "I thU nrti1 mii-ii Iirü i-ui.lf il pftbf B)Oet l'irc luauroncc CompaniPJ'in the Wist.


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